On TV Programs' Contributions to the Maturization of Childhood--An Analysis of 《智慧树》 by CCTV Children's Channel and 《饭没了秀》 by Shenzhen Satellite TVmaturization 是一个近十来年出现的新词,源于mature(成熟)。“Maturation is the process of becoming mature; the emergence of personal and behavioral characteristics through growth processes。”供参考。
Olympic Park landscape garden design features of the traditional use of这是Google翻译上的 我觉得不对 应该是The application of garden features from traditional Chinese landscape painting to the desine of Oylmic Park.
the TV media's influences on child's progress of becoming adulttake Tree of Wisdom of CCTV Children's channel and Eat or not show of Shenzhen TV as examples【儿童】就无所谓【童年】,【成人化】这次头次听说,真不好翻译,于是解释性翻译。另,破折号后面那句非常非常非常不适合做论文题目,如果非要,就做副标题。
On the role of TV program in the development of adulthood in children --Based on Tree of Wisdom from CCTV Children's Channel and No Meal from Shenzhen TV
大多数研究我国受保护区域 偏重于动植物和解决的问题 从保护区管理者或政府 (汉,2000;苗族、2000、税务等,2002年)。这个典型的管理层 管理风
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