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首页 > 期刊论文 > 校园网络优化设计毕业论文

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校园网综合布线的需求及校园网的组成 校园网一般可分为四个区域:教学区、办公区、学生宿舍区、教工住宅区。各区域有其应用的特点,应针对其特点进行综合布线设计,满足网络访问的需求。教学区:是校园网的核心区域,对校园网传输能力要求最高,应用范围最广泛。教学区内包含计算机中心、实验室、教学楼、图书馆等。楼内或子网内计算机经常进行大流量数据互访。校园网数据中心一般都设在此区域。办公区:行政管理和后勤等工作人员的办公区域。办公区域主要满足内部数据访问和语音通信的需求,数据流量较小。学生宿舍区:对互联网访问需求最大的区域,同时子网内数据共享和联机方式普遍。用户数量巨大,数据终端数量多且分散。教工住宅区:教职工住宅区域,接近家居式信息网络模式,主要是互联网访问需求,数据流量不大。 校园网综合布线目标 校园网综合布线系统作为构建校园网的物理基础,分布区域最广,将通信管理设备和终端连接起来,其性能好坏影响到校园网能否正常运行和使用寿命长短,因此,应满足以下目标:标准性:符合国际和国家相关标准规定,能支持主流设备端口连接。稳定性:传输性能稳定,且经久耐用,满足现在和将来信息传输的需要。拓展性:预留适当的传输性能,保证日后网络系统的升级空间。经济性:在满足应用的前提下,具备良好的性价比。管理性:统一有序的标识,对庞大数量的终端进行整体管理,便于日后维护。校园网综合布线方案1、校园网方案设计 针对校园网络的具体性能要求及建网的经费支出,一般可设计三种方案供参考选择。方案一:基于交换技术的主干网和二级局域网络的综合布线方案;方案二:基于核心路由器的主干网综合布线方案;方案三:基于ATM信元交换技术的校园主干网综合布线方案。2、校园网综合布线拓扑图 校园网以交换式千兆以太网作为校园网的主干,按10M/100M交换式子网方式接入。校园网布线设计一般采用多级物理星型结构、点到点连接,任何一条线路故障均不影响其他线路的正常运行。网络采用分散式三层交换体系,二级交换机具有第三级交换能力,主干线路压力小,而且全部实现百兆交换入室。三级交换机可以堆叠,能将一个主干和桌面交换机组成一个整体,提供足够的交换口,可扩展性好。3、校园网综合布线方案 以交换式千兆以太网作为校园网的主干,按10M/100M交换式子网方式接入。校园网综合布线设计一般采用多级物理星型结构、点到点连接,任何一条线路故障均不影响其他线路的正常运行。网络采用分散式三层交换体系,二级交换机具有第三级交换能力,主干线路压力小,而且全部实现百兆交换入室。三级交换机可以堆叠,能将一个主干和桌面交换机组成一个整体,提供足够的交换口,可扩展性好。1、主干网选用千兆以太网,其第三层以太网路由器交换机大都满足标准,技术成熟,具有流量优先机制能有效保证多媒体传输时的QoS(Quality of Service服务质量)。2、千兆以太网具有良好的兼容性和可扩展性,在ATM技术成熟时,可平滑集成到ATM网络中,作为ATM网的边缘子网。3、工作组子网可选用100M交换模式。使用户终端独占100M带宽的数据交换。在核心交换机与工作组交换机之间,采用100Mbps传输带宽,当使用全双工时,传输带宽为200Mbps

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随着信息时代的来临,21世纪校园网络的规模和应用水平将是体现学校教学环境和科研力量的重要组成部分,本论文主要是以某院校校园网络的建设为主要内容,着重论述了校园网设计与建设过程中确立建设校园网的目标,校园网的组网方案设计原则和所需的网络技术选型,网络设备选择以及对于组建校园网最重要的综合布线等关键问题,对网络安全问题也进行了论述,并针对这一具体院校给出了具体的设计方案,给出具体的网络拓扑结构示意图,能够使读者清晰的了解到网络建设的全过程,通过对具体案例的设计能让读者对校园网络的建设有一个比较全面的认识。 With the advent of the information age, the 21st century the size of the campus network and application level will be teaching and learning environment of schools and scientific research an important part of this paper is a major institution-building campus network as the main content, focused on Campus Network Design and Construction of the process of establishing the goal of building campus network, a network of campus network design principles and the necessary network technology selection, network equipment and the choice of the formation of the most important campus network cabling, and other key issues of comprehensive, Network security issues were also discussed, and for this specific institutions are given the specific design, given the specific structure of the network topology, so that readers can clearly understand that the whole process of building networks through the specific case of Design allows readers to the campus network building a more complete understanding. 目前,我国校园网事业飞速发展,至2003年初,几乎所有的大中专院校都建立了自己的校园网,并在其上开展了多种服务和应用。校园网的建设丰富了学习资源、提高了教育效率。但随着用户数的急剧增加和业务样式的增多,校园网的安全问题也日益突出,无时无刻不在威胁校园网络的健康发展,成为教育信息化建设中不容忽视的问题。本文着重论述了校园网设计与建设过程中确立建设校园网的目标,校园网的技术方案设计,信息资源建设,应用软件的开发,网络管理与安全五个关键问题。 At present, China's rapid development of the cause of the campus network, to early 2003, almost all colleges have set up their own campus network, and carry out a variety of its services and applications. Campus Network build a rich learning resources to enhance the efficiency of education. But as the number of users increased dramatically increased and the pattern of operations, campus network security is increasingly conspicuous, and the ever threat to the healthy development of the campus network, as an education development of the information industry should not be neglected problem. This paper focuses on the campus network design and the process of building the campus network established the goal of building, campus network technology programme design, information resources construction, application software development, network management and security, the five key issues.

345 评论


摘 要随着计算机网络通信技术和Interne的飞速发展,基于因特网的计算机网上远程教学已经开始成为一种全新的教学手段,并且越来越受到人们的关注。由于网上教学具有时效性、共享性、交互性和个别化等诸多特点,因此它有着传统教学模式无法比拟的优点,它创造了一种全新的教学模式,打破了传统教学模式在时间、空间上的限制,采用了先进的教学手段和教学方法,可以大大提高教学效率和教学效果,使教学活动上了一个新台阶。蓬勃兴起的网上教育以其全新的高科技教学手段为解决我国当前资源严重短缺而教育需求日益扩大的矛盾提供了一种投资少、见效快、优质高效的解决方案,它必将成为我国未来教育发展的重要方向。本文依据设计出来的计算机组成原理教学网站,做了全面系统的介绍。全文共六章,按照前期的开发顺序,从系统分析与研究开始,逐一对开发过程做了全面的介绍。在详细设计这一章中的系统实现部分省去了烦琐的程序代码,用比较直观易读的流程图来表示,增强了文章的可读性。关键字:信息系统,B/S,计算机组成原理AbstractWith the computer network communication technology and the rapid development of Internet and Internet-based computer online distance learning has started to become a new teaching methods, and more and more people's attention. As online teaching is time-sensitive, sharing, interactive and individual, and many other features, it has a traditional teaching mode incomparable advantages, it has created a new teaching model, breaking the traditional teaching model in terms of time, Space constraints on the use of advanced teaching methods and teaching methods, can greatly improve teaching efficiency and effectiveness of teaching, so that teaching and learning activities on a new level. The rise of online education flourishing in its new high-tech teaching methods to solve the current serious shortage of resources and educational needs of the growing contradictions provides a small investment, quick, quality and efficient solutions, it will become China's future education The important direction of paper designed based on the principle of teaching computer site, and done a comprehensive and systematic introduction. The full text of a total of six chapters, in accordance with the development of pre-order, starting from system analysis and research, one by one of the development process to do a comprehensive introduction. In this chapter, the detailed design of the system to achieve some of eliminating the cumbersome procedure code, a more intuitive accessibility to the flow chart that enhance the readability of the :Information Systems, B / S, computer components Principle

178 评论


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