现已发表论文120余篇,其中国际SCI论文20篇以上,被美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、德国、芬兰、挪威、英国、法国、比利时、巴西、俄罗斯、乌克兰、印度、日本等世界多个国家的一百多位学者广泛引用。其中英文SCI论文被国内外SCI期刊引用450次以上。先后在JGR、GR、Tectonophysics、Journal of Geodynamics等国际知名期刊发表论文。专著 《华北基性岩墙群》 (科学出版社)专著 《裂缝地质建模与力学机制》 (科学出版社)专著 《渤海湾盆地地球动力学》 (科学出版社) 特邀主编澳大利亚期刊 JVE 专辑两期:(1) General Contribution (2006)(2) Precambrian Geology in the North China(2009)主要论文(Major Publications):(1)Hou, Guiting, Kusky, TM, Wang, CC, Wang, YX Mechanics of the giant radiating Mackenzie dyke swarm: A paleostress field JGR(Journal of Geophysical Research),115, 2402 (国际顶级地球物理期刊,SCI影响因子15)(2)Hou, Guiting, Wang, Yanxin, K HThe Late Triassic and Late Jurassic stress fields and tectonic transmission of the North China Journal of Geodynamics,50,318-324(国际地球动力学专业期刊 SCI 影响因子0 )(3)Ju Wei, Houguiting*, Hari, K,Mechanics of the Deccan LIPs mafic dyke swarms, Journal of Geodynamics,66:79-91(国际地球动力学专业期刊 SCI 影响因子0 )(4)Ju Wei, Houguiting*, Zhang B, Insights into the damage zones in fault-bend folds from geomechanicalmodels and field Tectonophysics 610,182–(国际大地构造专业期刊 SCI 影响因子5)(5)Zhan,Y, Hou,Guiting, Hari, The geochemistry and tectonics of mafic dyke Journal of Asian Earth Sciences (in press)(6)Hou, Guiting, Santosh,M, Qian,XL, Lister,G, Li,JH Configuration of the Late Paleoproterozoic supercontinent Columbia: insights from radiating mafic dyke Gondwana Research 14,395-409 (国际超大陆权威期刊SCI影响因子73)(7)Hou, Guiting, Santosh,M, Qian,XL, Lister,G, Li,JH Tectonic constraints on the 3 ~ 2 Ga final breakup of the Columbia supercontinent from a giant radiating dyke Gondwana Research 14,561-566 (国际超大陆权威期刊 SCI影响因子73)(8)Hou, Guiting, Li,JH, Yang,MH,Yao,WH, Wang,CC,Wang,YX, Geochemical constraints on the tectonic environment of the Late Paleoproterozoic mafic dyke swarms in the North China C Gondwana Research 13,103- (国际超大陆权威期刊 SCI影响因子73)(9)Hou Guiting, Wang, Chuancheng, Li, Jianghai, Qian, X The Paleoproterozoic extension and reconstruction of ~8 Ga stressfiled of the North China C Tectonophysics 422,89-(国际构造物理权威期刊SCI影响因子8)(10)Hou, Guiting, Liu, Yulin,Li, Jianghai,Qian, X The evidence of 8Ga extension of North China Craton from the mafic dyke in Shandong Province, Eastern BJournal of Asian Earth Science, 27(4)392-(亚洲地质期刊 SCI影响因子6)(11)Hou, Guiting, Li, Jianghai, Qian, X The late Paleoproterozoic extension events: aulacogens and dyke Progress in Natural Science, 16 (2): 48-(SCI)(12)Hou, Guiting, Yi, X, Yao, W, New Configuration of the Columbia Supercontinent and continental evolution conference, Perth, A A(超大陆全球会议)(13)Hou, Guiting, 2012, Mechanism of Supercontinent breakup,Supercontinent Conference,Helsinki, F(超大陆全球会议)(14)Hou Guiting,LI Jianghai,QIAN Xianglin,et The paleomagnetism and geological significance of Meso-Proterozoic dyke swarms in the central North China Craton SCIENCE IN CHINA(D), 44(2):185-(SCI)(15)Hou, G T Fractal simulation and classification of Acta Geologica S72(2), 217-223(SCI)
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ISTP 收 录 论 文 清 单论文名称作者出版日期发表刊物The application of ground radar in highway roadbed investigation,Zeng Chong,陈超,Shunfang Xu2004Progress in Enuironmental and Engineering Geophysics P257-260,2004The basic internal structure characteristics of Amery Ice Shelf,East Antarctic,determined from the邓世坤,Bo Sun2004Progress in Enuironmental and Engineering Geophysics,P227-232,2004Using ground-penetrating radar to delineate potential karstic ground collapses at Beifenqiao,near 107National Highway,China邓世坤,Jianbo Qin,Debin Zhu2004Progress in Enuironmental and Engineering Geophysics,P239-246,2004Magnetic characteristics of street dust from the Chibi city,Hubei Province,China: its implications for urban environment刘庆生,Yang Tao,Fu Yuanyuan,L S Chan,2004Progress in Enuironmental and Engineering Geophysics,P476-479,2004The application of an electromagnetic survey technique to metal Jian Zou,罗银河2004Progress in Enuironmental and Engineering Geophysics,P423-426,2004Study of adaptive filter used to reduce industrial electromagnetic interference in data processing of thetransient electromagnetic method Hao Jiang,昌彦军,Ying Zhang,Lei Liu2004Progress in Enuironmental and Engineering Geophysics,P415-418,2004The applications of sonic method in quality detection of bulky Guoqiang Xiao,刘天佑2004Progress in Enuironmental and Engineering Geophysics,P190-194,2004A study on explaining underground pipeline data by improved evolutionary Libing Cao,鲁永康,Yu Guo2004Progress in Enuironmental and Engineering Geophysics,P368-373,2004Information system project of marine resource and environment based on MAPGISJianjun Lu,Jianbo Zhang,昌彦军2004Progress in Enuironmental and Engineering Geophysics,P610-614,2004Study on the relationship between seismomagnetic effects and seismicity in west Gansu and its adjacent areas using Higher-Order Statistics methodTao Yang,刘庆生 et 2004Progress in Enuironmental and Engineering GeophysicsP510-514,2004Feasibility analysis of subgrade sinking using seismic techniquesWeisheng 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design of engineering geology on Wuhan Economic Developing Area范萍,Haiyi Du2004Progress in Enuironmental and Engineering Geophysics,P608-609,2004The investigation of geologic body in tunnel using seismic computerized 顾汉明,Chengguo Cai,Yunsheng Wang,Zheming Cao2004Progress in Enuironmental and Engineering Geophysics,P106-110,2004Application of CSAMT to the detection of solution cavity胡祥云,Kunfa Shi,Miaoyue Wang,2004Progress in Enuironmental and Engineering Geophysics,P328-331,2004Experimental research on landslides using nuclear magnetic resonance 李振宇,Junli Li,Huiming Tang,2004Progress in Enuironmental and Engineering Geophysics,P497-502,2004Reflection responses of vertical crannies and the application in non-invasive Application of wavelet compression algorithm in linear geophysical inversion张世晖,Gao JY,Liu TY2006Proceeding of the 2nd International and Engineering Geophysics,VOL 1 AND 2 : 721-725,2006Surface-related multiple subtraction using Curvelet transform张素芳,徐义贤,Lei D2006Proceeding of the 2nd International and Engineering Geophysics,VOL 1 AND 2 : 85-89,2006Static correction of refraction applied in multiple coverage technology of reflection wave exploration张学强,Yan Z,Zhu XP,Zhang XM2006Proceeding of the 2nd International and Engineering Geophysics,VOL 1 AND 2 : 119-123,2006The suppression of seismic source's multiples in the water seismic reflection张学强,Zhu XP,Yan Z,Shi XM2006Proceeding of the 2nd International and Engineering Geophysics,VOL 1 AND 2 : 74-78,2006The wavelet compression algorithm for the equivalent dipolar layer method in the reduction of potential field data to a horizontal plane杨宇山,Liu TY,Li YY2006Proceeding of the 2nd International and Engineering Geophysics,VOL 1 AND 2 : 733-736,2006
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