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行政管理学毕业论文 是挺难,试着去那些论文网站找找相关文献范文,比如591论文网什么的,我论文就这么诞生的,特省事儿。

311 评论


Chief Cultural Studies of Contemporary China has become an important area of research in public administration. However, because people on the concept of a culture, areas of study, research methods and did not form a unified understanding, therefore, at present, China's administrative culture to explore innovative research is still in the development stage, and this shows that the do not know since when, "the culture" has become a fashionable term management, but its people to understand there is often misunderstanding. Some people say that the culture is to sing and dance, and some people say that the culture is manual workers. These are one-sided understanding even wrong. The culture is in the process of enterprise development, through production, operations, management practices and gradually formed, and agree to abide by all the staff of the common values and code of conduct. It is spiritual, material, a number of system level, its core business values, the external form of enterprise management, and corporate image. Administrative staff and corporate culture is a spiritual contract between its leading role of functional cohesion, encouraging staff to function consciously participated in the development of the enterprise, then the cultural This "virtual" credit into real productive forces .Advanced culture is the enterprise's core competitiveness of the important components. Faced with an increasingly competitive market at home and abroad of the new situation, how will the administration of enterprises and cultural construction and marketing aspects of organic integration, and promote each other, and placed in the enterprise is an important task before Administration cultural Innovation

263 评论



232 评论


浅析乡(镇)行政决策的特点研究 试论行政决策冲突的表现、原因和解决方式研究 改革过程中的渐进决策研究 中西行政决策观念之异同研究 我国传统决策文化对当代行政决策的影响研究 行政沟通中的障碍与对策研究 论地方政府的政策执行行为研究 行政授权理论与实践研究 行政监察在行政监督中的地位研究 当前我国腐败现象滋生蔓延的原因研究 当前我国权力腐败的特点研究 舆论监督研究 各国行政监督比较研究 行政决策的民主化、科学化研究 我国当前依法行政的现状与改革研究 行政诉讼法对加强行政管理的作用研究 行政道德与行政法制的关系研究 政府机关后勤服务管理社会化改革研究 我国乡(镇)行政管理的特点、现状与改革研究 行政文化研究 事业单位分类与管理研究 事业单位编制管理的现状与改革研究 国有企业人事管理研究 香港廉政公署研究 新加坡行政监察的组织机构与运行机制研究 英国地方政府组织体制的发展与演变 美国各州独立管理机构的地位、组织和职能研究 法国省长地位的演变研究 论印度联邦制的特点研究 西方国家行政改革的研究 论地方人大的职权范围及其实施办法研究 电子政务问题研究 改革和完善人民代表大会制度的途径研究 论社会主义国家的首要职能是组织和领导经济建设研究 中国传统行政管理中可资借鉴的本土化资源研究 我国村民自治的现状与当代中国行政发展的关系研究 制度建设与反腐倡廉研究 国有企业领导干部管理体制的改革完善研究 我国国有企业监管制度研究 我国地方政府机构改革研究 我国公民参政议政制度研究 行政管理法制化研究 我国法院与政府关系的研究 公务员考试评价机制研究 人才资源开发与管理研究 公务员绩效评估体系研究 地方政府机构改革研究 乡镇行政管理研究 县级政府改革的理论与实践研究 政府行政执法研究 地方人民代表大会对政府的法制监督研究 政府“法制”研究 社会中介组织的管理研究 政府与第三部门关系研究 谢谢转载引用本文! 转载时如有可能请保留以下链接, 作者将表示感谢!本论文由华人论文网提供:

83 评论


The culture has become China's contemporary study of the important areas of public administration. However, because the people on the concept of a culture, areas of study, research methods, did not form a unified understanding, therefore, at present, China's administrative culture of innovation research is still in the exploration stage of development, showing obvious limitations. I do not know from when, "the culture" has become very fashionable term management, but it's for people to understand there is often misunderstanding. Some people say that the culture is sing and dance, others say the culture is manual workers. These are one-sided understanding or even wrong. The culture is in the process of enterprise development through the production, operation, management practice and gradually formed, and agree to abide by all the staff of the common values and codes of conduct. It is spiritual, material, more than the system level, its core business values, the external form of enterprise management, and corporate image. Administrative staff and corporate culture is a spiritual contract between its guiding function, pool features, features that encourage them to participate in staff development to enterprises in the building, then this culture will be "virtual" credit into real productivity . The advanced culture of the enterprise's core competitiveness is an important part. Faced with an increasingly competitive market at home and abroad to the new situation, how will the corporate culture of building and marketing aspects of organically integrate and promote each other, is placed in front of the enterprises an important topic.

245 评论


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