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The Second World War (World War II) referred to as World War ii. From September 1, 1939 to September 2, 1945, with Germany, Italy, Japan fascist axis and Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and other countries to one side, with the fascist alliance and the world anti-fascist forces as the scale of the Second World War on the other side of the. From Europe to Asia, from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, there have been more than 2000000000 countries and regions, 61 of the population is involved in wars, fighting with an area of 22000000 square kilometers. According to incomplete statistics, civilian and military casualties in the war more than 9000 people, 4 trillion dollars down the drain. The Second World War to the United States, Britain, the Soviet Union finally, China and other countries and peoples of the world anti-fascist victory over to win the world peace and progress of the fascist aggressors should cherish peace, oppose war cherish peace

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本文属于传统议论文,按米电米受米惠米联少多少a米量米惠米联米受米fe联b量惠晓e多b受惠e晓受晓晓晓晓晓少米受晓量晓联照常规行文思路就可以。第一段开头,概括自己的观点:为什么互联网使得世界变小。第二段阐述第一个理由,第三段阐述第二个理由。最后结尾,总结全文本题为互联网使世界变得更小,也就是互联网的出现改变了人们的生活方式,使人与人之间的沟通更方便和紧密,信息比较通畅。其次通过互联网人们也可以实现资源共享,可以在互联网上查询各种自己需要的信息,所以人与人之间的交流不再困难,互联网使世界连在了一起。下面是范文,可以参考:It goes without saying that the Internet is one of the greatest inventions of the twentieth century. It could be seen as a fastest communication medium in the world. Thus, some people believe that the Internet can make the world smaller by re果cing communication gaps among us. To some extent, I agree with this statement because some drawbacks of the Internet can easily be overcome by its advantages in term of of all, to businesses, the Internet has given business people many more chances to manage relationships with their customers and clients quicker and more effectively. In fact, online conferences and chat services implemented on the Internet have lead to an increase in opportunities for person-to-person communication anytime, anywhere. Most these programs are quite cheaper than the cost of travelling long distances to meet and talk directly. Simply, workers just stay at home in front of their computer screens and communicate via the Internet. There are a number of global companies that use the Internet to improve relationships between countries over the world such as Asia, America, Europe, and Africa: Apple, Microsoft, and Coca Cola, for example. Clearly, cyberspace is an ideal environment for communication on our planet, regardless of geographic , the Internet allows people from remote areas to connect with each other and share mutual interests. Some would argue that the Internet makes us more isolated. This truth is, however, that the Internet provides users with a way to communicate across vast distances. People can easily connect with their friends and family who live far away by using e-mail, Skype, and social networks. Let us take the website Facebook as a typical example. This website allows people stay in touch with their family and friends and helps people make new friends around the world. In this way, the Internet brings people close together sum up, the facts display the importance of the Internet. It has almost terminated the most difficult era of communication. The Internet creates a live communication environment for people who live far from their families, as well as business people, so they can form relationships with their partners over the world. Yes, the world is suddenly smaller with the Internet.

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