一、什么是水产生态养殖养鱼的朋友都知道,我们养鱼的鱼塘是一个复杂的生态系统。水面以上有阳光,空气;塘基上有陆生植物;水是有鱼、有各种水生植物、昆虫、蚤类、藻类、真菌、细菌、病毒、以及有机物和无机盐。池底有淤泥,同样也生长得上述生物及有机物和无机盐。它们之间存在着相养、相生、相帮、相克等极其复杂的关系,生态养殖就是合理利用它们之间的相生、相养、相帮、相克的关系,生产我们所需要的水产品。合理利用它们之间的关系,不管是从经济效益还是社全效益和环境效益,都能达到一个最好的结果,这就是生态养殖。二、什么是绿色无公害水产品首先,养殖基地必须经过认证,其中最主要的是大气、土壤、水质必须符合《农产品安全质量----水产品产地环境要求》国家标准和《无公害食品淡水养殖用水水质》农业部标准的要求;其次,必须按照无公害水产品的生产技术操作规程进行养殖,从苗种放养到饲料、肥料、渔药等一切投入品的使用,再到产品的捕捞、贮运、质检、包袋、上市的各个环节均需符合相关标准或规范的要求;第三,产品必须经过政府指定的权威质检机构的抽检、完全合格并颁证后方能进入市场销售。三、水产生态养殖有何意义1,环境效益:传统的养殖模式,不但用水量大,而且施用的大剂量的国家违禁药品,如硫酸铜、孔雀石绿、敌百虫、呋喃类药等,随着大量换水,对坏境造成很大的破坏。同时对于鱼塘底质也造成难以估量的损害,使鱼塘生态环境遭到极大的破坏,恶性病源微生物大量增殖。生产的水产品通过食物链的扩散,不但对人的健康造成了损害,对环境的破环也是巨大的。2,社会效益:随着人民生活水平的提高,人们环保意思的加强,人们更加注重食品安全性,加上我国加入WTO,水产品要进入国际市场,必须达到别国的食品安全标准,因此,为了国人的身体健康,和中国水产品出口的高额利润,必须执行生态养殖。3,经济效益:传统的养殖模式,已经造成了鱼池微生物菌群严重失衡,病原微生物巨增,抗药性增强,养鱼户不得不加大药物用量,结果鱼病治不好,鱼体受伤,产量锐减,品质下降,成本增加,泛塘事件屡屡发生。这就是我们大通湖及周边地区常规鱼养殖户放弃养鱼,鱼塘种棉花怪现像发生的主要原因。湖北养鱼户率先应用了微生物制剂生态养殖法,已产生了可喜的成绩,他们生产的草鱼以低于我地每公斤1元的绝对优势,占领着湖南岳阳鲜鱼市场和其它湖南部份鲜鱼市场。在黄鳝养殖上也是用药泡着,隔三差五施药,严重影响了黄鳝的生长和产品品质,使养殖成本居高不下。更有甚者,越冬黄鳝成箱成箱的死亡,给我们不施执生态养殖敲响了警钟。我们养殖户必须改变生产观念!走出传统养殖模式的怪圈。四,倡导生态养殖的可行性随着我国水产科学的进步,已经为生态养殖研究出了系统的技术,制定了科学的标准,同时也研究出了适合生态养殖的高效、低残留、低剂量的水产用药,特别中成药和中药提取物,和有益微生物制剂天意EM原露,深圳希科安公司生产的动物强壮剂饲料添加剂-活力素。更是我们施执生态养殖有了足够的保障。广东的亩产草鱼过吨半的事例,同样也可以作为生态养殖的可行性的佐证。五、怎样实行生态养殖生态养殖包含的范畴很宽,它主要有如下几种。(一)人工生态环境养殖法。(二)多品种立体养殖法。(三)开放式流水或微流水养殖法。(四)全封闭循环水工厂化养殖法。(五)水产品与农作物共生互利养殖法。(六)使用微生物制剂养殖法。因为篇幅的限制,我这里不能作一一的阐述,就着重对使用微生物制剂法加以说明,如果对前五种方法感兴趣的朋友,请到我部咨询。 什么是微生物制剂养殖法:近10年来,微生物活菌制剂逐渐在水产养殖中得到应用推广,这给无公害健康养殖生产提供了有力的保障。目前较多使用的产品有光合细菌制剂,芽胞杆菌、乳酸杆菌制剂,天意EM原露等。他们能分解水体中的残饵、鱼粪等有机质,降低水中的氨氮含量,使养殖水体变清洁,从而改善了环境;他们能改善养殖对象的胃肠道内环境,增强食欲,促进生长,提高饲料报酬;他们还能强化养殖对象的免疫功能,提高免疫力,增强抗病能力;还能强化有益菌群,防止和减少细菌性疾病的发生与蔓延。I. What is the aquatic eco-farmingFish friends are aware that we fish ponds is a complex ecosystem. The sun above the water, air; Tong have land-based plants; water is a fish, a variety of aquatic plants, insects, fleas, algae, fungi, bacteria, viruses, and organic and inorganic salts. Mud bottom there is also growing these organisms and organic and inorganic salts. Between them there is a phase dependent, with students such as grams of extremely complex relations, ecological farming is the rational use of their students with dependents,compared the relationship between grams, production of aquatic products we need. Rational use of the relations between them, whether from economic or social benefits and environmental benefits the whole, to achieve the best results, this is the , what is the green pollution-free aquaticFirst of all, the breeding base to be certified, of which the most important thing is the atmosphere, soil, water quality must be consistent with "the quality safety of agricultural products ---- environmental requirements of aquatic origin," National Institute of Standards and "pollution-free water for the water quality of freshwater aquaculture products," the Ministry of Agriculture standards requirements; Second, pollution-free aquatic products in accordance with the rules of production technologies for breeding, from fry stocking to feed, fertilizer, Drugs, such as the use of all inputs, to fishing products, storage and transportation, quality inspection, bag listed to comply with all aspects of the relevant standards or norms; the third, the product must go through the authority designated by the Government of the sampling inspection agencies, fully qualified and licensing in order to enter the market after the , what is the significance of aquatic eco-farming1, environmental benefits: the traditional mode of farming, not only large quantities of water, and the application of large doses of countries banned substances, such as copper, malachite green, trichlorfon, furans and other drugs, with a large number of the water, on the bad habitat caused great damage. Substrate for the fish ponds at the same time also caused incalculable damage to fish ponds in the ecological environment has been greatly damaged, a large number of malignant proliferation of pathogenic micro-organisms. Produced by the proliferation of aquatic products through the food chain, not only on human health damage, environmental destruction is , social benefits: With the improvement of people's lives, it is meant to strengthen environmental protection, people pay more attention to food safety, coupled with China's accession to the WTO, aquatic products to enter the international market, other countries must meet food safety standards, therefore, To the health of the people, and China, the export of aquatic products of high profits, they must be the implementation of , cost-effective: the traditional mode of farming, has caused a serious imbalance in Yuchih microbial flora, pathogenic microorganisms by macrophages, enhanced resistance, the fish farmers had to increase the drug dosage, the results of fish diseases body injuries, sharp drop in output, decline in quality, cost increase has occurred frequently Tong Pan. This is our Chase Lake and the surrounding areas of conventional fish farmers to give up fish, fish ponds is strange to produce much cotton as the main reason for the occurrence. Hubei mariculturists microbial agents take the lead in the application of eco-farming method, has produced gratifying results, they produced less than I in grass carp to 1 yuan per kilogram of absolute superiority, occupied the fish market in Hunan Yueyang in Hunan Province and other parts of fresh fish market. In the rice field eel is also a drug culture on the bubble, andapplication, Monopterus seriously affected the growth and product quality, so that the cost of high culture. Even worse, the winter Monopterus boxes into the death of me, to us they are no wake-up call ecological farming. Fish farmers must change our production concept! Out of the traditional model of the cycle of , promote the feasibility of eco-farmingWith the progress of China's Aquatic Sciences, has been developed for the ecological farming system technology, has developed standards for science, but also for eco-culture has developed a highly efficient and low-residue, low-dose administration of fisheries, particularly in medicine and Chinese extract, and beneficial microbial preparations reveal the original EM Providence, Shenzhenproduced tonic animal feed additives - Huolisu. Shi Zhi and it is eco-farming has been adequately protected. Guangdong's per-mu yield of grass carp have been a half tons of examples, the same can also be used as the feasibility of eco-culture of , how to implement eco-farmingEcological farming includes a wide scope, it has the following several major. (A) the ecological environment of artificial breeding method. (B) three-dimensional multi-species breeding method. (C) open-water or water micro-culture method. (D) closed the factory farm method of circulating water. (V) aquatic symbiotic and mutually beneficial crop breeding method. (Vi) the use of microbial culture preparation method. Because of space limitations, I can not be here on the 11, we focus on the use of microbial preparations to illustrate this method, if the methods of the former five friends interested in, please go to the Department of advice I have. What is the breeding method microbial agents: the past 10 years, gradually Microorganisms in aquaculture are applied to promote the health of this culture to the pollution-free production provided strong protection. At present, more products are used preparations of photosynthetic bacteria, Bacillus, Lactobacillus preparations, such as an act of God reveal the original EM. They can break down残饵water, fish manure and other organic matter, reduce the ammonia content in water, so that culture change clean water, thereby improving the environment; they can object to improve the breeding environment of the gastrointestinal tract, enhance the appetite, promote growth and improve feed remuneration; they can strengthen the immune function of the target culture and enhance immunity, enhanced disease resistance; can strengthen the beneficial bacteria to prevent and reduce the occurrence of bacterial diseases and the spread.
水产养殖中使用微生态制剂的报告 近年来, 在水产养殖业中, 微生态制剂作为绿色饲料添加剂、水质改良剂以及对鱼类健康、预防疾病、 促进生长和品质改善所起的显著作用, 越来越被人们所重视, 并以其无毒副作用, 无耐药性, 无残留污染, 效果显著等特点逐渐得到广大水产养殖者的认可。近年来, 微生物技术在水产养殖中的应用越来越广泛, 利用微生物制剂进行水产健康养殖, 实现无公害养殖, 已成为发展趋势。 具体来源:
浅析机械化和畜牧业的发展 畜牧业是农业的重要组成部分,是人类的动物性食品的主要来源,一个工业国家的人均畜产品量是反映国家发达程度和衡量人民生活水平的主要标志之一
浅谈动物资源的物权法保护策略一、我国《物权法》对动物资源保护的贡献 1.确立了野生动物资源国家所有权制度。对于是否应当规定野生动物资源的国家所有权,学界有
赚钱。养殖技术方法 1、正确选址 该鳄鱼养殖基地位于广东省四会市贞山旅游区,贞山旅游区是四会唯一的省级旅游风景名胜区,整个贞山旅游区内以旅游观光、生态农业为主,
浅析机械化和畜牧业的发展 畜牧业是农业的重要组成部分,是人类的动物性食品的主要来源,一个工业国家的人均畜产品量是反映国家发达程度和衡量人民生活水平的主要标志之一