其实论文写翻译是最好写的,我毕业的时候也写的是港口航道专业术语翻译技巧,同学中也有写各种专业领域内的翻译,比如什么广告语翻译啊、网络用语翻译啊 翻译技巧,其实都差不多,不外乎哪几种,音译,意译,音形结合,外来词等等,这些资料无论网上还是图书馆都很多的,你找起来非常容易,你就阐述一下各种翻译技巧,然后再举一个那个领域内的例子,就可以。 字幕翻译,也差不多,无非是要多强调一些前后剧情的衔接、注重口语化表达使其更容易理解、俗语谚语的翻译等。 望采纳,谢谢你!
我是用机器翻译的,怎么和一楼的一样啊,真不地道,机器翻译的你就说清楚嘛The modern indoor design takes an emerging discipline, although is also only near dozens of year matters, but the people to their life, the production activity indoor carry on the arrangement arrangement consciously, even beautifies the decoration, entrusts with the indoor environment by the atmosphere which prays causes, the modern indoor design is the modernism construction important composition content. The modern indoor design widely utilizes each kind of building material, each design technique to be good-looking in the creation. Actually does indoor environment's design contain which things, this is the question which is worth further clarifying. The indoor design mainly refers to under the modern architecture condition, the creation reasonable consummation's construction indoor environment, satisfies material which and the spiritual life need the people grow unceasingly. Now the indoor design more and more receives takes seriously, is because it has the very strong social basis and the full reflection time need. The indoor design is take creates the good indoor space environment as an objective, satisfies the people in indoor to carry on the production, the life, the work, the rest request to put in the first place, therefore in indoor design time must consider fully the use function request, causes the indoor environment rationalization, comfortable, the scientific style; Must consider that people's plan of action deals with the spatial relations, the spatial size, the spatial proportion; The reasonable disposition arrangement and the furniture, solve the indoor air ventilation properly, the natural lighting and the illumination, pays attention to the indoor tone the overall effect. Small spatial arrangement, should also by the human primarily, talk about the spatial use, must first grasp five big principles: Upward development; Downward strives for; Elastic utilization; Overlaps the use; The dead angle applies flexibly.
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