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计算机专业文章一般重在客观地陈述事实,力求严谨和清清楚,避免主观成分和感 *** 彩,这就决定了计算机英语具有客观性。





























艾默生过程管理旗下的高准(Micro Motion)公司新近推出MVD多参数数字变送器,它以DSP数字信号处理技术的使用为特点,显示了高准公司在科里奥利质量流量测量技术上的雄厚实力。 高准 MVD多参数数字技术提供了一个模式化的结构来重新定义传感器和变送器,并使流量计工作得更灵巧。DSP数字信号处理器的核心处理器与传感器安装在一起,把来自科里奥利传感器中的模拟信号转换为数字信号,并产生一个正比于质量流量的电子信号。 1000系列和2000系列两种变送器可与核心处理器之间通过普通的4线电缆相连接,它们将输出最终测量信号、提供显示和一些其他的功能。变送器也可以一体地与核心处理器安装在一起。 一 什么是DSP数字信号处理器 DSP数字信号处理器是一个实时处理信号的微处理器。家用电脑的微处理器根据储存在存储器里的数据进行工作,这对于结算支票或玩电子游戏是合适的,但它不能处理某些现实世界里的东西,如音频信号、视频信号、医疗传感器的信号或来自于科里奥利传感器的信号。这里我们需要一个非常快的微处理器对这些信号做各种我们想要做的分析。 家用电脑需要显示器、磁盘驱动器、打印机、软件和一些连接电缆,像家用电脑里的微处理器一样,DSP数字信号处理器也需要支持的软件和硬件。在DSP的世界里,我们需要做的第一件事就是要把现实世界里的信号转换成为DSP世界里的信号,所用的装置被称为“模拟 —数字转换器”。 字串3 我们也需要一些软件去操作“数字化”信号,让我们举一个例子来看看我们用软件可做些什么。在远距离通话中,我们有时会听到自己声音的回声,这令人气恼。人的耳朵习惯于过滤掉短回声,但是长回声使通信非常困难。电话公司复制了你的声音然后在合适的时间加到它的反向以消除回声,不是回声没有发生,它只是被非常复杂的DSP数字信号处理软件过滤掉了。在科里奥利流量计里,我们使测量管在一个已知的频率下振动,因此任何在此振动频率范围之外的频率都是“噪声”,需要除掉它们以准确地确定质量流量。例如,一个50Hz或60Hz的信号很可能来源于与附近动力线的耦合。如何在实际上“过滤”这些多余的信号则需要一些更多的在那时刻所得到的背景信息,图1表明了噪声如何出现在原转换器信号上,以及被过滤后的最终信号。 既然我们已经处理了信号,就需要把它从数字世界再转换回到现实世界,完成这项任务的装置是“数字—模拟转换器”。 我们需要一些存储器来储存DSP数字信号处理程序,也需要一些控制装置去实现DSP数字信号处理器。字串1 二 DSP数字信号处理技术为科里奥利质量流量计带来的好处 和家用电脑处理数据带来的好处一样,DSP数字信号处理技术也给处理现实世界的信号带来了同样的好处:DSP数字信号处理器比传统的模拟处理器要小得多,这正是我们如何能把所有技术都封装到核心处理器中并使传感器智能化的原因;比起传统的模拟处理器,DSP数字信号处理器使用了更小的能量和更少的元件,并提高了可靠性;DSP数字信号处理器的精确度至少比类似的模拟处理器高一个数量级,这意味着即使较差的传感器信号也能得出较好的最终测量值;通过软件更新,核心处理器可适用于其他的传感器类型。对于高准产品来说,这意味着市场开拓更快;对于用户来说,这意味着更少的备用部件。 三 和DSP数字信号处理器有关的一些数学知识 自然界存在的信号一般是连续的,并可被连续变化的电压信号所表示。科里奥利流量计的信号也是连续信号,当我们通过一个模拟—数字转换器来发送信号时,事实上我们已把信号量化为离散的或数字化的样本。例如,假设我们通过一个12位的ADC以每秒1000个样本的采样率来传送转换器的电压,每毫秒我们将信号量化为212=4096个可能的级别之一。图2显示了一个已被量化后的信号。字串4 ADC运行一秒我们可采集1000个转换器电压的样本,我们称样本的数目为N。如果需要,我们可把所有的采样值加在一起,然后除以N来计算转换器电压的平均值。以一个类似的形式我们可计算信号的标准偏差,平均值代表我们想测量的实际信号,而标准偏差代表噪声信号。平均值的平方除以标准偏差的平方被称作信噪比或SNR。信噪比越高,被分析的数据的质量就越高。这些计算可用于计算被测变量的值。过滤和减小带宽(技术上叫作十倍程下降率)可用于提高信噪比和质量流量的精确度。 四 傅立叶分析 傅立叶分析是以法国数学家和物理学家 Jean Baptiste Loseph Fourier的名字命名的分析方法。 傅立叶认为任何连续的周期信号可被适当选择的正弦信号波的总和所描述。取一个连续的周期信号并把它转换为一族正弦波被定义为进行一个傅立叶变换。傅立叶变换在数学上很复杂,但我们只需大致了解即可。核心处理器取已量化的转换器信号并进行了信号的傅立叶变换,如图3所示。字串4 五 数字滤波 图3中信号的频谱,只有一个信号数据,其余的都是噪声,100Hz的信号代表了测量管的振动频率。我们也看到了在200Hz、300Hz、400Hz等频率处的信号,这些被称为二次、三次和四次谐波。我们还看到了一个来源于动力线耦合的60Hz的小信号。 这些数据在DSP的存储器里只是一个表格,我们想做的是抛弃任何实际测量中所不需要的信息,也就是要忽略掉100Hz测量管频率之外的信息,这被称为数字滤波。 注意到在图3中只有一个信号在100Hz测量管频率附近,在较老的传感器中,通常确定信号附近什么是数据和什么是噪声都是非常困难的。高准传感器在测量管工作频率附近有一个格外高的信号纯度,这就是高准质量流量计具有高精确度的一个重要原因。 六 DSP数字信号处理技术对高准质量流量计的实际意义 与使用时间常量去阻抑和稳定信号相比,使用DSP数字信号处理技术的主要好处之一是能够以一个被提高了的采样率去过滤实时信号,这使得流量计对流量的阶跃变化的响应时间快多了。使用MVD多参数数字变送器的响应时间比使用模拟信号处理的传统变送器快2~4倍,更快的响应时间会提高短批量控制的效率和精确度。在发动机测试装置里,我们能更好地测量发动机对燃料喷射的阶跃变化的响应。用一个紧凑的校验装置还能提高现场校验高准流量计的能力。图4是MVD多参数数字科里奥利变送器、压力变送器和普通科里奥利变送器对流量的阶跃变化的响应。字串8 DSP数字信号处理技术另一个颇有价值的实例是气体测量。气体测量是一个更富有挑战性的应用,因为高速气体通过流量计会引起相对较严重的噪声。通过高准Elite系列传感器,与流量信号混杂的噪声已被减至最小。现在DSP数字信号处理技术能更好地滤波,并进一步减小了质量流量计对噪声的敏感度。采用MVD多参数数字变送器测量气体的结果在重复性和精确度上都有了显著提高,效果如图5、图6所示。 七 未来 DSP数字信号处理技术提供了一个“通往处理的窗户”,今天,当浏览这个窗户时,首先集中在测量管振动频率附近的信号上。实际上,有意地抛弃了其余的信息,很可能正是隐藏在这些“无用的”数据里的信息会铺平通往新的诊断技术的道路。例如,频谱分析可能会引导我们取得在夹杂空气或团状流动流体测量上的进展,流体在测量管内壁的附着也是另一个有希望被DSP数字信号处理技术检测到的故障,频谱的变化也很可能被用于预测传感器的故障。 字串5 八 总结 今天,DSP数字信号处理技术通过给予质量流量计一个更快、更可靠、更高效、更稳定、更灵活的的解决办法,体现了它的价值。这也使得我们的传感器更灵巧。对于未来,高准公司充满了信心,DSP数字信号处理技术将在推动流量测量上显示出巨大的潜力。

+++++++++++++++人家问的是英文论文啊!!!UNIX 发展史分析After over thirty years of use, the UNIX computer operating system from Bell Labs is still regarded as one of the most powerful and flexible operating systems in the computer world. Its popularity is due to many things. One of which was the ability to run a wide variety of machines, from single user workstations to supercomputers. Also UNIX’s portability led to its adoption by many manufacturers. The system also made a distinctive approach to software design by solving a problem with interconnecting simpler tools, instead of creating large application development and evolution led to a new philosophy of computing. Computer systems didn't talk to each other in the early days of computing. Even the various computes made by the same company often needed interpreters. And forget about interoperability of systems by different vendors. Most operating systems very often performed only limited tasks, and only on the machines for which they were written. If a business upgraded to a bigger, more powerful computer, the old operating system usually wouldn't work on the new computer, and often the company's data had to be entered again into the new try to develop a convenient, interactive and useable computer system that could support many users. A group of computer scientists from Bell Labs and GE in 1965 joined the effort underway at MIT on what was called the Multics (Multiplexed Information and Computing Service) mainframe timesharing system. This project was a failure because the group effort initially failed to produce an economically useful system. Bell Labs withdrew from the effort in 1969. Four people Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, Doug McIlroy, and J. F. Ossanna at the Bell Labs Computing Science Research Center continued to work on the project and eventually created the UNIX operating first version of UNIX was written in assembler language, but Thompson's intention was that it would be written in a high-level language. Thompson first tried in 1971 to use FORTRAN but gave up after the first day. Then he wrote a very simple language he called B it worked but there were some problems. Because the implementation was interpreted it was always going to be slow. Ritchie added types to B, which for a while was called NB for "New B," and then he started to write a compiler for it. The first phase of C was really these two phases B and NB. The second phase was rewriting UNIX in started in the summer of 1972 but had two problems. Figuring out how to run the basic co-routines of how to switch control from one process to another. The second was the difficulty in getting the proper data structure, since the original version of C did not have structures. The combination of these things made Thompson give up over the summer. Over the rest of the year Ritchie added structures and over the next summer they made the concerted effort and did redo the whole operating system in C.剩余部分在 一共3页,可以删剪

ink that what is making them achieve that success and then work on those areas and try to gain that



这些你都可以去看下,只做参考,题目还是要你自拟的比较好,其实有很多题目可选的,就看戏喜欢怎么样的选题,或者想用什么样的语言去编程,尽量选简单点的。按理说你妹学校应该有选题给你们选的,你可以去你们老师那多了解比较好。1、网络股票交易(行情分析、服务等)2、计算机安全技术应用3、管理信息系统设计与实现(网上交易、仓储管理、档案管理等)4、电子商务网站规划与建设5、网络安全问题和对策6、手写签名的身份识别及应用7、企业应用集成(EAI)与企业信息门户(EIP)建设若干问题探讨1)、企业信息化现状诊断问题2)、EAI/EIP技术路线与平台选型问题3)、EAI/EIP建设功能规划问题4)、EAI/EIP建设实施策略问题5)、EAI/EIP建设效益评估问题8、基于RFID(射频技术)的现代物流管理技术1)、综述管理与技术的发展与方向2)、具体应用系统建设方案设计9、知识表示与企业知识系统建设1)、综述知识表示方法与企业知识系统建设发展与方向2)、知识型数字档案系统建设方案设计10、信息工程监理模型与技术1)、综述我国信息工程监理的发展与方向2)、信息工程监理模型的设计与相关技术研究3)、某个信息工程监理方案的设计11、信息安全技术及其应用结合日常应用涉及的一个具体的网络、通信和计算机应用中设计的加密、木马、病毒等信息安全问题,利用理论和技术手段,做深入的分析和研究,从算法、代码、体系结构、攻击和预防等层面,分析和解决硬件与环境安全、软件安全、加密技术、备份与恢复、网络安全、计算机病毒等特定的应用安全问题,提供保障计算机系统安全的策略、方法与基本技术。12、计算机网络与应用(网络实验对等网、交换机路由器实验、网络入侵、网络监测等)分析和设计一个基于网络的应用系统。结合行业或具体的应用,分析和设计一个实用网络,并讨论应用和安全等问题。13、网站建设根据需求,分析、设计和实现一个具体的实用网站。使用ASP、Java、PHP以及Flash、Dreamweaver开发Internet 应用系统。14、信息系统分析与设计利用数据库技术,开发实用程序,建立分析和设计一个简单的管理信息系统(MIS)、决策支持系统(DSS)、企业资源计划(ERP)等系统程序,按照软件工程的方法和步骤,将分析、设计、实现相关内容书写成学位论文。15、应用程序开发利用某一主要编程语言,编写实用小软件。如用C、VB、Delphi、Java等编写实用程序。16、网络游戏技术通过分析或设计的一个具体的网络游戏设计实例,深入讨论关于软件开发平台、游戏动画与虚拟现实、用户界面设计、游戏设计实践等的一个具体内容。




Good Moring, ladies and gentlemen, Today my topic of my speech is the advantages and the disadvantages of computers. In this information age/era, computer is very important in our everyday lives. It definitely make our lives easier in many ways. First of all, it helps us communicate with people all around the world, which means it not only save a lot of time when we have to send a message from one country to another, but also save a large of unnecessary troubles for us. Secondly, it gives many unemployed people chances to get a job. We can use computers and the Internet to sell and buy almost anything nowadays. Last but not least, many wonderful games come along with the advent of computers. And playing computer games is one of the most popular ways to entertain and to relax. So, computers are really good for our human beings in many different , every coin has two sides. Computers also bring us many troubles. It gets across much unhealthy information and causes many crimes. But if we can use computer properly, it is still an amazing invention to us. Therefore, I hope that everyone, especially the young people, like me, can really appreciate the help of computers and make the best use of them.很多的,我分次发~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Information literacy Knowing how to find data from several sources, select relevant material, analyse and organise it into a form that can be used to make decisions. Computers have become the tools people use to access and manage information. Information technologists are people who analyse and design the tools. What is a computer? Tradition definitions of computers include �6�1 A machine that accepts data and processes it into use information. �6�1 A computer is a binary, digital, electronic, stored program machine. �6�1 While a computer is commonly a digital machine, analogue machine do exist. An electronic device, operating under the control of instructions stored in its own memory unit, that can accept data (input), process data arithmetically and logically, produce results (output) from the processing and stores results for future use. Many computers receive and send data (communicate) across networks LAN and Wan. A computer system consists of hardware and software. What is hardware? Hardware Hardware is physical devices or components that can be physically handled – you can thou it. Input Devices Input devices convert data that humans collect into coded electrical signals that a computer can process. The central processing unit The electronic processing takes place in the CPU. The CPU consists of �6�1 A control unit that controls all of the computer’s functions and an �6�1 Arithmetic and logical unit (ALU) that performs any calculation Memory Memory holds all programs and What is RAM currently open? Data (notes) Word processor Output devices Output devices convert the computer’s electronic signals back into information Secondary storage devices These devices store programs and data permanently. The programs and data are not necessarily (or likely to be) in current use. . DVD CD Communication devices These devices enable a computer to connect to another computer. List the six different type of hardware? Secondary storage(external), input, processor, output , memory, Communication. Name eight pieces of hardware USB, keyboard, monitor, screen, RAM, ROM, VDU, Modem. The system unit and peripheral devices The system unit is the computer box. Peripheral devices are any devices around the outside, or in other words, plugged into the (back of) the machine. Peripheral devices include the key board, mouse, printer, joy stick and others. Peripheral devices are any devices around the outside, or in other words, plugged into the (back of) the machine. Peripheral devices include the keyboard, mouse, printer, joy stick and others. What else does a computer have? Software Software is a computer program ,which is a detailed set of instructions that directs a computer to perform the tasks necessary to process data into information. These instructions are written in languages that computer can interpret. Software includes computer games, a word processing packing, an accounting package, amongst Definition of a computer system �6�1 A computer system is the configuration of hardware and software, functioning together, to process data into useful information, in order to achieve a purpose for a human user. What is data? �6�1 Data is raw facts, be they numbers, words, images and sounds, that can be input into a computer. . Mary a name is a piece of data What is information? �6�1 Information is processed data, that has meaning and is useful. . John is a list of names who scored an A grade on an exam John A Chai A Pam A . Commodore $23 500 Magna $21 500 Falcon $19 800 The system unit contains the �6�1 Motherboard �6�1 CPU �6�1 Memory �6�1 Other electronics It is where the computer program instructions are executed and the data is manipulatedThe Processor CPU The CPU interprets and carries out basic instructions that operate the computer, the CPU contain the �6�1 Control unit and the �6�1 Arithmetic logic unit Control unit The control unit directs and coordinates the computer’s operations. For every single instruction, the control unit repeats four basic operations, �6�1 Fetching �6�1 Decoding �6�1 Executing �6�1 Storing CPU speed The CPU’s speed may be measured in MIPS The number of millions of instructions per second Arithmetic/logic unit The ALU performs all calculations, which involve �6�1 Arithmetic operations 2+3 �6�1 Comparison operations age>=17 �6�1 Logical operations pass Processing instructions A CPU may begin executing a second machine cycle before completing the first-referred to as pipelining. Current CPU’s can pipeline up to 4 instructions. Storage within the CPU Registers temporarily hold data and instructions. The computer’s clock A System clock is necessary to control the timing of all computer operations. Each tick of the clock is referred to as a clock cycle. Clock speed is the speed at which a processor executes instructions. A hertz is one cycle per second and a megahertz is 1024 by1024 and a gigahertz is 1024 by 1024 by1024. Memory Memory is the temporary storage place for data and (program) instructions. Memory is measured in �6�1 Kilobytes 1024 bytes 2^10 �6�1 Megabytes 1024* 1024 bytes 2^20 �6�1 Gigabytes 1024*1024*1024 bytes 2^30 Representation of data Digital computers are built from many small electronic circuits. Each circuit, at any point of time can be turned OFF or ON. Hence these devices are called two state devices. Binary Digit 0and 1 Each off or on digital value is called a bit, short for binary digit. A 1 bit computer would be able to distinguish between two values-characters, symbols or numbers. Hardly sufficient for the characters on the keyboard Bits Characters 1 2 2 4 3 8 4 16 5 32 6 64 7 128 8 256


【英文篇名】 Switch Router Operating System Based on a General Operating System 【下载频次】 ☆ 【作者】 潘登; 徐佩霞; 【英文作者】 PAN Deng; XU Pei xia (Department of Electronic Engineering and Information Science; University of Science and Technology of China; Hefei; 230027; China); 【作者单位】 中国科学技术大学电子工程与信息科学系; 230027; 【文献出处】 数据采集与处理 , Journal of Data Acquisition & Processing, 编辑部邮箱 2003年 04期 期刊荣誉:中文核心期刊要目总览 ASPT来源刊 CJFD收录刊 【中文关键词】 交换式路由器; 通用操作系统; 路由器操作系统; 【英文关键词】 switch router; general operating system; router operating system; 【摘要】 提出了一种将通用操作系统及其上层路由软件移植到交换式路由器平台上的方案。此方案可以向上屏蔽交换式路由器与传统的路由器体系结构上的区别 ,从而把通用操作系统及其上层路由软件移植到交换式路由器的平台上 ;同时兼顾数据通信和管理维护方面的需求 ,为上层路由软件提供了与传统路由器相同的接口 ,从而使基于通用操作系统的路由软件可以在不损失可升级性的条件下快速移植到交换式路由器上。实际应用证实了该方案具有良好的灵活性和兼容性 【英文摘要】 A new solution to port general operating systems and their routing software to switch router is presented. The solution shields the architecture difference between traditional router and switch router to application level software, thus it may support general operating system and their routing software on switch router platform. The solution is also considered as requirements of both data communication and control functions. And same ways of the access and control of the router are provied as traditional ro... 【基金】 国家 8 63计划 ( 863 -3 1 7-0 1 -99)资助项目 【DOI】 CNKI:SUN: 【分类号】 【正文快照】 引 言路由器最重要的工作是根据 IP包头和路由、过滤规则转发 IP包。其他功能还包括路由表的维护与路由器系统的维护。实际上路由器可以看成是一种针对 IP网络路由需求而设计的专用计算机。随着因特网所承载的业务的演进 ,因特网对于路由器性能的要求也日渐提高。在交换式路 看看这一篇 文章编号: 100429037 (2003) 0420450205一种基于通用操作系统的交换式路由器操作系统实现潘 登, 徐佩霞(中国科学技术大学电子工程与信息科学系, 合肥, 230027)摘要: 提出了一种将通用操作系统及其上层路由软件移植到交换式路由器平台上的方案。此方案可以向上屏蔽交换式路由器与传统的路由器体系结构上的区别, 从而把通用操作系统及其上层路由软件移植到交换式路由器的平台上; 同时兼顾数据通信和管理维护方面的需求, 为上层路由软件提供了与传统路由器相同的接口, 从而使基于通用操作系统的路由软件可以在不损失可升级性的条件下快速移植到交换式路由器上。实际应用证实了该方案具有良好的灵活性和兼容性。关键词: 交换式路由器; 通用操作系统; 路由器操作系统中图分类号: TN 915105; TP393 文献标识码:A 基金项目: 国家863 计划(8632317201299) 资助项目 收稿日期: 2003203229; 修订日期: 2003206215Switch Router Operating System Based ona General Operating SystemPA N D eng , X U P ei2x ia(Department of Elect ronic Engineering and Info rmat ion Science,U niversity of Science and Techno logy of Ch ina, Hefei, 230027,Ch ina)Abstract: A new so lu t ion to po rt general operat ing system s and their rou t ing sof tw are tosw itch rou ter is p resen ted. The so lu t ion sh ields the arch itectu re difference betw een t radit ionalrou ter and sw itch rou ter to app licat ion level sof tw are, thu s it may suppo rt general operat ingsystem and their rou t ing sof tw are on sw itch rou ter p latfo rm. The so lu t ion is also con sidered asrequ iremen t s of bo th data commun icat ion and con t ro l funct ion s. A nd same w ays of the accessand con t ro l of the rou ter are p rovied as t radit ional rou ter, so rou t ing sof tw are of the generaloperat ing system may be po rted to sw itch rou ter p latfo rm rap idly w ith the upgradeab lef lex ib ility. P ract ical design app roves that the so lu t ion has a good compat ib ility and f lex ib words: sw itch rou ter; general operat ing system; rou ter operat ing system引 言路由器最重要的工作是根据IP 包头和路由、过滤规则转发IP 包。其他功能还包括路由表的维护与路由器系统的维护。实际上路由器可以看成是一种针对IP 网络路由需求而设计的专用计算机。随着因特网所承载的业务的演进, 因特网对于路由器性能的要求也日渐提高。在交换式路由器中, 包转发等绝大多数处理已经转移到以端口为中心的硬件中完成, 只有路由规则的生成与维护、网络管理和系统维护等比较复杂的工作仍由软件部分完成。实用中路由器所采用的操作系统可分为三大类: (1) 以Cisco 的IO S 为代表的专用操作系统, 常见于网络骨干节点; (2) 以V xWo rk s 为代表的嵌入式系统, 常见于小型办公ö家用接入设备上; (3)采用通用操作系统的则在骨干节点和用户接入设备上都有这类设备。例如Jun iper 的路由产品就采用L inux 作为操作系统。通用操作系统上的各种路由、网管软件的开发已经有相当长时间, 其功能、性能、稳定性和升级灵活性都很优秀, 但这些软件仍第18卷第4期2003 年12 月数据采集与处理Journal of Data A cquisit ion & P rocessingVo l. 18 No. 4Dec. 2003然是针对传统路由器体系结构开发的, 无法直接应用于新的路由器体系结构。本文提出在通用操作系统的驱动栈中插入一个中间层, 这样对系统内核及和运行在其上的路由、网管等上层软件屏蔽了下层硬件的特殊性, 从而把上层软件和高速硬件平台结合起来。该方案已经应用于高速边缘路由器中, 并表现出了良好的实用性和可扩展性。1 交换式路由器与传统路由器在体系结构上的差别路由器工作在网络的第三层, 其处理工作主要涵盖七层模型中的下三层, 包括: 物理接口处理、数据链路层处理、网络层的路由查找、转发以及队列管理等[1 ]。在传统的路由器体系结构中, 硬件部分只实现物理层的处理, 其余工作需要消耗系统计算资源完成: 包括CPU 周期、内存容量和总线带宽等, 因此性能也受限于这些资源。而在交换式路由器中, 路由处理机仅处理系统维护、路由表维护等少量工作, 数据流的处理都由相对独立的硬件完成, 不再受限于系统计算资源, 因此其性能远优于传统路由器[2 ]。如图1 所示。(a) 传统路由器体系结构(b) 交换式路由器体系结构图1 路由器的逻辑结构 传统路由器和交换式路由器在体系结构方面有明显的区别: 在传统路由器中, 所有的物理接口直接挂接在总线上, 内核可以通过总线直接访问这些接口; 而在交换式路由器中, 只有控制卡是直接挂接在总线上的, 内核必须通过控制卡间接访问各个接口。这导致操作系统内核中代表网络接口的驱动对象的区别: 在传统路由器中, 内核存在若干网络设备驱动对象实例, 每个实例通过总线直接维护一个端口, 为内核及其上面的上层软件提供基本操作支持。而在交换式路由器中, 普通的网络设备驱动对象无法直接维护端口, 也无法支持系统内核和上层软件操作。因此, 交换式路由器体系结构的特殊性使得通用操作系统和上层软件无法直接应用。针对这个问题有两种解决办法: (1) 大量修改内核和各种相关软件的源代码以适应新的体系结构。这种做法存在开发工作量大、周期长、局限性强的缺点, 丧失了使用通用操作系统的灵活性; (2) 在驱动栈中增加一个中间层, 支持普通网络驱动对象所能支持的一切操作, 这样系统内核和上层软件基本上不必修改就可以运行在交换式路由器上。这就是本文所提出的中间层方案。这种方案克服了第一种方法的复杂性, 在保持灵活性的基础上, 可以快速地把通用操作系统及上层软件移植到交换式路由器的硬件平台上。2 中间层设计中间层功能包括数据通信和控制两个方面。从数据通信方面考虑, 每个端口的功能都等效于传统路由器中的一个网络接口, 所以每个物理端口在内核中都应有对应的网络驱动实例。这样才能支持各种上层软件运行, 满足数据通信功能的需要。从控制功能方面考虑, 对上要把每一种可能的逻辑操作映射成硬件操作; 对下要能够和多个设备通信。上层应用包括系统维护、路由软件、网管软件; 下层设备包括处理引擎和端口。控制功能的具体实现和硬件平台有关。考虑到多种应用可能同时操作一个硬件设备, 一种应用也可能同时操作多个设备, 在实现时必须考虑到对于多并发操作的支持。基于上述考虑, 中间层由控制卡驱动模块和若干网络驱动实例组成。在图2 (a, b) 中分别给出了传统路由器的结构与驱动方式以及本文所提出的中间层所处的位置与驱动方式。第4 期潘 登, 等: 一种基于通用操作系统的交换式路由器操作系统实现451图2 中间层的位置与驱动方式 控制卡驱动模块作为中间层的核心, 维护控制卡上所有的端口、内存映射、中断和循环缓冲队列资源。它实现了数据通道和控制通道。对下直接驱动控制卡、与各个端口、处理引擎通信; 对上, 一方面通过内核调用陷阱方式提供控制通道接口; 另一方面向虚拟网络驱动实例提供数据通道接口。虚拟网络驱动实例在操作系统内核为各个物理端口实现网络驱动实例。它们工作在控制卡驱动模块的基础上, 并不直接控制硬件, 故称为虚拟网络驱动实例。虚拟网络驱动实例封装控制卡驱动模块提供的数据传输功能, 并为内核和上层软件提供与普通网络驱动实例相同的调用接口。下面分别给出数据通道和控制通道的实现方案。211 数据通道的功能与实现虚拟网络驱动实例和物理端口是一一对应的。内核数据收发的功能包括3 个方面:(1) 发往某虚拟网络驱动实例的数据包应该由其对应端口输出;(2) 这个端口所收到的包也通过该虚拟网络驱动实例向系统内核提交;(3) 中间层也可以对虚拟网络驱动实例进行流控操作, 以避免因拥塞导致数据丢失。注意到图2 (b) 中的交换结构以定长信元交换数据, 其格式如图3 所示, 其中信元头占4 字节, 包括处理引擎号和端口号域。对于收ö发信元, 处理引擎号和端口号分别为该信元的源端口的和目的端口的对应值。根据图2 (b) 所示的系统结构可知: 由处理引擎号和端口号可以确定端口的物理位置。控制卡驱动模块在其内部的驱动信息数组中维护虚拟网络驱动实例和端口之间的对应关系。图3 数据信元结构发送数据时, 虚拟网络驱动实例从内核网络部分获取待发送的数据, 偕同指向该实例自己的指针一起提交给控制卡驱动模块。一方面, 控制卡驱动模块通过这个指针可以对虚拟网络驱动实例进行流控设置; 另一方面, 控制卡驱动模块根据虚拟网络驱动实例指针查驱动信息表得到目标端口物理位置信息, 包括处理引擎号和端口号。端口物理位置信息将被填充到所有用来承载待发送数据包的信元头中。控制卡驱动模块通过控制卡把信元送到交换结构, 而交换结构和处理引擎分别根据处理引擎号和端口号将信元转发到到目标端口。最后端口从接收到的信元中恢复出原始数据发出。接收数据时, 端口也会将数据拆分到若干信元中逐级上传。考虑到交换结构的循环优先机制, 一个数据包上传的过程可能被来自其他端口的数据抢断。所以控制卡驱动模块对于接收到的信元按源端口位置信息(包括处理引擎号和端口号) 保存到不同的缓冲区中。当接收到该数据包相关的全部信元, 控制驱动模块即可重组该数据, 并根据源端口位置信息查驱动信息表以得到指向该端口对应虚拟网络驱动实例的指针, 进而激活该虚拟网络驱动实例接收数据。虚拟网络驱动实例从控制卡驱动模块中获取数据后, 按照网络驱动的常规方式调用net if- rx 接口向内核提交数据。数据收发实现结构如图4 所示。值得注意的是, 在交换式路由器中, 处理引擎通过交换结构交换的是IP 包; 而通用操作系统中452 数据采集与处理第18 卷图4 数据收发实现结构网络驱动通常处理链路层的帧。即控制卡驱动模块数据通道对上对下的数据格式是不同的。因此, 在发送数据时控制卡驱动模块需要从得到的链路帧中提取IP 包再转发到端口; 而接收数据时则对来自端口的IP 包进行链路帧封装再向上提交。以以太网为例, 需要恢复的包括源和目标站的物理地址、载荷类型和帧校验[3 ]。对于承载IP 包的以太帧, 显然其目标站物理地址和载荷类型[4 ]都是已知的。实现时采用的操作系统是L inux, 通过在虚拟网络驱动源代码中进行设置可以使内核不进行帧校验[5 ]。所以只有源站物理地址未知。如果要求硬件给出真实的源站物理地址, 则增加了硬件的复杂度; 而若在控制卡驱动模块中伪造源物理地址, 则可能导致内核的ARP 管理混乱。为简化硬件设计, 实现时采用了在控制卡驱动模块中伪造源物理地址的办法, 同时修改虚拟网络驱动源代码, 重载帧头处理函数[6 ]。这样内核ARP 表就不受伪造地址的影响, 其获取和刷新通过查询端口ARP 记录实现。212 控制通道的功能与实现控制功能的通信也是基于信元的, 其操作包括维护管理和表同步两类。维护管理主要是进行各种查询, 通常通过若干次双向通信完成。每次通信有效载荷都只有几个字节, 由一个信元即可承载。而表同步则是将上层软件维护的表复制到相关硬件中, 包括ARP 表、路由和分类表等。表同步操作涉及大量数据传输, 需要由多个信元承载。控制功能都是针对设备进行的, 所以在控制ö反馈信元中也必须包括目标设备的物理位置信息。在实际运行期间, 所有的上层应用和设备之间的控制通信复用控制通道, 其特点为:(1) 不同的应用可能同时访问同一设备;(2) 一个应用也可能同时访问多个设备;(3) 同一应用对于同一个设备的操作一般都是顺序的。为支持这种复用操作, 所有承载控制信息和反馈信息的头部除包括目标硬件的物理位置和操作指令外, 还包括命令类型、应用类型信息。控制ö反馈用信元结构如图5 所示。图5 控制ö反馈信元结构图5 中: 处理引擎号和端口号, 确定设备的物理位置; 收ö发信元分别为该信元的源端口的和目的端口的对应值; 命令码在设备和应用之间定义。每种可能的操作分配一个代码; 应用码在控制卡驱动模块和上层应用之间预定义。每种可能的应用分配一个代码。这些应用包含网管、路由维护、硬件维护和ARP 信息获取等。上层应用通过内核调用陷井( IOCTL ) 发起控制通道操作, 同时给出目标设备物理位置、命令类型代码和应用类型代码。控制卡驱动模块把这些信息填充到控制信元中再将其发往设备。设备把这些代码直接复制到反馈信元中, 再在后面追加上反馈信息。控制卡驱动模块为每一种应用分配一个循环缓冲区, 把收到的反馈根据应用类型排入相应队列中。上层应用从其所对应的循环缓冲区中读取反馈信元, 然后根据信元中的物理位置信息、命令码就可以确定该反馈对应的原始命令, 从而对反馈数据进行适当处理。这样就实现了各种控制功能对控制通道的复用。如图6 所示。第4 期潘 登, 等: 一种基于通用操作系统的交换式路由器操作系统实现453图6 控制通信实现结构3 结 论鉴于传统路由器体系结构和交换式路由器体系结构的区别, 通用操作系统及在其上开发的路由软件无法直接应用于交换式路由器。本文提出的中间层方案可以有效地解决这个问题。该方案全面考虑了数据通信和管理维护方面的需求, 为上层提供了与原有模型基本相同的接口, 并使得路由软件在不损失其灵活性和可升级性的条件下直接应用于交换式路由器中。虽然该方案只是在特定的平台和特定的操作系统上得到了实现, 但是不难看出, 这种思路对操作系统并没有特殊的依赖性, 完全可以移植到其他通用操作系统上。本文提出的方案已经在国家863 项目实用化综合接入系统的高速边缘路由器的研制中取得了良好的实际效果。本文为国产高性能路由器的软件开发提出了一种高效快捷的解决方案, 该方案具有良好的应用前景。参考文献:[1 ] Kuro se J F, Ro ss KW. Computer netwo rk ing: a top2dow n app roach featuring the internet [M ]. A ddisonW esley Longman′s P ress, 2001. 332~ 341.[ 2 ] 梁阿磊, 等. 路由器体系结构及其发展[J ]. 小型微型计算机系统, 2001, 8: 943~ 945.[3 ] M edia access cont ro l frame st ructure [S ]. IEEE Std80213, 1998. 36~ 40.[ 4 ] Charles Ho rnig. RFC 894: a standard fo r the t rans2m ission of IP datagram s over Ethernet netwo rk s[S ].198411~ 2.[5 ] Bovet D P. U nderstanding L inux kernel[M ]. O reil2ley P ress, 2002. 683~ 685[ 6 ] Rubini A. L inux device drivers. 2nd edit ion [M ].O r2eilley P ress, 2001. 455~ 458作者简介: 潘 登(19772) , 男, 博士研究生, 研究方向: 网络体系结构、网络安全, E2mail: pandeng@mail. ustc. edu. cn;徐佩霞(19412) , 女, 教授, 博士生导师, 研究方向: 音频视频编码、非线性处理、下一代网络。454 数据采集与处理第18 卷


【英文篇名】 Switch Router Operating System Based on a General Operating System 【下载频次】 ☆ 【作者】 潘登; 徐佩霞; 【英文作者】 PAN Deng; XU Pei xia (Department of Electronic Engineering and Information Science; University of Science and Technology of China; Hefei; 230027; China); 【作者单位】 中国科学技术大学电子工程与信息科学系; 230027; 【文献出处】 数据采集与处理 , Journal of Data Acquisition & Processing, 编辑部邮箱 2003年 04期 期刊荣誉:中文核心期刊要目总览 ASPT来源刊 CJFD收录刊 【中文关键词】 交换式路由器; 通用操作系统; 路由器操作系统; 【英文关键词】 switch router; general operating system; router operating system; 【摘要】 提出了一种将通用操作系统及其上层路由软件移植到交换式路由器平台上的方案。此方案可以向上屏蔽交换式路由器与传统的路由器体系结构上的区别 ,从而把通用操作系统及其上层路由软件移植到交换式路由器的平台上 ;同时兼顾数据通信和管理维护方面的需求 ,为上层路由软件提供了与传统路由器相同的接口 ,从而使基于通用操作系统的路由软件可以在不损失可升级性的条件下快速移植到交换式路由器上。实际应用证实了该方案具有良好的灵活性和兼容性 【英文摘要】 A new solution to port general operating systems and their routing software to switch router is presented. The solution shields the architecture difference between traditional router and switch router to application level software, thus it may support general operating system and their routing software on switch router platform. The solution is also considered as requirements of both data communication and control functions. And same ways of the access and control of the router are provied as traditional ro... 【基金】 国家 8 63计划 ( 863 -3 1 7-0 1 -99)资助项目 【DOI】 CNKI:SUN: 【分类号】 【正文快照】 引 言路由器最重要的工作是根据 IP包头和路由、过滤规则转发 IP包。其他功能还包括路由表的维护与路由器系统的维护。实际上路由器可以看成是一种针对 IP网络路由需求而设计的专用计算机。随着因特网所承载的业务的演进 ,因特网对于路由器性能的要求也日渐提高。在交换式路 看看这一篇 文章编号: 100429037 (2003) 0420450205一种基于通用操作系统的交换式路由器操作系统实现潘 登, 徐佩霞(中国科学技术大学电子工程与信息科学系, 合肥, 230027)摘要: 提出了一种将通用操作系统及其上层路由软件移植到交换式路由器平台上的方案。此方案可以向上屏蔽交换式路由器与传统的路由器体系结构上的区别, 从而把通用操作系统及其上层路由软件移植到交换式路由器的平台上; 同时兼顾数据通信和管理维护方面的需求, 为上层路由软件提供了与传统路由器相同的接口, 从而使基于通用操作系统的路由软件可以在不损失可升级性的条件下快速移植到交换式路由器上。实际应用证实了该方案具有良好的灵活性和兼容性。关键词: 交换式路由器; 通用操作系统; 路由器操作系统中图分类号: TN 915105; TP393 文献标识码:A 基金项目: 国家863 计划(8632317201299) 资助项目 收稿日期: 2003203229; 修订日期: 2003206215Switch Router Operating System Based ona General Operating SystemPA N D eng , X U P ei2x ia(Department of Elect ronic Engineering and Info rmat ion Science,U niversity of Science and Techno logy of Ch ina, Hefei, 230027,Ch ina)Abstract: A new so lu t ion to po rt general operat ing system s and their rou t ing sof tw are tosw itch rou ter is p resen ted. The so lu t ion sh ields the arch itectu re difference betw een t radit ionalrou ter and sw itch rou ter to app licat ion level sof tw are, thu s it may suppo rt general operat ingsystem and their rou t ing sof tw are on sw itch rou ter p latfo rm. The so lu t ion is also con sidered asrequ iremen t s of bo th data commun icat ion and con t ro l funct ion s. A nd same w ays of the accessand con t ro l of the rou ter are p rovied as t radit ional rou ter, so rou t ing sof tw are of the generaloperat ing system may be po rted to sw itch rou ter p latfo rm rap idly w ith the upgradeab lef lex ib ility. P ract ical design app roves that the so lu t ion has a good compat ib ility and f lex ib words: sw itch rou ter; general operat ing system; rou ter operat ing system引 言路由器最重要的工作是根据IP 包头和路由、过滤规则转发IP 包。其他功能还包括路由表的维护与路由器系统的维护。实际上路由器可以看成是一种针对IP 网络路由需求而设计的专用计算机。随着因特网所承载的业务的演进, 因特网对于路由器性能的要求也日渐提高。在交换式路由器中, 包转发等绝大多数处理已经转移到以端口为中心的硬件中完成, 只有路由规则的生成与维护、网络管理和系统维护等比较复杂的工作仍由软件部分完成。实用中路由器所采用的操作系统可分为三大类: (1) 以Cisco 的IO S 为代表的专用操作系统, 常见于网络骨干节点; (2) 以V xWo rk s 为代表的嵌入式系统, 常见于小型办公ö家用接入设备上; (3)采用通用操作系统的则在骨干节点和用户接入设备上都有这类设备。例如Jun iper 的路由产品就采用L inux 作为操作系统。通用操作系统上的各种路由、网管软件的开发已经有相当长时间, 其功能、性能、稳定性和升级灵活性都很优秀, 但这些软件仍第18卷第4期2003 年12 月数据采集与处理Journal of Data A cquisit ion & P rocessingVo l. 18 No. 4Dec. 2003然是针对传统路由器体系结构开发的, 无法直接应用于新的路由器体系结构。本文提出在通用操作系统的驱动栈中插入一个中间层, 这样对系统内核及和运行在其上的路由、网管等上层软件屏蔽了下层硬件的特殊性, 从而把上层软件和高速硬件平台结合起来。该方案已经应用于高速边缘路由器中, 并表现出了良好的实用性和可扩展性。1 交换式路由器与传统路由器在体系结构上的差别路由器工作在网络的第三层, 其处理工作主要涵盖七层模型中的下三层, 包括: 物理接口处理、数据链路层处理、网络层的路由查找、转发以及队列管理等[1 ]。在传统的路由器体系结构中, 硬件部分只实现物理层的处理, 其余工作需要消耗系统计算资源完成: 包括CPU 周期、内存容量和总线带宽等, 因此性能也受限于这些资源。而在交换式路由器中, 路由处理机仅处理系统维护、路由表维护等少量工作, 数据流的处理都由相对独立的硬件完成, 不再受限于系统计算资源, 因此其性能远优于传统路由器[2 ]。如图1 所示。(a) 传统路由器体系结构(b) 交换式路由器体系结构图1 路由器的逻辑结构 传统路由器和交换式路由器在体系结构方面有明显的区别: 在传统路由器中, 所有的物理接口直接挂接在总线上, 内核可以通过总线直接访问这些接口; 而在交换式路由器中, 只有控制卡是直接挂接在总线上的, 内核必须通过控制卡间接访问各个接口。这导致操作系统内核中代表网络接口的驱动对象的区别: 在传统路由器中, 内核存在若干网络设备驱动对象实例, 每个实例通过总线直接维护一个端口, 为内核及其上面的上层软件提供基本操作支持。而在交换式路由器中, 普通的网络设备驱动对象无法直接维护端口, 也无法支持系统内核和上层软件操作。因此, 交换式路由器体系结构的特殊性使得通用操作系统和上层软件无法直接应用。针对这个问题有两种解决办法: (1) 大量修改内核和各种相关软件的源代码以适应新的体系结构。这种做法存在开发工作量大、周期长、局限性强的缺点, 丧失了使用通用操作系统的灵活性; (2) 在驱动栈中增加一个中间层, 支持普通网络驱动对象所能支持的一切操作, 这样系统内核和上层软件基本上不必修改就可以运行在交换式路由器上。这就是本文所提出的中间层方案。这种方案克服了第一种方法的复杂性, 在保持灵活性的基础上, 可以快速地把通用操作系统及上层软件移植到交换式路由器的硬件平台上。2 中间层设计中间层功能包括数据通信和控制两个方面。从数据通信方面考虑, 每个端口的功能都等效于传统路由器中的一个网络接口, 所以每个物理端口在内核中都应有对应的网络驱动实例。这样才能支持各种上层软件运行, 满足数据通信功能的需要。从控制功能方面考虑, 对上要把每一种可能的逻辑操作映射成硬件操作; 对下要能够和多个设备通信。上层应用包括系统维护、路由软件、网管软件; 下层设备包括处理引擎和端口。控制功能的具体实现和硬件平台有关。考虑到多种应用可能同时操作一个硬件设备, 一种应用也可能同时操作多个设备, 在实现时必须考虑到对于多并发操作的支持。基于上述考虑, 中间层由控制卡驱动模块和若干网络驱动实例组成。在图2 (a, b) 中分别给出了传统路由器的结构与驱动方式以及本文所提出的中间层所处的位置与驱动方式。第4 期潘 登, 等: 一种基于通用操作系统的交换式路由器操作系统实现451图2 中间层的位置与驱动方式 控制卡驱动模块作为中间层的核心, 维护控制卡上所有的端口、内存映射、中断和循环缓冲队列资源。它实现了数据通道和控制通道。对下直接驱动控制卡、与各个端口、处理引擎通信; 对上, 一方面通过内核调用陷阱方式提供控制通道接口; 另一方面向虚拟网络驱动实例提供数据通道接口。虚拟网络驱动实例在操作系统内核为各个物理端口实现网络驱动实例。它们工作在控制卡驱动模块的基础上, 并不直接控制硬件, 故称为虚拟网络驱动实例。虚拟网络驱动实例封装控制卡驱动模块提供的数据传输功能, 并为内核和上层软件提供与普通网络驱动实例相同的调用接口。下面分别给出数据通道和控制通道的实现方案。211 数据通道的功能与实现虚拟网络驱动实例和物理端口是一一对应的。内核数据收发的功能包括3 个方面:(1) 发往某虚拟网络驱动实例的数据包应该由其对应端口输出;(2) 这个端口所收到的包也通过该虚拟网络驱动实例向系统内核提交;(3) 中间层也可以对虚拟网络驱动实例进行流控操作, 以避免因拥塞导致数据丢失。注意到图2 (b) 中的交换结构以定长信元交换数据, 其格式如图3 所示, 其中信元头占4 字节, 包括处理引擎号和端口号域。对于收ö发信元, 处理引擎号和端口号分别为该信元的源端口的和目的端口的对应值。根据图2 (b) 所示的系统结构可知: 由处理引擎号和端口号可以确定端口的物理位置。控制卡驱动模块在其内部的驱动信息数组中维护虚拟网络驱动实例和端口之间的对应关系。图3 数据信元结构发送数据时, 虚拟网络驱动实例从内核网络部分获取待发送的数据, 偕同指向该实例自己的指针一起提交给控制卡驱动模块。一方面, 控制卡驱动模块通过这个指针可以对虚拟网络驱动实例进行流控设置; 另一方面, 控制卡驱动模块根据虚拟网络驱动实例指针查驱动信息表得到目标端口物理位置信息, 包括处理引擎号和端口号。端口物理位置信息将被填充到所有用来承载待发送数据包的信元头中。控制卡驱动模块通过控制卡把信元送到交换结构, 而交换结构和处理引擎分别根据处理引擎号和端口号将信元转发到到目标端口。最后端口从接收到的信元中恢复出原始数据发出。接收数据时, 端口也会将数据拆分到若干信元中逐级上传。考虑到交换结构的循环优先机制, 一个数据包上传的过程可能被来自其他端口的数据抢断。所以控制卡驱动模块对于接收到的信元按源端口位置信息(包括处理引擎号和端口号) 保存到不同的缓冲区中。当接收到该数据包相关的全部信元, 控制驱动模块即可重组该数据, 并根据源端口位置信息查驱动信息表以得到指向该端口对应虚拟网络驱动实例的指针, 进而激活该虚拟网络驱动实例接收数据。虚拟网络驱动实例从控制卡驱动模块中获取数据后, 按照网络驱动的常规方式调用net if- rx 接口向内核提交数据。数据收发实现结构如图4 所示。值得注意的是, 在交换式路由器中, 处理引擎通过交换结构交换的是IP 包; 而通用操作系统中452 数据采集与处理第18 卷图4 数据收发实现结构网络驱动通常处理链路层的帧。即控制卡驱动模块数据通道对上对下的数据格式是不同的。因此, 在发送数据时控制卡驱动模块需要从得到的链路帧中提取IP 包再转发到端口; 而接收数据时则对来自端口的IP 包进行链路帧封装再向上提交。以以太网为例, 需要恢复的包括源和目标站的物理地址、载荷类型和帧校验[3 ]。对于承载IP 包的以太帧, 显然其目标站物理地址和载荷类型[4 ]都是已知的。实现时采用的操作系统是L inux, 通过在虚拟网络驱动源代码中进行设置可以使内核不进行帧校验[5 ]。所以只有源站物理地址未知。如果要求硬件给出真实的源站物理地址, 则增加了硬件的复杂度; 而若在控制卡驱动模块中伪造源物理地址, 则可能导致内核的ARP 管理混乱。为简化硬件设计, 实现时采用了在控制卡驱动模块中伪造源物理地址的办法, 同时修改虚拟网络驱动源代码, 重载帧头处理函数[6 ]。这样内核ARP 表就不受伪造地址的影响, 其获取和刷新通过查询端口ARP 记录实现。212 控制通道的功能与实现控制功能的通信也是基于信元的, 其操作包括维护管理和表同步两类。维护管理主要是进行各种查询, 通常通过若干次双向通信完成。每次通信有效载荷都只有几个字节, 由一个信元即可承载。而表同步则是将上层软件维护的表复制到相关硬件中, 包括ARP 表、路由和分类表等。表同步操作涉及大量数据传输, 需要由多个信元承载。控制功能都是针对设备进行的, 所以在控制ö反馈信元中也必须包括目标设备的物理位置信息。在实际运行期间, 所有的上层应用和设备之间的控制通信复用控制通道, 其特点为:(1) 不同的应用可能同时访问同一设备;(2) 一个应用也可能同时访问多个设备;(3) 同一应用对于同一个设备的操作一般都是顺序的。为支持这种复用操作, 所有承载控制信息和反馈信息的头部除包括目标硬件的物理位置和操作指令外, 还包括命令类型、应用类型信息。控制ö反馈用信元结构如图5 所示。图5 控制ö反馈信元结构图5 中: 处理引擎号和端口号, 确定设备的物理位置; 收ö发信元分别为该信元的源端口的和目的端口的对应值; 命令码在设备和应用之间定义。每种可能的操作分配一个代码; 应用码在控制卡驱动模块和上层应用之间预定义。每种可能的应用分配一个代码。这些应用包含网管、路由维护、硬件维护和ARP 信息获取等。上层应用通过内核调用陷井( IOCTL ) 发起控制通道操作, 同时给出目标设备物理位置、命令类型代码和应用类型代码。控制卡驱动模块把这些信息填充到控制信元中再将其发往设备。设备把这些代码直接复制到反馈信元中, 再在后面追加上反馈信息。控制卡驱动模块为每一种应用分配一个循环缓冲区, 把收到的反馈根据应用类型排入相应队列中。上层应用从其所对应的循环缓冲区中读取反馈信元, 然后根据信元中的物理位置信息、命令码就可以确定该反馈对应的原始命令, 从而对反馈数据进行适当处理。这样就实现了各种控制功能对控制通道的复用。如图6 所示。第4 期潘 登, 等: 一种基于通用操作系统的交换式路由器操作系统实现453图6 控制通信实现结构3 结 论鉴于传统路由器体系结构和交换式路由器体系结构的区别, 通用操作系统及在其上开发的路由软件无法直接应用于交换式路由器。本文提出的中间层方案可以有效地解决这个问题。该方案全面考虑了数据通信和管理维护方面的需求, 为上层提供了与原有模型基本相同的接口, 并使得路由软件在不损失其灵活性和可升级性的条件下直接应用于交换式路由器中。虽然该方案只是在特定的平台和特定的操作系统上得到了实现, 但是不难看出, 这种思路对操作系统并没有特殊的依赖性, 完全可以移植到其他通用操作系统上。本文提出的方案已经在国家863 项目实用化综合接入系统的高速边缘路由器的研制中取得了良好的实际效果。本文为国产高性能路由器的软件开发提出了一种高效快捷的解决方案, 该方案具有良好的应用前景。参考文献:[1 ] Kuro se J F, Ro ss KW. Computer netwo rk ing: a top2dow n app roach featuring the internet [M ]. A ddisonW esley Longman′s P ress, 2001. 332~ 341.[ 2 ] 梁阿磊, 等. 路由器体系结构及其发展[J ]. 小型微型计算机系统, 2001, 8: 943~ 945.[3 ] M edia access cont ro l frame st ructure [S ]. IEEE Std80213, 1998. 36~ 40.[ 4 ] Charles Ho rnig. RFC 894: a standard fo r the t rans2m ission of IP datagram s over Ethernet netwo rk s[S ].198411~ 2.[5 ] Bovet D P. U nderstanding L inux kernel[M ]. O reil2ley P ress, 2002. 683~ 685[ 6 ] Rubini A. L inux device drivers. 2nd edit ion [M ].O r2eilley P ress, 2001. 455~ 458作者简介: 潘 登(19772) , 男, 博士研究生, 研究方向: 网络体系结构、网络安全, E2mail: pandeng@mail. ustc. edu. cn;徐佩霞(19412) , 女, 教授, 博士生导师, 研究方向: 音频视频编码、非线性处理、下一代网络。454 数据采集与处理第18 卷

DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF PRODUCTION PLANNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF SURVEYING AND MAPPING PROJECTKEY WORDS: GIS,Design,Analysis,Application,Management,ProductionABSTRACT:With the development of photogrammetry and spatial information sciences, we have found many new methods to solve the technical problem in surveying and mapping project. But there is a little research on the project management. Traditional management method is complex and time-consuming. Now, we need use new technique to improve the management method for enhancing management level. Taking “National Western Surveying and Mapping Project on 1:50000 Topological Maps Blank Area” as an example, this paper focus on production planning management. The project is remarkable, not only the task and extent is tremendous, but also the staff and stuff are excessive. The Blank Area has atrocious weather and extreme hypsography. All of the conditions increase the project management difficulty. For reasonable planning and logical budget, we designed and realized a production planning management system to give the decision support to the managers. This paper studies the system’s requirement analysis, system structure and function in . INTRODUCTIONNowadays, Geographical Information Systems(GIS) are powerful and useful as means of information, visualization and research tools(Quan Bao,2004). Most GIS software is more suited to providing limited types of output than as a tool to support, at anything other than a superficial level, tactical or strategic decision-making processes. To improve the usefulness of GIS as a decision support tool, two needs are apparent. First, decision-makers require methods that allow them to easily select alternatives across a number of relevant criteria. Second, it is necessary to explicitly recognize that most decision-making processes involve multiple participants. Since problem solving id often characterized by multiple and conflicting objectives, methods that contribute toward more a completely aiding decision system are required.


来自百度:DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF PRODUCTION PLANNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF SURVEYING AND MAPPING PROJECTKEY WORDS: GIS,Design,Analysis,Application,Management,ProductionABSTRACT:With the development of photogrammetry and spatial information sciences, we have found many new methods to solve the technical problem in surveying and mapping project. But there is a little research on the project management. Traditional management method is complex and time-consuming. Now, we need use new technique to improve the management method for enhancing management level. Taking “National Western Surveying and Mapping Project on 1:50000 Topological Maps Blank Area” as an example, this paper focus on production planning management. The project is remarkable, not only the task and extent is tremendous, but also the staff and stuff are excessive. The Blank Area has atrocious weather and extreme hypsography. All of the conditions increase the project management difficulty. For reasonable planning and logical budget, we designed and realized a production planning management system to give the decision support to the managers. This paper studies the system’s requirement analysis, system structure and function in . INTRODUCTIONNowadays, Geographical Information Systems(GIS) are powerful and useful as means of information, visualization and research tools(Quan Bao,2004). Most GIS software is more suited to providing limited types of output than as a tool to support, at anything other than a superficial level, tactical or strategic decision-making processes. To improve the usefulness of GIS as a decision support tool, two needs are apparent. First, decision-makers require methods that allow them to easily select alternatives across a number of relevant criteria. Second, it is necessary to explicitly recognize that most decision-making processes involve multiple participants. Since problem solving id often characterized by multiple and conflicting objectives, methods that contribute toward more a completely aiding decision system are required.


Computer network virus and precautions With the new network technology and application of the continuous rapid development of the computer network should Use of becoming increasingly widespread, the role played by the increasingly important computer networks and human More inseparable from the lives of the community's reliance on them will keep growing. With With the continuous development of computer technology, the virus has become increasingly complex and senior, the new generation of Computer viruses make full use of certain commonly used operating systems and application software for protection of the weak low Spots have rampant in recent years as the popularity of the Internet in the world, will be attached document containing the virus The situation in the mail has been increasing spread of the virus through the Internet, making the spread of the virus speed Sharp also increased, by an ever-increasing scope of the infection. Therefore, the protection of the security of computer networks will be Will become increasingly important. A computer virus The definition of computer virus computer virus (Computer Virus) in the "people's republic of China The computer information system security protection regulations "which has been clearly defined, the virus" refers to the preparation or Computer program inserted in the damage or destruction of computer data functions, affecting computer use Self-replication and can a group of computer instructions, or code. " Second, network virus With the development of network and the Internet, a wider spread, the greater New harm The virus emerged This is the Internet virus. The virus is an emerging concept in the traditional The virus was not classified network virus this concept, because the development of networks, the traditional virus The network also has a number of characteristics. Today's Internet virus is a broad notion of a As as long as it is carried out using the Internet to spread destruction can be known as network viruses, such as: "Love the back door", "Panda burning incense." Third, network virus and the distinction between computer virus The original common computer virus is nothing more than the devastating formatted hard drive, delete system With the users documents, databases, etc. destruction. The mode of transmission is through nothing but also by virus infection Mutual copy of the software, carrying the virus, such as the use of pirated optical discs, such as infection disk systems The pilot virus and infected executable file virus, in addition to a network virus These are the common characteristics of the virus, but also steal users with remote data, remote control of the other side Computers and other damaged properties, such as Trojan and consumption of funding the operation of the network computer Source collapse of the network server worm. Fourth, the network against virus Network destructive virus, will directly affect the work of the network, ranging from lowering speed video Ring for the efficiency of the network, while in the collapse, undermining the server information to a multi-year work destroyed Dan. Because viruses and other network annually fraud led to economic losses of over 16 billion yuan, But this figure is constantly rising year by year. The next few years, the size of the market will reach Security 60 billion yuan. One antivirus software experts pointed out: "Network avian flu virus even more." Such as: "Xiong Cat burning incense "In addition to virus infection through the web site users, the latest virus also through QQ Loopholes in propagating itself through file-sharing networks, the default sharing, weak password systems, U disk and windows Forms bottom of the top mobile hard drives, and other means of communication. While LAN once a computer machine For infection, it can spread through the entire network instant, or even within a very short period of time can be infected Thousands of computers, can lead to serious networks. Symptoms of poisoning in the performance of computers There are enforceable. Exe files have become a strange pattern, the pattern shown as "Panda Burning incense, "and then System blue screen, restart the frequent, hard drive data destruction, serious entire company All computer LAN will all poisoning. "Panda burning incense," only more than half a month, a few varieties have high Of more than 50, and the number of its users infected constantly expanding. Makes infected, "Panda burn incense" disease The personal drug users has been as high as several million people infected with a few more corporate users is rising exponentially. Network More on the computer network the greater the harm caused by the virus. V. network transmission of the virus Features 1. Infection fast: single machine environment, the virus can only be passed from one computer diskette To another, and in the network can be adopted by the rapid spread of network communication mechanism. According to measurement Set against a typical PC network use in normal circumstances, once a computer workstation sick Drugs, and will be online within 10 minutes in the several hundreds of all infected computers. 2. Proliferation of a wide range: in the network due to the spread of the virus very quickly and spread to encompass a large area, not only the rapid transmission of all LAN computer, but also through remote workstations virus in一瞬 Inter spread to thousands of miles away. 3. Dissemination in the form of complex and varied: computer viruses in general through the network " Station server workstation "channels of communication, but in the form of complex and diverse communication. 4. Difficult to completely wipe: the standalone computer virus carriers sometimes can be deleted documents Or low-level formatted drives, and other measures to eliminate the virus completely, and the network once a computer work Clean stations failed to disinfect the entire network can be re-infected by the virus, or even just completed removal The work of a workstation is likely to be on-line by another workstation virus infection. Therefore, Only workstations in addition to killing viruses, and can not solve the virus harm to the network is. 6, the type of network virus As the network increasingly developed, the type of network virus has been increasing, generally summed up as The following categories: 1. Worm It is the use of the transmission mechanism of replication and dissemination network, the mode of transmission is through the network And e-mail, the prefix is Worm. For example, in recent years the great harm "Nimda" virus is Demodex A worm virus. The virus used Microsoft's Windows operating system, computer flu With this virus, will continue to automatically dial-up Internet access and use information in the document or the address Sharing network spreads, and ultimately undermine the most important user data. 2. Macro Virus Hong virus is a Storage in the document or template in the Acer computer virus. The prefix Macro, once open such documents, which Acer will be implemented, then the virus would Acer Been enabled transferred to the computer, and in the presence of the Normal template. From then on, all since The document will be kept moving "infection" that the Hong virus, and if other users opened the flu Documents with the virus, the Hong virus will be transferred to his computer. 3. Destructive procedures virus The prefix destructive virus program is: Harm. The characteristics of this virus is a good in itself Look at the user clicks on icons to temptation, when the user clicks on the virus, the virus will direct users Computer generated destruction. If C formatted disk (), the killer orders (Harm. ). 4. System virus The prefix system for the virus: Win32, PE, Win95, W32, W95, and so on. These viruses The characteristics of the general public can be infected with the windows operating system *. exe and *. dll file, And through these documents for dissemination. If the CIH virus. 5. Backdoor virus Backdoor virus prefix is Backdoor. The total of such virus through network - Sowing, opened the back door to the system to the user and potential safety problems. 6. Bundling machine virus Bundled-virus prefix is: Binder. The characteristics of this virus is the virus writers will use Specific procedures will be bundled with a number of applications such as QQ, IE bundled up on the surface It is normal to see the paper, when users run these bundled virus, will run these applications on the surface Procedures, and then tied to the operation of hidden virus, which caused harm to the user. Such as: baled Tied QQ (), the system killer (). 7. Script virus The virus is usually JavaScript scripting code prepared by the malicious code, prefix is usually Spript, with the general nature of advertising, will modify your IE Home, modify registry, and other information, Computer user inconvenience caused. 8. Planting procedures virus virus This virus is of the public will run from the in vivo release of one or several new Under the virus to the system directory, by the release of a new virus damage. If the glaciers are sowing (), MSN striker (). 9. Joke virus The prefix is the virus joke: Joke. Also called prank virus. The characteristics of this virus is itself a nice user clicks on icons to temptation, When the user clicks of this virus, the virus will be made to disrupt the operation scare users, in fact The virus did not destroy any computer user. Such as: ghost () virus. 10. Trojan hacking virus Trojan its prefix is: Trojan, hackers virus prefix General for Hack. Public special Sex is through the network or system loopholes into the user's system and hidden, and then leaked to the outside world User information, hackers virus there is a visual interface to the user's computer remotely Control. Trojans, hackers often paired virus emerging, Trojan horse virus responsible for the invasive power users Brain, and hackers virus will be passed to the Trojan horse virus control. . General Trojan such as QQ News tail Trojan , there are big . Virus Form A PSW or anything like PWD general said that the virus has stolen password function, If some hacker programs, such as network枭雄. 7, the mode of transmission and network anti-virus Through the above, we can see that e-mail viruses spread Click homepage, users download, Others implant, implant, and other loopholes through five computer transmission, so long as holding these five A thoroughfare, we will be able to live better anti-virus network.

参考文献:[1]中华人民共和国教育部.英语课程标准(实验稿).北京师范大学出版社,2001版[2]黄远振.新课程英语教与学[m] .福建教育出版社,~139[3]林崇德.英语教育心理学[m] .北京教育出版社,~152[4]李庭乡.英语教学法[m] .高等教育出版社,~98好感动哦,找半天终于找到了,这个对我来说真的好难,不知道对不对哦,希望能对你有帮助。哈哈


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