论文的题目是画龙点睛的神来之笔,是提纲挈领的综述概要。下面是我带来的关于英国文学 毕业 论文题目大全的内容,欢迎阅读参考! 英国文学毕业论文题目大全(一) 1. 《浮士德》的善恶冲突论 2. 论《浮士德》思想体系的矛盾 3. 论卢梭《忏悔录》的自审意识与超俗意识 4. 济慈及其《夜莺颂》的美学魅力 5. 欧洲社会的讽刺画卷——《唐璜》浅析 6. 论雨果的人道主义思想 7. 《巴黎圣母院》中的美丑对照原则 8. 论《红与黑》中于连的形象 9. 论司汤达小说心理描写的艺术 10. 司汤达在现代小说史上的地位 11. 成功与幻灭——拉斯蒂涅(《高老头》)与吕西安(《红与白》)之比较 12. 巴尔扎克小说的现代 文化 意蕴 13. 论《包法利夫人》 14. 19世纪英国女小说家研究 15. 《傲慢与偏见》的戏剧叙述 16. 夏洛蒂·勃朗笔下的女性形象系统 17. 《呼啸山庄》的叙述技巧与结构艺术 18. 试析《简·爱》和《呼啸山庄》的情感模式 19. 《呼啸山庄》与《金锁记》情感世界之比较 20. 梅里美中短篇小说的艺术魅力 21. 《茶花女》的悲剧艺术 英国文学毕业论文题目大全(二) 1. 茶花女与杜十娘比较 2. 从蒙太里尼形象看《牛虻》的反宗教主题 3. 论哈代小说中的新女性形象 4. 莫泊桑、契诃夫、欧·亨利艺术风格之比较 5. 论威尔斯的科学幻想小说 6. 论《恶之花》的历史地位与意义 7. 略论马克·吐温的艺术风格 8. 易卜生《玩偶之家》娜拉形象 9. 易卜生有肖伯纳的“社会问题剧”的异同论 10. 19世纪俄国文学中“多余人”的形象 11. 俄罗斯文学中的妇女形象 12. 果戈理《死魂灵》的讽刺艺术 13. 屠格涅夫笔下的女性形象 14. 屠格涅夫的抒情手法 15. 屠格涅夫与郁达夫比较研究 16. 论陀思妥耶夫斯基的长篇小说 17. 谈陀思妥耶夫斯基小说中的景物描写 18. 陀思妥耶夫斯基与现代派文学 19. “现代性”历史文化语境中的鲁迅与陀思妥耶夫斯基 英国文学毕业论文题目大全(三) 1. 古希腊神话 传说 中的文化精神 2. 英雄符码及其解构——荷马史诗主要史诗主要形象论析 3. 论《俄狄浦斯王》的冲突艺术美 4. 论《美狄亚》在戏剧发展史上的重要意义 5. 从古希腊到18世纪西方文学中人的观念 6. 《埃涅阿斯纪》主题的原型意义 7. 试论__伦理在西方文学中的演变 8. 但丁与__文化 9. 哥特式小说的原理与发展 10. 中国武侠小说与骑士文学的比较 11. 《堂吉诃德》的多重意义 12. 论流浪汉小说的艺术特征 13. 试论《威尼斯商人》的冲突艺术 14. 《奥瑟罗》悲剧冲突艺术 15. 论《李尔王》的人文主义思想 16. 论《亨利四世》中的福斯塔夫形象 17. 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》与《西厢记》抒情艺术之比较 18. 试论莎士比亚喜剧风格 19. 莎士比亚悲剧风格的特殊性及其历史意义 20. 论《汤姆·琼斯》人物刻画的美学原则
An Analysis of English Humor from the Perspective of Pragmatics 从语用学的角度分析英语幽默Dark and Melancholy in The Scarlet Letter—The Interation Between Nathaniel Hawthorne and The Scartlet Letter沉郁的《红字》——论纳塞尼尔?霍桑和《红字》之间的相互影响Symbolism Enbodied in the Heroes of Lord of the Flies 人物象征在《蝇王》中的体现On the Comparison of the Marriage Between the Tujia and Englang 小议土家族与英格兰婚俗之差异On the Means of Second Language Acquisition浅谈第二语言习得的方法On the Emotional Variation of the Ghost in the Phantom of the Opera《歌剧魅影》中鬼魅的情感变化Problems Existing in Bilingual Education in University双语教学在大学教育中存在的问题On the Character of Blifil in The History of Tom Jones, a Founding 浅析《汤姆?琼斯》中布力菲尔的人物性格On the Differences in Educational Reform Between China and America浅析中美教育改革的差异On Translation of English Prepositions试译介词的翻译The Study of Culture on Dining-table in English-A Comparative Study of Body Language in English-speaking Countries and China 中国与英语国家的肢体语言的对比研究On the Ideals of Modern Women from the Scarlet Letter 从《红字》中看现代女性意识On Strategies of English Vocabulary Learning for College Students 浅谈大学生英语词汇的学习策略The Study of the Realistic Significance of Robinson Crusoe《鲁滨逊漂流记》的现实意义研究021021016 杜 娟 Translation of Culture and Facsimile of Culture文化翻译与文化“传真”The Revelation of Second Language Learning Theory to Foreign Language Teaching 二语学得理论对外语教学的启示The Change of Sino-American Relations after September 11th 之后中美关系的变化Culture Difference in Pragmatics从语用看中西语言文化差异Analysis on Football and the Competitive Spirits Embodied in the Games 解析足球及比赛中体现的竞技精神On the Influence of Language Situation on English Teaching试论语言环境对英语教学中的影响The Translation of Automobile Trademarks and Advertising Slogans汽车商标及其广告主题句的翻译On the Characteristics of English Animal Idioms浅谈英语动物习语的特征The Building of Poe’s Horror爱.伦坡的恐怖营造手法Radical Henry in The Picture of Dorain Gray《道林?格雷的肖像画》中极端的亨利Exploration of the Theme in Sons and Lovers《儿子与情人》的主题探讨The Translation of Expressions with Chinese Characteristics 有中国特色词汇的英译On the Theme of King Lear论《李尔王》的主题思想On the Changes of Marner’s Characters论织工马南的性格变化The Comparison of Several Negative Forms in English 英语中若干否定形式的比较Culture Difference and Dfferent Business Etiquette between China and Western Countries中西方文化差异及商务礼仪的不同On the Characteristic of American Legal Culture论美国法律文化的特点Isolationism Tradition in American Diplomatic History美国外交史上的孤立主义传统The Study of Culture of Flowers in Western Countries 浅谈西方国家花的文化On the Language Characteristics of UCP500浅议《UCP500》的语言特点Differences of American Dream in Benjamin Franklin’s Autobiography and in Reality 论”美国梦”在本杰明.富兰克林《自传》中和现实中的差异性On Feminists in Uncle Tom’s Cabin《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中女性人物研究On Women Characters in Sons and Lovers 论《儿子与情人》中的女性形象On Language Features and Translation of Bussiness Contract 论商务合同的语言特点和翻译The Arts of Body Languege in Intercultural Communication跨文化交际中身势语的艺术The English Classroom Interaction Under the New Curreculum新课标背景下的英语课堂互动On the Writing and Translation of Foreign Trade Contracts论涉外经济合同写作与翻译On Eternal Life of Helen Burns in Jane Eyre论《简?爱》中海伦?彭斯生命的永恒性The Effect of Chinese Action Film to the Film Indurstry of Hollywood 中国动作片对好莱坞电影业的影响On the Comparison of Classroom Question Raising of Chinese and American Teachers中美教师课堂提问方法比较The Connection Between Rock Music and American Culture摇滚乐与美国文化的联系On the Application of Quality Education in English Teaching浅谈素质教育在英语教学中的运用On the Application of Multimedia in English Teaching浅谈多媒体及其在英语教学中的运用On the Symbolic and Realistic Significance of Le Petit Prince 浅析《小王子》中的象征意义与现实意义On the Translation of Comparative Sentence Patterns浅谈比较句式翻译中的几个问题On the Culture Differences from the Realistic Films of China and the Western从中西现实主义电影看文化差异The Common Features of American Favorite Chinese Movies美国人喜爱的中国电影的共性Skopostheory and Chinese-English Translation of Tourist Materials翻译目的论与旅游资料的汉英翻译An Analysis of Three Women’s Tragedies on Sons and Loves浅析《儿子与情人》中三个女人的悲剧On Pound and the Contingency of Language 浅谈庞德与语言的偶然性The Comparision of Pearl in The Scarlet Letter and Eva in Uncle Tom’s Cabin《红字》中珠儿与《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中伊娃的对比The Comparision of Character Between Beeky Sharp and Scarleet O’Hara in Vanity Fair and Gone With the Wind《名利场》中蓓基?夏泼与《飘》中思嘉?奥哈拉的人物性格On the Gothic Features in Short Stories by Edgar Allan Poe浅谈爱伦?坡小说中的哥特式特点On Dreiser’s Realism in Jennie Gerhardt德莱塞《珍妮姑娘》的现实主义研究The Comparison of Characteristics Between Jane Eyre and Qing Wen简爱和晴雯人物性格比较The Love Concept of William Butler Yeats from His Early Poetry从叶芝的早期诗歌看他的爱情观On Transfer of English Learning 英语学习迁移问题研究Knowing About the American Culture from Jazz Music从爵士乐看美国文化The Comparative Study of the Ceremonial Speech in English and Chinese 礼仪用语的英汉对比Potia and Ophelia-Two Kinds of Women Character in Shakespeare’s Work鲍西娅与奥菲利娅——莎士比亚笔下两类不同性格的女性角色The Development of the Diplomatic Relations Between Taiwan and America in 1949—1979 浅析1949年至1979年台美外交关系的发展Mother Tongue Influences on Learning English母语对英语学习的影响Effect on Advertisement Originality from Different Chinese-Western Modes of Culture中西文化差异对广告创意的影响On the English Abbreviations of International Organization浅谈国际组织名的英语缩略方式The Use of Innovative Education in English Teaching创新教育在英语教学中的运用On the Politeness Strategies of Business Letter商务信函的礼貌策略The Development of Country Music under the Influence of American Culture 美国乡村音乐在其文化影响下的发展The Reflection of Realism in Dickens’A Tale of Two Cities现实主义在《双城记》中的体现The Psychological Variation of Mr. Dimmesdale in The Scarlet Letter论《红字》中狄梅斯迪尔的心理变化历程On the Religion Belief of Silas in The DA VINCI Code浅谈《达芬奇密码》中塞拉斯的宗教信仰The Impact of Slavery on American Black People in 》看奴隶制对美国黑人的影响021021076 夏 静 The Application of Dynamic Equivalence to Chinese-English Translation of Scenic Spot Introduction Materials动态等值论在旅游景点材料翻译中的应用A Study of Emerson’s Views on Nature爱默生的自然观研究Comments on Hemingway’s The Snow of Kilimanjaro海明威《乞力马扎罗山的雪》中的评述Pragematic Strategies in International Business Negotiation 国际商务谈判中的语用策略On Female Struggle in Marriage from Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice论简?奥斯丁《傲慢与偏见》中的女性在婚姻中的挣扎On the Origins of Pecola’s Tragedy佩科拉悲剧的起源The Stylistic Study of The Old Man and the Sea 《老人与海》的风格研究On the Relationship Between Metaphor and Style浅谈隐喻与文体的关系Glance the Reform and Development of CET-4 and CET-6 from the Development of the Language Testing 从语言测试的发展看大学英语四六级的改革与发展A Research on Foreign Automobile Trademarks 外国汽车标志探源On the Two Generation’s Views of Love in All’s Well That Ends Well论《终成眷属》中两代人的爱情观Meaning of Foreign National Flags浅谈外国国旗的喻意A Tentative Discussion on How Pre-school English Teaching is Facilitated Second Language Acquisition浅谈第二语言习得如何促进英语学前教学On Love Concepts Between Scarlett and Lady White Snake论郝思嘉与白素贞的爱情观Symbolism in Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse 论《到灯塔去》的象征意义Self-assess Learning in Language Teaching 语言教学中的自主学习A Stylistic Approach to the Study of Advertising English广告英语的文体学研究Cultural Differences between China and the United States Embodied in Diplomacy 中美文化差异在外交上的具体体现On the Interactive English Teaching in Middle School浅谈中学英语的互动教学The Biblical and Symbols in The Grapes of the Wrath浅谈《愤怒的葡萄》中的圣经典故及其象征意义Task-based Teaching and Task-based Testing基于任务的教学与基于任务的测试The Racial Problem in Light in August论《八月之关》的种族问题Interactive Teaching Methologies讨论中美互动教学差异A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man :Struggle and Growth Under the Stream of Consciousness《一个青年艺术家的画像》:意识流下的抗争与成长
大家都知道,这个世界上,金钱买不到的东西太多了。但是欧亨利在《财神与爱神》中,竟然高唱“金钱万能”的论调,金钱不但能买到爱情,财神还可以变爱神?欧亨利的意思就是由爱就有一切 .这些题目希望对你有用Cultural Differences between Chinese and English Idioms DIY运动的兴起及其对西方青少年的影响The Rise and Influence of DIY in Western Youth 奥运会志愿者管理研究The Study on the Management of Olympic Volunteers 从文化角度看习语翻译A Cultural Insight into the Translation of Idioms 从服饰文化角度看中美文化差异Reflections on Differences of Sino-US Culture in the Perspective of Costume 中外人名的对比研究The Comparative Study between Chinese and English People's Name 中英姓名文化对比Cultural Comparison between English and Chinese Names 中美青年价值观对比分析Comparative Study of Chinese and American Young Generations’ Values 在华投资的美国跨国公司的企业文化The Enterprise Cultures of Us-based MNCs Investing in China-The Combination of Chinese and Western Elements 浅谈非语言交际中身体语言的特点及其在交际中的运用A Preliminary Approach to Body Language on Nonverbal Communication 浅谈中西方非语言交际中身体语言的特点对比及其在交际中的运用A Contrastive Study of Body Language in Chinese and Western Countries on Nonverbal Communication 西方思想意识对中国青少年的负面影响及应对措施The Negative Influence of Western Ethos upon Chinese Youth and its Countermeasures 颜色词的文化内涵及其在习语中的体现Cultural Connotations of Color Words and Their Reflections in English Idioms 从不同文化角度对身势语的应用对比研究A Contrastive Study of Body Language Communication from Different Cultural Perspectives 笑话何以产生幽默What Makes a Joke Funny? 论动物在英汉词语中的文化差异On the Cultural Difference of “Animal” in English and Chinese Expression 中英交际中的文化差异Cultural Differences in English-Chinese Communication 人力资源外包在中国的应用How to Achieve Effective Development of Human Resource Outsourcing & Lease in China 论美语词汇中的民族中心主义American Ethnocentrism and English 浅谈中英委婉语的文化差异Cultural Differences in Chinese and English Euphemisms 浅谈中美饮食文化差异The Differences between China and America in Food Culture 从中西习俗看文化差异Cultural Differences Seen from the Chinese and Western Customs 浅谈文化与广告翻译Analysis on the Culture and Advertisement Translation 论网络交际英语的特征及其翻译A Study of Internet Communication English Features and Translation 中式英文在中国流行的分析The Analysis of Chi English being Popular in China 浅谈中西方婚礼习俗的差异与融合Thesis on the Differences and Mergence of Wending Customs between China and the Western Countries 浅谈文化与语言的关系Thesis on Culture and Language 英汉姓名的文化内涵及其翻译方法Thesis on the Cultural Connotation of English and Chinese Names and Its Translation Methods 浅析文化语境对翻译的影响Study on Influence of Cultural Context on Translation 浅谈商务活动中的交际与礼仪Tentative Reflections on Business Intercultural Communication and Etiquette 透过春节与圣诞节的比较来看中西文化差异A Brief Comparison of Spring Festival & Christmas Day 体态语在对外商务谈判中的作用On Body Language in Foreign Business Negotiation 奥林匹克运动会Olympic Games 浅谈中西方文化中颜色的象征性On the Chinese and Western Cultures in Terms of Symbolic Colors 论英语语言教学中的文化教学On Culture Teaching in English Language Teaching 中国香港和法国学生对接受自愿安乐死立法观点的比较A Comparison of Hong Kong Chinese Students’ and French Students’ Attitudes to and Acceptance of Voluntary Euthanasia Legislation 浅谈美国快餐文化The American style-Fast food 文化差异及其对习语形成的影响Cultural Differences and Its Influences on the Formation of Idioms 1,中国香港和法国学生对接受自愿安乐死立法观点的比较A Comparison of Hong Kong Chinese Students’ and French Students’ Attitudes to and Acceptance of Voluntary Euthanasia Legislation 2,论一人公司的债权人保护Study on the Protection of the Creditor of One -Man Company 3,从社会发展角度看中国死刑存废 4,论我国居住权立法的必要性 5,试谈中国法官的独立 浅析英语双关 Reflection on English Pun 浅析英语委婉语 Analysis of English Euphemism 英语称谓词的性别含义 The Sex Connotation in English Addresses 论语境在翻译中的重要性 Study on the Importance of Context in Translation 中英文常用修辞格对比研究 A Contrastive Study between Some Frequently Used Figures of Speech in English and Chinese 浅谈二语习得中的社会因素 Thesis on the Social Factors and Second Language Acquisition 论英语写作中的措辞用语 On the Diction of the English Writing 浅谈中西委婉语对比 A Comparison between Chinese and Western Euphemisms 广告英语的语言特色 The Linguistic Characteristics of Advertising English 谈商务英语及其翻译中的委婉表达方式 Euphemistic Expressions in Business English and Their Translation 浅谈中英委婉语的文化差异 Cultural Differences in Chinese and English Euphemisms 笑话何以产生幽默 What Makes a Joke Funny? 试论因特网在第二语言习得中的辅助作用 The Assisting Function of Internet in Second Language Acquisition 论跨文化交际中的价值系统 Value System in Intercultural Communication 论动物在英汉词语中的文化差异 On the Cultural Difference of “Animal” in English and Chinese Expression 论美语词汇中的民族中心主义 American Ethnocentrism and English 场依赖性和场独立性对英语学习者听力的影响 The Effect of Field Dependence and Field Independence on English Learners’ Listening Ability 论英汉翻译中汉语方言的正迁移 Positive Transfer of Chinese Dialect on English-Chinese Translation 语言的歧义性:究竟是福还是祸? Language Ambiguity: A Curse and a Blessing 论英汉影视翻译中不同文化意象的处理 On the Disposition of Different Cultural Images in Film Translation 商务语境下表述语言的性别差异 Analysis of Sex Differences in Expressives in Business Context 英语商业广告的词法特点分析 An Analysis of Morphological Features of English Commercial Advertisements 英语广告的词法特点分析 An Analysis of Morphological Features of English Advertisements 从句法角度对官方语言的初步探究 A Preliminary Study of Official Language from the Syntax Perspective 中式英文在中国流行的分析 The Analysis of Chi English being Popular in China 外贸英语句子的特点对翻译的影响 Influence of Features of Trade English Sentence on Translation 浅谈文化与语言的关系 Thesis on Culture and Language 浅析文化语境对翻译的影响 Study on Influence of Cultural Context on Translation 对言语交际中的语境的认识 学术论文写作中的简明性表达方法 Approaches to Achieve Conciseness in Academic Paper Writing 浅谈英语修辞的用法 The Usage of English Rhetorical 双关在广告英语中的运用 The Use of Pun in English Advertisements 英语词汇中的性别歧视及女性主义 Sexual Discrimination in English Words 英语报刊标题的特色与文体风格大纲 Study on Features and Styles of English Newspaper News’ Titles 从皮尔士的符号学研究符号学的意义 A Study of Meanings of Signs from the Perspective of Peirce's Semiotics 从系统功能语法的角度分析《玩偶之家〉 Analysis of A Doll’s House from the Systemic-functional Grammar 英汉复合词的对比分析 The Contrast between English Compounds and Chinese Compounds 从哈姆雷特性格分析看他悲剧的必然性 A Character Analysis of Shakespeare's “Hamlet” 哈姆雷特悲剧的原因分析 The Reason Analysis of Hamlet Tragedy 论哈姆雷特的悲剧 Comments on the Tragedy of Hamlet 论约翰济慈作品中所体现出的“美” The Beauty in the Works of John Keats 浅谈阿甘正传中所折射出的女权主义 The Feminism Reflected in the Novel Forrest Gump 圣地亚哥:伟大而非完美的老人-对《老人与海》中老人的性格分析 The Old Man and The Sea-Santiago-A Great Old Man Not Perfect 依莎贝尔阿彻的婚姻悲剧-对淑女的画像的主题研究 On the Marriage Tragedy of Isabel Archer-A Thematic Study of the Portrait of a Lady 论淘姆索亚的性格特征 Thesis on the Characteristics of Tom Sawyer 美国社会文化的缩影-浅谈淘姆索亚历险记中淘姆索亚的人物性格特征 The Mirror of American Social Culture-Remarks on the Characteristics of Tom Sawyer in The Adventure of Tom Sawyer 论飘中的人物魅力 On the Charm of Characters in Gone with the Wind 论飘中的女性生存意识 Thesis on Female Survivalism in Gone with the Wind 分析飘中斯嘉丽的个人魅力 Analyze Scarlett’s Personal Fascination in Gone with the wind 浅谈《乱世佳人》中的创业精神 Remarks on the Business Spirit in Gone With the Wind 对玛格丽特•米切尔《飘》中四个人物的性格分析 Character Analysis on the Four Characters in Magrett Mitcell’s Gone with the Wind 斯佳丽的性格分析 Personage Analysis of Scarlett 从希斯克里夫的性格演变过程看他的艺术价值 Analysis on Heathcliff's Artistic Value through the Evolution Process of His Character 从白鲸看人与自然的关系 Relationship between Mankind and Nature-from Analysis of Moby Dick 简评夏洛特.勃朗蒂的《简爱》 On Charlotte Brontё’s Jane Eyre 浅谈美国文化在小说阿甘正传中的反映 Tentative Reflections of American Culture in the Novel Forrest Gump 保尔·莫瑞尔永不消逝的恋母情结—对儿子与情人中男主人公的心理研究 The Non-passing of Paul Morel’s Oedipus Complex—A Study of the Hero’s Psychology inSons and Lovers 浅析玻璃动物园中劳拉的玻璃心 An analysis on Laura's Glasslike Heart in the Glass Menagerie 论《傲慢与偏见》中达西的人物性格特点 Character Analysis of Darcy in Pride and Prejudice 呼啸山庄中希斯克列夫人物性格的双重性分析 呼啸山庄中希斯克列夫自私自恋性格的分析 Analysis of Selfishness and Narcissism in Heathcliff’s Characters-On the Theme ofWuthering Heights 浅谈简爱中的女权运动 Feminism in Jane Eyre 回到小屋-浅析汤姆叔叔的小屋中的象征意义及其特点 Back to the Cabin-analysis of symbols and characters in Uncle Tom's Cabin 《双城记》中西德尼伯尔顿的人物性格分析 A Brief Analysis of Character Sydney Carton “A Tale of Two Cities” 普拉斯诗中的死亡意象 The Death Image in Sylvia Plath’s Poems 对永别了武器中男主人公亨利的性格分析 On the Character of Frederic Henry in A Farewell to Arms 心路历程-论雪莱的自由之路 The Heart's Progress---About Shelley's Freedom Road 浅谈了不起的盖茨比中的象征主义 The Symbolism in the Great Gatsby 论《老人与海》中的象征主义 The Symbolism in The Old Man and the Sea 双城记中的仁爱主题 Thesis on the Kind-heartedness theme in “A Tale of Two Cities” 论《哈克贝利费恩历险记》中对种族主义的误解 On Misperception of Racism in the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 论《傲慢与偏见》与《德伯家的苔丝》中男女主人公的爱情 Analysis on Love of Protagonists in Pride and Prejudice and Tess of the d’Urbervilles 简爱中女主角的性格分析 An Analysis of the Character of the Heroine in Jane Eyre 对永别了武器中男主人公的性格特征发展的分析 An Analysis of the Development of the Hero’s Character in A Farewell to Arms 从黑人女性主义视角看《宠儿》中的弑婴母题 On the Motif of Infanticide in Beloved from a Black Feminist Perspective 美国华裔文学作家伍美琴的裸体吃中餐中的母女关系 Reflections on the Mother-Daughter Relationship in the Eating Chinese Food Naked “神性”与“人性”冲突引发的爱情悲剧 德伯家的苔丝悲惨生活的根源 Tess of the D’Urbervilles―A Comment on the Sources of Tess’ Tragic Life 海明威,“失落的一代”的代言人 Ernest Hemingway, the Spokesman of the “Lost Generation” 试析《还乡》命运驱使下的人物性格 On Characters under the Influence of Fatalism in The Return of Native 《呼啸山庄》中的爱与恨 Love and Hate in Wuthering Heights 夏洛特和简爱性格对比研究 The Comparative Study of Characteristics between Charllote Bronte and Jane Eyre 苔丝的悲剧原因分析 On Causes of Tess’ Tragedy 论呼啸山庄中人性的复苏 The Reviving of Humanity in “Wuthering Heights” 浅谈傲慢与偏见中简.奥斯丁对待婚姻的态度 Jane Austen's Attitude toward Marriage in Pride and Prejudice 浅谈威尼斯商人中夏洛克的性格特征 On the Character of Shylock in The Merchant of Venice 浅谈飘中斯嘉丽的人物形象 The Figural Analysis of Scarlett in Gone with the Wind 浅谈艾玛的自知之明 Self-Knowledge of Emma 论简爱的独立性格 The Independence of Jane Eyre 从系统功能语法的角度分析《玩偶之家> Analysis of A Doll’s House from the Systemic-functional Grammar
高尚的结局与矫情的人物———从《最后的常春藤叶》重识欧·亨利电子科技大学学报( 社科版) 2008 年( 第10 卷) 第1 期拿这个参考一下吧。
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