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The Martin Jake London 马丁・伊登是个快要满21岁的水手,由于一次偶然的机会,他结识了罗丝一家,对她一见钟情,并对她的家、她的生活都羡慕至极The Martin Iraq ascends is a soon reach 21 year-old sailor, as a result of an accidental opportunity, he has known Luo silk, falls in love to her, and to her family, her life all envies to extremely马丁住在姐姐家里,从罗丝家回来后,他看什么都不顺眼了,觉得姐姐家里是那么肮脏、庸俗、无聊,而往日的同伴也使他感到不耐烦。他开始觉得自己和罗斯之间存在着巨大的差距,为了使自己能配得上她,他必须努力往上爬。Martin lives in the elder sister family, comes back after Luo Sijia, he looked anything not pleasing to the eyes, thought in the elder sister family is that dirty, vulgar, is bored, but the former days companion also made him to feel impatient. He starts to think oneself and between Ross has the huge disparity, in order to enable oneself to match on her, he must upward crawl diligently. 罗丝为马丁的上进愿望所打动,帮助他学习写作,马丁在自学中觉得自己对这个世界的理解和表达水平都在提高。Luo Siwei Martin progresses the desire to move, helps him to study writing, Martin in studying independently thought oneself all is enhancing to this world understanding and the expression level. 马丁写的四十篇稿子始终在各家杂志社里不断地兜圈子,他不明白为什么自己的作品不被接受,而那些看上去死气沉沉的东西总是能在报刊上登出来。他去找罗丝,给她念自己的作品,请她评判。罗丝不欣赏他的作品,觉得粗野,可是她被作品体现出来的强大力量打动了。Martin writes 40 drafts unceasingly circle throughout in various magazine company, he did not understand own work aren't accepted why, but these have a liking for the spiritless thing always to be able to publish in the publication. He looks for the Luo silk, reads own work to her, asks her to judge. The Luo silk does not appreciate his work, thinks boorishly, but she the formidable strength which is manifested by the work moves. 在屡次失败后马丁仍然坚持写作,他的这种态度和贫困使他和罗斯有了裂痕,罗丝渐渐对他丧失了信心,而马丁对她身边上层人士的攻击也使她反感而忧心忡忡。After repeatedly was defeated Martin still to persist to write, his this kind of manner and impoverished caused him and Ross has the fissure, the Luo silk has lost confidence gradually to him, but Martin also caused her to her side upper society people's attack to dislike but is heavyhearted. 马丁在罗丝家里认识了勃力森登,一位愤世嫉俗的文学天才,社会主义者。一次,他们参加社会党人集会的时候被一个小报记者张冠李戴地写进报道里,成为无政府主义者的魁首,遭到孤立和围攻,罗丝也正式和他分手了。Martin had known in the Luo silk family the strength woods ascend suddenly, resents the world and detests mundane affairs literature talent, socialist. Once, they had participated in the time which the socialist party person assembles by a tabloid reporter confusedly is interpolated in the report, becomes the anarchism leader, encounters the isolation and besieges, Luo Siye was official and he bids good-bye.罗丝走了,勃力森登死了,心灰意懒的马丁·伊登却突然时来运转,报刊杂志开始采用他的作品,出版社为了他的声名也接受了他种种苛刻的要求,他成为名作家。他百思不得其解:这些作品都是早就完工的,不知被退过多少次,而他本人也不过是过去的那个马丁·伊登,一点都没有改变,为什么今天大家都来奉承他?最后,连罗丝也主动送上门来,愿意委身于他Luo Si walked, the strength woods ascended suddenly have died, was downhearted the Martin Iraq ascended sudden a change in one's fortune from bad to good, the publication magazine starts to use his work actually, the publishing house in order to his reputation has also accepted he all sorts of harsh requests, he became the famous writer. He can'tunderstood: These works all are already finish, did not know how many has been drawn back, but he also only was the past that Martin Iraq ascends, has not all changed, why does everybody flatter him today? Finally, Lian Luo Siye driving comes, is willing let herself in him.马丁万念俱灰,感到彻底的幻灭,他把所有的稿件都处理完毕,不再写一个字,把版税所得用来资助他的亲姐妹、洗衣房伙伴乔埃,以及为他守身如玉,一往情深的女工丽茜,然后投身大海,了此一生。Martin is completely discouraged, felt thorough vanishing, he all processes all manuscripts finished, no longer writes a character, obtained uses for the royalty to subsidize he the blood sisters, laundry room partner tall Egypt, as well as maintains one's moral integrity, the female beautiful and skilled alizarin red for him which is passionately devoted, then joins in the sea, commits suicide. 《马丁·伊登》发表于1909年,前半部带有自传性,取材于杰克·伦敦本人早年的经历和后来的成名过程,主要故事情节则是虚构的。象希腊神话中难以抗拒的命运一样,《马丁·伊登》不仅成为杰克·伦敦对往事的追忆,竟也不幸地成为他未来生活的神秘预言。"The Martin Iraq Ascended" publishes in 1909, the first half had Discusses himself, selected material myself before the experience and afterwards becomes famous the process in the Jake London, the main plot then was fictionalizes. Looks like the destiny which in the Greek mythology resists with difficulty to be same, "the Martin Iraq Ascends" not only becomes the Jake London to past events recalling, unexpectedly also unfortunately becomes the mystical prediction which he future will live.在美国文学发展史上,《马丁·伊登》起着先驱作用,后来不少描写“美国梦”破灭的作品都或多或少地受到它的影响。围绕这部书引起的争论首先是在主题上,按照杰克·伦敦的本意,他写这部属的宗旨之一乃是攻击个人主义,但大多数评论家都认为他实在为个人主义辩护,而相当多的读者是把马丁·伊登当作“个人奋斗”的典型来接受的。其次是语言,有人认为“充满元气和力量”,也有人认为“粗糙”、“变化少”。In the American literature history, "the Martin Iraq Ascends" plays the pioneer role, afterwards many described the work which "the American dream" was disillusioned all more or less to come under its influence. Revolves the argument which this book causes first is in the subject, according to the Jake London's original intention, he writes one of this subordinate objectives attacks the individualism, but the majority critics all think him really for the individualism defense, but quite many readers are ascends the Martin Iraq treats as "individual struggle" the model accept. Next is the language, some people thought "fills the vitality and the strength", also some people thought "is rough", "changes few".杰克・伦敦是以“超人”自居的,他并没有成为超人,但《马丁・伊登》的确是一部超越了时代的作品。The Jake London is poses as by "the superhuman", he has not become the superhuman, but "the Martin Iraq Ascended" indeed is had surmounted the time work.祝天天开心

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