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城市规划是一定时期内城市发展的目标和计划,是城市建设的综合间署,也是城市建设的管理依据,它与很多学科密切相关。近年来,由于环境保护规划没有与城市规划和城市建设同步落实,使城市环境遭到一定程度的破坏,环境污染日趋严重,城市环境不能进入良性发展的轨道。因此城市规划中的环境保护规划应该引起人们的重视。一、城市发展过程中所面临的环境问题城市是人类社会文明发展到一定历史时期的产物,它的产生和发展决定于经济的发展,同时也受上层建筑的影响,近几十年来,城市人口的迅速增长和经济的高速发展引起了一系列的环境关题:1.水体污染问题突出由于城市人口的急剧增长和工业的飞速发展,大量的污水没有得到妥善的处理而直接排入水体,致使水环境遭到严重的破球。我国的水体污染近期呈上升趋势,全国有监测资料的1200多条河流中,850多条受到污染,在七大水系中,以辽河、海河、淮河污染严重,在统计的138年城市河段中,有133个河段受到了不同程度的污染。全国范围内78%的河段不适宜作饮用水水源,50%的地下水受到污染,西安、北京等许多城市也出现了供水危机。据估计,我国每年因污染而造成的经济损失达400亿元。2.城市大气质量严重恶化工业和交通运输业迅速发展以及化石燃料的大量使用,将粉尘、硫氧化物、氮氧化物、碳氧化物、臭氧等物质排入大气层,使大气质量严重恶化。我国大气污染属“煤烟型”污染,全国城市空气中总悬浮微粒浓度普遍超标,平均浓度达309微克/立方米;二氧化硫浓度水平较高,部分城市污染相当严重,北方城市平均值达到83微克/立方米。我国的本溪市也曾经因烟雾弥漫而被 称为“卫星上看不到的城市”;而大气中硫化物、氮氧化物业重超标导致了全国大部分地区出现酸雨,宜宾、长沙等城市酸雨出现频率大于90%,长沙降雨的平均PH值已达到,酸雨的降落不仅破坏生态环境,而且加剧建筑物,铁道、桥梁的腐蚀与破损,给工农业带来巨大的损失。而由大气污染引起的温室效应和臭氧层破坏更是直接地威胁到人类的生存。3.固体废物泛滥成灾、垃圾围城现象严重人类的生活和生产产生了大量的固体废物,目前我国每年产生的工业固体废物为亿吨,其中有害废物为3000-4000万吨,累积量超过64亿吨,侵占5亿多平方米土地;每年的生活垃圾量为1吨并以每年7-8%的速度增长。由于我国的固体废物露天堆积,全国有三分之二的城市处于垃圾的包围之中。固体废物到处堆放,不仅有碍观瞻、侵占土地、传染疾病,而且在自身严重污染环境的同时加剧了水体、大气土壤的污染。4.噪声扰民现象普遍存在目前随着我国城市工业、交通运输和文化娱乐事业的快速发展,噪声扰民的现象愈发突出,据44个国控网络城市监测,全国三分之二以上的城市居民生活在\噪声超标的环境中,区域环境噪声等效声级分布在 B(A),其中洛阳、大同、开封、海口和兰州五座城市噪声平均等效声级超过60d B(A);道路交通噪声等效声级范围为 B(A)。二、城市环境保护规划及其主要内容正是基于上述的环境危机,近几十年来人们逐渐认识到了城市规划与城市发展之间的关系并开始运用科学的规划指导城市建设。城市规划的提出克服了以往城市发展的无序性、盲目性与随意性,为城市的健康发展提供了技术保证和法律保障。城市环境保护规划是城市规划的重要组成部分,它是在城市总体规划中城市的性质、规模、发展方向的基础上,依据对城市环境质量现状的调查分析所制定的以保护人类的生存环境、减少污染、节约资源为目标的规划体系。按照我国环境保护应“坚持经济建设、城乡建设与环境建设同步规划、同步实施、同步发展,实现经济效益、社会效益和环境效益协调统一”的总方针和总战略,城市环境保护规划应主要进行以下几个方面的工作:1.城市环境保护规划的前期准备这些准备工作是城市环境保护规划的基础,它包括城市的自然环境资料,例如地理位置、生态环境、气象、水文等;城市的社会与经济状况,如人口、国民生产总值等;环境状况的调查分析,如大气、水体、噪声的监测资料、固体废物的来源与历年累计量,对污染的治理状况等;城市生态环境现状分析与功能区划等。2.大气污染综合整治规划是根据城市大气质量现状与发展趋势进行功能区划并按拟定的环境目标计算各功能区最大允许排放量和削减量,从而制定污染治理方案。大气污染的治理应根据城市的能源结构与交通状况确定首要污染物即浓度高、范围广、危害大的污染物,便于治理时有的放矢、对症下药。当前我国大部分城市的大气污染主要是由采用落后燃烧方式燃煤和汽车尾气引起,由此而来的首要污染物是二氧化硫和总悬浮颗粒,因此规划的远景目标应该是改进落后的烯煤方式,提高燃烧效率,尽量使用气体燃料、型煤、太阳能、地热等无污染或少污染的能源,实行区域集中供热、消灭千家万户的小烟囱,提高道路硬化率,通过强化污染源治理和提高污染控制技术等手段创建无烟控制区。调整工业布局,根据大气自净规律科学便理的利用大气环境容量;强化污染源的治理,降低污染物的排放量;通过技术和行政的手段减少汽车尾气的污染;提高城市绿化率、选择抗污染性好的树种,大力发展植物净化。3.水污染综合整治规划水污染综合整治规划是在对水污染现状调查分析的基础上,根据受纳水体的环境容量计算最大允许排放量并确定最佳治理方案。当前我国七大水系的水质污染程度在加剧,范围在扩大,长江、黄河、淮河、松花江的污染水1996年全国工业废水排放量为亿吨,含 化学需氧量704万吨、重金属1514吨,氰化物2457吨以及砷、酚类、油类等污染物数万吨;生活污水约占年排放总量24%,主要污染物是有机物。根据我国水污染的具体情况,水污染综合整治规划应该通过改革落后的生产方式,采用少废、无废工艺实现清洁生产,是高污水处理效果和资源化利用率,减少污水排放量,修建有效的污水处理设施,加强工业废水和生活污水的治理,最终达到有效保护水资源的目的。4.城市固体废物综合整治规划固体废物综合整 治规划是根据环境目标落实各类固体废物的综合利用率与处理、处置指标体系并制定最终治理对策。目前我国许多城市者处于固体废物包围之中,解决固体废物问题已到了刻不容缓的时刻,固体废物综合整 治规划的目的是依据城市的经济承受能力和城市固体这里是副标题借助具有像素级精度的表格绘制工具,能够更加快速方便地设计网页版面。使用与铅笔和橡皮功能相同的工具创建表格,可以直接在网页上设计任意大小和形状的表格。运用表格绘制工具可以灵活地设计高精度的页面版面,并使表格匹配与页面内容。表格中可以包含你喜欢的任何内容,包括图像,文本,多媒体文件,甚至有嵌套的表格。这些复杂的网页版面制作不需要任何手写HTML编码。这里是副标题借助具有像素级精度的表格绘制工具,能够更加快速方便地设计网页版面。使用与铅笔和橡皮功能相同的工具创建表格,可以直接在网页上设计任意大小和形状的表格。运用表格绘制工具可以灵活地设计高精度的页面版面,并使表格匹配与页面内容。表格中可以包含你喜欢的任何内容,包括图像,文本,多媒体文件,甚至有嵌套的表格。这些复杂的网页版面制作不需要任何手写HTML编码。

238 评论


Settlements Ecological Ereas Design Abstract : ecological habitat areas through adjustment of ecological environment ecosystems and ecological factors, the area has become a natural ecology and human ecology, natural and artificial environment, a high degree of unity of material and spiritual civilizations, the ideals of sustainable development of urban settlements. Ecological areas of space rational structure, improving infrastructure, ecological construction, intelligent buildings and building life should be widely Use artificial environment and the natural environment integration. It is consistent with urban planning and regional planning, and regional and urban harmony, is part of the ecological city, the host city and embodies characteristics. Key word: Ecological house design ine; Focus on different aspects of the complementary integration of plants, such as, inter ordinary plants, flowers and trees to watch, leafy trees, edible fruit trees, medicinal and aromatic plants cultivation; Green throughout the area to play while the other deeper ecological role, such as insulation, wind-proof, dust-proof and anti-noise, the elimination of poison material, adult bacterial virus, or even elimination from the visual sensory and healthy and civilized new life, is not only reflected in the design of the real estate business, not only in the real estate area matching hardware facilities, but on community service software, people really enjoy the physical and mental pleasure. This is a healthy and civilized into the system will require an investment of about 15 million, the annual energy cost about 80,000 yuan, 2a can recover the full investment, and solar water heating systems for 15~20a useful life, then the costs of energy-saving equipment on the high 100~140 million. In recent decades, many countries are active in research, development, the use of solar energy, and achieved encouraging results. The most notable of which Australia and Israel, the prevalence of solar water heaters are 30% and 50%. Our research and development of solar late, and achieved certain results, but only about 6% coverage, and development is uneven and more concentrated in the western region, the highest rate of Yunnan, 10%. My solar abundant sunshine hours for 2500h years, the region accounted for more than 2/3 land area, some areas up to 3000h. This use of solar energy for the development of our country provided a good condition. With scientific and technological progress, the scope will be broader use of solar energy and energy conversion efficiency will be higher. (2) rational use of water resources My country is a lack of water in some places, on the one hand, serious water shortages, on the other hand, wasted. Water is the key measures or "new." Residents primarily drinking water consumption and use, including restaurants use about 5% of total consumption, while the remaining 95% for washing, sewage. In the residential area, according to applications of A, B two water systems. A system specifically for drinking water (including milk, river, village, cooking). The system must be consistent with the water clean water drinking water standards. B system exclusively for the use of water. The water system should be recycling. Household will tell, laundry, water and roofing rain, the ground water within a reservoir, filtration, purification, decontamination of physical, chemical processing, and then imported household "use water" for washing, car washing, forestation, features, flushing, sewage and other use. Water cycle use of the system can save a lot of water. (3) Planning for with the fast-paced economic development, land resources have diminished. Residential areas on the section to the problem, from three aspects 1, the volume of control at a reasonable level, not lower ;2, garage or into the overhead to the construction of three-dimensional multi-storey car park or underground, semi-underground car park ;3, with the section from the energy into two factors, are advised to the construction of multi-storey and high-level incomparabdata small apartment, control building door independence households alone villa, particularly yard, beautiful landscape "auspicious treasure-house" should not build luxury villas and private gardens for a handful of people enjoy, and the construction of small parks and other public facilities should be for public enjoyment. (4) strong rectification, the promotion of environmental protection Housing construction and measures.

99 评论


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