SCI 期刊一般来讲就是 国际核心期刊的一种而我们常说的核心期刊就是指 中国过内的 核心期刊(北核,南核,科技核,CSCD)
core journal/back-boned journal/master journal ,译法各有特点。
humanities and society Core Journal
The key magazine of China technology
core journal 核心期刊
"Chinese core journals""Core Series"
核心期刊core periodical论文已于2005年12月在核心期刊发表The thesis has been published in the core periodical in December
Chinese Sci-tech Core Periodicals
Key periodical
core journal/back-boned journal/master journal ,译法各有特点。
core journal 核心期刊
某些“专家”对学术一窍不通也就罢了,还偏要跑出来误导别人,实在是可恨。这个词翻译成中文时指“经过同行评议的”, peer 这里是同行的意思。下文给出peer-reviewed Journals 的详细英文解释,详情请看 What is a peer-reviewed journal? A: A scholarly periodical which requires that each article submitted for publication be judged by an independent panel of experts (scholarly or scientific peers) Articles not approved by a majority of these peers are not accepted for publication by the