1. 浅析饭店服务质量制约因素
2. 谈我国经济型饭店连锁化扩张路径
3. 饭店的信息化管理研究
4. 饭店如何进行商务旅客客源开发
5. 对饭店餐饮成本的控制研究
6. 主题酒店的发展研究
7. 分时度假的现状与发展
8. 浅析饭店无干扰服务
9. 体验式思维在饭店管理中的应用
10. 饭店业的体验式营销
11. 产权式酒店的发展研究
12. 国内饭店如何对抗国际酒店集团的对策研究
酒店管理(Hotel Management ),是全球十大热门行业之一,高级酒店管理人才在全球都是一直很紧缺的。近年来,在国际人才市场上,酒店管理人才出现了供不应求的局面。随着2008北京奥运会成功的举办,以及2010上海世博会和越来越多的国际大型活动在中国举行,中国对旅游、酒店管理专业人才的需求也日益增大。下面学术堂整理了二十个酒店管理专业的毕业论文题目,供大家进行参考:1. 浅析饭店服务质量制约因素2. 谈我国经济型饭店连锁化扩张路径3. 饭店的信息化管理研究4. 饭店如何进行商务旅客客源开发5. 对饭店餐饮成本的控制研究6. 主题酒店的发展研究7. 分时度假的现状与发展8. 浅析饭店无干扰服务9. 体验式思维在饭店管理中的应用10. 饭店业的体验式营销11. 产权式酒店的发展研究12. 国内饭店如何对抗国际酒店集团的对策研究13. 饭店顾客关系管理14. 酒店式服务在***行业的应用15. 浅析汽车旅馆在中国的发展现状与策略16. 浅析青年旅馆在中国的发展现状与策略17. 有效执行饭店战略18. 饭店企业文化问题研究19. 如何实现餐饮服务的个性化20. 饭店经营管理发展趋势分析
AbstractWith the continuous booming of economy in recent years, the vacation tourism of China undergoes further development, which is reflected by the ever-growing tourism expenditure and the rational tourist concept. People, especially urban people who are at the forefront of the fashion trend, are presently in need of higher tourism services, . the recreation tourism other than the simple sightseeing ones at the initial stage. Not satisfied by the superficial and cursory tour, people desire the thorough physical and mental relaxation. It is certain that the future trend of tourism will be the vacation tourism, which gives more concern to people’s inner feelings and caters to people’s requirements on the mental and spiritual self-development, etc. All of above have laid foundation for the emergence and development of Property Hotels in China. As a novel type of tourism service, the Property Hotel has been popular for years abroad, however, it is still a new investment mode in China which emerged less than ten years ago and requires a mature and regulated market. Meanwhile, as one of the “Imported Goods”, the Property Hotel is also unaccustomed to the Chinese reality. This article, based on the study of the emergence and development of Property Hotels in China, along with their foreign counterparts, analyzed the existing problems of the Chinese Property Hotels and proposed relevant solutions and development thoughts. This article proposed that the managers of Property Hotels should make efforts to accustom the international operation mode and vacation concept to the Chinese consumption level and consumption habit, through which localize the Property Hotels and make them the highlight of the Chinese estate and tourism industry. 手译,高手请指教。。。
提供一些有关酒店的毕业论文的选题,供参考。 1、谈如何提高饭店企业的核心竞争力 2、浅谈饭店个性化服务 3、饭店的信息化管理研究 4、**理论在饭店管理中的应用(平衡记分卡理论等) 5、对饭店餐饮成本的控制研究 6、主题酒店的发展研究 7、分时度假的现状与发展 8、浅析饭店无干扰服务 9、体验式思维在饭店管理中的应用 10、饭店业的体验式营销 11、产权式酒店的发展研究 12、国内饭店如何对抗国际酒店集团的对策研究 13、饭店顾客关系管理 14、酒店式服务在***行业的应用 15、有效执行饭店战略 16、如何实现餐饮服务的个性化 17、 饭店经营管理发展趋势分析 18、 浅谈现代酒店营销 19、 培训工作是饭店服务质量的基础 20、 如何处理饭店非正式组织问题 21、 试论饭店企业的客源市场定位 21、 试论客人投诉的处理和饭店形象的树立 22、 谈人力资源管理在饭店中的作用 23、浅析中外饭店管理集团比较 24、试析我国饭店业员工流动原因 25、谈人力资源管理在饭店中的作用 26、试论客人投诉的处理和饭店形象的树立 27、论饭店员工激励机制的建立 28、谈员工服务意识与企业竞争力提高之间的关系 29、抓好饭店产品质量,提高竞争能力 30、谈培训工作在饭店管理中的重要性 31、浅谈收益管理(Yield Management)在中国饭店中的应用 32、饭店如何解决饭店管理专业大学毕业生流失问题 33、饭店业特许经营发展现状及对策 34、经济型酒店现状分析和发展对策 35、浅析饭店服务质量制约因素 36、谈我国经济型饭店连锁化扩张路径 37、谈旅游饭店业可持续发展 38、如何构建饭店品牌的战略管理模式 39、试析员工满意度与酒店服务质量的关系 40、试论我国饭店实施绿色营销的现状和发展趋势 41、浅谈绿色饭店与可持续发展战略 42、某市饭店业发展研究 43、酒店业服务质量问题研究——以××酒店为例 44、酒店业员工流动率过高现象研究——以××酒店为例 45、某市休闲餐饮发展研究 46、某市快餐业发展现状研究 47、某市餐饮市场发展研究 48、某省酒店业人才培养模式研究 49、××酒店前厅管理研究 50、××酒店客房管理研究 51、××酒店餐饮管理研究 52、某市餐饮连锁经营研究——以××餐饮连锁经营为例
In recent years, with sustained and rapid economic development of our country, our country has been vacation-depth development of tourism, travel and tourism consumption growing increasingly sophisticated concepts, people, especially in the forefront of the consumer trend of urban residents, after the initial stage of simply for the purpose of tourism development stage, have had a leisure vacation this higher level of tourism demand, they are no longer satisfied with coverage,tourism, but want a thorough physical and mental relaxation and leisure. The direction of future development of tourism vacation travel must be directly concerned about the internal feel of the people themselves, to meet people, as well as the psychological and spiritual needs of many self-development, which for the hotel property at the rise and development of our country has provided the foundation . Property type hotel as a new type of tourism products have been popular for years in foreign countries, however, emerged in China a decade, however, investment is still an emerging market to be ripe and norms. At the same time, hotel and other property rights "import" as there is a "acclimatized" situation. In this paper, the property rights of our country-style hotel rise, development and property rights of foreign hotel study, from the analysis of hotel property rights problems and put forward ideas and measures for development. Operators want to operate on the international business model with the idea of vacation with the level of Chinese consumption and spending habits to adapt to be able to localize hotel property rights, making it China's tourism industry and a new bright spot.
著作权论文参考 著作权过去称为版权。下面我为大家带来了著作权论文参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 体育赛事节目的著作权保护 【 摘要 】随着互联网技术的发展,体育赛事