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英语语言学毕业论文哪些题目好写? 一、英语语言学毕业论文题目:1、中西语言方式对比2、 词汇学3、 近代英语语言的衍变二、英语语言学课程由三个知识模块组成:理论启蒙、基础理论、研究方法。 理论启蒙模块内容涉及英语的词汇知识、语音知识、语法知识、修辞知识、语体知识、英语变体、英语学习策略等。 基础理论模块由英语语言学概论执行,内容涉及语言的各种属性、语言学的学科知识、语音学、形态学、句法学、语义学、语用学、社会语言学、语言与心理、语言与文化、语言习得等。 研究方法模块通过介绍语言学研究的设计与分析方法,帮助学生掌握从事语言研究的本领,并直接与本科毕业论文的写作挂钩。 三、毕业论文,泛指专科毕业论文、本科毕业论文(学士学位毕业论文)、硕士研究生毕业论文(硕士学位论文)、博士研究生毕业论文(博士学位论文)等,即需要在学业完成前写作并提交的论文,是教学或科研活动的重要组成部分之一。 语言学英语专业毕业论文哪个方面比较好写? 说实话毕业论文弄好的话还是比较烦人的,准备了两个星期也没弄出来,题目全被否决了,老师又不给现成的题目,选题都麻烦的不得了,最后直接找VIP英语论文网的帮我的,值得庆幸的是我还好找VIP英语论文网的老师帮了忙,还辅导我熟悉了论文,还有答辩的问题,老师也没发现有什么问题,还是顺利的通过了,嘿嘿 对于英语专业的学生来说应该如何学习语言学论文答辩,最好300字以 名词化的语篇功能330诺曼时期法语对英语词汇的影响339浅谈英语虚拟语气的语用功能340浅谈英语虚拟语气及其语用功能345浅析二十世纪计算机英语词汇的构成特点346浅析汉英动物谚语中的文化348浅析英汉语言中的性别歧视现象及其根源349浅析英语禁忌语及其发展352浅析英语无标志被动句356浅议译者能力359认知语言学角度下“within” 的空间隐喻意义365商标英语汉译的原则和方法384体育新闻英语文体研究375社会语言学视野中的网络语言418新闻英语中的语法特点研究423颜色词在英汉互译中的不对应性425移就的审美价值和生成基础426以认知为基础的颜色隐喻研究428隐喻认知功能研究的新视角429隐喻与一词多义的关系438英汉被动句对比研究439英汉宾语类型差异的认知原因440英汉动词非谓语用法之比较研究442英汉否定问句的答句对比研究443英汉汉英双关语及其翻译研究444英汉合成词构词对比研究446英汉名词短语修饰模式比较447英汉拟声词异同探讨448英汉人称代词运用对比研究449英汉人名的比较研究450英汉时间的空间隐喻对比研究451英汉习语的文化共性和个性的研究453英汉颜色词的引申义的文化差别454英汉颜色词跨域对比分析?—以RED和红为例458英汉隐喻性词汇对比研究462英汉语中红绿色文化比较468英语道歉方式研究 语言学论文的研究思路怎么写 语言学论文的困惑:选题是否有新意或价值,选题是否可行,选题如何打开思路。 一、选题原则:选题要新颖,选题路径:学科、方向、领域、课题、话题、问题,解决方法、效果评估。 选题方向:学科前沿课题,特别是学科交叉性课题,有扩展空间和创新余地。 二、误区:前辈研究很多的东西,没有多少好研究的,在前人的基础上不容再攀高峰。 这需要看研究目标、看研究问题,看研究框架,润物细无声,于无声处听惊雷,时代在进补,科学在发展,流水不腐户枢不蠹,多元化思考,发散思维,去研究人家没有研究过的东西一定有价值,同时前辈的研究成果也可去粗取精,继承学术也要与时俱进,有创新才有发展。 三、从选题找创新:面向新的语言现象(网络时代、自媒体时代语言的研究)、面向旧的语言现象(旧有语言的发展和继承,交叉发展进化等),面向特定语言理论(补充、修正、完善)、面向学科交叉点(社会心理学与语用学:语码转换、符号代替等。 )理论研究:寻求共性(语言共性、语用共性、认知共性等)。 应用研究:寻求对策(面向规划政策、实践(教学、口语化应用、翻译、矫正等。 )。 四、那些选题不会有创新:选题太大,太泛,如语法的认知研究,汉语英语系统的对不分析,认知语法初探等。 太微观没有一般理论性价值。 选题太大,容易重复别人的研究。 结论指向容易归结的常识化和空泛化。 怎样写语言学论文 How to improve your English in full detail (my experience) The Third Edition To be good at English is not particularly easy but not terribly hard you start to learn sentences, or new words, the first and also the most important step is the "pronunciation". To pronounce perfectly you should buy a tape to assist you to learn and practise. This is the fundamental step to learn English, ignore or pay no attention to this step; you will not learn proper English and you will find the later steps more and more difficult. If you are solid and accurate in pronunciation, you will find the later steps much easier and you will stand firmly on the right mastering the pronunciation perfectly, it is the time to accumulate new words and useful expressions. Of course start from the simplest words like “hello, hi, you, me, he, him, his, her”, etc.... and expressions like “how are you, how old are you, how do you do”, etc.......... It is essential to write the words on a piece of paper so that you remember them well. Actually everyone had done these at his/her primary school.*************Now let me tell you how I learnt English in China. ******************* Speaking:In China, you won"t have enough chances to speak English. What I did was in the morning I got up early and read aloud the texts in the textbooks. The initial aim was to achieve the same speed as the tape, and then being able to read aloud the texts with the same style as the English announcer in the tape. By doing this, it helps you to consolidate your pronunciation and it is much easier to learn English in China because you can watch some TV channels in English. The more channels in English the better because you can choose your preferred programmes and it helps you to learn English with interests of your own, hence ideal for listening and expression/words is also very useful to write diaries. On writing diaries, it is not useful if you just write it without the care of grammar and spelling. When you finish you should always read your diaries again to check for errors and refine your sentences (. remove repetitive words, use better expressions, and sort out the structure of the sentences).Reading:It is also very important to read story books in English, starting from thin ones with not many new words. Read as many thin books as you possibly can. Little by Little you will want to read thicker books, and your reading ability will get even four elements together:I have to emphasise that when you do all these reading, listening, writing and speaking; you should join them together as a whole, apply the new words you learn from watching TV, reading books to your writing and enhancement of learning comes from getting hold of the possible opportunities to speak English (in China or abroad):In China, you should try to go to local English corner to practise your oral English. If you are abroad then you should make a lot of English or international friends so you always have the opportunity to speak Spoken English, attitude is very important. You need to be very keen and you must not be shy. Never be afraid to make mistakes. Always think that a talk in English with some one will help you can think in this way: since my parents have paid so much to support me to study abroad, the money is partly spent on the international environment for learning English; therefore I ought to try my best to take every opportunity to practise my English. My English has risen to a higher level in the last 2 years, because I talk in English most of the time. Having some international friends is particularly useful indeed. Summing up the activities:I have also been watching TV too. The real improvement lies in staying with international friends long enough and watching a lot of TV such as news, football, dramas, documentaries etc.... Writing diaries also helps me to remember good words, good expressions and practise sentence structuring.*****Now, I have finished talking about how to learn and improve General is the time to switch to "Your Major in English" ******************************* Knowing general English on its own is not going to be sufficient for most people. Skills are as important as mastering another language. General English helps people to communicate with each other in their lives. Technical English helps you to take on challenges to change the world for the highest, to earn money for your living for the people who have a degree in English go abroad to learn something different but heavily based on the language such as Media study, ... 中文系 关于语言学的论文题目 and the relationship between stress, emphasis, accent and prominence is also defined differently;s build a fire. Táá diné "ooljéé". A syllable can be divided into three parts. In English only long vowels and diphthongs can occur in open syllablesOn suprasegmental features 一. Introduction So far we have been talking about phonetic features as they apply to single phonetic segments: phonetic. (Hawaiian) On the other hand. The study of phonological features which applies to groups larger than the single segment, are known as suprasegmental features, such as the syllable or the word. The study of these features is known as prosody.二. Syllable The most obvious prosodic feature in language is the syllable, nucleus, and coda, of which nucleus is a must. A syllable that has no coda is called an open syllable while a syllable with coda is called a closed syllable. It mainly includes syllable, stress, pitch, that is, onset; they must end in a consonant (Navaho): Háá"ishah dididiljah;syllable". In this paper, I will talk about the suprasegmental features in great detail, that is, they always end in a vowel, never a consonant, suprasegmental.) In other languages, syllables are always closed. Let"s briefly discuss the notion of syllables. Like all of our other basic linguistic concepts, although everyone knows what a syllable is, the concept ", tone. The maximal onset principle states that when there is a choice as to where to place a consonant, it is put into the onset rather than the coda, every Hawaiian syllable must begin with a consonant. (Aloha spoken as a single word begins in a glottal stop, and production of stress is generally believed to depend on the speaker using more muscular energy than is used for unstressed syllables. From the perceptual point of view, all stressed syllables have one characteristic in common, and that is “prominence”. Roach has manifested that at least four different factors are important to make a syllable prominent:i) Loudness: Most people seem to feel that stressed syllables are louder than unstressed ones; in other words, loudness is a component of ) Length: The length of syllables has an important part to play in prominence; the syllables which are made longer than the others will be heard as ) Pitch: Pitch in speech is closely related to the frequency of vibration of the vocal folds and to the musical notion of low-pitched and high-pitched notes; if one syllable is said with a pitch that is noticeably different from that of the others, this will have a strong tendency to produce the effect of ) Quality: a syllable will tend to be prominent if it contains a vowel that is different in quality from neighboring vowels. Languages differ in how they use ) In some languages, each syllable is equally stressed or unstressed,as in Cambodian2) the syllable in each word is more stressed. The place of stress is fixed on a certain syllable:1) initial. Finnish, Hungarian and other Finno-Ugric languages2) penultimate. Polish,3) final. ) Complex set of rules. In Bulgarian nouns and verbs have separate sets of rules for stress placement. Hopi (phonetic: first syllable of a two syllable word: síkwi meat; in words of three or more syllables, accent falls on the first long vowel: máamatsi to recognize; or on the first short vowel before a consonant cluster: péntani to write; otherwise it falls on the next to last syllable: wunúvtu stand up) The place of stress is ) In Russian the stress is completely random: xoroshó, xoró) In English the stress is more predictable but still random. Usually a middle syllable of a longer word receives the stress. In two syllable words stress is rando and often renders differences in meaning: project/to project, produce/produce, and insult/ to insult. Some languages have more than one stress per word: English is such a language. In English, words of four syllables or more have a primary and a secondary stress. Some English compounds have phrasal stress on the first element of the compound. Phrasal stress often distinguishes meaning in adjective/noun combinations. Sentence stress in English According to He Shanfen (1992), English sentence stress has two main functions:⑴ to indicate the important words in the sentence; ⑵ to serve as the basis for the rhythmic structure of the sentence. Consequently, in connected English speech, sentence stress usually falls on content ( or lexical) words, which carry the basic meaning of a sentence, . nouns, adjectives, adverbs etc. Those which are usually unstressed in sentences are form (or structural) words, which show grammatical relationships, such as articles,...

Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition Strategies 二语词汇习得策略 [摘 要] 词汇是构成语言的基本单位,词汇习得在语言学习中占有重要地位。英国著名语言学家. Wilkins (1972) 说过:“没有语法,人们不能表达很多东西;而没有词汇,人们则无法表达任何东西。”这就说明了词汇在学习中的重要性。本文旨在分析二语词汇习得策略并应用于不同水平的学习者。学习者根据自己的水平选择正确的习得方法和策略学习词汇,从而提高学习效率和习得效果。 关键字: 二语词汇习得 词汇习得策略 元认知策略 认知策略 Abstract Vocabulary is the basic unit of a language. Language acquisition plays an important role in language learning. Famous linguistics D. A. Wilkins said, “Without grammar, very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed (Lewis, 1993:16).” It speaks volumes for the importance of vocabulary in language learning. This paper aims to analysis the second language acquisition strategies and applies to different levels of learners. According to the different levels, the learners should choose the proper methods and strategies to promote learning efficiency and acquisition effect. Key words: Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition; Vocabulary Acquisition Strategies; Metacognitive strategy; Cognitive strategy Introduction With economic globalization and multi-polarization of the world, especially the population of the internet, English becomes more and more important, because it is considered as the tool for absorbing and communicating information. As we all known, vocabulary acquisition is one of the most noticed-question of the second language learners. “Vocabulary” appears in the area of linguists’ study. Nowadays, researchers still can not give a complete and reasonable definition of vocabulary. Since 1970s, the second language vocabulary acquisition research has gradually become the hot point and important subject in the second language vocabulary acquisition research area. These researches aim to discuss the efficiency vocabulary memory strategies to promote the memory skills and vocabulary levels. Then how to acquire vocabulary become popular among the researchers. Wenden &Rubin (1987), O’Malley& Chamot (1990) refer to the content of vocabulary acquisition strategies; Rubin (1987) and Oxford (1990) classify the memory strategy to the direct cognitive strategies. Especially, CohenAphek (1981), Porte (1988), O’Malley (1990), Vann (90), Cohen (1990), etc made a basic searching of vocabulary acquisition. In a word, there are various opinions in how to acquire vocabulary. Firstly, it talks about the importance of vocabulary. Secondly, what does it mean to “acquire” a word? This paper mainly aims to the detail analysis of the vocabulary acquisition from three aspects:Meta-cognitive Strategy; Cognitive Strategy and Social or Affective Strategy. Especially, it highlights the effect of the context and rending to vocabulary acquisition. This paper talks about the applications of the vocabulary acquisition strategies. And it puts forward some problems and difficulties of vocabulary acquisition. This paper also discusses the influencing factors to the acquisition. It includes the mother tongue, age, language contact, logical thinking ability, identity degree, and academic motivation . The purpose of this paper is to rise the awareness of English learners that the importance of vocabulary in language learning and the vocabulary acquisition strategies can not be neglected, and each strategies is deeply rooted in its language. Through the analysis of the theory of study, the paper tries to draw the learner’s attention to the strategies of the second language vocabulary acquisition and using the vocabulary in communication. In order to improve the acquisition efficiency, some strategies put into practice are introduced. The first presents the importance of vocabulary, some basic concepts of vocabulary and vocabulary learning, the second part tells what does it mean to know a word, the third part deals with the theory of vocabulary acquisition and presents the factors and differences influencing the vocabulary acquisition. The fourth part is detailed discussion of vocabulary acquisition strategies in different levels of learners. The last part is conclusion. Literature review 1. The importance of vocabulary As the first time, when we go to school and our English teacher will tell us that vocabulary is of great importance in learning English. After several years, we understand words gradually, especially when we study in high school. If we know a little about vocabulary, we may have poor English. That is because the listening, speaking, reading and writing show the necessary of learning vocabulary. Many researchers agree that lexis is at least as important as structure, because it is using wrong words and not wrong grammar that usually breaks down communication. Mistakes in lexis much more often lead to misunderstanding and may be less generously tolerated outside classroom than mistakes in syntax. (Carter, 1987). As Stephen Krashen remarked, “When students travel, they don’t carry grammar books, they carry dictionaries. A significant role of vocabulary in both teaching and learning processes was first stated by Stephen Krashen in The Natural Approach (1985): “Vocabulary is basic for communication. If acquirers do not recognize the meaning of the key words used by those who address them they will be unable to participate in the conversation.” Words are basic tools in human communication; therefore they determine the main part of people’s life-relationships between people and associations with the surrounding world that people live in. The larger one’s vocabulary, the easier it is to express one’s thoughts and feelings. In real communication, correctly and idiomatically used vocabulary can even decrease some structural inaccuracy and grammar errors. (Zhang Jiying, 2002). So learners should enrich and expand their knowledge of words as much as possible in order to communicate effectively in a foreign language. 2. What does it mean to “know” a word? Knowing a word is not a simple phenomenon. In fact, it is quite complex and goes far beyond the word’s meaning and pronunciation. (Zhang Jiying, 2002). Richards (1976) think knowing a word means also knowing the frequency of words and their likely collocates; being aware of the functional and situation limitations that apply; knowledge of the “syntactic behavior”; derivational forms and word class; associative and connotative knowledge; semantic value-breaking down words into minimal units as with componential analysis (see Katz&Fodor1963or Leech1974); knowing the other (possible) meaning associated. Nagy and Scott (2000) identify several dimensions that describe the complexity of what it means to know a word. First, word knowledge is incremental, which means that readers need to have many exposures to a word in different contexts before they “know” it. Second, word knowledge is multidimensional. This is because many words have multiple meanings and serve different functions in different function in different sentences, texts, and even conversations. Third, word knowledge is interrelated in that knowledge of one word connects knowledge of other words. What all of this means is that “knowing” a word is a matter of degree rather than an all-or-nothing proposition (Beck&Mckeown, 1991; Nagy&Scott, 2000). The degree of knowing a word are reflected in the precision with which we use a word, how quickly we understand a word, and how well we understand and use words in different modes and different purpose. The memory strategy, cognitive strategy, social strategy and metacognitve strategy are used more frequently than the affective strategy and compensative strategy. Conclusion This paper has attempted to provide some theories of second language vocabulary acquisition and some strategies. Such as metacognitive strategy, cognitive strategy, and social strategy. However, this paper also put forward some microcosmic strategy. As a matter of fact, vocabulary acquisition should combine the context. In addition, this paper hasn’t mentioned that culture is also an important factor in vocabulary acquisition. In the study of second language vocabulary acquisition, we should pay attention to the process and the acquiring results. This paper focuses on the study of the second language vocabulary acquisition strategies. Bibliography [1] . Chamot. The Learning Strategies of ESL Students. In A. L. Wenden & J. Rubin, (eds), Learner Strategies in Language Learning, 1987. [2] Cater. R. and M. McCarthy. Vocabulary and Language Teaching. New York: Longman, 1987. [3] Nation, L. S. P. Teaching and Learning Vocabulary. New Newbury House Publishers, 1990. [4] O’Malley, J. & Chamot, A. U.. Learning Strategies in Second Language Acquisition [J]. Cambridge University Press, 1990:12-15. [5] 陈桦,张益芳.中国儿童英语词汇记忆策略探究[J].外语学刊,2001(4). [11] 戴曼纯. 论第二语言词汇习得研究[J]. 外语教学与研究,2002(2). [12] 徐德凯.大学英语词汇教学理论与实践[M].长春:吉林出版集团有限责任公司,2009. [6] 王文宇.观念、策略与英语词汇记忆[J].外语教学与研究,1998(1). [13] 文秋芳. 英语学习策略论.上海:上海外语教育出版社,1996. 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一、英语语言学毕业论文题目: 1、中西语言方式对比 2、 词汇学 3、 近代英语语言的衍变 二、 英语语言学课程由三个知识模块组成:理论启蒙、基础理论、研究方法。理论启蒙模块内容涉及英语的词汇知识、语音知识、语法知识、修辞知识、语体知识


Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition Strategies 二语词汇习得策略 [摘 要] 词汇是构成语言的基本单位,词汇习得在语言学习中占有重要地位。英国著名语言学家. Wilkins (1972) 说过:“没有语法,人们不能表达很多东西;而没有词汇,人们则无法表达任何东西。”这就说明了词汇在学习中的重要性。本文旨在分析二语词汇习得策略并应用于不同水平的学习者。学习者根据自己的水平选择正确的习得方法和策略学习词汇,从而提高学习效率和习得效果。 关键字: 二语词汇习得 词汇习得策略 元认知策略 认知策略 Abstract Vocabulary is the basic unit of a language. Language acquisition plays an important role in language learning. Famous linguistics D. A. Wilkins said, “Without grammar, very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed (Lewis, 1993:16).” It speaks volumes for the importance of vocabulary in language learning. This paper aims to analysis the second language acquisition strategies and applies to different levels of learners. According to the different levels, the learners should choose the proper methods and strategies to promote learning efficiency and acquisition effect. Key words: Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition; Vocabulary Acquisition Strategies; Metacognitive strategy; Cognitive strategy Introduction With economic globalization and multi-polarization of the world, especially the population of the internet, English becomes more and more important, because it is considered as the tool for absorbing and communicating information. As we all known, vocabulary acquisition is one of the most noticed-question of the second language learners. “Vocabulary” appears in the area of linguists’ study. Nowadays, researchers still can not give a complete and reasonable definition of vocabulary. Since 1970s, the second language vocabulary acquisition research has gradually become the hot point and important subject in the second language vocabulary acquisition research area. These researches aim to discuss the efficiency vocabulary memory strategies to promote the memory skills and vocabulary levels. Then how to acquire vocabulary become popular among the researchers. Wenden &Rubin (1987), O’Malley& Chamot (1990) refer to the content of vocabulary acquisition strategies; Rubin (1987) and Oxford (1990) classify the memory strategy to the direct cognitive strategies. Especially, CohenAphek (1981), Porte (1988), O’Malley (1990), Vann (90), Cohen (1990), etc made a basic searching of vocabulary acquisition. In a word, there are various opinions in how to acquire vocabulary. Firstly, it talks about the importance of vocabulary. Secondly, what does it mean to “acquire” a word? This paper mainly aims to the detail analysis of the vocabulary acquisition from three aspects:Meta-cognitive Strategy; Cognitive Strategy and Social or Affective Strategy. Especially, it highlights the effect of the context and rending to vocabulary acquisition. This paper talks about the applications of the vocabulary acquisition strategies. And it puts forward some problems and difficulties of vocabulary acquisition. This paper also discusses the influencing factors to the acquisition. It includes the mother tongue, age, language contact, logical thinking ability, identity degree, and academic motivation . The purpose of this paper is to rise the awareness of English learners that the importance of vocabulary in language learning and the vocabulary acquisition strategies can not be neglected, and each strategies is deeply rooted in its language. Through the analysis of the theory of study, the paper tries to draw the learner’s attention to the strategies of the second language vocabulary acquisition and using the vocabulary in communication. In order to improve the acquisition efficiency, some strategies put into practice are introduced. The first presents the importance of vocabulary, some basic concepts of vocabulary and vocabulary learning, the second part tells what does it mean to know a word, the third part deals with the theory of vocabulary acquisition and presents the factors and differences influencing the vocabulary acquisition. The fourth part is detailed discussion of vocabulary acquisition strategies in different levels of learners. The last part is conclusion. Literature review 1. The importance of vocabulary As the first time, when we go to school and our English teacher will tell us that vocabulary is of great importance in learning English. After several years, we understand words gradually, especially when we study in high school. If we know a little about vocabulary, we may have poor English. That is because the listening, speaking, reading and writing show the necessary of learning vocabulary. Many researchers agree that lexis is at least as important as structure, because it is using wrong words and not wrong grammar that usually breaks down communication. Mistakes in lexis much more often lead to misunderstanding and may be less generously tolerated outside classroom than mistakes in syntax. (Carter, 1987). As Stephen Krashen remarked, “When students travel, they don’t carry grammar books, they carry dictionaries. A significant role of vocabulary in both teaching and learning processes was first stated by Stephen Krashen in The Natural Approach (1985): “Vocabulary is basic for communication. If acquirers do not recognize the meaning of the key words used by those who address them they will be unable to participate in the conversation.” Words are basic tools in human communication; therefore they determine the main part of people’s life-relationships between people and associations with the surrounding world that people live in. The larger one’s vocabulary, the easier it is to express one’s thoughts and feelings. In real communication, correctly and idiomatically used vocabulary can even decrease some structural inaccuracy and grammar errors. (Zhang Jiying, 2002). So learners should enrich and expand their knowledge of words as much as possible in order to communicate effectively in a foreign language. 2. What does it mean to “know” a word? Knowing a word is not a simple phenomenon. In fact, it is quite complex and goes far beyond the word’s meaning and pronunciation. (Zhang Jiying, 2002). Richards (1976) think knowing a word means also knowing the frequency of words and their likely collocates; being aware of the functional and situation limitations that apply; knowledge of the “syntactic behavior”; derivational forms and word class; associative and connotative knowledge; semantic value-breaking down words into minimal units as with componential analysis (see Katz&Fodor1963or Leech1974); knowing the other (possible) meaning associated. Nagy and Scott (2000) identify several dimensions that describe the complexity of what it means to know a word. First, word knowledge is incremental, which means that readers need to have many exposures to a word in different contexts before they “know” it. Second, word knowledge is multidimensional. This is because many words have multiple meanings and serve different functions in different function in different sentences, texts, and even conversations. Third, word knowledge is interrelated in that knowledge of one word connects knowledge of other words. What all of this means is that “knowing” a word is a matter of degree rather than an all-or-nothing proposition (Beck&Mckeown, 1991; Nagy&Scott, 2000). The degree of knowing a word are reflected in the precision with which we use a word, how quickly we understand a word, and how well we understand and use words in different modes and different purpose. The memory strategy, cognitive strategy, social strategy and metacognitve strategy are used more frequently than the affective strategy and compensative strategy. Conclusion This paper has attempted to provide some theories of second language vocabulary acquisition and some strategies. Such as metacognitive strategy, cognitive strategy, and social strategy. However, this paper also put forward some microcosmic strategy. As a matter of fact, vocabulary acquisition should combine the context. In addition, this paper hasn’t mentioned that culture is also an important factor in vocabulary acquisition. In the study of second language vocabulary acquisition, we should pay attention to the process and the acquiring results. This paper focuses on the study of the second language vocabulary acquisition strategies. Bibliography [1] . Chamot. The Learning Strategies of ESL Students. In A. L. Wenden & J. Rubin, (eds), Learner Strategies in Language Learning, 1987. [2] Cater. R. and M. McCarthy. Vocabulary and Language Teaching. New York: Longman, 1987. [3] Nation, L. S. P. Teaching and Learning Vocabulary. New Newbury House Publishers, 1990. [4] O’Malley, J. & Chamot, A. U.. Learning Strategies in Second Language Acquisition [J]. Cambridge University Press, 1990:12-15. [5] 陈桦,张益芳.中国儿童英语词汇记忆策略探究[J].外语学刊,2001(4). [11] 戴曼纯. 论第二语言词汇习得研究[J]. 外语教学与研究,2002(2). [12] 徐德凯.大学英语词汇教学理论与实践[M].长春:吉林出版集团有限责任公司,2009. [6] 王文宇.观念、策略与英语词汇记忆[J].外语教学与研究,1998(1). [13] 文秋芳. 英语学习策略论.上海:上海外语教育出版社,1996. 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日语虽然为一门语言,但高校在进行日语教学的过程中,却不能将日语单纯当做一门语言来讲解,让学生仅了解日语的使用 方法 。下面是我为大家整理的浅谈日语语言学 毕业 论文,供大家参考。

《 从日本古典文学看日语文字的形成及其发展 》

一种文字的产生绝非一两句话能够简单的表述出来,不管是何种文字都是经历了漫长的历史演变,最终千锤百炼形成的。作为人类智慧与 经验 的集合体,文学作品是文字记载的手段得以流传,能够在一定程度上反应出文字的形成与发展。对于日语文字的研究, 文章 主要从日本古典文学的角度出发进行研究。


公元四世纪,汉字经朝鲜半岛传入日本。之前,日本以口头语言为主,没有文字。汉字的传入开始日文章字的出现。也使得日本大量的古代神话、歌谣、 传说 得以记录保存。随着佛教、儒教等 文化 思想随着文字的传入,进一步的促进了日文章化的繁荣。而汉字传入日本之后,如何被接受与利用,是研究的一个重点。





与平假名不同,片假名来源于汉字的楷书,取出负荷声音的汉字的一部分进行简化而来,是为了训读汉文而出现的,尤其是在佛经传入日本后,由于佛经全部是由汉字书写而成,日本的僧侣及文人在阅读佛经的时候,受发音不同的影响,为了记住汉字的日语发音,阅读者在该字旁,加注一个汉字进行表音。由于字间距的空间有限,因此采用汉字的偏旁部首来代替该汉字。就形成了最初的片假名,主要是以表音符号存在。到公元十世纪,片假名发展为独立的文字。由于该文字主要用于佛经阅读中,很受僧侣的亲睐。到公元十一世纪,片假名被广泛的用于记录一般性文章及诗词歌赋中。古典文学中,第一部采用“汉文训读”文体的文学书籍是公元12世纪出现的《今昔物语集》,也就是在汉字旁边用小字号的片假名进行标注,由于书中数千 故事 都是以“今ぃ昔”开头,以“卜ナ厶语リタヘルヤ”作为结尾,因此被称为《今昔物语集》。至此,片假名已经不单是作为表音符号,已经成为文章一种文体,有其固定的语义存在。平假名的发展经历了漫长的时候,现有的片假名文字主要是在明治时期确定下来的。二战之后,日本对文字的使用进行了规范,规定平假名和汉字混合书写主要用于普通文章,而片假名用于拟声词、外来语等的表述。至此,日语文字的使用规范得以成型。


通常情况下,认为日本是一个对外来文化善于接受和吸纳的民族。而对于古代日本而言,一致在效仿文化繁荣、历史悠久的邻邦中国。从文艺思潮到政治制度,从城郭建筑到水稻 种植 ,古代日本从中国大陆文化中接受了无以计数的养分,充分的进行吸收,促进了日文章化的兴盛和繁荣。文字作为日文章化发展的基础,从变体汉字到万叶假名、平假名、片假名,日语文字经历了漫长的发展过程,并通过日本古典文学充分的反映出了日本在接受和吸收外来文化的过程。

《 日语语言文学中的家园意识探究 》

摘 要:中日属于邻邦国家,两国在文化基础层面上有着鲜明的共同性。近几年来,随着我国对日本文化及其语言进行深入分析与研究,尤其是对日本国家语言文学中的主流意识与社会文化进行了探讨,受到理论界广泛关注。本文就日语语言文学历史发展进程及其特点进行简要概述,并与日本典型的社会文化与语言文学案例相结合,对日语语言文学中蕴含着的家园意识及其特点进行深入剖析。希望对日语语言文学研究提供一定的参考依据。











从日本国家社会 传统文化 发展进程中可以看出,日本国家非常注重家庭,认为家庭不仅是促进社会发展、稳定的基础,也是维系情感的纽带。所以,日本国家早期很多语言文学著作中,都具有浓厚的家园意识,尤其是以离愁、思乡作为思想主题的抒情诗歌,将人们对家庭思念、眷恋及向往充分表现出来。而从日本国家近代史来看,国民受到战争严重摧残,家园在战争中受到破坏,所以这个时期的日语语言文学,能够将日本国民对家园深深的眷恋之情充分表现出来。由此可知,日本很多语言文学著作中,都以家园作为创作题材,同时赋予了日语语言文学鲜明的创作特点。






“缩小意识”属于日语语言文学较为典型的一个特点。在日本国家,很多语言文学作家喜欢将大的认知、观念及事件缩小,即缩小至一个家园中,并采取以小见大表现手法,将其对社会感知,对人生领悟表达出来。通过这种表现方式,能够将日本国民社会生活映射出来,日本国民所向往的精致生活,从生活环境到院子布设、饮食文化,都能够将缩小条件下完美展现出来。在日本语言文学作家笔触下,能够将家庭缩小,并蕴含着浓厚的亲情,达到日本国民所向往的美好生活。而很多现代学派的日本创作家,将家园庭院作为重点描述对象,而庭院也是现代化居住文化不可缺少的一部分,从庭院规划设计到整体布置,都能够将日本国民生活观念及文化观念集中展示出来。日本语言文学著作中都塑造了很多典型“庭院”,而庭院摆设物品也具有深刻的象征含义,都集中在庭院这个小小的环境中。所以,家园中的“缩小”意识,能够将日语语言文学与 社会实践 进行有效结合,使得语言文学更加的真实。




[1] 王正鸿.论日语语言文学中的家园意识[J].时代 教育 ,2013,8(17):89-90.

[2] 艾千又.从日本古典文学看日语文字的形成及其发展[J].华人时刊(中旬刊),2013,8(01):76-78.

[3] 於国瑛.日本最大的说话集――“今昔物集”[J].日语知识,2011,9(11):65-66.

[4] 张军.李瀛芥川龙之介与日本古典文学――以《今昔物语集》为中心[期刊论文]-山东文学(下半月),2010,8(4):75-76.

[5] 王昭.文学的时代时代的文学――日本自然主义文学初探[J].时代文学,2010,6(10):75-77.


1. 浅谈语言艺术研究毕业论文

2. 语言教育毕业论文

3. 日本阿伊努人的语言文化探究

4. 浅议汉语言文学专业论文精选

5. 浅谈中西文化差异及其对语言学习的影响

6. 语言艺术分析论文

7. 解析日语语言文化课程教学模式的构建



电子g信息工n程专r业毕业论文6(设计3)大t纲 课程编号: 课内3学时:66 周 学分5数: 一p,毕业论文8(设计6)目的与s要求 6, 毕业论文5(设计0)目的: 提高学生对工u作认0真负责、一j丝不p苟,对国家、集体无r私奉献,对同事友o爱团结、协作攻关,对事物能潜心0考察,勇于c开p拓,勇于b实践的基本素质。 培养学生勇于j探索,严谨推理,实事求是,有过必改,用实践来检验理论、全方1 位地考虑问题等科学技术人s员应具有的素质。 培养学生综合运用所学知识独立完成课题的工n作能力o。 培养学生从7文6献,科学实验,生产实践和调查研究中0获取知识的能力v,提高学生从6别人o经验,从1其他学科找到解决问题的新途径的悟性。 培养学生根据条件变化4而调整工v作重点的应变能力n。 对学生的知识面,掌握知识的深度,运用理论去处理问题的能力z,实验能力d,外语水2平计7算机运用水5平,书0面及g口u头表达能力i进行考核。 为3学生能否毕业,能否取得学士g学位提供必要的依据。 力c争为2社会作出贡献。 2, 毕业论文4(设计6)要求 通过毕业设计1对学生进行综合运用所学知识去解决实际问题的训练,使学生的科学实验和工j程实践技能的水8平,独立工k作能力f有所提高。 毕业论文4(设计2)应该在教学计0划所规定的时限内6完成 既可以6一o个a学生一q个n课题;也d可以3多名学生采取分6工x负责的办1法,共同完成一j个b大w的课题;还可以3前后几d届学生连续攻关,共同完成。 毕业论文0(设计2)完成后,学生提交毕业论文7,毕业论文5必须符合有关规定的要求。 为8考核学生的外语水1平及e阅读外文6资料的能力k,按教育部的规定,学生需上i交4000汉字的译文6,并附交原文3,译文5内2容应与s课题紧密相关。 二q,毕业论文4(设计1)的安排 毕业设计8(论文7)通常按照下u列程序予5以0实施: 取得课题;对课题进行剖析,明确其要求及b预期成果,规划出步骤及h工x作程序;进行实验或工e程实践;中3间检查;用所学知识对结论予8以6分6析及n整理。完成文6字材料后,请指导老师审阅;改稿、定稿和打印;评委阅读毕业设计6(论文3),写出书6面意见4;答辩。 三m,不w同类型的毕业论文3(设计1)基本特点和要求 2, 工d程型: 工q程型毕业设计1,具有硬件设计6和软件设计0两种类型。 硬件课题的特点是以7硬件实体来体现毕业设计7的成果。例如,课题要求在PC计6算机上x做一m块接口i卡,这块卡就是毕业设计2成果。该课题的主要工t作有以4下d几v个t方6面: 选择核心3电路的主要芯片1;设计0接口q电路,并尽量选用芯片6;考虑软件与h硬件分7工c,设计7总体电路;画印刷板电路图,并考虑相应结构; 所谓软件设计1是指利用成熟的技术和产品,完成工p程技术要求的设计8。这一d类型的设计3是根据设计6任务书5中6的要求,对现场、有关的产品设备及y仪表等进行调研之a后,通过计4算,落实到设备的选型配套、施工j图纸的绘制及b对施工e要求、投资的说明上x,最后写出设计5报告。这类课题需要阅读大u量资料,有时要进行实地勘查,现场测试,而后才v能完成。此外,计2算机软件开n发、设计3也k属于q工r程型设计6,例如在信息处理以3及d通信网中7就有很多这种类型的毕业课题,数据库、数据管理及v处理系统就是其中5的主要内6容。这些软件课题则以5围绕要求实现的功能编写出若干j程序,来体现设计3成果的题目。 2, 科研型: 这种课题一a般来自教师所承担的科研项目,把其中5的一r些子b课题作为1毕业设计2课题让学生来做。这类课题有一b定难度,要求比6较高,往往是几x个o同学配合起来共同完成一c个u完整的项目,有时还需要几y届毕业设计3连续几n年才x能完成,这样就出现一j个l如何继承往届成果及w前后几g届同学如何配合的问题,但这种协调配合对同学将来的工v作是大b有好处的。完成这类课题需要有较好的理论基础和外语水1平,以8及n较强的独立工o作能力z。 2, 理论型: 本专i业的若干z个w方7向都有理论工p作可以3做。 如:信息论、信号理论与g信号处理方2向:有通信体制的比7较,编译码的分4析等。是偏重数学的课题,选这方6面课题的学生要有较好的数学基础。 如:电子z电路与h电路系统方5向: 有网络综合问题,反6射功放交调分8析等。选这方4面课题的学生对电路要有较好的理论基础。 搞理论方4面的课题时,一h般先根据具体条件建立一v个d数学模型,推导出相应的表达式,利用计5算机计3算出结果并画出各种曲线,然后对结果和曲线加以3分1析,再提出结论性意见3。 四,成绩评定 3, 成绩的等次及n评定方1法 毕业论文8(设计0)的成绩分8为8优秀,良好,中2等,及i格和不a及o格五w个o等级。 毕业论文3(设计4)的评定方0法是指导教师,评阅教师和答辩委员会的三o项成绩按照3:4:4的 原则加权计6算求得。 2,评分5标准及f原则 (7)、指导老师用毕业论文7(论文8)成绩评审标准 调查论证:能独立查阅文5献和从6事其他调研;能正确翻译外文7资料;能提出并较好地论述课题的实施方2案;有收集加工t各种信息及d获取新知识的能力v。 实验方4案设计6与t实验技能:能正确设计3实验方7案,独立进行实验工p作,如设备安装,调试和操作等。 分1析与q解决问题的能力m:能运用所学知识和技能去发现和解决实际问题;能正确处理实验数据;能对课题进行理论分8析,能得出有价值得结论。 工x作量、工f作态度:按期圆满完成规定的任务,工k作量饱满,难度较大l;工r作努力l,遵守纪律;工y作作风1严谨扎a实。 论文7(设计2)质量:综述简练完整,有简介3;立论正确,论述充分8,结论严谨合理;实验正确,分5析,处理问题科学;文8字通顺,技术用语准确,符号统一s,编号齐全,书4写工m整规范。图表完整,整洁,正确;设计7(论文5)有应用价值。 创新:工c作中8有创新意识;对前人k工i作有改进和突破,或有独特见2解。 (2)评阅人c用毕业论文8(设计2)成绩评审标准 翻译资料,综述材料:查阅文3献有一m定的广m泛性;翻译外文7资料的质量好;有综合归纳资料的能力a和有自己s的见1解。 文2章质量:综述简练完整,有简介2;立论正确,论述充分1,结论严谨合理;实验正确,分2析,处理问题科学;文6字通顺,技术用语准确,符号统一w,编号齐全,书0写工n整规范。图表完整,整洁,正确;设计6(论文7)有应用价值。 工e作量,难度:工i作量饱满,难度较大k 创新:对前人d工i作有改进和突破,或有独特见2解。 (6)答辩委员会用毕业论文4(设计4)成绩评审标准 报告内0容:思路清晰;语言表达准确,概念清楚,论点正确;实验方6法科学,分3析归纳合理;结论严谨;论文5(设计2)有应用价值。 创新:对前人j工z作有改进和突破,或有独特见8解。 答辩:回答问题有理论依据,基本概念清楚。主要问题回答准确,深入l。 报告时间:符合要求。 (5)毕业设计1(论文2)评分6标准 分1析、计4算、论证:8、综合分2析的正确、合理性;2。设计1,计8算的正确性;6。方3案论证的充分2性; 结构,建模,实验:1、设计5(论文7)的正确合理性;2、数模建立的正确,合理性;3。实验方8案的合理性和数据的可靠性; 说明书4的书7写质量:2。条理清楚,文6理通顺,用语符合技术规范;2。字迹工r整,图表清楚;3、书0写格式规范化6。 图纸质量:4、结构合理,工a艺z可行;2。图纸的绘制与q技术要求符合国家标准;5。图面质量及c制图的工w作量符合要求。 译文5:1。翻译准确,通顺;2。文0字流畅。 创新:8。有重大b改进或有独特见0解;2、有一f定应用价值。 答辩:2、论述思路清晰、表达清楚;2。回答正确,深入r,有逻辑性。 d〓Вy%zop省ˇk栅d〓Вr│iИp省ˇ

基于VHDL语言的汽车尾灯控制电路的设计摘要:本课题主要是基于可编程逻辑器件,使用硬件描述语言VHDL,采用“自顶向下”的设计方法编写程序实现汽车尾灯的控制,并对控制器进行编程下载,它的体积小,功耗低,成本低,安全可靠,能实现控制器的在系统编程,其升级与改进极为方便。关键词: VHDL 汽车尾灯控制 时钟信号1. 尾灯控制电路总框图,根据电路总框图的描述,我们大概可以了解到整个汽车控制尾灯的工作原理,从中我们可以发现当左右转信号同时有效时,6盏灯的闪烁是通过一个与非门实现的。并且可以获知本次设计的汽车尾灯控制电路主要分为三个模块,即控制模块,左转LFTA模块和右转RITA模块。了解到这几点,就可以对本次设计作较为详尽的解释。2.模块KONG。模块KONG如图所示,此为整个程序的控制模块。程序如下:Library ieee;Use ;Entity kong isPort(left,right:in std_logic;Lft,rit,lr:out std_logic);End kong;Architecture kong_logic of kong isBeginProcess(left,right)Variable a:std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);BeginA:=left & right;Case a isWhen”00”=>lft<=’0’;Rit<=’0’;Lr <=’0’;When”10”=>lft<=’1’;Rit<=’0’;Lr <=’0’;When”01”=>rit<=’1’;Lft<=’0’;Lr <=’0’;When other=>rit<=’1’;lft<=’1’;lr<=’1’;end case;end process;end kong_arc;控制模块首先使用了库说明语句:library ieee;Use 使用ieee库中的std_logic_1164程序包的全部资源。此控制模块定义的实体名为kong。在程序中要求实体名与存储的文件名一致。实体名为kong,则存储的文件名为。且此段程序包有5个端口,其名称分别为left. Right. Lft. Rit. Lr 。left 和right的端口方式是输入,lft, rit, lr 是输出,他们的端口类型都是std_logic的数据类型。实体说明部分结束以后,就是结构体的说明部分。结构体是整个VHDL语言中至关重要的一个组成部分,这个部分给出模块的具体说明,指定输入与输出之间的行为。结构体对实体的输入输出关系可以用三种关进行描述,即行为描述,寄存器传输描述和结构描述。只不过结构体的框架是完全一样的。本结构体中包含有一个进程语句,进程语句中又包含有两个敏感量process(left ,right),从begin开始到end process结束是一组顺序执行语句,ieee标准数据类型“std_logic_vector”定义了两位位矢量1downto 0,变量为a。程序往下把left和right的与赋值给a,下面便执行case语句了 ,case语句是无序的,所以所有条件表达式的值都是并行处理的。当条件表达式的值为”00”时则把lft ,rit ,lr,都变为0,所有信号都无效。当条件表达式为”10”时,左转信号lft有效,其它信号都无效,当条件表达式的值为”01”时右转信号rit有效,其余的无效。若条件表达式为其它的情况的话,那么就将rit ,lft ,lr 全部置1,即全部有效。最后结束case语句 end case .结束进程和结构体语句。3. 模块LFTA源程序:Library ieee;Use ;Entity lfta isPort(en,clk,lr:in std_logic;L2,l1,l0:out std_logic);End lfta;Architecture lft_arc of lfta isBeginProcess(clk,en,lr)Variable tmp:std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);BeginIf lr=’1’ thenTmp:=”111”;Elsif en=’0’ thenTmp:=”000”;Elsif clk’event and clk=’1’ thenIf tmp=”000” thenTmp:=”001”;ElseTmp:=tmp(1 downto 0) & ‘0’;End if ;End if;L2<=tmp(2);L1<=tmp(1);L0<=tmp(0);End process;End lft_arc;模块LFTA同样使用了ieee库语句,定义的实体名为lfta,其共分为六个端口即en,clk,lr,l2,l1,l0,其中en,clk,lr为输入,l2,l1,l0的端口方式为输出,而它的端口类型同样也为std_logic数据类型。LFTA程序中结构体名为lft_arc,实体名为lfta 。结构体中包含有一个进程,共定义了三个敏感量clk,en,lr,设变量名tmp为2 downto 0 的三位位矢量。当左右开关同时接通时lr有效,即lr=1,此时tmp:=”111”右边的三盏灯全亮起来,当tr=1时但en=0则左边三盏灯全灭不亮。而如果这两种情况都不是的话,那么lr=’0’时当时钟上升沿脉冲到来时,如果tmp=”000”则左边第一盏灯亮,否则就将tmp(1 downto 0)和’0’的与赋值给tmp,那么依次左边的三盏灯就能实现从左到右按次序亮灭了。最后将tmp(2)送到l2,tmp(1)送到l1,tmp(0)送到lo,结束程序和结构体。这就是在实现左转弯的时候执行的程序的全过程。通过对左转的理解,右转弯就很容易了,其执行的过程和左转弯的时候非常相似的 。我们也可发现LFTA模块的功能是当左转时控制左边的三盏灯,当左右转信号都有效时,输出为全’1’。下面来看一下右转弯控制模块。4.模块RITA源程序:Library ieee;Use ;Entity rita isPort(en,clk,lr:in std_logic;R2,r1,r0:out std_logic);End rita;Architecture rit_arc of rita isBeginProcess(clk,en,lr)Variable tmp:std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);BeginIf lr=’1’ thenTmp:=”111”;Elsif en=’0’ thenTmp:=”000”;Elsif clk’event and clk=’1’ thenIf tmp=”000” thenTmp:=”100”;ElseTmp:=’0’ & tmp(2 downto 1);End if;End if ;R2<=tmp(2);R1<=tmp(1);R0<=tmp(0);End process;End rit_arc;和左转弯时候的相同,右转弯时再次使用了ieee的库说明,这样我们可以很清楚的理解了右转弯的原理,此时库定义的实体名为rita,对于实体名前面已经讲过了不再重复了,同样的程序包中还是使用了6个端口en ,clk,lr,r2,r1,r0. en ,clk, lr的端口方式是输入,r2,r1,r0的端口方式是输出。结构体中和左转时相同引入一个进程同时和三个敏感量:clk,en,lr。变量tmp为2downto 0的三位位矢量。当左右开关同时接通时lr=’1’,那么此时变量tmp=’111’,即右面的三盏灯都有信号,三盏灯全亮。否则lr=’0’,当en=’0’时,tmp=’000’,即三盏灯全灭掉。Elsif clk’event and clk=‘1’即当时钟脉冲上升沿到来时,en=’1’,如果tmp=”000”,就把”100”送到tmp 此时右边的第一盏灯亮。否则就把’0’和tmp(2 downto 1)的与送到tmp,则依次为右边第一盏灯,第二盏,第三盏亮。然后结束if语句。这个之后就和左转的程序是一样的了,将tmp(2)中的数值送到r2,将tmp(1)中的数值送到r1,将tmp(0)中的数据送到r0,然后结束进程语句和整个结构体语句。那么到这里整个汽车尾灯的VHDL程序控制就结束了。5.结论:本次设计用到了硬件描述语言VHDL实现了对汽车尾灯的控制,总结整个设计程序我们可以发现一些问题;设计中的优点:基本实现了汽车在运行时候尾灯点亮方式的各种情况。设计中的不足:由于在行车的时候都是用开关控制的,所以每一个开关应该有一个消除机械振动的装置,可以利用基本RS触发器来实现,所以在条件允许的情况下可以对整个设计进行进一步的改进。6.参考资料:王振红 《VHDL数字电路设计与应用实践教程》 机械工业出版社 2006年1月彭容修 《数字电子技术基础》 武汉理工大学出版社 2005年9月潘松 黄继业 《EDA技术与VHDL》 清华大学出版社 2006年11月 ieee;use ;entity ZHUKONG isPort(left,right:in std_logic;Lft,rit,lr:out std_logic);end;architecture kong_arc of ZHUKONG isbeginProcess(left,right)Variable a:std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);BeginA:=left & right;Case a isWhen"00"=>lft<='0';Rit<='0';Lr <='0';When"10"=>lft<='1';Rit<='0';Lr <='0';When"01"=>rit<='1';Lft<='0';Lr <='0';When others=>rit<='1';lft<='1';lr<='1';end case;end process;end kong_arc;library ieee;use ;entity LFTA isPort(en,clk,lr:in std_logic;L2,l1,l0:out std_logic);end;architecture lft_arc of LFTA isbeginProcess(clk,en,lr)Variable tmp:std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);BeginIf lr='1' thenTmp:="111";Elsif en='0' thenTmp:="000";Elsif clk'event and clk='1' thenIf tmp="000" thenTmp:="001";ElseTmp:=tmp(1 downto 0) & '0';End if;End if;L2<=tmp(2);L1<=tmp(1);L0<=tmp(0);End process;end lft_arc;library ieee;use ;entity RITA isPort(en,clk,lr:in std_logic;R2,r1,r0:out std_logic);end;architecture rit_arc of RITA isbeginProcess(clk,en,lr)Variable tmp:std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);BeginIf lr='1' thenTmp:="111";Elsif en='0' thenTmp:="000";Elsif clk'event and clk='1' thenIf tmp="000" thenTmp:="100";ElseTmp:='0' & tmp(2 downto 1);End if;End if ;R2<=tmp(2);R1<=tmp(1);R0<=tmp(0);End process;end rit_arc;




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摘要 1

0 引言 1

1 系统分析 2

 需求分析 2

 可行性分析 2

2 总体设计 2

 项目规划 2

 系统功能结构图 2

3 系统设计 3

 设计目标 3

 开发及运行环境 4

 数据库设计 4

4 JavaBean的编写 5

 数据库操作的JavaBean的编写 5

 字符串处理的JavaBean的编写 8

 商品JavaBean的编写 9

 保存购物信息的JavaBean的编写 9

 对商品信息操作的接口的JavaBean的编写 10

 对商品信息操作的JavaBean的编写 10

5 网站前台主要功能模块设计 11

 网站前台首页设计 11

 特价商品模块设计 13

 新品上架模块设计 14

 商品分类模块设计 15

 会员管理模块设计 16

 销售排行模块设计 25

附录A 参考文献

附录B 数据表




.好.多学习讥构比如:ABC天卞英语中心 都会先让你做个英语测试,很喜欢这里的老师,客服都很热心,我觉得在线的方式性介比较高,你也可以找几个了解一下吧..


语言学论文有很多,这里学术堂整理了十五个好写的语言学论文题目:1. On English Euphemism谈谈英语委婉语2. Metaphor in English Euphemism 隐喻在英语委婉语中的应用3. The Relationship between Taboo and Euphemism and Their Respective Uses浅谈禁忌语和委婉语之关系及各自用途4. A Survey of Euphemism in English and Chinese对英语和汉语中的委婉表达法之研究5. A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Euphemistic Terms of Death英汉有关“死亡”的委婉语的对比研究6. A Contrast Study of Courtesy Language in English and Chinese英汉委婉语的语用对比研究7. The Phenomena of Ambiguity in English英语中的模糊语现象8. Noun-verb Conversion in Contemporary English现代英语中名词转化为动词的现象9. Onomatopoeia in English and Chinese Nursery Rhymes英汉语儿歌中的拟声词10. Syntactic Functions of Prepositional Phrases前置短语的句法功能11. Various Circumstances under Which Inversion is Used and its Comparison with Chinese 运用倒装的多种情形及其与汉语的比较12. The Analysis of “Up” and “Down” in English and Chinese分析Up和Down在英语和汉语中的用法13. The Comparison between English and Chinese Conjunctions 英汉连词对比14. Difference between Attributive in Chinese and English and How to Translate English Attributive Clauses英汉定语比较与定语从句翻译15. A Tentative Study of Post-posed Adjectives后置形容词初探

关于英语专业的论文题目,学术堂整理了十五个好写的,供大家参考:1.《红字》中海丝特 白兰不理智的一面(The Irrational Side of Hester Prynne of The Scarlet Letter)2. 《董贝父子》中的矛盾冲突(The Conflict in Donbey and Son)3. 论文化不同对联想意义及翻译的影响(On Influence of Cultural Differences on Associative Meanings and Translation)4. 美国教育的衰弱(The Drop of American Education)5. 19世纪欧洲移民对美国工业化的积极影响(The Positive Impacts of European Immigration on American Industrialization in the 19th Century。6. 朱丽叶之人物分析(Character Studies in Juliet)7. 主述理论在文学中的运用(The Application of the Thematic Theory in Literature)8. 语用学中的会话含义理论(Conversational Implicature Theory in Pragmatics)9. 英语语音简析及对提高初学者口语的指导(A Brief Analysis of English Phonetics as well as a Guide to Improve Learners’ Oral English)10. 比较两种对于哈姆雷特复仇的评论(Comparison on Two Kinds of Comments on Hamlet’s Revenge)11. 英语语言中的性别歧视 (Sexism in English Language)12. 英语的学与教 (English Learning and Teaching)13. 由美国2004年总统选举所想到的 (More than 2004 Presidential Election)14. 论腐朽世界中的纯洁品质——关于《雾都孤儿》的赏析 (The Purity in a Corrupt World—An Analysis of Oliver Twister)15. 论理智与情感之关系——对《理智与情感》的人物分析

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