《神七问天》Manned space flight, many years of waiting, and so to the "Shenzhou V", to be to the "Shenzhou VI."Lunar satellite, how many people's expectations, looked forward "Chang'e One."Space walk, how many Chinese people look forward to, how many years of waiting for the Chinese!China's space "three-step" program, the first step is to walk in space!2008 Today, September 25, China, will usher in another Olympics, and a "faster", "higher", "stronger"!Shenzhou VII!Shenzhou VII will unite thousands of miles of expectations, asked the day off, crowned with thousands of history. With the release of small satellites flying for three years after the "China City" station to open the door to the VII, will be the pride of the Chinese people, red smoke Feiming, dicey for the clouds. Following after the Shenzhou VI manned spacecraft, a new history of China's space VII, will be carrying the vast land of wishes, surf the sky, aerial view of the world. Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer instrument, multi-mode microwave remote sensor reconnaissance, let us recognize the beautiful Zhigang, Liu Boming and Jing Haipeng, the three "two cream of the crop," the names of the astronauts, it will go down in history is almost 16:39 on September 27, Zhai Zhigang ready extravehicular successful implementation of China's first extravehicular activities in space!16:48, Zhai Zhigang in space taken his first step, the first Chinese space walk started! Step by step, then step by step, every step, as if stepping on people's hearts, and slowly, gently, and his feet are so soft, not rash, a little noise does not seem to fear an inattentive , put the chord to the strained and . We finally made it!16:59, Zhai Zhigang into the orbital module and orbital module door is completely closed to complete the space walk to complete the most difficult "space mission."17:36, completion of Shenzhou VII manned space mission, the capsule successfully sat in front of the TV, cheering had flocked down my throat, but suddenly remembered Liu Boming space note:"Overlooking the home, the same global village; Wang Wang sun and the moon, a space with the city; three horse fly, Qi wish; earth connection, a family."
China's aerospace industry starting in the 1950s, following the development of China's aerospace industry is the main stages: On October 8, 1956, China's first rocket missile development agencies - Department of Defense established the Fifth Research Institute, Qian Xuesen-term president. On July 19, 1964, China's first biological mice contained in Anhui Kwong Tak rocket successfully launched China's space science and exploration taken a step forward. On April 1, 1968, the China Aerospace Medical Engineering Institute set up to begin training astronauts and conduct elections manned space medical engineering research. On April 24, 1970, with the first satellite "Dongfanghong" on the 1st successful launch in Jiuquan, China became the world's first satellite launch of the five countries. On November 26, 1975, the first successful launch recoverable satellite, three days after the successful return of China to become the world's first satellite master the technology in the three countries. On September 7, 1988, in the long march on the 4th Taiyuan launch vehicle successfully launched on the 1st A Fengyun meteorological satellite. On April 7, 1990, "long march 3" carrier rocket successfully launched the US-developed "Asian No. 1" satellite, China in the international commercial satellite launching service has occupied a space in the market. On July 16, 1990, "long march" on the 2nd teamed up for the first time in Xichang rocket successfully launched a manned spacecraft was launched to lay a foundation. In 1992, China's manned spacecraft formally included in the national plan for the development, the project was later to be called the "Shenzhou" spacecraft manned spaceflight project. On November 20, 1999, China successfully launched its first spacecraft - the "Shenzhou" spacecraft, returning module of the spacecraft in central Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region the next day in the successful landing. On January 10, 2001, China successfully launched the "Shenzhou" spacecraft on the 2nd test, in accordance with the scheduled completion of space science and space technology test mission, in January 16 in central Inner Mongolia accurate return. On March 25, 2002, China successfully launched the "Shenzhou" spacecraft on the 3rd, flying around the earth 108 times, on April 1 accurate landing in central Inner Mongolia. On December 30, 2002, China successfully launched the "Shenzhou" spacecraft on the 4th. 中国航天事业起步于20世纪50年代,以下是中国航天事业发展的主要阶段: 1956年10月8日,中国第一个火箭导弹研制机构——国防部第五研究院成立,钱学森任院长。 1964年7月19日,中国第一枚内载小白鼠的生物火箭在安徽广德发射成功,中国空间科学探测迈出了第一步。 1968年4月1日,中国航天医学工程研究所成立,开始选训宇航员和进行载人航天医学工程研究。 1970年4月24日,随着第一颗人造地球卫星“东方红”1号在酒泉发射成功,中国成为世界上第五个发射卫星的国家。 1975年11月26日,首颗返回式卫星发射成功,3天后顺利返回,中国成为世界上第三个掌握卫星返回技术的国家。 1988年9月7日,长征4号运载火箭在太原成功发射了风云1号A气象卫星。 1990年4月7日,“长征3号”运载火箭成功发射美国研制的“亚洲1号”卫星,中国在国际商业卫星发射服务市场中占有了一席之地。 1990年7月16日,“长征”2号捆绑式火箭首次在西昌发射成功,为发射载人航天器打下了基础。 1992年,中国载人飞船正式列入国家计划进行研制,这项工程后来被定名为“神舟”号飞船载人航天工程。 1999年11月20日,中国成功发射第一艘宇宙飞船--“神舟”试验飞船,飞船返回舱于次日在内蒙古自治区中部地区成功着陆。 2001年1月10日,中国成功发射“神舟”2号试验飞船,按照预定计划在太空完成空间科学和技术试验任务后,于1月16日在内蒙古中部地区准确返回。 2002年3月25日,中国成功发射“神舟”3号试验飞船,环绕地球飞行了108圈后,于4月1日准确降落在内蒙古中部地区。 2002年12月30日,中国成功发射“神舟”4号飞船。
范文:给航天英雄杨利伟写封信 Dear June 19, 2004 It is with the most sincere pleasure I write to congratulate you on your becoming the first Chinese greeting to mankind’s mother planet from outer space. Today, our country’s centuries-old dream of journeying to outer space has finally come true. People from all walks of life, with no exception to me, take a pride in being Chinese and your fellow countrymen. As the rocket soared into the sky, your name joined those figures such as Gagarin in space history. You deserve this honor, for you were subject to unimaginable hardships and challenges before the successful launch of the Shenzhou-5 spacecraft. I am fully convinced that it makes a lot of sense for our country to attach importance to space exploration. The space industry has had and is going to have a great impact on China in scientific, political and military areas. May you have health, happiness and outstanding success in all your ventures. Respectfully yours, Frank====================================================一篇简要介绍航天英雄费俊龙的英语短文. Colonel Fèi Jùnlóng ( 费俊龙) (born 1965) is the second Chinese astronaut (or yuhangyuan) to fly into space as part of the Shenzhou program. He was born in Suzhou, Jiangsu province of China and was recruited from high school by the People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) in 1982 at the age of 17. He graduated with excellent marks from the PLAAF's No. 9 Aviation School, the Changchun Flight College of the PLA Air Force and Flight Training School of the Air Force. In the PLAAF, he was a pilot, flight trainer and flight technology inspector. Colonel Fèi was selected to be an astronaut in 1998. He was in the final five selected for the Shenzhou 5 flight. He was the commander on the Shenzhou 6 flight that launched October 12, 2005, with Niè Hǎishèng (flight engineer). They landed on October 17, 2005. He was married in 1991 and has one son. During his personal time he dabbles in fine arts. Colonel Niè Hǎishèng (聂海胜) (born October 13, 1964) is a Chinese astronaut (yuhangyuan). He was born in Yangdang town of Zaoyang, Hubei Province. After graduating from high school he joined the People's Liberation Army Air Force and became a fighter pilot. During his training at the PLAAF's No. 7 Flying School he was: Commander of a flight squadron Deputy Commander of a group Master navigator Graduating in 1987 and continued a career in the PLAAF. He has reached the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. On June 12, 1989 while flying at 13,000 feet (4000 meters) his plane suffered an explosion and he lost his engine. The plane began to spin to the ground and the cabin began to heat up. Trying to regain control he waited until the plane was 1300 to 1700 feet (400 to 500 meters) before choosing to eject. For his handling of the situation he was honored with third-class merit. 希望可以帮助你。
The history of China's space industry began in February 1956, when Qian Xuesen, a famous scientist, proposed to the Central Committee the opinions on the establishment of China's national defense and aviation industry.
In April 1956, the aviation industry commission of the people's Republic of China was established to lead China's aviation and rocket industry.
1970 年中国第一颗人造卫星“东方红1 号”成功升空!成为了中国航天发展史上第二个里程碑。
(3) 载人航天
2003 年10 月15 日,中国神舟五号载人飞船升空,表明中国掌握载人航天技术,成为中国航天事业发展史上的第三个里程碑。
2016年9月15日22时04分09秒,天宫二号空间实验室在酒泉卫星发射中心发射成功 。
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《神七问天》Manned space flight, many years of waiting, and so to the "Shenzhou V", to