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2、(美)约翰.A.昆奇著,吕一林译,?市场营销管理—教程与案例?北京.北京大学出版社,2000 3、查尔斯.戴克著,李圣贤译宝洁的观点内蒙古.内蒙古人民出版社1999 4、JamesAFitzsimmons著,张金成范秀成译,《服务管理》,北京.机械工业出版社2000 5、等著,张金成等译,《互动服务营销》北京.机械工业出版社2000 6.菲利普??科特勒.营销管理[M].北京:中国人民大学出版社,2001

230 评论


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163 评论


大家知道,企业管理包括生产管理、营销管理和财务管理等多个方面,而财务管理是企业整个管理体系的核心,企业的财务管理目标即是企业追求的目标。可见,只有以财务管理为中心,协调运作管理体系的各个方面,才能有效地强化企业管理,促进企业发展。从全国来说,民营企业数量众多、分布广泛、特点各异,再加上受宏观经济环境化和体制影响,民营企业在加强财务管理方面遇到了一定的阻力,例如:政策的“歧视”使民营企业和大型企业不能公平竞争,地方政府、行业管理部门的干预,使民营企业的财务管理目标短期化,再主要的就是民营企业财务管理受业主的影响过大等一些主观因素的存在,导致财务管理的重要性被忽视。所以,其财务管理中存在的问题也多种多样,我认为,目前普遍存在的问题和原因主要有: (一)融资困难,周转资金不足,使财务管理成断源之湖。 目前,我国民营企业初步建立了较为独立、渠道多元的融资体系,但是,融资难、担保难,仍然是制约民营企业发展的最突出的问题,主要问题是:第一,负债过多,融资成本高,风险大,造成民营企业信用等级低,资信相对较差。第二,大多数民营企业是非大型企业,有些银行受传统观念和行政干预的影响,对其贷款不够热心。第三,中介机构不健全,缺乏专门为民营企业贷款服务的金融中介机构和贷款担保机构。 分析其主要原因表现在两个方面:一是金融业对民营企业的信贷支持不够。我国金融系统从设置到服务项目,大都是以大企业为服务对象,民营企业的信贷服务往往被忽视。由于贷款难,生产经营过程中所需资金不足,极大制约了民营企业的发展。有的民营企业,虽存在暂时困难,但银行一旦支持就能起死回生;二是民营企业的融资渠道单一,难以适应市场需求的变化。由于有的民营企业,在既得不到银行的贷款支持,又不具有自我融资或向社会公开融资能力,无形中,加强企业财务管理也就成了一句空话,财务管理也就成了断源之湖。 (二)财务控制薄弱,缺乏科学性,使财务管理举步艰难。 大部分民营企业存在财务控制环节薄弱,而且对加强财务管理方面不够重视,没有从真正意义上理解财务管理在企业中的地位。主要问题有:一是资金管理不严,财务控制薄弱,造成资金闲置或不足。二是应收账款周转缓慢,造成资金回收困难。三是存货控制薄弱,造成资金呆滞。四是重钱轻物,资产流失严重。 分析其原因主要是:一是有些民营企业认为现金越多越好,致使大量现金未参加周转,有的是资金缺少计划安排,过量购置不动产,而使企业无法应付经营急需的资金,陷入财务困境。二是没有建立严格的赊销政策,缺乏有力的摧收措施,应收款不能兑现或形成呆账。三是很多民营企业月末存货占用资金往往超过其营业额的两倍以上,造成资金呆滞周转失灵。四是不少民营企业管理者,对原材料、半成品、固定资产等管理不到位,出了问题无人追究,资产浪费严重。分析以上原因,最重要的是因为企业上层领导财务管理观念落后,缺乏科学性,在思想上没有真正理解财务管理对做大做强一个企业所起到的作用,没有将财务管理纳入企业管理的有效机制中,缺乏现代财务管理观念,使财务管理失去了它在企业管理中应有的地位和作用,举步艰难。 (三)管理模式疆化,管理观念陈旧,使财务管理暗然失色。 由于长期以来在思想上受到旧的财务制度的约束,企业管理人员的观念比较滞后。主要问题有:一是企业的投资者同时就是经营者。二是企业管理者的管理能力和管理素质差,管理思想落后。 分析其原因主要是:民营企业典型的管理模式是所有权和经营权高度统一,企业的投资者同时就是经营者,这种模式势必给企业的财务管理带来负面影响,民营企业中相当一部分属于个体私营性质,在这些企业中,企业领导者集权现象严重,并且对财务管理的理论方法缺乏应有的认识和研究,致使其职责不分,越权行事,造成财务管理混乱,财务监核不严,会计人员独舟难行,想规范管理很难。大部分企业没有或无法建立内部审计部门,即使有,也很难保证内部审计的独立性。另外,有些企业没有将财务管理纳入企业管理的有效机制中,缺乏现代财务管理观念,多数民营企业家尚未建立起诸如时间价值、风险价值、边际成本、机会成本等科学管理的概念,由于管理模式疆化,管理观念陈旧,使财务管理暗然失色,失去了它在企业管理中应有的地位和作用。 First, the privately operated enterprise the question and the reasonanalysis which exists in the financial control As everybody knows, business management including productionmanagement, marketing management and financial control and so on manyaspects, but the financial control is the enterprise entire managementsystem core, enterprise's financial control goal is a goal which theenterprise pursues. Obviously, only has take the financial control asthe center, the coordination operates management system each aspect,can effectively strengthen the business management, the promotionenterprise from the nation that, the privately operated enterprise quantitymultitudinous, distributed is widespread, the characteristicrespectively differently, in addition receives the macroscopiceconomic environment and the system influence, the privately operatedenterprise was strengthening the financial control aspect to meet thecertain resistance, for example: The policy "the discrimination"causes the privately operated enterprise and the major industry cannotthe fair competition, the local authority, the profession controlsection's intervention, causes the privately operated enterprise thefinancial control goal short-term, again is main is the privatelyoperated enterprise financial control owner's influence oversized andso on some subjective factors existences, causes the financial controlthe importance to neglect. Therefore, in its financial control existsquestion also many and varied, I believed, at present the universalexistence question and the reason mainly have: . (1) financing difficulty, the revolving fund is insufficient, causeslake of the financial control Cheng Duanyuan. At present, the our country privately operated enterprise initiallyestablished has been independent, the channel many Yuan financingsystem, but, financed difficultly, to guarantee difficultly, still wasthe most prominent question which the restriction privately operatedenterprise developed, the main question was: First, is in debtexcessively many, financing cost high, risk big, creates the privatelyoperated enterprise credit rank low, helps the letter relatively to beworse. Second, the majority privately operated enterprise right andwrong major industry, some banks the traditional ideas and theadministrative intervention influence, insufficiently are warm-heartedto its loan. Third, the facilitating agency is not perfect, lacksspecially the financial facilitating agency and the loan guaranteeorganization which serves for the privately operated enterprise loan. Analyzes its main reason to display in two aspects: One is the financeindustry is insufficient to the privately operated enterprise's creditaid. Our country finance system from establishes to the serviceproject, mostly is take the big enterprise as the service object, theprivately operated enterprise's credit service is often the loan is difficult, in the production management processneeds the fund to be insufficient, enormously has restricted theprivately operated enterprise's development. Some privately operatedenterprises, although exists temporarily difficultly, but the bankonce supports can bring back to life; Two is the privately operatedenterprise's financing channel is unitary, adapts the market demandchange with difficulty. As a result of some privately operatedenterprises, in both cannot obtain the bank the loan support, and doesnot have self- financing or to the social public financing ability,imperceptibly, strengthened the enterprise financial control also tobecome an empty talk, the financial control has also become mediateslake of the source. (2) financial control is weak, lacks the scientific nature, causes thefinancial control to take a step difficultly. The majority of privately operated enterprises have the financialcontrol link to be weak, moreover to strengthens the financial controlaspect insufficiently to take, has not understood the financialcontrol from the true significance in enterprise's status. The mainquestion includes: One is the fund management is lax, financialcontrol weak, creates the fund to leave unused or to be is the receivable account funds turnover is slow, causes the fundrecycling difficulty. Three, the inventory control is weak, createsthe fund delay. Four is re- Qian Qingwu, the property drainsseriously. Analyzes its reason mainly is: One is some privately operatedenterprises thought cash more the better, causes the massive cashesnot to participate in the turnover, some are the fund lacks the planarrangement, excessive purchase real estate, but causes the enterpriseto be unable to deal with the management urgently needed fund, fallsinto the financial difficult position. Two is does not have theestablishment strict selling on credit policy, lacks powerfullydestroys receives the measure, should receive money cannot cash orform the dull account. Three is very many privately operatedenterprises end of the month the goods in stock takes the fund oftento surpass its turnover above two times, creates the fund delayturnover to malfunction. Four is many privately operated enterprisessuperintendents, to management and so on raw material, half-finishedproduct, fixed asset did not arrive, leaves question nobody toinvestigate, the property waste was serious. Above analyzes thereason, most importantly because the enterprise upper formationleadership financial control idea is backward, lacks the scientificnature, the untrue understanding financial control to does in thethought greatly makes the role which the strong enterprise plays, hasnot bought into line with the financial control the businessmanagement in the effective mechanism, lacks the modern financialcontrol idea, caused the financial control to lose it the status andthe function which should have in the business management, took a stepdifficultly. 3) management pattern boundary, manages the idea obsoletely, causesthe financial control to be dark however 失色. Because receives the old financial system since long ago in thethought the restraint, business management personnel's idea comparisonlag. The main question includes: One is at the same time enterprise'sinvestor is the operator. Two is the enterprise superintendent'smanagement ability and the management quality bad, manages the thoughtto be backward. Analyzes its reason mainly is: The privately operated enterprise modelmanagement pattern is the property rights and the operating righthighly unifies, at the same time enterprise's investors is theoperator, this kind of pattern inevitably will give the enterprise thefinancial control to bring the negative influence, in the privatelyoperated enterprise quite a part will belong to the individual tooperate privately the nature, in these enterprises, enterprise leadercentralization phenomenon serious, and will lack the understanding andthe research to the financial control theory method which will besupposed to have, will cause its responsibility not to divide, exceedsauthority to handle affairs, creates the financial control chaotic,the finance will supervise the nucleus not to be lax, accountant thepersonnel alone boat difficult line, to think the standard managementwill be very difficult. The majority of enterprises not or are unableto establish the interior auditing department, even if has, also isvery difficult to guarantee the internal audit the , some enterprises have not bought into line with thefinancial control the business management in the effective mechanism,lacks the modern financial control idea, the most privateenterpreneurs not yet establish such as scientific management the andso on time value, risk value, marginal cost, opportunity cost concept,as a result of the management pattern boundary, manages the ideaobsoletely, causes the financial control to be dark however 失色,has lost it the status and the function which should have in thebusiness management.

90 评论


以下是我为大家搜集整理的市场营销论文参考文献,供大家参考和借鉴!更多资讯尽在参考文献栏目! 1. 胡继承,市场营销与策划,科学出版社,2003 2. 甘碧群,市场营销学,武汉大学出版社, 3. 胡德华,市场营销经典案例与解读,电子工业出版社, 4. 市场营销学模拟试卷编写组,《市场营销学》考试指导与模拟试卷,北京大学出版社, 5. 侯贵生,市场营销综合实训教程,重庆大学出版社, 6. 盛敏、元明顺、刘艳玲,marketing市场营销学案例,清华大学出版社, 7. 国际金融公司中国项目中心开发组,市场营销概论,上海科学技术出版社, 8. 文腊梅、冯和平、江劲松,市场营销实务,湖南大学出版社, 9. 林长富,市场营销原理,机械工业出版社, 10. 符莎莉,国际市场营销理论与实务,电子工业出版社, 11. 张晋光、黄国辉,市场营销,机械工业出版社, 12. 何永祺,基础市场营销学,暨南大学出版社, 13. 【美】科特勒,现代营销学之父菲利普科特勒经典译丛:市场营销,华夏出版社, 14. 【美】科特勒、梅汝和、梅清豪、周安柱,营销管理(新千年版,第十版),中国人民大学出版社, 15. (美)加里·阿姆斯特郎、(美)菲利普·科特勒、俞利军,科特勒市场营销教程,华夏出版社, 16. (美)加里·阿姆斯特郎、(美)菲利普·科特勒,市场营销管理,清华大学出版社, 17. 孙全治,市场营销案例分析,东南大学出版社, 18. (美)昆奇等、吕一林等,市场营销管理:教程和案例,北京大学出版社, 19. An Introduction,科特勒市场营销教程(英文原版.6)华夏出版社, 20. 邱斌等,市场营销学:基本原理与经典案例——21世纪企业战略丛书,东南大学出版社, 21. 王中亮,现代市场营销学,立信会计出版社, 22. 曾晓洋、胡维平,市场营销学案例集(第二辑),上海财经大学出版社, 23. 郭国庆,市场营销学通论(第三版),中国人民大学出版社, 24. 李品媛等,市场营销学精选案例评析,安徽人民出版社, 25. (美)索罗门等、何伟祥、熊荣生等,市场营销学原理:第4版,经济科学出版社, 26. 王方华,市场营销学,复旦大学出版社, 27. (美)布恩等、赵银德等,当代市场营销学,机械工业出版社, 28. 普赖德等、梅清豪等,营销观念与战略,中国人民大学出版社, 29. (美)埃策尔、(美)沃克、(美)斯坦顿、张平淡、牛海鹏,新时代的市场营销(第13版),企业管理出版社, 30. (美)杰恩、贾光伟,市场营销策划与战(第六版),中信出版社, 31. 吴健安,市场营销学(第三版),安徽人民出版社, 32. 郭芳芳、陈顺霞,市场营销学习题集,上海财经大学出版社, 34. 陈信康,市场营销学案例集,上海财经大学出版社, 35. 兰苓,现代市场营销学,首都经济贸易大学出版社, 36. 钱旭潮,市场营销管理:需求的创造和传递,机械工业出版社, 37. 江明华,市场营销案例,北京大学出版社, 38. 纪宝成,市场营销学教程(第三版),中国人民大学出版社, 39. 科塔比、赫尔森、刘宝成,全球营销管理(第三版),中国人民大学出版社, 40. 陈胜权,市场营销学经典教材习题详解,对外经济贸易大学出版社, 41. 李文国、王秀娥,市场营销,上海交通大学出版社, 42. 王培志,市场营销学教程习题集,经济科学出版社, 43. 王培志,市场营销学教程,经济科学出版社, 44. (英)海德、陈立平,市场营销实务,经济管理出版社, 45. 李冬、杨文静,市场营销,中国人民大学出版社, 46. 陈春宝、杨德林,市场营销学,中国经济出版社, 47. (美)巴隆、刘安国,MARKETING市场营销,人民邮电出版社, 48. 李海琼,市场营销实训教程,清华大学出版社, 49. 闫毅,市场营销理论与实务,科学出版社, 50. (日)茅野健等、钱兆和,销售学,北京科学技术出版社,1998 51. (美)约翰·B·克拉克,市场营销的成本得失,上海译文出版社,1996 52. (美)罗伯特·E·史蒂文斯、大卫·L·洛顿、布鲁斯·雷恩等著、王琦等译,营销规划,机械工业出版社,2000 53. ,R .. Sales and Sales Management. 美国新泽西:Prentice-Hall,Inc.,1996 54. , . Basic Manketing. 13th ed. 美国新泽西:McGrawHill,1999 55. Philip Kotler. Marketing Management. 10th ed. 美国新泽西:Prentice-Hall,Inc.,2000

222 评论


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    thomas0488 4人参与回答 2023-12-06
  • 汽车市场营销英文论文参考文献

    1.Phillip. Kotler: "Marketing Management", Shanghai People's Publishing House 20

    辛巴在深圳 3人参与回答 2023-12-07