China is the biggest buyers of international iron ore, since 2000, along with the rapid economic development, China's voracious demand for iron ore, unable to meet demand and domestic production of iron ore import steel enterprises need, so China's imported iron ore, the number of successive incremental demand for imports the proportion of gradually improving also. Judging from the demand, iron ore is the main raw material, production of pig iron pig-iron in recent years in China has been sharply increased. With China's iron ore imports rise gradually, the average price of iron ore import also continues to rise. With the international iron ore import prices continue to rise, the domestic market quotation also is rising ore. In this paper, first, the situation in iron ore trade was studied, and analyzed the collapse of iron ore annual pricing mechanism of our country the influence of iron ore trade of our country, and then analyzes the relevant industry (mainly for steel) of the problems and shock. Combining analysis results, this paper argues that should pay close attention to the study of iron ore, the futures products financial industry as soon as possible, should intervene iron ore swaps market, promote the JinRongHua, iron ore prices for government should quicken the green new energy alternatives, increase science and technology support, and seeking international cooperation. 用心翻译
China is the biggest buyers of international iron ore, since 2000, along with the rapid economic development, China's voracious demand for iron ore, unable to meet demand and domestic production of iron ore import steel enterprises need, so China's imported iron ore, the number of successive incremental demand for imports the proportion of gradually improving also. Judging from the demand, iron ore is the main raw material, production of pig iron pig-iron in recent years in China has been sharply increased. With China's iron ore imports rise gradually, the average price of iron ore import also continues to rise. With the international iron ore import prices continue to rise, the domestic market quotation also is rising this paper, first, the situation in iron ore trade was studied, and analyzed the collapse of iron ore annual pricing mechanism of our country the influence of iron ore trade of our country, and then analyzes the relevant industry (mainly for steel) of the problems and analysis results, this paper argues that should pay close attention to the study of iron ore, the futures products financial industry as soon as possible, should intervene iron ore swaps market, promote the JinRongHua, iron ore prices for government should quicken the green new energy alternatives, increase science and technology support, and seeking international cooperation.
1中国去年钢产量亿顿,进口铁矿石亿吨,自产铁矿石亿吨。2我国的铁矿石的供应主要来自两个国家四大供应商,分别为巴西的淡水河谷集团;澳大利亚的必和必拓集团,力拓集团与FMG集团. 铁矿石对比:其中巴西的铁矿石(主要为扬迪矿粉)含铁量较高,价格也很高;澳大利亚的皮尔巴拉矿粉含铁量较巴西的扬迪矿粉低,但价格相对便宜. 综合对比:从巴西的桑托斯港到中国上海航程为11840海里,运费为每吨83美元;澳大利亚的墨尔本港到中国上海航程为4460海里,运费为每吨36美元.由于巴西的铁矿石价格较高而且运费很贵(巴西的铁矿石价格出矿价比澳大利亚的铁矿石运到中国的价格还贵),所以我国的钢铁厂商主要从澳大利亚的必和必拓集团,力拓集团与FMG集团手中购买铁矿石. 我国每年购买的铁矿石占世界当年铁矿石总产量的39%左右,所以铁矿石的价格对我国来说事关重大.为此,我国加入了一年一度的铁矿石价格谈判当中(钢铁生产厂商如中国宝钢,日本新日铁,德国蒂森克虏伯与铁矿石供应商力拓集团,巴西的淡水河谷集团与必和必拓集团进行每年一次的一对一谈判,以保证自己国家的利益)所以各个国家铁矿石的区别与谈判影响不大.好一点的在巴西和智利,其余国家的铁矿石质量都差不多(价格才是最重要的). 3。 现在日本新日本制铁联合韩国浦项钢铁与必和必拓谈判,减价35%,德国蒂森克虏伯钢铁代表欧洲和巴西淡水河谷谈判,减价36%,中国不同意,与力拓谈判,要求减价40%以上,理由是中国是世界上最大的铁矿石进口国{理由合理}。但力拓不接受,所以还在谈判。但2010年的谈判即将开始.4。弊:很明显,钢铁的原料是铁矿石,铁矿石涨价钢企的的生产成本上升不利于市场竞争利:更简单,中国是以宝钢集团为首的垄断钢铁集团,铁矿石涨价就给了他们名正言顺的提高钢铁出厂价,下月宝钢将宣布钢铁出厂价格起码上涨10% 希望对搂主有用。
作为非从业者, 基本认知和逻辑思维可能都不够专业,还请各位批评指正! 有必要说一说全球铁矿石分布情况。 全球铁矿资源分布极不均衡, 位列前十位的国家依次是澳大利
Elder-brother Spring is a pure yemer, real man with ironblood. He's people's goo
我国南方岩溶发育, 地质构造复杂,地下水丰富。为确保工程质量与安全,适于采用高密度电法沿隧道轴线进行勘探的方法和地震法结合的超前预报方法。高密度电法将整个山体成