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英语翻译毕业论文可以写某个电影或者某本书的翻译,开始也不太会,也是莫文网的高手帮忙的,很靠谱的说应用英语翻译呼唤理论指导大学英语翻译教学:现状与对策商务英语翻译中存在的问题与对策新世纪十年来商务英语翻译研究:回顾与前瞻国内商务英语翻译研究综述顺应理论视角下科技英语翻译切雅实证分析经济一体化环境下的商务英语翻译教学大学英语翻译教学存在的问题与对策语用观视角下的中医英语翻译教学实证研究翻译——找到源语的所指——对规划教材《商务英语翻译》误译译例的批判研究从功能对等角度看商务英语翻译高校科技英语翻译课程设置探讨功能对等理论指导下的商务英语翻译科技英语汉译的英语翻译技巧研究——以船舶英语文本中的汉译为例功能对等视角下的科技英语翻译论商务英语翻译的4Es标准关联理论在科技英语翻译中的应用——以Climate Change and Peak Oil文本的翻译为例大学英语翻译教学:问题与对策英语翻译专业本科生的笔译能力调查分析——以某师范大学英语翻译专业为例中国职业篮球俱乐部体育英语翻译人员现状及发展对策研究从目的论的角度下看商务英语翻译试论旅游英语翻译中的创造性论高职商务英语翻译教学中学生跨文化交际意识的培养试论近代国人英语翻译基于功能翻译理论的商务英语翻译教学任务型教学法在《商务英语翻译》教学中的运用跨文化因素对商务英语翻译的影响及调整策略商务英语翻译教学存在的问题与改革商务英语翻译与文化信息等值研究大学英语翻译教学教材编写探讨东西方文化差异对商务英语翻译的影响顺序分析在科技英语翻译中的应用——以翻译项目《大气污染排放系数手册》为案例从关联理论分析法律英语翻译中的文化差异及其翻译补偿商务英语翻译原则探讨商务英语翻译中的文化与语用因素研究Advanced Systematic Golf高尔夫技术英语翻译项目的实践报告

一.关于本专业毕业论文的选题 英语专业本科生毕业论文选题可以在三个大的方向中进行,即英语文学,语言学和翻译学。各个大方向中又可以选择小的方向,具体解释如下: 1.英语文学:选择英语文学的毕业论文选题可以从三个方向进行:国别文学研究、文学批评理论研究和比较文学研究。 在进行国别文学研究选题时,一般选取英国文学或美国文学中的某一经典作家(如海明威),某一经典作品(如《双城记》),某一写作手法(如象征手法的运用)或某一文学思潮(如浪漫主义运动)作深入研究。但在选择作家或作品时最好选择在文学史上作为经典的作家或作品。有个别流行作家或作品极富盛名,容易引起学生的兴趣,如《飘》或《荆棘鸟》,学生有强烈愿望选择它们作为研究对象。在不可避免上述情况时,应该尽可能地挖掘作品内在的深刻含义,不能流于肤浅的分析。 文学批评理论的选题一般不太适合英语专业本科生,因为该理论知识的学习在英语专业研究生阶段,本科生一般不具备文学批评理论的知识结构。这个方向的选题可以有关某一文学批评理论,一文学批评术语的阐释或某两种或以上的文学批评理论的比较。 比较文学研究就是将两个以上的作家或作品进行比较。这两个作品或作家可以是同一国别的(如“雪莱与拜伦的诗歌比较”),也可以是不同国别的(如《牡丹亭》与《罗密欧与朱丽叶》) 2.语言学:选择语言学的毕业论文选题可以在两个大的方向进行:普通语言学和应用语言学。 普通语言学的研究就是对于英语语言的任何一个方面的研究,如对一种词性、或一种时态、或拼写、语调等等方面的研究(如“一般现在时及其交际功能”)。 应用语言学包括教学法的研究和其它一些新兴的应用语言学分支的研究。师范专业或本身从事教师职业的学生选择教学法方向的较多。在这个方向选题,也要避免过大范围的选题,而应对一个具体问题进行研究,最重要的是要结合教学实践或实验。这个方向的好的选题有:“个性与英语教学”,“方言对英语学习的影响”等。 3.翻译学:翻译学的选题一般可以在两个方向上进行:翻译理论以及翻译活动。对翻译理论的研究就是探讨某一种翻译理论等等。相比之下,对翻译活动的研究更多一些,这些选题可以是对一种语言现象的翻译、或一种修辞格的翻译的研究(如“汉语成语的英译”)。应该注意的是,在对翻译活动作研究时,往往需要某种翻译理论支撑,总结规律,并对这一活动作出评价,要避免仅仅时例子的罗列。 二.英语专业毕业论文格式要求 学位论文包括前置、主体、附录等三个部分。 (一)前置 1.英文封面:由论文英文题目、解释、作者、指导老师姓名和职称、时间组成。 2.目录:由论文的中、英文摘要、篇、章、条、款以及参考书目、附录等序号、题名和页码组成,排在英文封面之后另页。 3.中、英文内容摘要:摘要是论文的内容不加注释和评论的简短陈述,宜以最简洁的语言介绍论文的概要、作者的突出论点、新见解或创造性成果以及实验方法、数据或结论,是一篇完整的短文,可以独立使用,中文摘要一般在200字左右 4关键词:关键词是用以表示全文主题内容信息的单词或术语。为便于文献检索,学位论文应注明三至五个具有代表意义中、外文“关键词”,这些关键词就是论文的中心词,以显著的字符另起一行,分别排在中、外文摘要的左下方。各关键词之间用“分号”隔开。外文关键词应与中文关键词相对应。 (二)主体部分 主题部分包括引言(Introduction)、正文(Body)、结论(Conclusion)、参考文献(Bibliography)。主体部分必须由另页右页开始。 1.引言:主要说明研究工作的目的、涉及范围、相关领域的前人研究成果和知识空白、研究设想、研究方法等方面的概述、理论意义和实用价值等。 2.正文:论文的正文是核心部分,占主要篇幅。一般论文选题需要从几个方面来论述或论证。要求论据充分,论点明确。行文必须实事求是,客观真切,准确完备,合乎逻辑,层次分明,简练可读。正文部分要有分级标题,章、条、款、项的序号编码方法,采用阿拉伯数分级系列编号法,论文中的章、条、款、项依次排列,依次从1开始,连续编号,中间用“.”相隔,最末级编号之后不加点。示例: 1. 2.…… …… .… 3.结论:学位论文的结论是最终的、总体的结论,它是对正文部分的论述的概述,也可以在结论或讨论中提出建议、研究设想、尚待解决的问题等。 4.参考文献:写作学位论文过程中,阅读或运用过某些文献所列出的书目清单,置于正文之后,另页开始。参考文献的著录按原文献语种为原则。 (1)文献目录应另页书写,外文文献排前,中文文献排后。外文文献书名须用斜体。 (2)文献目录一律按作者姓氏汉语拼音或外文字母顺序排列。 (3)每条文献必须顶格写,回行时空两字或五个英语字母。 (4)将各文献的类型代号(即文献英文名的首字母)注明在文献之后: 专著[M] 学位论文[D] 论文集〔C〕 报纸文章〔N〕 期刊文章〔J〕 报告[R] 专利 [P] 专著、论文集的析出文献[A] 其他未说明文件 〔Z〕 电子文献中光盘图书 [M/CD](MONOGRAPH ON CD) 网上期刊〔J/OL〕(serial online) 5.文内所引文献:要求附夹注,应在引文后加括号注明作者姓名(英文只注姓),出版年和引文页码。若为转引文献,则加quoted in 字样。 例:(王佐良,1982:38) (Newmark,8:26-33) 6.文献中列出的文献应该与正文中标注的文献一一对应。正文中没有出现的,不应出现在参考文献中。 (三)附录部分 附录包括所有与论文有关的补充材料,如图表或照片等。


ok ,俺棒吧。

The article second part carries on the profound analysis to our country present old population special rights and interests legislation protection present situation. Elaborated our country old population special rights and interests protection law structure system incomplete, the legal content and the potency system non-equalization as well as the laws and regulations distributed the question which sees here and there the natural three aspects to legislate to hit exists. Meanwhile elaborated our country old population legislation barrier from the old population legal awareness stratification plane and the legislative stratification plane two aspects. The third part through introduces and studies other national the old population rights and interests legislation protection policy and the advanced experience, mainly introduced country old population special rights and interests protection legislation's and so on Japan, Germany, Russia, US, Brazil experiences, make up for one's deficiency by learning from others' strong points, provides powerful model for our country senior citizen rights and interests legal protection, thus builds the rationale for the fourth chapter of research. the fourth chapter discussed the old population special rights and interests legislation in the first three chapter of fundamental research's foundation enhancement and consummates, proposed consummated our country old population special rights and interests legislation protection the suggestion. The legislative aspect, revises "Senior citizen

The theory of criminal law of shallow understanding errors1. irrtumslehreLegal irrtumslehre, namely, refers to the illegality mistake for own behavior in law, whether what crime constitutes a crime shall be punished by, or what is wrong, is to oneself the legal nature of the action of meaning or misunderstandings. Legal irrtumslehre usually includes three conditions: (1) the actor's behavior in law does not constitute a crime, the offender and constitutes a crime for which imaginary guilty, (2) the behavior in law constitutes a crime and does not constitute a crime, the offender mistaken assumptions that innocent, (3) for his act constitutes a crime shall be convicted and punishment in light of the existing errors, misunderstanding or punishment. Due to the legal irrtumslehre, only to the behavior of the offender is not correct understanding of the legal assessment, and for their actions in fact correct understanding of the situation is still there, so its act constitutes a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility is and how it is not usually occurs.(1)Imaginary innocent treatment principleThe principles for imaginary innocence, whether it involves a deliberately elements. Foreign criminal law theory basically has the following kinds:1)Should know that don't speak, just for criminal facts have understanding. Canada criminal code article 19 regulation: "the ignorance of the law excuses and crime can be ShuZui reason." Motto: "Roman law and legal disclaimer" somehow also expressed a principle, namely: "in the crime as subjective FanYi established condition, not request to recognize his behavior of richtswitrig".2)Should know the reason, according to two: moral responsibility theory, personality responsibility theory. Moral responsibility theory emphasizes on the rationality of free will blame illegal conduct, is considered to be objective stance. 3)That said, the possible illegality of responsibility for deliberately, at least to the possibility of understanding illegality. While in China mainland, the introduction of the concept of crime has another concept -- social consciousness that harm to discuss richtswitrig already meaningless. Because the deliberate crime according to law condemn the illegality of the offender is not known, the law itself is not damaged, the law of the social consciousness is harm. Social harm consciousness is the essential contents of the crime, illegal consciousness is the legal form of social consciousness. Therefore, our country law more emphasis is on the rationality of essence, which is harmful to the society values. Just because of its social harmfulness, with a social moral evaluation colour, easier for people to grasp and observe. Therefore, the author thinks that, in general, the person need to recognize his behavior may be the result of inevitable or harmful to the society, and has already know. With intentionally But in fact, the forbidden by law and mass that is harmful to the society in our country nowadays the behavior under the constitution should be consistent, in other words, know the social harmfulness also know the possibility of illegal, but know the possibility of illegal is inevitable should also realize social harmfulness, both are unified. Therefore, it is generally thought that the law is no excuse, the reason of law does not exclude the misunderstanding in principle, but can be culpable for deliberately discretion. (2) Misunderstandings treatment principle. PunishmentWe might as well so the essence of blame for his due: the crime in the subjective should blame or blame, for the intent or negligence performance. If the offender because of misunderstanding that legal person feels very innocent, lack of this should blame or condemning sexual, from the fundamental measure, blame is absolutely not consider disclaimer. Especially in the modern society, the legal category SAN marino, legal entry in different fields and different levels of books, recognized, comprehend legal apparently endless and same, so the person of law and misunderstandings, not inexcusable. Now, both in theory and practice, the method not cling to forgive "seems to have in shake. Therefore, to a certain extent, can also think admits exceptions excusable is legal misunderstanding of criminal law is an important symbol of humanity. In addition, it was not in the act of which is prohibited by the laws and regulations, especially after a circumstance, should have knowledge of richtswitrig actor, constitute the understanding of deliberate point of view, with the attitude of this understanding, of course, that is not the illegality or by the simple statement actor. The author thinks that the only when the legal establishment of may, FangKeZu but . The fact mistakeThat mistake, is to determine its subjective behavior nature and the criminal responsibility of the relevant facts wrong understanding. From the wrong reasons and phenomenon of angles, generally known that there are several mistakes:(1) Object irrtumslehreThe object is known for errors, whether there is objectively error object. It includes actor in the implementation of the existing criminal behavior of the hazards for the object and actually does not exist, or for criminal object and actually does not exist, or infringe a criminal object and actually invaded another crime object. The object of objects is usually known errors caused by mistake, but the object of different social relationship reflects different. Evil doer of objects and actual expected in fact not only harm object does not agree, and in the nature of law is not consistent. Therefore, the object irrtumslehre may affect the form of sin, crime accomplishment, and may even attempted to influence the crime. For example, in view of the circumstances, not a thought before the enemy, and a party came to stick, afterwards just know the ox was wounded. A thought of damage is "people", and the actual wounded is "cow", do not belong to the same laws of the object. Similar situation and will generally be mistaken for drug trafficking items, Actor will stolen items in the theft of guns in stealing together. This object from the subjective errors, see, is a kind of mistake, From the objective, because the mistake crime to no avail, where the criminal attempted )Object mistakeObjects can be generalized mistake, including object mistake to belong to the object know mistake is inevitable object irrtumslehre. These include, is known to be wrong object of legal property of the same object mistake and legal properties of different objects, namely the object irrtumslehre irrtumslehre. In order to distinguish with the object mistake here, the cognition to the same object only mean error between the different objects, namely the misunderstanding of the evil doer expected objects and actual harm to the object, but not in fact in the legal nature of the same situation. This object mistake again say things on purpose mistake not criminal responsibility. As a reserve, killing b shall be killed as b and c, do not affect a rap. This is the need to consider that a kill b behavior "mistake" cause others (c), belong to an intentional crime (b) "death", for the excess result, according to the results, which determine the ordinary mail of death was deliberately recognized for deliberately, to the death of the fault is propylene, identified as negligence, according to the intention or negligence of the general mark recognized FanYi or state of mind, not applicable rules of the ) Behavior irrtumslehreBehavior mainly includes two kind of mistake: first, the behavior nature irrtumslehre. That actor has to its social harm nature, such as understanding not imaginary defense. Behavior nature mistake might affect the form of sin, and may also affect crime. Second, the behavior tools (methods) irrtumslehre. That person to use when the conduct of tool (methods), which affects not correct understanding of harm results, behavior tools (methods) mistake can affect crime or attempted was founded, also can affect crime or belongs to the incident, a typical for murder on hazardous substances, because the drug failure and failed to kill people, can think method or tools for error doer of consciousness beyond reason not to succeed. And as actor see armour, second coming together, hence shot to play, but can't hit by the party and. Look, this is from the phenomenon of an object, or the final results for the mistake, but this error is based on the fact that the wrong doer identify offender is carefully identify to begin, can think recognize is accurate, errors in ChaWu itself. The solution to this situation, "said", its legal with qualitative and recognize wrong object is consistent, namely directly recognized as an intentional homicide accomplishment. The death of a person is directly intentionally to b, death is the indirect intentional, just for a to b is attempted, accomplished. Additionally, if in daily life because misidentification object and damage of consequences, the crime itself is not just any criminal negligence because of )Causality irrtumslehreCausality mistake, is on his behavior and harmful results of actual connection between errors. Generally include: first, not some harm result, as has happened actor. This generally constitute a crime. Second, has certain harm result, but not for actor or for his behavior is caused, and does not affect crime accomplishment. Third, really happened, the offender is aware of its behavior, but with the actual development between the harm to the process or a mistake, general to punish crime accomplishment. In theory, the offender is not only a crime, but continuous movement, this several continuous action is not a few crime, but a crime. In this sense, doesn't exist on the results of the irrtumslehre and facts mistake and proceduresDomestic scholars in fact know mistakes and errors between the issue legal representative views mainly include:(1)For own behavior whether in law constitutes a crime, criminal or what kind of criminal punishment shall be under the incorrect understanding is legal irrtumslehre for his behavior on the implementation of the incorrect understanding is the fact that mistake,(2)The objectivity of crime is a false understanding of crime, that mistake of objective facts have clear understanding, only to act in the evaluation of existing laws on the concept of law is not correct mistakes。(3)Actor known facts and actual fact don't agree is wrong, the person that judgment and objective law is law of illegal inconsistency ideas basically could in theory and legal irrtumslehre fact distinguish mistakes, it is important to emphasize that:1) With the conviction that the so-called irrelevant, as this mistake to hit each other, the shooting head caused the death of heart, without vision of research into our. 2) Study of the theory of error, error occurs when the purpose, but whether to intentionally resistance, reduce plots affected only the wrong cognition, natural sentencing nor will it into the error theory category. 3) This does not constitute a crime and actor for crime, and for their behavior in the criminal law on the crimes and how to apply for criminal punishment on such specific knowledge error, conviction according to law. Based on this, the author thinks that, at the fact that criminal law is only to know wrong doer of elements to know the so-called objective facts constituents of mistake is the fact that the legal irrtumslehre error refers to the legal action is illegal and the evaluation of the mistake. From the theory of facts and legal irrtumslehre error, but the problem is in the law, criminal elements to the facts and law closely combined circumstances (like some administrative crimes and economic crimes), or is in a fact itself contains certain laws of evaluation content, to distinguish with a mistake is the fact that mistake or legal wrong, is often difficult. If the property of his humanity and obscenity obscenity, administrative rules and regulations, JinYuOu, disrupt public until its precondition of the legitimacy of the public, and legal irrtumslehre facts wrong intertwined, and this is what we distinguish facts and legal irrtumslehre errors will solve the some cases, the defendant should know that because of the lack of knowledge, and not to the behavior of social harmfulness, so that the defendant is not "knowledge they will entail harmful consequences to society, and hope or allows such results" and deliberate crime, the burden of proof is only FanYi prosecution, in addition, prosecution without proof the defendant not normal, but normal mental and spiritual normal presumption defendant directly if the defendant that his spirit is not normal, it shall provide necessary evidence by himself to prove. Thus, the author, on legal irrtumslehre processing, can adopt the presumption of ways to handle. Which country presumption every normal citizens are known, unless the law can put forward defense "advantage prove" above, or the evidence rebut these presumption is established. From the efficiency of lawsuit, said the country is impossible to prove the defendant is known of the law.

Concerning bankruptcy liquidation accounting elements reconstruction Abstract: the enterprise bankruptcy law (try out) "prescribed in paragraph 1 of article 3:" the enterprise due to poor management caused serious damage, unable to repay debts that are due, in accordance with the provisions of the bankruptcy ". The bankruptcy liquidation of law refers to economic ruin the liquidation of a debt to legal system, and duration of operation condition and different accounting elements. This article analyses current particularity of bankruptcy liquidation accounting subject setting, Accounting elements of the problems existing in the research, Then in bankruptcy liquidation accounting object changes under the condition of the accounting elements and its influence on the basis, to reconstruct the bankruptcy liquidation accounting elements on the system, bankruptcy liquidation of assets assessment are discussed. Will the ordinary liquidation and company bankruptcy liquidation, therefore, the difference of the bankruptcy liquidation accounting method is inevitable and conventional accounting is different, so in practice to do some analysis. Keywords: bankruptcy liquidation, The accounting elements, Settlement of assets and liabilities, Clearing the net profit or loss


英语语言学论文题目 13论国际商务谈判中的语言交际技巧 33成人世界的童话——从文体学角度解析现今童话再度流行的现象 49论文化差异与英汉商标互译 55浅谈英汉句子结构差异 59诗意的美和喜剧性幽默 62试论广告英语的语言特点 65统觉团对英语初学者词汇学习的影响 67外语学习中应该重视中介语的作用 69新闻报道中的转述动词研究 73英汉禁忌语、委婉语的对比研究 74英汉数字习语的对比研究 76英译汉中词序的变动 78英语广告的语言特征 80英语双关语汉译的可译性限度 101词义演变的原因与方式 137从汉语中英语借词的翻译看文化交流 138从价值观转换看斯佳丽的角色特征 142从礼貌准则看中英文化的异同 146从习语看英汉民族的文化差异 149从英语人名中看性别歧视 157动词过程类型的选择和话语隐性态度的表达 161对母语在英语写作中词汇负迁移现象的思考 162对严复译作中“信”的质疑 167法律英语用词特征分析 168法律语言翻译与法律文体 177副词EVER的句法环境和语义特征 180功能语法视角下的英语报纸新闻标题的功能 183广告口号语的语言特点 189国际商务文化之对比研究 204汉语中双关语的翻译 213基于概念隐喻的诗歌解读 228论广告英语中的幽 默 265论广告英语的语言特点 268论汉英谚语的语言特征 280论清教理念与美国西进运动 282论莎士比亚十四行诗中的时间 300论英语广告中几种常用修辞格及其汉译 310论尤金?奥尼尔的表现主义手法 324名词化的语篇功能 330诺曼时期法语对英语词汇的影响 339浅谈英语虚拟语气的语用功能 340浅谈英语虚拟语气及其语用功能 345浅析二十世纪计算机英语词汇的构成特点


1、中西人名文化对比:Comparison of Chinese and Western name culture

2、近代英美关系及其文化基础:Modern Anglo-American relations and their cultural foundation

3、中学生英语学习策略研究:Research on English learning strategies of middle school students

4、中英非语言交际的文化差异及对比: Cultural differences and contrast between Chinese and English non-verbal communication

5、中英恭维语对比研究:A comparative study of Chinese and English compliments

6、中英广告中语言使用对比研究:A comparative study of language use in Chinese and English advertisements

7、中英两种语言中的颜色词及其象征意义:Color words and their symbolic meanings in English and Chinese

8、中英亲属词的文化内涵分析:Cultural connotation analysis of Chinese and English kinship words

9、中英请求言语行为策略选择之比较:A comparison of speech act strategy choice between Chinese and English requests





上海外国语大学有法律英语翻译专业方向,中国政法貌似只有翻译专业,不晓得和法律英语又没有关系。研究生不同的院校可能专业设置会有不同,但一般教育部给法学专业设置的专业目录里是没有法律英语的,所以在研究生学位找法律英语是很难的。离开学校太久 不好回答,但是就业方面可以说说。在中国很多起点高的律师或者企业法务主管专业背景是英语本科+法律硕士,法律英语的需求是很大的,因为律所和企业法务对涉外法律事务的需求越来越大,英文法律文件和文献的翻译需求也比较大。但是单纯做翻译类工作显然不如将法律作为专业带来的收入高,能够接触的工作内容也截然不同(一般律所里不会专门招翻译的,数量的英语好的法科背景的人都能翻得很好)。如果楼主对英语有兴趣,不妨考虑研究生学习法硕,学一点法律应用知识。 还有,既然考虑在北京读研,北京的法学教育院所数量众多,招生人数众多,虽然司法机构和律所就业机会相对多一些,但是就业竞争是很厉害的,况且法学专业本来就是初试英语门槛高的专业,仅学习法律的学生中,英语好的也有相当数量。所以光学英语专业的话,个人感觉不如多学一门专业好一些。仅供参考。



一、 语言学(语言学一般理论的研究);

二、 英美文学(英美文学的文化研究、作品分析等);

三、 翻译学(翻译理论与实践探讨、译本研究以及名家名著翻译作品对比研究等);

四、 英美文化(英美加澳新等西方国家文化以及与汉文化的比较研究);

五、 教学法(英语教学法、测试学等方面的研究)。



附:英语专业论文参考选题(Suggested Topics of Graduation Papers for English Majors)

1. A Brief Analysis of the Heroine Personality in Jane Eyre 《简爱》的主人翁个性分析

2. A Brief Comment on O’Henry Short Stories 亨利的短篇小说述评

3. A Comment on Hardy’s Fatalism 评哈代的宿命论

4. A Comparison between the Themes of Pilgrimage to the West and Pilgrim’s Progress 《西游记》与《天路历程》主题的比较

5. A Probe into the Feminist Idea of Jane Eyre 《简爱》男女平等思想的探索

6. A Study of Native American Literature 美国本土文学的研究

7. A Study of Student-Centered English Vocabulary Teaching 以学生为中心的英语词汇教学

8. A Study of the Translation of Sports Terms 体育专有名词的翻译

9. A Study of Transitional Words and Expressions 过渡词及表达法的研究

10. About the Breaking of American Dream from the Great Gatsby 从《了不起的盖茨比》看美国梦的破碎

11. About the Quality-oriented Education in English Language Teaching 英语教学中的素质教育

12. About Transform of Parts of Speech in Translation 论翻译中词性的转换

13. Application of English Idioms in Daily Life 英语习语在日常生活中的运用

14. Body Language Difference in Meaning in Cross-cultural Communication 体态语在跨文化交际中的意义差异

15. Characterization in Charles Dickens’ Novels 狄更斯小说中的人物塑造

16. Choice of Correct Words in Translation在翻译中如何准确选词

17. Comment on Bernard Shaw’s Dramatic Art 评肖伯纳的戏剧艺术

18. Comparing First and Second Language Acquisitions 二语习得与母语的比较研究

19. Cross-culture Failures by Chinese learners of English中国英语学习者跨文化交际中的误区

20. Cultural Differences and Idiomatic Expressions in Translation 论翻译中的文化差异及习惯表达法

21. Cultural Factors and Limitations in Translation 翻译的文化因素局限性

22. Developing Students’ Cultural Awareness through Foreign Language Teaching 通过外语教学培养学生的文化意识

23. Dialectics in Translation 翻译中的辩证法

24. Differences between Audio-lingual Method and Functional Approach 听说法与交际法的区别

25. Effects of Learner’s Motivation in Foreign Language Learning 外语学习中学习动机的影响

26. English Classroom Teaching: Teacher-dominant or Student-centered 英语课堂教学——教师主宰还是学生中心

27. Error Analysis in English Learning as a Foreign Language 英语学习中的错误分析研究

28. Euphemistic Expressions in Foreign Affairs 外事用语中的委婉表达

29. Features of Network English 网络英语的特点

30. Food Culture in America and China 中美饮食文化比较

31. How to Appreciate English Prose: Traditional and Modern Ways 如何欣赏英语散文——传统与现代方法比较

32. Humor and Satire in Pride and Prejudice 《傲慢与偏见》的幽默与讽刺

33. Influence of Mark Twain’s Works in China 马克吐温的`作品在中国的影响

34. Influence of Science and Technology on English Vocabulary 科学技术对英语词汇的影响

35. Information Theory and Translation 信息论与翻译

36. Inter-Translation of English and Chinese Proverbs 英汉谚语的互译

37. Jane Austen and the Heroine in Pride and Prejudice 简奥丝丁和《傲慢与偏见》的女主人

38. Lexical Gaps in Chinese and English Inter-Translation 英汉互译的词义差异

39. Linguistic Features of Abraham Lincoln’s Addresses 论林肯演说词的语言特征

40. Linguistic Features of Business Contracts 商务合同的语言特征

41. Linguistic Features of English Advertisements 英语广告的语言特征

42. Linguistic Taboos in Chinese and English Languages 谈汉英语言中的禁忌现象

43. Logical Fallacies in English Writing 英文写作中的逻辑谬误

44. Metaphoric Expressions in Poem … 论《…》诗中的暗喻

45. Methods and Procedures in Language Teaching 语言教学的方法及过程

46. Needs Analysis of Language Learners 语言学习者的需求分析

47. On Attitudes and Motivation in Second Language Learning 论第二语言学习的态度及动机

48. On Charles Dickens Style in … 论狄更斯的《…》中的语言风格

49. On . Eliot’s Mythological Consciousness 论艾略特的神话意识

50. On Teacher-Learner Classroom Communication 论教师与学生之间的课堂交流

51. On the Character of Shylock in The Merchant of Venice 论《威尼斯商人》中的人物夏洛克

52. On the Criteria of Translation 议翻译标准

53. On the Development of Jane Eyre’s Character 论简爱的性格发展

54. On the Feasibility of Communicative Approach in China 谈交际法在中国的可行性

55. On the Functions of Ambiguity in English 论英语歧义的功能

56. On the Humour of Mark Twain 马克吐温的幽默观

57. On the Importance of Translation Theory 翻译理论的重要性

58. On the Learning Strategy of English as a Foreign language 谈英语的学习策略

59. On the Linguistic Features of the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 《哈克贝利费恩历险记》的语言特点

60. On the Poetry of Robert Frost (1874-1963) 评议弗罗斯特的诗歌

61. On the Poetry of William Wordsworth (1770-1885) 评议沃兹沃斯的诗歌

62. On the Principles for Translation 浅议翻译原则

63. On the Relations of Basic Language Skills 基本语言技能的关系

64. On the Similarities and Differences of the Speeches by Elder and Younger Bush 论老布什、小布什语言风格的异同

65. On the Style of Withering Heights 《呼啸山庄》的文体分析

66. On the Tragedy of Loman’s Family in Death of A Salesman 《推销员之死》中罗曼一家的悲剧

67. On the Vividness and Images in Poem … 论《…》诗文的生动性与比喻

68. On the Words and Expressions Belittling the Female 蔑视女性的词汇和表达法

69. On the Writing / Translation of Foreign Trade Contracts 论涉外经济合同写作/翻译

70. On Translation of Computer Terms 论计算机的术语翻译

71. On Translation of Tourist Guide 论旅游指南的翻译

72. On Translation of Trade Names and Names of Export Commodities 论商标、出口商品名称的翻译

73. On Winston Churchill’s Prose Writing 评邱吉尔的散文写作

74. Parallelism in English英语中的排比现象

75. Personality Factors to the Success of Foreign Language Learning 个性因素在外语学习中的作用

76. Points of View and the Mode of Discourse in Vanity Fair 论《名利场》的观点及言语方式

77. Politeness and Indirect Speech Acts 礼貌与间接言语行为

78. Pragmatic Failures in the Cross-cultural Communication 跨文化交际中的语用失误

79. Professional Skills for Foreign Language Teachers in Chinese Middle Schools 中国中学外语教师的专业技能

80. Relations of Speed and Understandability in Reading Comprehension 阅读理解中速度与理解性之间的关系

81. Relationship between … Theory and Language Research 论…理论与语言研究的关系

82. Relationship of Age to SLA (Second Language Acquisition) 论年龄与第二语言习得的关系

83. Rhetorical and Narrative Devices in A Farewell to Arms 《永别了,武器》的修辞与描写手法

84. Scarlet and Black in The Scarlet Letter 《红字》中的红与黑

85. Semantic Analysis of Nominalisation in EST 科技英语名词化语义分析

86. Sex Differentiation and Sexism in English Language 论英语中的性别现象及性别歧视

87. Similarities and Dissimilarities of British and American Englishes论英式英语和美式英语的异同

88. Social Context in the Foreign Language Teaching and Learning 外语教学中的社会语境

89. Study of “Hemingway Style” 论“海明威风格”

90. Symbolism in Idiomatic Expressions 论习语中的象征手法

91. Syntactical Features of Business English 谈商务英语写作的句法特征

92. Syntax in John Milton’s Paradise Lost 弥尔顿的《失乐园》的句法探讨

93. Techniques of Theme Production in Wuthering Heights 《呼啸山庄》主题的表现手法

94. The Application of Communicative Approach Techniques in Modern Foreign Language Teaching and Learning 交际法的教学手段在现代外语教学中的运用

95. The Characteristics of Computer Language Vocabulary 计算机语言词汇的特点

96. The Cognitive and Affective Factors in Task-based English Teaching英语任务型教学中的认知和情感因素

97. The E/C Translation of Metaphors 暗喻的英汉翻译

98. The Function of Grammar in English Study 英语学习中语法的功能

99. The Influence of L1 on the Learning of a Foreign Language 母语对外语学习的影响

100. The Influence of Wars on American Literature 战争对美国文学的影响

101. The Linguistic Charms of the Adventures of Tom Sawyer 《汤姆索亚历险记》的语言魅力

102. The Negation in Translation 论正说反译和反说正译

103. The Role of Grammatical Rules in English Language Learning 语法规则在英语学习中的地位

104. The Significance of Communicative Competence in Foreign Language Testing 外语测试中交际能力的重要性

105. The Theory of “Dynamic Equivalence” and its Application in E/C Translation 等效翻译理论及其在英汉翻译中的应用

106. The Translation of Proper Names 专有名词的翻译

107. The Understanding and Translation of Attributive Clause 定语从句的理解与翻译

108. The Use of Nouns in English 英语中名词的使用

109. The Ways of Expressing Emphatic Ideas in English 英语中强调语气的表达方式

110. Thomas Hardy and his Tess of the D’Urbervilles 哈代和他的《苔丝》

111. Translation of Rhetoric Devices in EST (English for Science and Technology) 论科技英语中修辞格的翻译方法

112. Translation Techniques of Idioms and Slangs 成语、俚语的翻译技巧

113. Translation Techniques of Proverbs, Loanwords and Colloquialisms 谚语、外来语和俗语的翻译技巧

英语专业毕业论文定方向方法如下; 1、找个自己感兴趣的翻译领域,如文学翻译,诗歌,小说之类、公示语翻译、新闻翻译、科技翻译; 2、在这个领域里找一个合适的话题,比如,要写文学翻译的话,可以找一本感兴趣的,有中英文的书籍,对这本书的翻译做一个多译本的比较、对这本书出现的某些词汇和表达法的翻译做一个总结,探究翻译规律,如有人对《红楼梦》里食物、服饰、诗歌等等的英文翻译做一个总结和鉴赏、对不好的译本。反面教材做一个翻译失误的分析; 3、让现实照进梦想,在有了想法之后,分析其可能性,被前人写滥了的,已经有权威研究的,最好不要去挑战,除非从一个新的视角去做研究,不落前人窠臼,参考文献太少的不要写,本科毕业论文不具有太大的权威性,必须得有足够的文献做支撑; 4、所选的题目不能跟本学校历届翻译方向论文的题目、研究内容雷同; 5、所选的话题必须得有一个研究的意义,创新之处何在、写作目的是为了什么、为了研究或是实用或是提出某个规范,写作目的不能是单纯为写论文而写论文。


关于英语专业的论文题目,学术堂整理了十五个好写的,供大家参考:1.《红字》中海丝特 白兰不理智的一面(The Irrational Side of Hester Prynne of The Scarlet Letter)2. 《董贝父子》中的矛盾冲突(The Conflict in Donbey and Son)3. 论文化不同对联想意义及翻译的影响(On Influence of Cultural Differences on Associative Meanings and Translation)4. 美国教育的衰弱(The Drop of American Education)5. 19世纪欧洲移民对美国工业化的积极影响(The Positive Impacts of European Immigration on American Industrialization in the 19th Century。6. 朱丽叶之人物分析(Character Studies in Juliet)7. 主述理论在文学中的运用(The Application of the Thematic Theory in Literature)8. 语用学中的会话含义理论(Conversational Implicature Theory in Pragmatics)9. 英语语音简析及对提高初学者口语的指导(A Brief Analysis of English Phonetics as well as a Guide to Improve Learners’ Oral English)10. 比较两种对于哈姆雷特复仇的评论(Comparison on Two Kinds of Comments on Hamlet’s Revenge)11. 英语语言中的性别歧视 (Sexism in English Language)12. 英语的学与教 (English Learning and Teaching)13. 由美国2004年总统选举所想到的 (More than 2004 Presidential Election)14. 论腐朽世界中的纯洁品质——关于《雾都孤儿》的赏析 (The Purity in a Corrupt World—An Analysis of Oliver Twister)15. 论理智与情感之关系——对《理智与情感》的人物分析




★ 英语专业毕业论文题目 ★

★ 英语教学法论文题目 ★

★ 毕业论文答辩发言稿 ★

★ 大学毕业论文评语 ★





4、中学英语教学中“跨 文化 意识”的缺失及对策










14、浅谈中学英语 教育 学科目标





19、优化中学 英语阅读 教学的实践研究

20、从传播学角度看中学英语教育对实用 英语学习 的影响

21、中学 英语口语 教学 方法 探索






27、中学 英语写作 教学的动态评估体系建构




31、文化生态视域下英语教师学历与能力应和谐统一--基于海南民族地区中学英语师资结构的调查 报告









40、提高中学 英语单词 教学有效性的策略探析






















11、英语专业本科 毕业 论文学术失范现象的成因与对策

























36、农学 专业英语 学术词汇概念的区别及释义















金融英语 论文题目













13、 商务英语 专业学生的词块学习与教学策略研究--以辽宁金融职业学院为例









22、高职 英语文化 教育提升学生人文素质的策略探究--以辽宁金融职业学院为例















37、 财经 英语新闻语料库的建设构想与教学应用
























2022英语专业各方向论文题目相关 文章 :


★ 2022法学专业毕业论文题目

★ 2022最新数学方向毕业论文题目

★ 2022英语教研组计划最新大全10篇

★ 2022行政管理毕业论文选题题目

★ 2022年终总结(50篇)

★ 2022教学年终总结50篇

★ 2022教师教学工作总结报告(通用10篇)

★ 2022教学科研工作总结

★ 2022教师学期教学总结模板五篇

学术堂整理了十五个好写的英语专业论文题目,供大家参考:1、多元智能理论在小学英语教学中的应用2、小学英语教学中的故事教学3、小学英语教学与智力开发4、初中英语教材Go for的适应性研究5、如何有效地进行初中/高中阅读教学6、初中/高中英语教材中的文化因素7、初中/高中英语教材中的文化因素8、合作学习在中学英语学习中的应用.9、角色扮演与高中英语教学10、任务型语言教学在语法教学中的应用11、怎样教授中学英语词汇12、英语教学中情感的重要意义13、扩大词汇量和提高英语阅读能力的失系14、提高英语阅读速度的主要障碍15、英语阅读能力和阅读速度的失系

  • 索引序列
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