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GPS technology in the application of modern measurement Source: China Geo-Network Authors: Gao Published: 2009.01.22 GPS performance, high precision, is by far the best navigation and positioning system. GPS measurement technology in measuring point no pass as required, to facilitate the choice of site can be a significant reduction in the construction of a high standard to save the cost of building standard, can be full-time observation, observation time is short, data-processing speed and high precision results, the full completed and development of surveying and mapping industry will lead to a profound technological revolution. GPS can be used to establish a high-precision geodetic control points and project control points. GPS using L-band, with the two carrier frequencies: L1 center frequency of 1 575.42 MHz, L2 of the center frequency of 1 227.6 MHz. There are many types of receivers, according to the required accuracy can be divided into single-frequency code rough precision dual-frequency code receiver and the receiver, the use of coarse code receiver in real-time positioning accuracy of about 25 m, precise real-time code receiver positioning accuracy better than 10 m, the use of phase receivers, data processing by the relative position (three-dimensional determination of the baseline) or parts per million accuracy, the baseline length of several kilometers from the 1 000 km, a typical baseline of 15 km of three coordinates with centimeter-level difference, the measurement time by up to several hours. 1 in urban Measurement With the acceleration of urbanization process, urban development has been greatly measurement, measurement of the outcome of the city, into a map is urban planning, construction and management of an important foundation for the necessary information, and other geodetic survey and mapping work is the basis for geodetic measurement system for a variety of topographic maps and to provide high-grade construction control points, but also for the geophysical basis to provide accurate information. Control of the city combined with measurements (or geodetic) the actual use of GPS control network technology for the establishment of cities, the expansion of great significance. At present, many cities such as Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Beijing, Shanghai and other places to explore in this area, better results are achieved. 2005, 4 to 8 months, I led in Jiangmen City, Jiangmen area control network GPS-C / D-class networks work. (1) Instrument and Equipment Company 5700 United States Trimble dual-frequency receivers 4 with a small disc antenna, equipment for a nominal accuracy of slant range (10 +2 × 10-6 mm) D, as long on the receiver, short baseline test, and compared with the standard baseline testing and other items to be seized, are up to a nominal accuracy indicator. (2) application of the operation from the beginning of April, in Jiangmen City, Xinhui, Heshan, Taishan, Kaiping, Enping six county-level cities, such as to carry out GPS measurements CITYNET more than a total of 280 points. Urban fabric of the network principle is based on the old network to expand coverage and improve the accuracy of control. Field measurement programs and data processing, according to the specific circumstances and requirements of the city by making arrangements for GPS operation group. Station, such as the number of connections to expand and, if necessary, the choice of coincidence points. Technical basis for operations, "Global Positioning System measurements norms" (GB/T18314-2001) and technical design document. Through the region based on satellite time, the development of operational plans, choose the best satellite group, in order to secure work as far as possible during the day, two hours a day observation, observation of at least six satellites can be tracked, PDOP ≤ 6 (Position Dilution of Precision Position Accuracy strong and weak degrees), each station at least two points, when the long-control in 30 to 60 minutes, while even-type expansion of the use of redundant measurements increase. (3) outside the industry and the results of the baseline pre-treatment field to choose to carry a portable computer 1, data on daily pre-treatment baseline in time, where the baseline test-retest, closed-loop overrun or ambiguity is no solution of the re - measured. The reasons are the following aspects: 1) Instrument instability, may be related to weather conditions, and have a receiver has been repaired after the 1st day where the use of the equipment can not be used on the baseline all-round and continue to improve operations; 2) the temperature is too high affect the accuracy of the results, such as a place up to a temperature of 36 ~ 38 ℃ when the outcome could not be accessed, adjusted after the observation time to resolve; 3) Lightning storm over, the phenomenon occurred many times down; 4) inaccurate measurement of antenna impact of high baseline length. Several cities through the application of results and comparison with the old coordinates, GPS positioning technology for urban control network and engineering network, with a precision, high speed, high efficiency, low cost, the results of the accuracy of the advantages of uniform and reliable. 2 in the topography, cadastral and real estate Measurement The photo shows the city terrain measurement, the mining area, as well as a variety of projects on different scales of topographic maps in order to meet a variety of urban planning and economic development needs. Cadastral surveying and real estate ownership of land is the precise determination of the location of boundary points, while surveying and mapping for land and property management departments of large-scale cadastral plan and property map, and count the amount of land and housing area. GPS there can be high-precision and rapid determination of the coordinates of control points at all levels. In particular the application of RTK (Real Time Kinematic real-time dynamic measurement) of new technologies, or even not at all control points laid only a certain number of benchmarks based on control points, will be able to measure high-precision and fast boundary points, topographic point, feature the coordinates of points, the use of mapping software can be a mapping in the field into an electronic map, and then through the computer and plotter, printer output maps of various scales. Application of RTK positioning technology for base station receiver when the request to real-time observation data (such as the pseudo-range or phase observations) and the known data (such as coordinates of the base site) real-time transmission to the mobile GPS receivers, mobile rapid solution of the whole week ambiguity in the observation that the six satellites (at least 4) after solving a real-time centimeter-level position of the mobile dynamic. This GPS static, rapid static positioning need to be processed later, the efficiency would be greatly enhanced positioning. It is a RTK emerging technology, and its application in the measurement of immediate attention. (1) RTK technology for measuring a variety of control Measurement of conventional control, such as triangulation, traversing, to claim, as the inter-pass, time-consuming and labor, and the accuracy of non-uniform, outside the industry do not know the accuracy of measurement results. GPS static, rapid static measurements do not point relative positioning between the pass, as can a variety of high-precision control and measurement, data processing and time-consuming but not real-time positioning accuracy of positioning and that they know, and found within the industry to deal with non-precision measurements require rework. Using RTK technology for control of measurement results of both real-time position to know as well as real-time positioning accuracy to know, so that operational efficiency can be greatly enhanced. RTK technology for real-time applications can achieve centimeter-level positioning accuracy, therefore, in addition to the control of high-precision measurement is static relative positioning using GPS technology, mapping the terrain of the control survey, cadastral and real estate measurement measurement and boundary control little bit of measurement can be used RTK technology. Mapping using RTK technology, only one person carrying instruments to measure in the Department of the broken point of observation on the importation of 1,2 seconds and at the same time the characteristics of coding, electronic hand-book or a portable computer records, in points in line with the requirements of accuracy Under a regional point of the terrain and surface features measured returned indoors or in the wild, by a professional surveying and mapping software can be requested by the output of the topographic map. RTK technology used does not require the determination of points between points Visibility, only one person operation, can be completed mapping work has greatly enhanced the efficiency of mapping. (2) RTK technology in the real estate cadastre and Measurement Cadastral surveying and real estate measured in RTK applications each boundary point of land ownership and cadastral mapping and real estate maps, topographic maps with the above mapping, as in real-time determination of the boundary points and a number of feature points and required to achieve centimeter-level accuracy. GPS data will be treated to obtain direct entry GPS, can be accurate and timely access to land and real estate plans. However, the impact of GPS satellite signal reception area of the shelter, you should use Total Station, range finder, theodolite and other surveying tools, the use of analytical method or graphical method for measurement details. Determined by the geological survey in the construction industry measurement, RTK technology in real-time determination of the location of boundary markers to determine the scope of land-use boundaries, the calculation area. RTK surveying the use of technology is bound coordinates directly lofting lofting and building a community determined by the geological survey in the area of measuring and calculation, in fact, by the GPS software features direct calculation of area and check. To avoid the conventional analytical method of the complexity of setting out to simplify the determination of the construction sector with the geological survey work procedures. 3 in engineering applications in deformation monitoring GPS since the mid-20th century into the 80's post-Civil, has been widely available in navigation, positioning and other applications in various fields, particularly in the measurement control surveying profession played a landmark role. It is precisely because of its relative positioning in a static high precision and high efficiency, all-weather, do not pass, as people generally used to gradually replace the conventional triangle, triangular, corner and so on, and in theory, the practice has been gratifying results. However, in precision engineering deformation monitoring applications are also rare, is still in the theoretical study and practice are explored. I will be following in GPS (works) of the base deformation monitoring design, graphic design of structural strength, the design of observing time, monitoring of the design cycle for an analysis to explore the use of GPS technology to carry out the works of new ideas for observing the deformation. 3.1 reference design Deformation monitoring in the project, the reference design (including location-scale internal and external benchmarks and reference design) is a related to monitoring the reliability of the results accurately reflect the deformation of the deformation of body work, with conventional means, of a building ( conformation) for deformation monitoring Buildings, as the apparatus and many other factors, makes the reference point network can not leave too much monitoring of regional deformation, but also by their proximity to the effects of deformation, deformation can not accurately reflect the value, Therefore, the more difficult. GPS technology as a result of the continuous improvement of the available high-precision instruments (1 +0.5 × 10-6 mm), to solve this problem easier, the benchmark can click in the deformation zone, in order to ensure the data can be reliability. 3.2 Graphic design of structural strength Graphic design refers to the strength between the deformation and deformation between the reference point with the geometry configuration, the baseline number of independent network connections and design. First of all, the selection process in the graphics, it is essential to take into account the reference point for the effective control of the deformation point, at the same time between the baseline calibration but also to each other. Secondly, in the model identification and parameter identification of the design will be able to guarantee the deformation model of the real and the real factors that caused the deformation in order to analyze the deformation caused by real factors and take appropriate countermeasures. (1) model to identify the design of model reference network in the design, it should be able to effectively network to detect any instability point; in the design of the relative network should be able to correct the deformation from several possible models of detection and separation deformation model of the real. Deformation in order to ensure the results of the analysis is correct, GPS monitoring network also need to have good gross error detection and positioning capabilities. Studies have shown that when the GPS baseline vector of each point in the network issued a number of baseline for at least three, the network has good reliability. (2) the design of model parameter identification, we can see from the above, as long as the index can be divided to meet the requirements, must meet the requirements of sensitivity, but the best deformation model parameters are often also need more precise estimate. 3.3 Observation of the design cycle time and For the observation period and the cycle can be engineering and project the nature of deformation (such as dramatic changes, for rapid changes in the slow long-term changes, etc.) combined with analysis, to make a favorable outcome for the analysis and monitoring to achieve the intention of the best observation cycle, and can be combined with the current distribution of the sky satellite, satellite state of health, for the length of time during the day, night, weather and external factors such as the various analysis, the observation period to draw the best. 3.4 for a long time observation, data processing sub-epoch - to describe the deformation displacement (horizontal) A new method of data processing Usually carried out by the relative static positioning method is the use of observation in a particular period of time (synchronous) data, such as the use of differential means, obtained with the vector between the coordinates; and for even


要3000字长的文章,这里哪放得下呀?我提供的有3100字左右,下面的只是开头的部分,如果感觉合适,请提供邮箱地址。GPS global satellite positioning system and its application in the modern transportations全球卫星定位系统GPS及其在现代交通运输中的应用[Abstract: This paper describes the GPS system principles and its three sub-systems, highlighting the GPS system in the transport network applications, including road works, car navigation and traffic management and other applications] [摘要:本文系统介绍了GPS的原理和其三大子系统,着重介绍了GPS系统在交通运输中的应用,包括在道路工程、汽车导航和交通管理中的应用以及其他应用] 1, Global Positioning System GPS Overview Global Positioning System GPS is the U.S. military early 70s, "TRANSIT satellite navigation and positioning" technically replaced with the Development of global, all-round nature (land, marine, aviation and aerospace), all-weather advantage of the navigation and positioning, timing, velocimetry. GPS constituted by three major sub-systems: space satellite systems, ground control system, the user receiving system. Space Satellite System Space satellite system is composed of uniformly distributed in six orbital planes of 24 high-orbit satellites work, the orbital plane relative to the equatorial plane with an inclination of 55Ο, orbital plane spacing 60Ο. In each orbital plane, the inclination of satellite l length difference 90Ο, any track on the west side of the adjacent satellites in orbit than the corresponding satellite ahead 30Ο. In fact, the number of satellites in space satellite systems to more than 24, so that timely replacement of aging or damaged satellites, security systems work properly. The satellite system can guarantee that any one place on Earth available to users in more than four visible satellites. Space systems, each satellite at 12 hours (sidereal time) along nearly circular orbits around the globe, from space-borne high-precision atomic clocks (the base frequency F = 10.23MHZ) control the radio transmitter in the "low-noise window" (Radio window , the frequency range of 2 to 8 the minimum noise section of the antenna area of space remote sensing and radio interferometry preferred band) near the launch of L1, L2 two kinds of carrier receiving system to global users of GPS navigation signals continuously broadcast. The working Group on GPS satellite network to protect the world at any one time, any place can be of four or more satellites for observation (up to 11), to achieve continuous, real-time navigation and positioning. 一、全球定位系统GPS简介 全球卫星定位系统GPS是美军70年代初在“子午仪卫星导航定位”技术上发展而起的具有全球性、全能性(陆地、海洋、航空与航天)、全天候性优势的导航定位、定时、测速系统。GPS由三大子系统构成:空间卫星系统、地面监控系统、用户接收系统。空间卫星系统 空间卫星系统由均匀分布在6个轨道平面上的24颗高轨道工作卫星构成,各轨道平面相对于赤道平面的倾角为55Ο,轨道平面间距60Ο。在每一轨道平面内,各卫星升交角距差90Ο,任一轨道上的卫星比西边相邻轨道上的相应卫星超前30Ο。事实上,空间卫星系统的卫星数量要超过24颗,以便及时更换老化或损坏的卫星,保障系统正常工作。该卫星系统能够保证在地球的任一地点向使用者提供4颗以上可视卫星。空间系统的每颗卫星每12小时(恒星时)沿近圆形轨道绕地球一周,由星载高精度原子钟(基频F=10.23MHZ)控制无线电发射机在“低噪音窗口”(无线电窗口中,2至8区间的频区天线噪声最低的一段是空间遥测及射电干涉测量优先选用频段)附近发射L1、L2两种载波,向全球的用户接收系统连续地播发GPS导航信号。GPS工作卫星组网保障全球任一时刻、任一地点都可对4颗以上的卫星进行观测(最多可达11颗),实现连续、实时地导航和定位。问题补充:已发到您的QQ信箱,请查收。【英语牛人团】



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原文就是指原作品,原件,即作者所写作品所用的语言。如莎士比亚的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》原文是英语。 译文就是翻译过来的文字,如在中国也可以找到莎士比亚《罗密欧与朱丽叶》的中文版本,这个中文版本就称为译文 。



1、外文文献的出处不要翻译成中文,且写在中文译文的右上角(不是放在页眉处);会议要求:名称、地点、年份、卷(期),等 。



4、Key words翻译成“关键词” 。

5、introduction 翻译成“引言”(不是导言)。
















简要说明写作的目的,有关的概念以及综述范围,说明有关主题的现状或争论焦点,所要解决的问题等。一般以 100~200 字为宜,使读者在读完前言后对有关问题获得一个初步的轮廓。














通常凡引述的资料和主要的论点都应注明文献出处,以便使读者检索查阅。所引文献应以近 3 年内者为主;另外,未公开发表的资料不宜作为参考文献。

在我国许多期刊希望列出重要的参考文献,一般限为 20~30 条为宜;但国际上许多生物医学期刊的综述文章,其参考文献甚多,全篇所列文献常达数百条之多。参考文献的著录格式国内尚不统一,应按各刊「投稿须知」要求撰写。




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毕业论文用英语的翻译:毕业 论文 迅捷在线翻译:Graduation (毕业) thesis(论文)参考一下

毕业论文的英文翻译是thesis,音标是英 [ˈθi:sɪs]   美 [ˈθisɪs]  。


1、There is no empirical evidence to support his thesis.


2、How well does this thesis stand up to close examination?


3、He has finished his thesis.


4、She's finished writing her thesis.


5、Please write an abstract of this article 〔 thesis 〕.


The article has a clear-cut thesis and arguments, but lacks reasoning.


CS方向sci三区的一个小刊,之前也是major revision,大四毕业了才中了。。所以在我心目中MV几乎约等于AC,虽然这辈子只投过一篇文章。北京译顶科技做的不错,可以联系他们一下 统一查下。















不可以。毕业设计翻译的外文文献也是会进行查重的,如果重复率过高,也是会不通过的。毕业设计(graduation project)是指工、农、林科高等学校和中等专业学校学生毕业前夕总结性的独立作业。是实践性教学最后一个环节。旨在培养学生综合运用所学理论、知识和技能解决实际问题的能力。在教师指导下,学生就选定的课题进行工程设计和研究,包括设计、计算、绘图、工艺技术、经济论证以及合理化建议等,最后提交一份报告。应尽量选与生产、科学研究任务结合的现实题目,亦可做假拟的题目。学生只有在完成教学计划所规定的理论课程、课程设计与实习,经考试、考查及格后始可进行。是评定毕业成绩的重要依据,学生通过毕业设计答辩,成绩评定及格才能毕业。








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