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Gongqijun brief 1941-1969, Hayao Miyazaki was born on January 5, 1941, four brothers, ranked homes and lived in Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, but because of wartime evacuation of the Second World War, and their families moved to Utsunomiya City Kanuma uncle lived in the city operates a plane factory, Hayao Miyazaki's father is headed in that Miyazaki's mother was very strict, very smart Miyazaki Mody's brother recalled later that he saw the "Sky" the mother-in-law could not help but think about his mother not fully grown, but the personality down Miyazaki primary grades one to three in Utsunomiya City primary school, but they returned to will be transferred to the 1947 when Hayao Miyazaki's mother is suffering from tuberculosis, lying in bed with a full nine this film, "My Neighbor Totoro" can be seen during the dark days of the shadow of a Hayao , the first long history of the Japanese video color animation film "The White Snake" (East video animation) exhibition,Hayao Miyazaki is the third year students hooked on the film, liked the original cartoon animation, he began to have Miyazaki like Tu Tu paint used on some ships and things like aircraft, but will not be also resolved to be the master of a graduating from high school, learning center Hayao Miyazaki enter Tokyo University student, majoring in political , Hayao Miyazaki graduated from college, entered the eastbound video animation first involved in the production of works of the East reflected in the same year in December Animation Theater "Wanwan loyal possession".Followed by Hayao Miyazaki part in the first video produced by the first TV animation -- Junior ken> plans to put the often were not adopted, but still sticks to his ideals Hayao cartoon read "Snow Queen", Hayao Miyazaki's minds more exuberant creative flame,He later recalled : This"I can see how the animation production is the cause .... treasure deserves careful animation is such a pure, simple and our imagination to run through performance art .... not lost its force poemfiction or drama and other art forms. " Miyazaki animation when East reflects the association's Secretary-General,it is high time the association vice chairman Tian-xun (Hayao Miyazaki is reportedly socialists).That too, Hayao Miyazaki Tian Zhu and his colleagues began to Miss . 1965, Hayao Miyazaki voluntary help high (Huotian) hun director of the "Solar Prince" The production teamas scenes of the original design and October 2002, Hayao Miyazaki and the United States too Tian Zhu Miss married, they had a son in January 1967."Solar Prince" exhibition in 1968, Hayao Miyazaki and his wife will attend the "boot wearing of" The Cat in the next year, both together produced the "space ship flying buyulei".April 1969, the second son was , 1971, Hayao Miyazaki left the video animation, and high (Huotian) - hun,Kotabe sheep were first together, "A-Pro tasks."In 1973, he and two high Tian-xun cooperation in the animation "Panda> works Hayao Miyazaki, who is one of four post-original, the script, and scene design, original paintings, a sizeable personal style , Hayao Miyazaki, high (Huotian) - hun and sheep left Kotabe "A-Pro"adding "Zuiyo Picture."In July, Hayao Miyazaki Sand go to Switzerland, following a search of his work "The Alps girls ensemble," the inspirationIn this work he served as design and images constitute 1975, he went to Italy and Argentina Sand, making preparations for the "mother-thousand-mile-seeking"as well as scenes of the same , the first wholly produced by Hayao Miyazaki's works -- coming out of juvenile male, "broadcast on favorable reviews, Hayao Miyazaki's thinking and style displayed in the film , in 1979 he entered the movie film "Lu Caliostro City III" (disaster)once again showed the "future years" adventure film full-length cartoon "concerts" in German bookstores beginning of a series of Animage has been a series of comics before the end of 1982, the movie News from Tokyo, a freelance , 1983, director Hayao Miyazaki's animated version of "concerts" to start (Huotian) - hun as producers from the entire Topcraft studio film July 1997, Hayao Miyazaki's mother, died 71 years Theater in March 1984 "concerts" exhibition, rich imagination and deep the audience and the entire film , Hayao Miyazaki and two partners founded a high Hata, Shunroko hun "two horse" , founded Studio Ghibli, the company began to manufacture the "Sky".From the "Sky", Hayao Miyazaki has been working in Studio Ghibli,Up to now produced a total of succession "My Neighbor Totoro" and "Kiki's Delivery Service", "红", "Xinzhiyu""On Your Mark>, and the" Princess "animated Miyazaki has been drawing comics and childhood worship featuring cartoon character, but later in the creative found he could only Tetsuka replicas, no matter how, is also unable to break the , Hayao Miyazaki Tetsuka criticized the destruction of the Japanese comic action cartoon people think that the production of Hayao Miyazaki to retire after the "Princess" is not in the production of animated films, in fact,Hayao Miyazaki's body can no longer do a film director, he animation film directors live it is the dedication,So, because of some problems he can not personally directed the production, such as the "Princess".but also to provide an opportunity for young this does not mean he will give up the animation production work,Hayao Miyazaki animation production can also participate in some activities not covered everything, such as scripts, and other figures set. 宫崎峻简介 1941-1969年 宫崎骏生于1941年1 月5 日,四兄弟中排行第二。他们家原本住在东京都文京区,后来二次大战因战时疏散,举家迁往宇都宫市和鹿沼市。住鹿沼市的伯父经营了一家飞机工厂,宫崎骏的父亲在那间工厂担任主管。宫崎骏的母亲 是个很严格的人,头脑很聪明。宫崎骏的么弟后来回忆说,他看到《天空之城》中的海盗婆婆不禁想起了自己的母亲,虽然长得完全不像,但是个性倒神似。宫崎骏小学一到三年级都在宇都宫市的小学就读,后来他们搬回东京,便转到东京的学校读书。1947年的时候,宫崎骏的母亲患了结核病,在床上整整躺了九年。从《龙猫》这部电影中就可以看到宫崎骏一家的这段灰暗日子的影子。1958年,日本影史上第一部长篇彩色电影动画《白蛇传》(东映动画制作)上映了,还是高三学生的宫崎骏迷上了这部片子,原本就喜爱漫画的他开始对动画产生兴趣。宫崎骏从前就喜欢涂涂画画一些军舰、飞机之类的东西,不过不太会画人,他也曾立志要当一名漫画家。 高中毕业之后,宫崎骏进入东京学习院大学就读,主修政治经济学。1963年,宫崎骏从大学毕业了,进入东映动画工作。第一部参与制作的作品是东映在同年12月的剧场动画《Wanwan忠臣藏》。紧接著宫崎骏参加了东映首次制作的第一部TV动画——《狼少年ken》。 当时他提出的一些企划常常不被采用,但是宫崎骏还是坚持著他的理想。看了俄国动画片《雪之女王》之后,宫崎骏心中的创作火焰更为旺盛了,他后来这样回忆道:“我看到了动画的制作是何其慎重且值得珍惜的事业....动画是一个如此纯粹、素朴,又可让我们贯穿想像力来表现的艺术....它的力量不会输给诗、小说或戏剧等其他艺术形式。” 1964年,宫崎骏当上东映动画劳工协会的秘书长,当时高田勋是该协会的副主席(据说宫崎骏是社会主义者)。那年宫崎骏开始和他的同事太田朱美小姐约会。1965年秋,宫崎骏自愿帮忙高(火田)勋导演的《太阳王子》的制作小组,担任场面设计及原画。同年十月,宫崎骏和太田朱美小姐结婚了,1967年一月他们有了第一个儿子。《太阳王子》在1968年上映后,宫崎骏和他的太太一起参加《穿长靴的猫》的制作。隔年,两人又一起参加制作《空飞buyulei船》。1969年四月,第二个儿子也出生了。 1970-1979年 1971年,宫崎骏离开东映动画,和高(火田)勋、小田部羊一等人一起进入“A-Pro”工作。1973年,他和高田勋两人合作的动画《Panda》上映了,这部作品中宫崎骏一人身兼四个职务—原案、脚本、场面设计、原画,个人风格有颇大的发挥。六月的时候,宫崎骏、高(火田)勋和小田部羊一离开“A-Pro”,加入“Zuiyo Picture”。七月,宫崎骏到瑞士去拍外景,寻找他的下一部作品《阿尔卑斯山的少女海蒂》的灵感,在这部作品中他担任场面设计及画面构成。1975年,他又到义大利和阿根廷拍外景,准备制作《寻母三千里》,同样也是担任场面设计。 1978年,第一部全程由宫崎骏监制的作品——《未来少年科男》在NHK 播出,颇受好评,宫崎骏的思想与风格在本片中大大地展现。1979年他进入东京movie新社,1980年执导《鲁邦三世Caliostro城》(剧场版),再度展现《未来少年》的冒险电影风格。1982年长篇漫画《风之谷》在德间书店的Animage杂志上开始连载,这部漫画一直连载到1994年才完结。1982年11月,退出东京movie新社,当自由作家。 1980-1989年 1983年,宫崎骏导演的动画版《风之谷》开始筹划,高(火田)勋担任制片,由Topcraft工作室负责整部影片的制作。同年七月,宫崎骏的母亲去世,享年71岁。 1984年三月剧场动画《风之谷》上映,丰富的想像力及深沉的内容,震撼了观众和整个电影界。四月,宫崎骏和高畑勋两人合伙创立了“二马力”会社。 1985年,Studio Ghibli 创立,开始制作《天空之城》。从《天空之城》以后,宫崎骏就一直Studio Ghibli 在工作,到现在为止一共陆陆续续制作了《龙猫》、《魔女宅急便》、《红猪》、《心之谷》、《On Your Mark》,以及《幽灵公主》等动画电影。 宫崎骏小时候就开始画漫画并崇拜漫画泰斗手冢治虫,但在后来的创作过程中,他发现他画的只是手冢的仿造品,无论怎么努力,也突破不了这一桎梏。所以,宫崎骏批评手冢的漫画破坏了日本动漫画业的发展。 很多人认为宫崎骏在制作了《幽灵公主》后便要退休,并不在制作动画片了,事实上,宫崎骏的身体的确不能再导演一部电影了,他自己曾说,干动画电影的导演这一活简直是呕心沥血,所以由于身体的问题他不能在亲自执导一些诸如《幽灵公主》的大制作了,而且也可以给年青人们提供机会。但这并不等于他会放弃动画制作的工作,宫崎骏也可以参与一些动画制作中不太累人的活,例如编剧、人物设定等。

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身份:水手天王星(Uranus)天王星公主—尤拉纳斯战士称号:风之星/天空之星——飞翔的战士 声优:绪方惠美(日)皆川纯子(美少女战士Crystal)黄凤英(港),朱妙兰(港)汪世玮(台)守护城堡:米兰达城堡又名:天王春遥(“はるか”意为“遥远的”,写作“遥”字,由于遥(はるか)的前两个假名“はる”在日语中也有“春天”的意思,所以国内还有另一种译名叫做天王春遥。)守护精灵:Haruka诞生花:樱花草、洋水仙、百合花守护宝石:紫水晶爱好:飙车梦想:成为赛车手擅长:比赛不擅长:示爱最喜欢的颜色:金色最喜欢的的科目:体育最喜欢的食物:沙拉最讨厌的科目:现代国语最不喜欢的食物:纳豆经历:无限学院高等部——十番高中(漫画)心仪的人:海王满(作者访谈已确定)角色歌:イニシャル・U(最初的你)、风になりたい(想成为风)1995年《Animage》年度人气投票1位(Animage杂志是动画杂志三强之一)(S代)1996年《Animage》年度人气投票7位(SS代,无出场)1997年《Animage》年度人气投票6位(最后星光)1998年《Animage》年度人气投票14位(美少女战士动画已完结)2013年美少女战士动画20周年纪念人气投票1位2014年美少女战士20周年人气投票2位 体力 160耐力80智力 140精神力100攻击力 230(最高)魔法攻击 130守备 130命中率 90回避率 80攻击频率 160(最高)幸运 100总和 1400评价 拥有全人物中最高的攻击力,无论在动画漫画中,都能一招秒杀杂鱼级敌人,对付BOSS也毫不逊色,两击必杀也是常有的事 登场台词来自新时代之邀请,水手天王星华丽登场!天空之星,守护天王星飞翔的战士——水手天王星,为了新时代之危机再次登场!变身Uranus Planet Power Make Up天王星行星力量,变身!唇膏变身棒显示天王星标志的光辉,握着唇膏变身棒在大地画圆阵后狂风卷起,变成水手战士的白色套装,刘海用手梳上去后有光辉口红涂唇后,变身完成。Uranus Crystal Power Make Up天王星水晶力量,变身动画版绝招World Shaking(万有震荡、宙斯震荡盘、宇宙震荡、万有震荡、天地摇动弹、天王宇宙电光)Space Turbulence(天崩剑裂、宇宙剑乱风、天王太空剑-爆破!)漫画版绝招万有震荡宇宙剑乱风(Space Sword Bluster)宇宙乱气流 万有震荡漫画是发出超震动波攻击。动画是右手向上举,右手掌收集金色的光辉右拳头有闪耀光辉后,大地和空气的能量集中,拥有超高压能源的金色光电球生成,身体一旋转后右拳头向地面叩击,释放伴着疾风且逐渐巨大化超高压光球将敌人打倒的必杀技,瞬间震裂了地面,同时吸取地震的能源,消灭敌人。宇宙剑风暴漫画中是魔具(塔利斯曼)之一的剑,具有风能源缠绕着向敌人斩击动画是像真空刀一样飞翔的斩击敌人。配合敌人数目具有单体型和复数型的刀状冲击波(单体型的是金色,复数型的是深粉色)飞出来。另外,动画第三季124话和动画第五期190集刃形的剑压向敌人物质爆炸。挥舞着宇宙剑,在瞬间所发生的剑形风压中,将敌人砍成两半。宇宙乱气流(漫画第5期)气流旋涡,把敌人掀起。 (以10为最高)万有震荡 宇宙剑风暴攻击 命中 9 9连发 8 牵制 9 8速度 宇宙剑风暴的速度确实是比天界震来得高但整体而言是宇宙剑风暴的威力比天界震强

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《魔卡少女樱》曾荣获第二十二届日本动画格兰披治大奖的多项主要奖项。 日本著名动画杂志《Animage》对自一九九九年九月至十月份在全日本播放的动画片进行的收视调查显示,《魔卡少女樱》的得票率荣登榜首,排在《名侦探柯南》和《金田一少年事件簿》之前,后两部动画片分别获第二和第三名。此片曾于2000年度风靡港台,深受青少年的追捧。2000年4月17日在香港无线电视翡翠台播放时,收视亦为同期动画节目之冠。小樱更被当地一本最畅销的儿童杂志连续18期选为小朋友心目中最受欢迎的人物。另外,在全年10位最受小朋友喜爱的动漫人物中,《魔卡少女樱》中的四位主要人物小樱、小可、李小狼和雪兔全部高居榜中。

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Hayao Miyazaki is a Japanese film director, producer, screenwriter, animator, author, and manga artist. A co-founder of Studio Ghibli, a film and animation studio, he has attained international acclaim as a masterful storyteller and as a maker of anime feature films, and is widely regarded as one of the greatest animation directors.

宫崎骏是日本电影导演,制片人,编剧,动画师,作家和漫画家。 作为电影和动画工作室吉卜力工作室的联合创始人,他作为一名精湛的讲故事者和动漫电影制片人获得了国际赞誉,并被广泛认为是最伟大的动画导演之一。

Hayao Miyazaki is one of Japan's greatest animation directors. The entertaining plots, compelling characters, and breathtaking animation in his films have earned him international renown from critics as well as public recognition within Japan.

宫崎骏是日本最伟大的动画导演之一。 他的电影中充满娱乐性的情节,引人注目的人物和令人惊叹的动画,使他在评论界享有国际声誉,并在日本获得公众认可。










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