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医学英语,无论在词汇还是句子结构上,都有它自己的文体特点。本文就医学英语文体的若干特点,作一些阐述。 1医学英语在词汇上的一些特点: 1从词源学的角度来看,医学英语的专业名词和术语,有2/3以上的词汇都是源出拉丁、希腊语(根据Os-car E Nybaken的统计(1)),拉T、希腊词素在医学英语词汇中之所以具有这样举足轻重的作用和影响,除了历史的原因以外,还与它们都拥有丰富的词缀有关。这些词缀可与不同的词干一起,能擎生无数新词‘之’。如:以auto一为词头的词:auto-activation (自体活动)、auto-antibody(自体抗体)、auto-infection(自体传染)、autoserum(自体血清), autovaccine(自体菌苗)、以micro一为词头的词:microscope(显微镜)、mi-crosection(显微切片)、microspherocyte(小球形红细胞)、microbacteria(细杆菌)、microsurgery(显微外科)、 以h州r-, hydro一为词头的词:hydracid氢酸)、hy-draemia(稀血症)、hydrocephaloid(类脑积水)、hydro-derma(皮肤水肿)、 2在医学英语中,词汇的意义比较稳定,而日常英语、文学英语中一词多义、一义多词的现象非常普遍。后者连最简单的eye, face, tongue, hand, tooth等人体器官名称都具有多种不同的词义。医学英语中有众多的习惯用语和专用术语,其词义的稳定性,使它们在表达某一概念或现象时,总是被重复使用。如change dressings(换敷料),goose flesh(鸡皮疙瘩),contrast medium(造影剂),blue spot(青斑),peptic ulcer(消化性溃疡),whooping cough(百日咳)等。 3医学英语词汇不具有感情色彩,有很多普通词汇,在医学英语中与在日常英语中使用起来给人的感觉大不一样。以responsible这个词为例:(1)The pilot of the plane is responsible for the passengers (2) Bacteria or their products are responsible formost instances of food 句((1)中“飞机驾驶员应对旅客的安全负责”,有明显的感情色彩,句((2)中“大多数食物中毒是由细菌或其产物引起的”,没有感情色彩,只表示一个事实,此句中的“be responsible for”可直接译成“引起”。 4医学英语很少使用具有夸张、比喻含义的词汇,因为医学论著注重事实和逻辑,需要的是科学性和严肃性。并且,医学英语用词较具体化,这样才能表达得清楚和准确,不至于引起误解如汉语中的“患者”,在医学英语中可有各种具体情况的“患者”,如: (1) A diabetic is not allowed to take (糖尿病患者是不能吃糖果的。) (2)In a severe case of diphtheria the prognosis de-pends largely upon how early in the course of the dis-ease an adequate amount of antitoxin can be admiin-stered) (百喉严重患者的预后,多半取决于在病程中是否能及早给予适量的抗毒素。) (3) The prescriber and the user of this productmust master the terms (开处方的医生和使用本品的患者均须掌握文中术语。) (4) Cataracts are classified according to the age ofthe individual,etiology,and morphologic characteris-tics of the (白内障是根据患者的年龄、病因和晶状体混浊的形态学特征来分类的。) (5) He is a renal transplant (他是一位肾移植患者。) 5医学英语不太注重词形的悦目,语音的悦耳,在医学英语文献中经常会出现诸如此类的词:os-teoarthropathy(骨关节病),lymphadenopathy(淋巴结病),glomerulonephritis(肾小球性肾炎),sulfapyrim-idine(磺胺嗜陡)这些词既难看又难听,但它们能表达确切的专业意义,这就使医学英语在很大程度上成为一种书面语言,不适合朗读,更不适合吟诵。 6医学英语较少使用短语动词,更多地使用所谓“规范”的书面语动词‘,,,常常用单个动词,如用absorb来表示take in,用discover来表示find out,用observe来表示look at,用。ancel来表示call off,这是因为单个动词词义较确切,不像短语动词有时往往不止一种含义。而且,单个动词较为“正规”,适于在书面语中使用。再者,单个动词简洁,用起来方便。 2医学英语在语法结构上的一些特点: 1大量使用名词和名词词组:>汉语用动词的地方,在医学英语中往往用名词来表示,如: (1 )Carbon dioxide retention is a Restriction to the use of sedatives,tranquilizers,or narcotics in heart (二氧化碳蓄积是对心力衰竭限制使用镇静、安定或麻醉等药物的主要原因。) (2) The occurrence of peptic ulcer in some pa-tients with hiatal hernia may necessitate considerationof both (对一些裂孔病患者,出现消化性溃疡时,须考虑两种疾患的诊断。) 医学英语还广泛地使用名词词组,简洁而确切地表述某一概念或事物如:ear cough(耳性咳)、heartfailure(心力衰竭)、serum bilirubin levels(血清胆红素值)。 2医学英语的文献中较多地使用被动语态结构。请看下例:
The infant with eczema must not be vaccinateduntil his skin has been clear for a year or so,nor should he be exposed to other persons with fresh vac-cinia The child with eczema should also be protected,as far as possible,from the virus of herpes simplec,He should be immunized in the usual way against diphtheria,pertussis,tetanus and Egg-grown vaccines should be avoided in egg-sensitive pa- 在此段落中,六个谓语动词中有五个用了被动语态。医学英语这样大量地运用被动语态,是因为:第一,被动结构比主动结构更少主观色彩,医学论著注重客观事实,正需要这种特性;第二,被动结构更能突出要论证、说明的对象,把它放在句子主语的地位,就能吸引人的注意,第三,在很多情况下被动结构比主动结构更简短。 3医学英语文献中,非谓语动词短语用得较频繁。例如:
All therapeutic programmes designed to decreasethe cardiac load begin with "rest" In the normal subject,the amount of blood that the heart is called upon to eject is matched,to level of metabolic activity,automatically rising and falling with the oxygen By decreasing the metabolic requirementsvia restricting activity,the work required of the heartis 关于医学的英文方面可以参考医学英语:/english/html 上有关文章。此段落中的第一句,有一个过去分词和一个动词不定式;第二句有一个动词不定式、两个现在分词;第三句有两个动名词和一个过去分词;这些非谓语动词的穿插使用既清楚正确地反映了前后事物之间的相互关系,又避免了不必要的主从复合句结构,使句子显得精练。 4医学英语中,包含两个以上从句的长句较多。例如:
A closed operation is often preferable for patients with pure mitral stenosis who have not been operated upon before,who have no detectable valvular or perivalvular calcification on fluoroscopic examination,and in whom there is no suspicion of left atrial 综上所述,我们可以看到,医学英语词汇不易发生语义上的变化,不具主观感情色彩,语句结构比较严谨规范等特性。了解医学英语的这些特性,对于我们阅读医学论著的原文将大有裨益。1 《英汉双解医学词典》本书共收入医学词条12000余个,包括了内、外、妇、儿等临床医学、病理、解剖等基础医学,以及护理、制药等领域的词汇。 本词典根据英国彼德科林出版公司(Peter Collin Publishing)第二版翻译,采取英汉双解的形式,一般词条均给出汉语对应词,读者可同时借助英语解解释理解词条的含义。本词典的解释淫英语控制在500词以内,例句丰富,读者可据此学习该词条的具体用法。另有大量选自国外著名刊物的注释(Comment)和引文(Quote),有助于读者在实际工作中运用、掌握。语法注释(Note)则告诉读者该词有无复数、特殊的复数拼法、动词的不同变化形式和美国英语与英国英语的区别等。本书的附录则给出了人体结构科、食物热量表、人名术语一览表和其他一些有用的信息。 本词典收词多,词汇新,共收集了12,000余词条,涵盖的领域也极其广泛,包含了内、外、妇、儿等临床医学,病理、解剖等基础医学以及护理、制药等领域的词汇。本词典的编排亦很有特色,把由多个词组成的词条和它的缩略语分别作为词条列出并加以解释,方便读者查阅。本词典的翻译为求译名的规范化、标准化。在翻译过程中译者参考了国内最新的、权威的词典,如青岛出版社出版的《英中医学辞海》、学苑出版社出版的《英汉汉英医学大词典》、上海科学技术出版社的《英汉医学辞典》、在此译者表示衷心谢意。 本词典是一本为医护专业的学生及从业人员编写的医学英语学习词典,内容实用,便于学习与更深入地理解医学英语常用术语,对于一般的读者也有一定的帮助,在翻译过程中译者也受益匪浅。 2 《医学英语单词触类旁通》随着许多医学英语词典、医学英语教材、医学英语研究书籍及论文的出版发行,医学英语学习和研究的高潮在全国掀起。但在学习和研究过程中,一个显著的难点就是各种术语较长,不常见,晦涩难懂,影响对知识的理解。医学英语单词之多,通过一个个学习掌握是绝对不现实的。但医学英语常用的组合形式却是有限的,约2000多个。构词成分特别是组合形式在医学英语术语中出现率极高,所以掌握了这2000多个组合形式,再认识比较常用的词素,就可以机动灵活地构建词汇,还可根据词义的实际需要而随心所欲创造新词。这才是学好医学英语单词的基础。 本书介绍了词汇的构词法则,即语言不断完善和发展过程体现出的构词规律;帮助学习医学英语的快速记忆法;医学词根,前后缀等内容。通过本书学习可以扩大巩固所学词汇,帮助读者更容易阅读专业资料。 3 《医学英语常用词辞典》本辞典在大学英语四级教学(要求学生掌握基本词汇4000个)的基础上,提供常用的医学词汇(包括少量医学书籍中常用的普通词汇)3300个,使学生的词汇量达到7000以上,这将为顺利地进行医。学阅读创造有利的条件。本辞典所收词汇系选自英美出版的医学教科书,包括医学基础课程和临床课程共十余学科,并根据编者长期从事医学英语教学积累的常用词表和教学经验而加以确定的。 《医学英语常用词辞典》自1997年出版后,经过多次重印,深受读者欢迎。这次增订再版,充实了内容,词条由原来的330个扩大到7000个,例句由原来的8000条增至17000条。将大学英证明四级教学要求掌握的4000单词,加上本辞典精选的7000个常用词(包括医学各科较常用的专门术语和普通词汇),共计约11000个词,基本上可满足医学读者系统学习和查阅之用。本辞典收集的词汇主要限于医学常用词,这次再版同时还注意增选了一些较新的常用医学术语,例句内容也加强了反映医学新的进展。每个词条下面的例句均以英汉对照,加深了对该词词义的理解及其在医学文献中的使用情况,对词汇的记忆和医学文章的阅读理解均有帮助。




Unit 1 Don’t waste energy drying your dishes in the Dry them by hand instead of using energy by drying them in the Cut back on your use of hot Take a five-minute shower, or use only four inc。

医学人文英语教程答案Unit History of medicineKeysText ALanguage FocusFill in the blanks with the words given Change the form where necessary, and payattention to the tense, voice and collocations of the is credited with; are sometimes referred to as; was supposed to; were espoused by; in addition to; was attributed to; categorize; is given credit for; Sentence Simulation(略)Translate the following sentences into EHippocrates proposed the humoral theory that the body of man has four distinct bodily fluidsin itself: blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile, different mixture of which leads todifferent In ancient Greece, career as a doctor was passed on from father to son, so Hippocrates studiedmedicine under his father from his early Ancient Greek medicine was a field restricted by religious superstition where wizards cureddiseases by means of prayer, magic or ritual recitation of It now appears that Hippocrates was incorrect in his explanation of the causes of humantemperament, but his temperament categories and names have been in use ever Ancient Western doctors about to enter medical practice were required to take an oath onmedical ethics, which was derived from the oath of Hippocrates, an ancient Greek physicianrevered as "father of medicine” in the WAs the father of Western medicine, Hippocrates is the first to formulate the code of ethics thatdoctors are required to comply Furthermore, his medical opinions and medical practicehave exerted a huge influence on the development of Western medicine for Text BAnswer the following questions according to text B you have Four traditional examination methods: looking, listening and smelling, asking, and ①TCM②thefundamentalsofTCMremainlargelyunchangedanditstheoriesinexplicable to ①the methodological quality of trials is ②Most of these trials are published in Chinese,inaccessible to western doctors, and not included in systematic ③Selective publicationof positive trials is another All natural phenomena could be categorised into Yin and Yang (two opposite, complementary,interdependent, and exchangeable aspects of nature), everything in the universe consisted of fivebasicelements(wood,fire,earth,metal,andwater),andtheuniversewasconstantlychangingtowards dynamic balance or Yin refers largely to the material aspects of the organismand Yang to There is a circulation of Qi (energy) and The organs work togetherby regulating and preserving Qi and blood through the so-called channels and Diseaseoccurs after a disturbance in Yin-Yang or flow of Qi or blood, or disharmony in the organs causedby pathogenic (eg, sadness, joy, lifestyle) and climatic factors (dampness, heat, cold) Treatmentaims to expel or suppress the cause and restore Unit 2Health professionals for a new centuryText ALanguage FocusFill in the blanks with the words given Change the form where kept pace In view unterTranslate the following sentences into EMedical science is no longer simply biomedicine, but a comprehensive discipline ofhumanities, social sciences and Science and technology development, along with social progress, has put forward higherdemands and greater challenges on higher medical Medical education is characterized by a high degree of specialization and practicality, as wellas a comparatively high cost and a long training It is the main task of medical schools to train good doctors needed by the The objective of clinical medical education is to train capable and well qualified academicdoctors with a solid professional foundation and a broad spectrum of The innovation of teaching methods has not only improved the students' initiative andenthusiasm to learn, but also enhanced the quality of clinical teaching and In spite of its great progress, our country’s medical education still fails to keep pace withsocial progress, development of science and technology, and needs for medical and Translate the following passage/sentence into C过去一个世纪教育的进步在于三个时代的教育改革。第一个时代始于20世纪初,注重教授科学课程。大约于20世纪中期,第二个时代的改革开启了问题导向式的教学革新。现在,我们需要进行体系导向式的第三个时代的教育改革,通过调整核心专业技能使其适应特定环境,同时借鉴国际化知识,从而提升医疗体系的性能。迁移学习是一种重要成果,其包含了三个基本的转变:从对事实的记忆转变为对信息的搜索、分析和综合从而作出决策;从追求专业文凭转变为实现核心竞争力从而达到医疗体系里有效的团队协作;还有,从对教育模式不带批判的照搬应用转变为对整体资源的创造性改造以应对局部的重点问题。医护人员在过去一个世纪以来对人类健康和发展做出了巨大贡献,然而,自满只会让人们继续徒劳地采用20世纪的教育策略,而无法应对21世纪的挑战。Text BAnswer the following questions according to text B you have Because it is crucial to tackle the obstacles of the 21st The outcome-based core curriculum has served as a framework in many countries, and can beadjusted for specific local needs as postulated by the Studentsparticipateinaninternationalforumwhichbringstogetherstudentsofmedicine,nursing,pharmacy,andalliedhealthprofessions(namely,theWorldHealthcareStudentsSymposium) The benefits of the annual World Healthcare Students Symposia are for studentstolearntounderstandthedifferentprofessionsanddiscussthebestwaysofeffectiveandfruitful TAccordingtotheauthors,studentsfromlow-income countries with a lack of resources can especially benefit from such initiatives asthe website Health Sciences Online, although such free initiatives should not counteract theproposal to focus development assistance more strongly on health professionals’ YStudentinitiativeshavetackledclimatechange,migranthealth,andotherissuesofglobal and national Overall,medicalstudentsworldwidehavebeenplayinganactiveroleinimplementingtherecommendations of the Global Commission mainly by developing their own outcome-basedcorecurriculaandlaunchinganinternationalforumwhichbringstogetherstudentsofmedicine, nursing, pharmacy, and allied health professions, among other




英汉汉英医学分科词典——外科学分册作 者: 翁心植 等主编出 版 社: 世界图书出版公司 内容简介《英汉汉英医学分科词典》出版以来,为推动中外医学交流、医学名词规范化和医学院校双语教学做出了重要贡献,受到了广大医务工作者和医科院校师生的普遍欢迎。借此重印之机,我们组织部分原作者对全书进行了修订。主要是增加了一些新词新义,并对原书的疏漏之处作了订正。近年来全国科学技术名词审定委员会又相继公布了《医学名词(六)外科学分册》《医学名词(七)整形外科学、医学美学与美容医学、皮肤病学、物理医学与康复[学]》《药学名词》和《中医药学名词》。本次修订吸收了上述各书的全部内容,并依第一版体例做了技术处理。词典是需要不断修订的,尤其是在当今生命科学发展日新月异的时代。我们衷心希望广大读者能把所发现的本词典的疏漏或觉得应收入本词典的医学新词随时告诉我们,使本词典更加完善。在当当网上可以邮购,价格是32元左右、

迷你英汉医学实用字典,四六级也可用,收入医用词条35000条,兴界图书出版公司 A Mini Practical English-Chinese Medical Dictionary


医学人文英语教程答案Unit History of medicineKeysText ALanguage FocusFill in the blanks with the words given Change the form where necessary, and payattention to the tense, voice and collocations of the is credited with; are sometimes referred to as; was supposed to; were espoused by; in addition to; was attributed to; categorize; is given credit for; Sentence Simulation(略)Translate the following sentences into EHippocrates proposed the humoral theory that the body of man has four distinct bodily fluidsin itself: blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile, different mixture of which leads todifferent In ancient Greece, career as a doctor was passed on from father to son, so Hippocrates studiedmedicine under his father from his early Ancient Greek medicine was a field restricted by religious superstition where wizards cureddiseases by means of prayer, magic or ritual recitation of It now appears that Hippocrates was incorrect in his explanation of the causes of humantemperament, but his temperament categories and names have been in use ever Ancient Western doctors about to enter medical practice were required to take an oath onmedical ethics, which was derived from the oath of Hippocrates, an ancient Greek physicianrevered as "father of medicine” in the WAs the father of Western medicine, Hippocrates is the first to formulate the code of ethics thatdoctors are required to comply Furthermore, his medical opinions and medical practicehave exerted a huge influence on the development of Western medicine for Text BAnswer the following questions according to text B you have Four traditional examination methods: looking, listening and smelling, asking, and ①TCM②thefundamentalsofTCMremainlargelyunchangedanditstheoriesinexplicable to ①the methodological quality of trials is ②Most of these trials are published in Chinese,inaccessible to western doctors, and not included in systematic ③Selective publicationof positive trials is another All natural phenomena could be categorised into Yin and Yang (two opposite, complementary,interdependent, and exchangeable aspects of nature), everything in the universe consisted of fivebasicelements(wood,fire,earth,metal,andwater),andtheuniversewasconstantlychangingtowards dynamic balance or Yin refers largely to the material aspects of the organismand Yang to There is a circulation of Qi (energy) and The organs work togetherby regulating and preserving Qi and blood through the so-called channels and Diseaseoccurs after a disturbance in Yin-Yang or flow of Qi or blood, or disharmony in the organs causedby pathogenic (eg, sadness, joy, lifestyle) and climatic factors (dampness, heat, cold) Treatmentaims to expel or suppress the cause and restore Unit 2Health professionals for a new centuryText ALanguage FocusFill in the blanks with the words given Change the form where kept pace In view unterTranslate the following sentences into EMedical science is no longer simply biomedicine, but a comprehensive discipline ofhumanities, social sciences and Science and technology development, along with social progress, has put forward higherdemands and greater challenges on higher medical Medical education is characterized by a high degree of specialization and practicality, as wellas a comparatively high cost and a long training It is the main task of medical schools to train good doctors needed by the The objective of clinical medical education is to train capable and well qualified academicdoctors with a solid professional foundation and a broad spectrum of The innovation of teaching methods has not only improved the students' initiative andenthusiasm to learn, but also enhanced the quality of clinical teaching and In spite of its great progress, our country’s medical education still fails to keep pace withsocial progress, development of science and technology, and needs for medical and Translate the following passage/sentence into C过去一个世纪教育的进步在于三个时代的教育改革。第一个时代始于20世纪初,注重教授科学课程。大约于20世纪中期,第二个时代的改革开启了问题导向式的教学革新。现在,我们需要进行体系导向式的第三个时代的教育改革,通过调整核心专业技能使其适应特定环境,同时借鉴国际化知识,从而提升医疗体系的性能。迁移学习是一种重要成果,其包含了三个基本的转变:从对事实的记忆转变为对信息的搜索、分析和综合从而作出决策;从追求专业文凭转变为实现核心竞争力从而达到医疗体系里有效的团队协作;还有,从对教育模式不带批判的照搬应用转变为对整体资源的创造性改造以应对局部的重点问题。医护人员在过去一个世纪以来对人类健康和发展做出了巨大贡献,然而,自满只会让人们继续徒劳地采用20世纪的教育策略,而无法应对21世纪的挑战。Text BAnswer the following questions according to text B you have Because it is crucial to tackle the obstacles of the 21st The outcome-based core curriculum has served as a framework in many countries, and can beadjusted for specific local needs as postulated by the Studentsparticipateinaninternationalforumwhichbringstogetherstudentsofmedicine,nursing,pharmacy,andalliedhealthprofessions(namely,theWorldHealthcareStudentsSymposium) The benefits of the annual World Healthcare Students Symposia are for studentstolearntounderstandthedifferentprofessionsanddiscussthebestwaysofeffectiveandfruitful TAccordingtotheauthors,studentsfromlow-income countries with a lack of resources can especially benefit from such initiatives asthe website Health Sciences Online, although such free initiatives should not counteract theproposal to focus development assistance more strongly on health professionals’ YStudentinitiativeshavetackledclimatechange,migranthealth,andotherissuesofglobal and national Overall,medicalstudentsworldwidehavebeenplayinganactiveroleinimplementingtherecommendations of the Global Commission mainly by developing their own outcome-basedcorecurriculaandlaunchinganinternationalforumwhichbringstogetherstudentsofmedicine, nursing, pharmacy, and allied health professions, among other

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