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首页 > 期刊论文 > 室内有害气体检测报警仪论文

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With the diversity of social and economic development, buildings, structures, Applied Materials, the development of various industrial and science and technology, increase in combustible materials, coupled with people's living environment and lifestyle changes, the risk of fire is increasing, the number of firescasualties and economic losses caused by fire is gradually increasing. Fire as the enemy of endangering the survival of mankind, more attention has been paid. With the growing number of high-rise buildings, fire hazards increase. Event of fire, will people's lives and property caused great harm, so people began to seek a method of early detection of fire, in order to control and extinguish fires and to minimize losses, protect life the development of electronic science and technology, electronics technology has become a powerful means of security, many security aspects of electronic products, the right-hand man of the people's lives. This design uses a microcontroller technology with A / D conversion chip to build a combustible gas detector alarm. When the leak of flammable or toxic gases in the environment to the critical point of the combustible gas concentration reaches the alarm set, when the gas alarm detection, combustible gas alarm will send alarm signal to remind staff to take safety measures. This paper briefly describes the design combustible gas detection alarm as well as the advantages of the SCM system; then details the design flow of the combustible gas detection alarm, as well as hardware and software systems design and software programming detailed steps, including the various modules of the program design and system debugging and simulation steps, design uses the MQ-2 gas sensor signal acquisition tool as a combustible gas, the collected analog voltage after the ADC0809 converted into digital signals. Single-chip digital signal acquisition to the ADC0809 has been calculated, if the combustible gas concentration reaches the critical point when the alarm is set microcontroller will drive the LED and buzzer alarm signal. In the case of non-combustible gases, the occurrence of unknown danger, the alarm can artificially control buttons to change the fire alarm initial value. 希望能帮到你

305 评论


试着翻译如下,参考: In accordance to the coming of "Information Era", sensor technology has increasingly progressed, and its coverage is more and more extensive,meanwhile, the demand for it is also becoming more urgent and monitoring system for indoor hazardous gas we are designing now is in purpose of pre-detecting and alarming of any harmful gas indoors,thus help prevent and reduce risk aiming at protecting security of human health as well as article is based on the core technology of resistor-based air sensor and TMS320F2812 DSP, it fulfills the function to display the gas density and enable communication of the upper serial ports, makes the significant exploration and study on the operating technology of alarming for hazardous gas, and holds a referring value in the area of monitoring implementation.

344 评论


有毒气体报警器,用于检测大气中的有毒气体,浓度用ppm(百万分之一)表示,氧气用盈亏表示(%VOL)。采用工业级高可靠性的电化学或红外传感器,使其具有高稳定性和无需维护的特点,体现了高技术发展水平。 有毒气体报警器有3个预设制报警点可以通过程序修改,分别对应3个LED指示灯。另外2个LED灯指示故障和电源上电。探测器的输出为4-20mA,以及一个触点继电器输出对应报警/故障。还包括3继电器输出的可选扩展卡。



2. 零点自动跟踪:能自动修正由于探测器受温度及物理变化的影响而产生的零点的漂移,从而保持零点不变。

3. 数字滤波:用于对模拟采样值的数字分析。

4. 迟滞循环:用于报警输出,当危险气体的浓度接近极限值时,它可以避免探测器连续输出开关量信号。



107 评论



① 便携式有害气体检测报警仪 仪器将传感器、测量电路、显示器、报警器、充电电池、抽气泵等组装在一个壳体内,成为一体式仪器,小巧轻便,便于携带,泵吸式采样,可随时随地进行检测。袖珍式仪器是便携式仪器的一种,一般无抽气泵扩散式采样,干电池供电,体积极小。

② 固定式有害气体检测报警仪 这类仪器固定在现场,连续自动检测相应有害气体(蒸气),有害气体超限自动报警,有的还可自动控制排风机等。固定式仪器分为一体式和分体式两种。一体式固定有害气体检测报警仪:与便携式仪器一样,不同的是安装在现场,220V交流供电,连续自动检测报警,多为扩散式采样。 分体式固定有害气体检测报警仪:传感器和信号变送电路组装在一个防爆壳体内,俗称探头,安装在现场(危险场所);第二部分包括数据处理、二次显示、报警控制和电源,组装成控制器,俗称二次仪表,安装在控制室(安全场所)。探头扩散式采样检测,二次仪表显示报警。


① 可燃气体检测报警仪(简称测爆仪,一种仪器检测多种可燃气体)催化燃烧式可燃气体检测报警仪,检测各种可燃气体或蒸气。电化学式有毒气体检测报警仪,检测CO、H2S、NO、NO2、CL2、HCN、NH3、PH3及多种有毒有机化合物。红外式可燃气体检测报警仪,检测各种可燃气体(根据滤光技术而定)。半导体式可燃气体检测报警仪,检测多种可燃气体。 热导式可燃气体检测报警仪,检测其热导与空气差别较大的氢气等。有毒气体检测报警仪(简称测毒仪,一种仪器检测一种有毒气体)光电离式有毒气体检测报警仪,检测离子化电位小于的有机和无机化合物。 红外式有毒气体检测报警仪,检测CO、CO2等。半导体式有毒气体检测报警仪,检测CO等。

218 评论


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