Abstract: Along with the development of society, the healthy diet idea continuously thorough popular feeling, fat and oil kind food for many people who value shape is prohibitive. Eating right help to be more beauty. Food meet the body's various nutritional requirements, it have proper amount of protein for growth, repair and update body tissue,and maintain normal physiological functions. Be beautiful from eating food,you must need pay attention to the eating habits. Increasingly Improved technology social let people's pursuit rise to health enjoy,what is called "Food is the paramount necessity of the people", the diet has been the most important for people, pursuing healthy diet can let the body to be more healthy. Statistics datas showed that our nation has begun to be a lazy national which filled with bloated lazy people, and people are growing more and more fat, it is because we eat too much, and exercise little, but it is surprising that we also swallowing lots of healthy food and limited calories diet, and to participate in physical activities everywhere, why we can't resolve the weight problems, it is healthy eating and exercise problem, It's very important if a person has a good eating habit, as a healthy body is the key of life, so we must pay attention to healthy diet. Today,the well-developed social network is big platform,you can consult any problems from it, and a healthy diet knowledge of website is indispensable. 绝对手工翻译,楼主可以参考
Graduation thesis instructor
adviser n. 顾问, <美> (学生的)指导老师
论文导师 [网络] supervisor; dissertation adviser; thesis supervisor; [例句]那我的论文导师就说了:“你是错的,Erlang是完全面向对象的”。Then, my thesis supervisor said "But you're wrong, Erlang is extremely object oriented".
问题一:本科论文的"导师"英语怎么表达? 通常有: supervisor mentor tutor mentor 是比较常用 问题二:本科毕业论文中的指导老师英语怎么说 本科毕业论文中的指导老师 英语说法如下: advisers in undergraduate graduation thesis 这个短语翻译,要注意两点: 指导老师的翻译应为adviser,常用复数advisers。 n. 顾问,劝告者; 指导教授,导师(美大学) 本科毕业论文的翻译: undergraduate graduation thesis 问题三:论文中指导老师 英文怎么翻译? 指导老师 n. adviser 相关短语 语言指导老师 Tutor ; English Tutor 指导老师电邮地址 Teacher's Email-address 指导老师制度 adviser system 医学预科指导老师 premed advisor 大学指导老师 university faculty advisor ; University instructor 资深指导老师 Senior Instructor ; Senior Instr 人指导老师 personal tutor 升学指导老师 College Counselor 选择一个指导老师 choosing an lnstructor 双语例句: 1.每个学生有一个指导老师和个人学习计划。 Each student has an adviser and an individual learning program. 2.这些都是指导老师建议家长花钱来制作花式小册子。 These are the same advisers who counsel families to spend money on the fancybrochures. 3.我的指导老师是一位典型的不列颠圣保罗学校毕业的苏格兰人。 我觉得她喜欢羞辱那些比她更有优秀的人。 因为她对我说,我们要想办法来掩盖你是博士生的事实。 My adviser" was the Scots incarnation of Little Britain's Pauline, who relished humiliating people better qualified than herself: We have to find ways of hidingthe fact you've got a PhD, she said. 问题四:毕业论文导师英语怎么说 这是专有名词 Thesis advisor。。。论文指导老师 问题五:毕业论文的指导老师用英语怎么说 tutor 指导教师 问题六:赎渎 是什么意思 抵消;弥补。 问题七:在导师的悉心指导下,完成了论文用英语怎么说 Under the guidance of the tutor, pleted the paper 在导师的悉心指导下,完成了论文
指导老师:academic advisor。
问题一:如何用英文给教授发邮件请教学术问题 邮件主题 邮件主题(subject)不需要写自己的名字。名字是在邮件系统设置里设定好的,在发件时会替换显示实际地址,所以无需在主题里再写一遍。 [关键内容是要在主题里就写明白是否有推荐人,以及主要是什么事。很多教授只看主题。] 一个好的标题,要能简洁地概括邮件的目的或内容。如果你对教授的某个研究项目感兴趣,就可以用这个研究方向作标题,例如Deformation and fracture of hexagonal close-packed metals或者Fabrication of semiconductor through chemical vapor deposition等等。然后在邮件的正文里,可以谈谈你对这个方向如何感兴趣,你有什么相关的学术背景,还有你对这个研究领域的任何见解。 如果你对教授的某一篇文章很感兴趣,并且你的邮件正文里要谈到这篇文章,那么用这篇文章的标题作为邮件的标题也是个不错的主意。如果文章的标题过长,可以把它压缩 一下。 此外,还有人喜欢用一种开门见山式的标题,比如Inquiry into graduate admission of fall 2011。这种标题我本人没有尝试过,不知道效果如何,有兴趣的同学可以自己去尝试。最后,我想说的是,套磁信的标题并没有一定之规。大家不要拘泥于我 上面提到的这几种,一定要勇于创新。 在主题中包含course number ,Question about 3009 assignment 或者question about English 2011 essay.听起来很真实,而a question看起来像垃圾邮件。Question about English assignment or question about assignment, without identifying the class you're in, may leave your professor with the chore of figuring that out. For someone teaching large lecture classes, that might mean reading through hundreds of names on rosters. But even for a professor with *** aller classes, it's a drag to get an e-mail that merely says I'm in your English class and need the assignment. All your English professor's classes are English classes; she or he still needs to know which one is yours. 称呼 Salutations matter. The safest way to start is with Dear Professor So and So (using their last name). That way you wo......>> 问题二:给导师发的邮件,求翻译成英文 我的工作是和老外打交道的。 你这个信写给老外的话,按我个人经验,有几点不足。 很冒昧的给老师您发邮件耽误您宝贵的时间,(罗嗦啊~~~人家时间都很宝贵了,你还写这么长的句子) --> 冒昧写信打扰。 我是你研一课上的一名学生,下学年想申请做您的研究生。(在这里你可以吹捧对方一下,因为对方很好,所以你想做他的研究生,了?) --> 我是你研一课上的一名学生,对您的学识和教学方式非常admire,下学年想申请做您的研究生。 我大学是在中国大陆读的,暑期读一些英文版的土力学,土木材料等教材,希望推荐。(你希望,人家就给你推荐了?你是人家的什么人呀?这里的口气不够客气尊重。) -->我大学是在中国大陆读的,这个暑期准备读一些英文版的土力学,土木材料等教材,不知您有没有什么好的推荐? 我非常希望能做您的研究生,我知道,可能我不是十分优秀,(“可能我不是十分优秀,” 很多老外都会反感这种不自信的口气,并且很多老外更看重的不是成绩,是能力。) 我盼望能成为您的研究生。我的卷面成绩可能还不突出,但是我。。。。。(说一下自己的实际能力。比如做成什么案例。工作中的成绩。社会活动中的成绩。一些想法。) 但我会好好努力学习,认认真真做好每一件事情。(这个属于空口承诺。还不如说得实际点。比如我现在工作很努力,从开始怎么怎么,到现在怎么怎么,短时间是怎样巨大的方式。我的学习也一贯是这样的方式。) 如果有机会,我希望可以和导师约见一面,请教应该在学业上有什么准备。(这个听起来,就是不地道。很中国的感觉。) 如果有可能,您能给我几分钟,对我的学业准备当面给我一些意见,我将万分感谢。 ---------------------------- 你看看你的信是不是需要稍微改一下。改完了再翻译。 ------------------------------------ 专业翻译 来自英语牛人二团 不明白请及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~~ 问题三:给导师的邮件,望翻译为英文 Dear , (为表示尊重,最好是称呼对方为XX博士,或XX教授,不要不出现具体的姓) Sorry for disturbing you with this letter. I'm one of the students of your class for first-year graduate. I admire your knowledge and teaching style, and next year I hope to apply to be your graduate student. In my first and second graduate years, I was so busy with my pany affairs that I didn't select a tutor. My GPA score is . As my original plan was to develop myself in structure area, I didn't take too many lessons in soil mechanics. In the next half year, I plan to continue my study and finish the lessons for Advanced Soil Mechanics. I do hope to be your graduate student. Although my score on paper seems not excellent, I've put a lot of efforts in practice by my hard work on site. I had been a construction quality inspector in XXX Construction pany for XXX and got high appraisal for my work. I applied my knowledge on the site and now I've the strong feeling that it's time to strengthen my knowledge. (你的工作经验中,工地施工员是比较有价值的。我加写这一句,就是说原来你是到工地学以致用,现在用完了你又感觉到自己不足,回来再学很有动力。) The current task I give to myself is to read again the soil mechanic books of the university period. As I finished my university lessons in mainland China, in this summer vacation, I plan to read some books related to soil mechanics, civil engineering materials and so on, in English versions. Do you have any good remendation? If it is possible for you to spare me several minutes, and give me some advices for ......>> 问题四:如何用英文给教授发邮件请教学术问题 假设你和教授不是很熟,你要先弄清他的职位是否是教授,是教授用professor xxx或prof. xxx,如果他不是教授,比如说是讲师,就不要喊他教授,而用先生或小姐做称呼 Dear Prof. xxx (Mr. xxx), This is xxx(你的名字),I am a student of your xxx(哪门课程) class. May I ask a question on xxx(关于什么的问题)? 叙述你的问题,说明你的兴趣点或关注点,以及你的见解(即你为了解决这个问题做了哪些尝试。提问前应该先思考和查资料) Thank you for your time. Best regards xxx (你的名字) 问题五:如何用英文给教授发邮件请教学术问题 Dear XXXXX Professor, Have a good day , I am xxxxx from 某地方, sorry to disturb you I want to ask some questions Is it convenient for you to hava a interview with me that I can consult face to face? Thank you! Best regards! xxxxxxx 问题六:如何给国外导师发英文邮件,要论文拜托各位了 3Q 已经有国外导师了,当年怎么联系的就怎么写。绝对不能用中文写了翻译成英文,那基本人家不懂得。不满意好,爱会不会。 问题七:如何给老师写英文邮件 How to E-mail Your Professor some fate without deliberately 问题八:用英语回复导师的回信邮件 教授您好: 收到您的回复我感到万分荣幸,并且备受鼓舞,我会全力准备考试。 祝您工作顺利身体健康。 Dear Professor _____ (这里写上老师的姓,如 Professor Zh偿u), I am honored to receive your response as well as your encouragement. I will put all my efforts into preparing for this test. Best wishes, _________ 发邮件这样就可以了 ~ ? 自己认真翻译的,应该比较地道,敬请采纳、 问题九:用英语给英语老师写电子邮件。怎么写? 主题也没有,还是只要个格式?格式如下: Dear Ms./Mr., I hope this email finds you well. 后面写内容XXXXX Sincerely, 此处为你的姓名
Dea Sir, How are you ? This is XXX from xxx. Firstly, thanks for your kindly help in the near futur. That is my great pleasure to be your student of my paper. Many ideas comes out and I don't know how to organize everything until now. Is that possible for me to talk with you on the paper? If ok, could you please kindly arrange a time for my request ? It's so excited to get your reply. Best RegardsXXX
本科毕业论文:bachelor thesis指导老师:supervisor 我的本科毕业论文指导老师:the supervisor of my bachelor thesisadvisor 是美式用法
应该用 advisor
guiding teacher for graduation essay