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Foreign language influences in EnglishWhile many words enter English as slang, not all do. Some words are adopted from other languages; some are mixtures of existing words (portmanteau words), and some are new coinages made of roots from dead languages: . thanitopsis. No matter the origin, though, words seldom, if ever, are immediately accepted into the English language. Here is a list of the most common foreign language influences in English, where other languages have influenced or contributed words to words for the meat of an animal, noble words (this comes from the influence of the Norman language), words referring to food - . au gratin. Nearly 30% of English words (in an 80,000 word dictionary) may be of French origin. German: Main article: List of German expressions in English. Some words relating to the World War I and the World War II, . blitz. And some food terms, such as wurst, hamburger and frankfurter. Also: wanderlust, schadenfreude, zeitgeist, kaputt, kindergarten, autobahn, rucksack. Scandinavian languages such as Old Norse - words such as sky and troll or, more recently, geysir. Dutch - words relating to sailing, . skipper, keel etc., and civil engineering, such as dam, polder. Latin words, technical or biological names, medical terminology, legal terminology. See also: Latin influence in English Greek words - medical terminology (like for instance phobias and ologies) Spanish - words relating to Spanish culture - for example paella, siesta, plaza, salsa, etc. Italian - words relating to music, piano, fortissimo. Or Italian culture, such as piazza, pizza, gondola, balcony, fascism. The English word umbrella comes from Italian ombrello. Arabic - Islamic religious terms such as jihad and hadith. Also some scientific vocabulary borrowed through Iberian Romance languages in the Middle Ages (alcohol, algebra, azimuth, nadir). Nahuatl - tomato, coyote, chocolate. Afrikaans - apartheid, trek. Russian - words relating to the Cold War and the aftermath (perestroika, glasnost), and also words relating to Russian culture, such as Cossack or Babushka. Indian - words relating to culture, originating from the colonial era. Many of these words are of Persian origin rather than Hindi because Persian was the official language of the Mughal courts. .: pyjamas, bungalow, verandah, jungle, curry, shampoo, khaki. ----------------Lists of English words of international originThese are lists of words in the English language which are known as "loanwords" or "borrowings," which are derived from other languages:List of English words of Australian Aboriginal origin List of English words of African origin List of English words of Afrikaans origin List of English words of Arabic origin List of English words of Chinese origin List of English words of Czech origin List of English words of Dutch origin List of English words of Etruscan origin List of English words of Finnish origin List of English words of French origin German loan words List of German expressions in English (a small German-English dictionary) English words of Greek origin (a discussion rather than a list) List of Greek words with English derivatives List of English words of Hawaiian origin List of English words of Hebrew origin List of English words of Hungarian origin List of English words of Indian origin List of English words of Sanskrit origin List of English words of Tamil origin List of English words of Hindi origin List of English words of Urdu origin List of English words of Telugu origin List of English words of Indonesian origin, including from Javanese, Malay (Sumatran) Sundanese, Papuan (Irian Jaya), Balinese, Dayak and other local languages in Indonesia List of English words of Irish origin List of English words of Italian origin List of English words of Japanese origin List of English words of Korean origin List of Latin words with English derivatives List of English words of Malay origin List of English words of Maori origin List of English words from indigenous languages of the Americas List of English words of Norwegian origin List of English words of Old Norse origin (often coming from Vikings from Denmark or Norway, but at the time there was little distinction between the Old Norse dialects spoken in the three Scandinavian countries.) List of English words of Persian origin List of English words of Polish origin List of English words of Portuguese origin List of English words of Romanian origin List of English words of Russian origin List of English words of Serbo-Croatian origin List of English words of Slovak origin List of English words of Scots origin List of English words of Scottish Gaelic origin List of English words of Spanish origin List of English words of Swedish origin List of English words of Tagalog origin List of English words of Turkic origin List of English words of Ukrainian origin List of English words of Welsh origin List of English words of Yiddish origin ----------------------How French Has Influenced EnglishThe English language has been shaped by a number of other languages over the centuries, and many English speakers know that Latin and German were two of the most important. What many people don't realize is how much the French language has influenced going into too much detail, I want to give a little bit of background about the other languages which shaped English. It was born out of the dialects of three German tribes (Angles, Jutes, and Saxons) who settled in Britain in about 450 . This group of dialects forms what linguists refer to as Anglo-Saxon, and at some point this language developed into what we know as Old English. This Germanic base was influenced in varying degrees by Celtic, Latin, and Scandinavian (Old Norse) - the languages spoken by invading armies. Bill Bryson calls the Norman conquest of 1066 the "final cataclysm [which] awaited the English language." (1) When William the Conqueror became king of England, French took over as the language of the court, administration, and culture - and stayed there for 300 years. Meanwhile, English was "demoted" to everyday, unprestigious uses. These two languages existed side by side in England with no noticeable difficulties; in fact, since English was essentially ignored by grammarians during this time, it took advantage of its lowly status to become a grammatically simpler language and, after only 70 or 80 years existing side-by-side with French, Old English segued into Middle the Norman occupation, about 10,000 French words were adopted into English, some three-fourths of which are still in use today. This French vocabulary is found in every domain, from government and law to art and literature - learn some. More than a third of all English words are derived directly or indirectly from French, and it's estimated that English speakers who have never studied French already know 15,000 French words. (2)PronunciationEnglish pronunciation owes a lot to French as well. Whereas Old English had the unvoiced fricative sounds , , (as in thin), and (shin), French influence helped to distinguish their voiced counterparts , , (the), and (mirage), and also contributed the diphthong (boy). (3)(What is voiced/unvoiced/fricative?)GrammarAnother rare but interesting remnant of French influence is in the word order of expressions like secretary general and surgeon general, where English has retained the noun + adjective word order typical in French, rather than the usual adjective + noun used in MoreIf you are interested in French and/or English linguistics and would like to learn more about their reciprocal relationship, please visit the links below and the further reading resources listed on the right.

270 评论


Chinese(汉语) bonsai:盆栽(花卉) cheongsam :旗袍(音译粤语“长衫”) Confucious:孔夫子 coolie:苦力 Cumshaw:小费,赏钱(音译闵南语“感谢”) dingho:顶好 fengshui:风水 ginseng:人参,西洋参 gung-ho:热情高涨,一说来源“更好”;一说来源“干活” IChing:易经 Kowtow:叩头,磕头 Kumquat:金橘 kung fu:中国功夫 mahjong:麻将 nankeen:南京棉布 oolong:乌龙茶 pongee:本织,府绸 sampan:舢板 shantung:山东绸 shanghai:拐,胁迫 silk:丝 Taiji:太极 Taoteching:道德经 tea:茶(音译闵南语) tofu:豆腐 tong :帮会,来源于“堂” tycoon:大亨,大款 typhoon:台风 yamen/ yamun:衙门 yin:瘾 yin and yang:阴阳 Tibetan(西藏语,Tibet疑来自“吐蕃”) lama:喇嘛僧人 yak:牦牛 yeti:雪人 Japanese geisha:艺妓 haiku :俳句(日本的短诗) judo:柔道 hara-kiri:剖腹自杀 karate:空手道 kimono:和服 samurai :日本武士 sashimi:生鱼片 sayonara :再见 tatami :日本人家里铺在地板上的稻草垫 Malay(马来语) bamboo :竹子 sarong:纱笼(马来人穿的布裙) Arabic (阿拉伯语) almanac :历书,年鉴 mattress :床垫 admiral:舰队总司令 sheikh:酋长,族长 fakir:托钵僧 Australian Aborigine (澳洲土语) kangaroo:袋鼠 boomerang:飞镖 koala:考拉熊 Carib (加勒比语) canoe:独木舟 Cree (克里语:加拿大中部的印第安语) Eskimo:爱斯基摩人 woodchuck:土拨鼠 Dakota(达可他语:位于美国和加拿大南部的印第安人) tepee:印地安帐篷 Eskimo(爱斯基摩语) kayak :皮船 igloo:雪屋 Finnish(芬兰语) sauna :桑拿(蒸汽浴) Hawaiian (夏威夷语) hula :草裙舞,呼啦圈 lei :夏威夷人戴在脖子上的花环 muumuu :夏威夷妇女的华丽长装 Hebrew(希伯来语,犹太人自幼发拉底河难迁,被当地人称为希伯来人,即“来自河那边的人”) amen :阿门(祈祷结束语,意“但愿如此”) hallelujah:哈里路呀(意“赞美上帝”) kosher:清净的,适当的 Sabbath:安息日 Hungarian(匈牙利语) coach :轿式马车,轿车; goulash:牛肉和蔬菜煮成的辣味菜 paprika:红椒 Javanese(爪哇语) batik:蜡染 Kikongo(刚果语) zebra:斑马 Lappish(拉普兰语:拉普兰人分布在挪威、瑞典、芬兰和苏联北部) tundra:冻原 Maldivian(吗拉呀拉母语,印度西南部) atoll:环礁 Nahuatl(那瓦而特语:分布在墨西哥南部到中美洲) tomato:西红柿 chocolate:巧克力 chilli:(干)辣椒 Ojibwa (奥几布瓦语:美国印第安人的一支) totem :图腾 Powhatan(坡瓦坦语) raccoon:浣熊 persimmon:柿子 Quechua(垓丘崖语::安第斯高原上的土语,早期印加文明的语言) coca:古柯 quinine:奎宁 condor:兀鹰 Tahitian(他西提语) tattoo:文身 Taino(泰挪语:西印度洋群岛上的印第安人语) hammock :吊床 hurricane:飓风 Tamil (泰米尔语,泰米尔人分布在斯里兰卡和印度南部) catamaran:筏 pariah:贱民 curry:咔哩 Tongan(汤加语,位于南太平洋的岛国) taboo:禁忌 Tupi(图皮语:巴西北部一部族) petunia:牵牛花 Turkish(土尔其语) yogurt:酸奶酪 shish kebab :烤肉串 Basque(八四克语:在比利牛斯山区) bizarre:古怪的 需要说明的是,凡在英语使用着的词汇,如果不是英语的“原著民”,从广义上而言,它们都是外来语。由于这部分词汇量过于庞大,特别是英语和法语之间交叉点甚多,我们无法用这篇短文来阐明,恕以另行专文解决之。 作者:佚名 资源来源:其它网 点击数: 103 更新时间:2/28/2008 英语属于印欧语系(Indo-European languages),包含着印度、西亚和欧洲的语言。目前使用的英语单词中,有不少是从非印欧语系“拿来”的,这在狭义上,就是英语中的外来语。 Chinese(汉语) bonsai:盆栽(花卉) cheongsam :旗袍(音译粤语“长衫”) Confucious:孔夫子 coolie:苦力 Cumshaw:小费,赏钱(音译闵南语“感谢”) dingho:顶好 fengshui:风水 ginseng:人参,西洋参 gung-ho:热情高涨,一说来源“更好”;一说来源“干活” IChing:易经 Kowtow:叩头,磕头 Kumquat:金橘 kung fu:中国功夫 mahjong:麻将 nankeen:南京棉布 oolong:乌龙茶 pongee:本织,府绸 sampan:舢板 shantung:山东绸 shanghai:拐,胁迫 silk:丝 Taiji:太极 Taoteching:道德经 tea:茶(音译闵南语) tofu:豆腐 tong :帮会,来源于“堂” tycoon:大亨,大款 typhoon:台风 yamen/ yamun:衙门 yin:瘾 yin and yang:阴阳 Tibetan(西藏语,Tibet疑来自“吐蕃”) lama:喇嘛僧人 yak:牦牛 yeti:雪人 Japanese geisha:艺妓 haiku :俳句(日本的短诗) judo:柔道 hara-kiri:剖腹自杀 karate:空手道 kimono:和服 samurai :日本武士 sashimi:生鱼片 sayonara :再见 tatami :日本人家里铺在地板上的稻草垫 Malay(马来语) bamboo :竹子 sarong:纱笼(马来人穿的布裙) Arabic (阿拉伯语) almanac :历书,年鉴 mattress :床垫 admiral:舰队总司令 sheikh:酋长,族长 fakir:托钵僧 Australian Aborigine (澳洲土语) kangaroo:袋鼠 boomerang:飞镖 koala:考拉熊 Carib (加勒比语) canoe:独木舟 Cree (克里语:加拿大中部的印第安语) Eskimo:爱斯基摩人 woodchuck:土拨鼠 Dakota(达可他语:位于美国和加拿大南部的印第安人) tepee:印地安帐篷 Eskimo(爱斯基摩语) kayak :皮船 igloo:雪屋 Finnish(芬兰语) sauna :桑拿(蒸汽浴) Hawaiian (夏威夷语) hula :草裙舞,呼啦圈 lei :夏威夷人戴在脖子上的花环 muumuu :夏威夷妇女的华丽长装 Hebrew(希伯来语,犹太人自幼发拉底河难迁,被当地人称为希伯来人,即“来自河那边的人”) amen :阿门(祈祷结束语,意“但愿如此”) hallelujah:哈里路呀(意“赞美上帝”) kosher:清净的,适当的 Sabbath:安息日 Hungarian(匈牙利语) coach :轿式马车,轿车; goulash:牛肉和蔬菜煮成的辣味菜 paprika:红椒 Javanese(爪哇语) batik:蜡染 Kikongo(刚果语) zebra:斑马 Lappish(拉普兰语:拉普兰人分布在挪威、瑞典、芬兰和苏联北部) tundra:冻原 Maldivian(吗拉呀拉母语,印度西南部) atoll:环礁 Nahuatl(那瓦而特语:分布在墨西哥南部到中美洲) tomato:西红柿 chocolate:巧克力 chilli:(干)辣椒 Ojibwa (奥几布瓦语:美国印第安人的一支) totem :图腾 Powhatan(坡瓦坦语) raccoon:浣熊 persimmon:柿子 Quechua(垓丘崖语::安第斯高原上的土语,早期印加文明的语言) coca:古柯 quinine:奎宁 condor:兀鹰 Tahitian(他西提语) tattoo:文身 Taino(泰挪语:西印度洋群岛上的印第安人语) hammock :吊床 hurricane:飓风 Tamil (泰米尔语,泰米尔人分布在斯里兰卡和印度南部) catamaran:筏 pariah:贱民 curry:咔哩 Tongan(汤加语,位于南太平洋的岛国) taboo:禁忌 Tupi(图皮语:巴西北部一部族) petunia:牵牛花 Turkish(土尔其语) yogurt:酸奶酪 shish kebab :烤肉串 Basque(八四克语:在比利牛斯山区) bizarre:古怪的汉语 工合,就是中国工业合作社的简写,引申为热心的,买力的。在二战中,美国海军陆战队就以此为口号。 fu 功夫,这个就不用说了吧?? 这个也是来源于中文,好像是南方方言。 4.前几天讨论的chopsuey chowmein等等 很多了。 法语 源于法语à dieu 是比较正式的 再见 的说法。 气氛、环境。 tout à l’heure 再见,回见。美国人好像发成了tudaloo garde 前卫的 Her style is very avant garde.她穿衣服很前卫。 é 无动于衷的,冷漠的。 appétit 好胃口,就是enjoy your meal的意思。 voyage 这个大家很熟悉,是一路平安的意思。也有再见的意思。 这个就更为熟悉了吧,精品店,服饰店的意思。 -à-brac 富有情调的小摆设等等。 What’s that brouhaha outside?外面乱哄哄的在干什么? ’est la vie 这就是生活。好像美国人经常挂在嘴边。 小孩子玩的拼贴画。 ème de la crème 奶油中的奶油,就是最精华的部分了。 éjà vu 似曾相识的感觉 I have never been here before,but I talk about déjà vu! 大结局 d’oeuvre 开胃小吃,正菜之前的冷盘。 ne sais quoi 难以描绘的特质 There is a certain je ne sais quoi in his painting. 先生 épondez s’il vous plaît 就是我们常在信后说的“请回复”,所写是. 呵呵,我们的ENGLISH SALON中的salon. é 表示说话一语中的,一针见血。You said it!Touché!说的好!真是一针见血! 德语 1. gesundheit 面对打喷嚏者的反应,祝你健康。 2. kindergarten 没想到这个熟悉的英语词(幼儿园)也是德语? 希腊语 1. Adonis 就是美男子的意思。Is Mr 雨寂影 an Adonis? 2. charisma 魅力 Does Mr雨寂影 have a lot of charisma? 3. Eureka 表示惊喜地发现了答案:我发现了! 4. marathon 马拉松赛跑,这个不用解释了。 5. mentor 这个大家也很熟悉:顾问、导师。 6. narcissim 自恋癖。He has been staring at himself in the mirror for a whole day, I think he is in narcissim. 拉丁语 1. alma mater 母校 2. alumnus 毕业生 3. et cetera 就是etc.了。 4. libido 中文译成利比多,是性欲、性冲动的意思。好像是弗洛伊德造的。 5. post scriptum 就是. 写在信后,又及。那么PPS就是又又及了。 6. sputum 唾液 西班牙语 1. cabana 水边的小木屋 2. cantina 酒吧 3. Hasta la vista! 回头见。类似的好像还有 Hasta manana(明天见) 4. matador 这个就是西班牙的“斗牛士” toro就是公牛,西班牙人看比赛的时候常喊的一个词。 5. señor先生 señora 太太 señorita 小姐 就是英文中的MR MRS MISS Kung fu (1966年来自“功夫”) Yin yang (1671年来自“阴阳”) Kowtow (1804年来自“叩头”) Tofu (1880年来自“豆腐”) Lychee或litche (1588年来自“荔枝”) Gung ho或gung-ho(热心) (1939年来自“工合”) Mahjong或Mah-jong (1920年来自“麻将”) Feng shui (1797年来自“风水”) Tai chi (1736年来自“太极”) Yamen (1747年来自“衙门”) Kaolin (1727年来自“高岭”) Kylin (1857年来自“麒麟”) Longan (1732年来自“龙眼”) Pe-tsai (1795年来自“白菜”) Petuntse (1727年来自“白墩子”) Sampan (1620年来自“舢板”) Suan-pan (1736年来自“算盘”) Tao (1736年来自“道”) Taipan(大商行的总经理) (1834年来自“大班”) Toumingdu(透明度) (来自1980年代中英谈判期间用语“透明度”) Tuchun (1917年来自“督军”) Tung(油桐属) (1788年来自“桐”) Ho-ho bird (1901年来自“凤凰”) Wampee(一种果) (1830年来自“黄皮”) Whangee(一种竹) (1790年来自“黄藜”) 来自粤语 Typhoon (1771年来自“台风”) Dim sum (1948年来自“点心”) Yum cha (大概15年前来自“饮茶”[2004]) Wok (1952年来自“镬(炒锅)”) Bok choy (1938年来自“白菜”,比Pe-tsai常用) Chop-suey (1888年来自“杂碎”) Won ton (1948年来自“云吞”) Chow mein (1903年来自“炒面”) Paktong(一种钱币) (1775年来自“白铜”) Sycee(一种钱币) (1711年来自“丝”) Souchong(一种茶) (1760年来自“小种”)就这些了,行吗

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英语词义通常比较丰富,概念意义只是其中一种。很多人往往只重视词汇的概念意义,忽略其他含义。如果一个词只分配给它一个词义,而且这个词义需要涵盖在不同的上下文中的不同意思,那么,这个词所赋予的意义一定得是笼统和抽象的。这样,就会出现某单词的的某一个语境意义与概念意义相去甚远,甚至南辕北辙。比如“green”一词,本意为绿色的,但在短语“green power”(金钱的力量),其含义大不相同。因此,了解英语词义变化的因素,对我们探索生词的研究有深远的意义。并且,对词汇的掌握有所帮助。

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其实写这论文不外乎给出日语对词汇具体有哪些影响,换言之,引出现象,给出例证,究其原因,得出自己的结论:应该怎么做或者你怎样看待这种影响。从哪个方面写?词汇也分很多种,比如委婉语,礼貌语,禁忌语.....你那个方面能够到手的资料多,就确定哪个方向,别人能给的是建议,最后取决于你手上掌握的资料。建议你先找参考资料吧,切忌不要写一个找不到材料的话题。参考文献找到一些,我个人觉得应该对你有帮助《英日委婉语对比》景艳《汉日同形词初探》任江辉《英、汉、日语互借分析》高瑞阔 《试论英语对日语的影响——析源自英语的外来语》裘禾敏 这些资料都是很权威的资料,这也利于你的论文答辩。希望对你有帮助!

322 评论


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  • 外来语的论文题目

    我准备写的是村上春树的作品,其实也还没决定,这些天痛苦极了,而且论文范文不好找啊,想必很多人都很困扰吧。以下是题目可供参考。1 ×××企业から见た日系企业文

    嘉定美食客 5人参与回答 2023-12-07
  • 日语毕业论文外来语


    雨樱花ran 2人参与回答 2023-12-06