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This article studied chromium azure CAS-CTMAB the spectrophotometric method determination determination steel slag EDTA- alkaline solution to soak takes in the fluid the aluminum content, Al3+ and chromium azure S produces the red dual complex compound in the low-acid solution, biggest absorption wave length λmax=560nm, mole of absorption coefficient κ=×104L•mol-1• time Al3+ and chromium azure S, if joins includes the long carbon chain organic surface active agent, like bromination hexadecyl trimethyl ammonium (CTMAB).Then may form three Yuan complex compounds, its biggest absorption wave length to the long wave traverse (red shift), the mole of absorption coefficient increases 2~3 times, the determination sensitivity remarkable hexadecyl trimethyl bromination amine (CTMAB) increases the sensitive medicinal preparation as the aluminum and the chromium azure S color reaction, in an ethanoic acid sodium acetate cushion medium, when pH =, this system has the biggest absorption peak in 615 nm, the aluminum content conforms to Lang in μg/50ml scope Bo a birr law, correlation coefficient r=, regression equation y=, the method picks out limits is , apparent mole of extinction coefficient ε600 = ×105L•mol- 1• method does not need to use the expensive equipment, the coloration is keen, the stability is good, the operation is simple, can obtain the good accuracy and the accuracy.

334 评论


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300 评论



240 评论


Hot Deformation Behavior of metal an important aspect of research is to study the metal in the process of hot deformation behavior of the flow stress, as well as changes in the law of the mechanical properties of the macro-response behavior is the flow stress. According to the theory of deformation, the flow stress of metal materials in a one-way refers to the deformation conditions sufficient to achieve plastic deformation of the stress intensity. Metals and alloys in the plastic working process, the flow stress determined the deformation of the size of equipment needed to load and the size of the required energy consumption. Generally speaking, the impact of the metal flow stress factors in general can be divided into internal factors and external factors. The main external factors, including deformation temperature, strain rate and strain (deformation), they are internal factors of the flow stress of metallic materials. Deformation temperature on the impact of flow stress as follows: flow stress with deformation temperature lower, but reduced somewhat different, that is, the higher strain rate, with the increase in deformation temperature, flow stress gradient reduced more Great. Strain rate on the impact of flow stress: the higher the strain rate, the greater the value of flow stress, and increase the flow stress with temperature changes, temperature, the higher the lower the rate of increase. The rate of increase of flow stress is not maintained at a fixed value, but as the strain rate changes. Internal factors include the chemical composition of metals, metal the microstructure changes such as dynamic recovery and dynamic recrystallization, such as work hardening. High-temperature mechanical deformation of metallic materials from high temperature creep behavior of metals on the basis of developed. Metals and alloys the existence of thermal processing thermal activation process, the strain rate thermal activation process control. Deformation under different conditions using different expressions, but also related to thermal activation, the dislocation movement, such as the micro-mechanism. This paper AZ31 magnesium alloy sheet for the study, the RG-based microcomputer-controlled universal testing machine, metallographic microscope and scanning electron microscopy tools, research and analysis of magnesium alloy at different temperatures forming performance, flow stress and microstructure changes in the law. The following conclusions: 1. Extrusion, cross-rolling, cold-rolled, hot-rolled, as well as the level of casting AZ31 magnesium alloy sheet metal microstructure is equiaxed structure, the grain size of 5 ~ 25μm; 2. Extrusion of magnesium alloy sheet metal grain size is about 5 ~ μm, the strain rate is less than , the deformation temperature is higher than 150 ℃, the extension rate of greater than 45%, and with the strain rate lower or raise the temperature of the peak flow stress also be reduced accordingly. When the temperature is 425 ℃, then the peak steady-state flow stress is almost equal to the flow stress at the time that the peak stress does not appear, and its value in between 18 ~ 20MPa, and the extension rate of 132%. 3. Cross-rolled sheet metal so that the peak flow stress decreased significantly increased plasticity. (And can reduce or eliminate the anisotropic material to improve the performance of its punch, so that elongation of the material significantly increased for deep-drawing deformation even provided a good internal organization.) At a temperature of 425 ℃, strain rate is less than , the elongation δ> 225%, alloy shows superplasticity. 4. 250 ~ 425 ℃ temperature range, semi-continuous casting + annealing cold-rolled sheet before and after the stress - strain curve changes little elongation δ are greater than 65%. Cold-rolled sheet can be used directly in temperatures greater than 250 ℃ forming thermal processing. 5. At a high temperature to soften and as a result of the role of dynamic recrystallization results of horizontal continuous casting + anisotropic cold-rolled sheet has been significantly improved. At 250 ℃ when the sheet are an extension of the rate of 118 percent, the smallest anisotropy alloys. 6. At a temperature less than 220 ℃, the fracture morphology of the main axis for large and small dimples, such as composition, surface tear edge clarity, and depth of dimples smaller size; When the temperature is greater than 240 ℃ when the equiaxed the edge of dimples appear fine grains, the occurrence of a fracture. Magnesium alloy at high temperature phase of the basic fracture along fracture, with the strain rate increased, the fracture mode transformed to the ductile fracture trend. AZ31 magnesium alloy in the plastic deformation occurred during the dynamic recrystallization and grain growth.

121 评论


Title: In the ointment of diosgenin and Smilax saponin Identification of Erdong GaoAbstract: Objective: Cream of the Erdong in the chemical composition of a preliminary study. Method: macroporous resin adsorption chromatography, column chromatography and gel column chromatography glucan combination of methods to separate. Results: Plaster from the winter of chloroform isolated two compounds, through physical and chemical properties and spectral analysis of its structure identified as diosgenin and Smilax saponin. Conclusion: explored and the Isolation method is simple and easy. Key words: Erdong Gao,Erdong cream, diosgenin saponin, Smilax saponin, Isolation太专业了。的确让人头大。终于棒你翻译出来了!二冬膏我查了下,一般只有拼音名的,所以这里也沿用。

146 评论


In this paper, the CAS-CTMAB chromazurol Determination Determination of EDTA-alkali slag leaching liquid solution of aluminum content, Al3 + and chromazurol S in the weak acid to form a red solution of the binary complex, the largest absorption wavelength λmax = 560nm, the molar absorption coefficient κ = × 104L • mol-1 • cm-1. Al3 + and S chromazurol reactions, the inclusion of long carbon chain containing organic surfactants such as cetyl trimethylammonium bromide (CTMAB). Ternary complex can be formed, and its maximum absorption wavelength to the long-wave direction (red shift), the molar absorption coefficient increased 2 ~ 3 times the determination of the sensitivity significantly. Select CTAB amine (CTMAB) chromazurol as aluminum and the color reaction of S-sensitizing agent, in a sodium acetate buffer solution, when pH = , the system in the 615 nm maximum absorption peak, aluminum content in the range of ~ μg/50ml in line with the Lambert-Beer's law, the correlation coefficient r = , regression equation y = , the detection limit is 0. 005mg / L, the apparent molar absorptivity ε600 = × 105L • mol-1 • cm-1. This method does not require the use of expensive equipment, the color sensitivity, good stability and easy to operate, to get a better precision and accuracy.

316 评论


Topic: In two winter paste Chinese yam soap glucoside Yuan Heba qia soap glucoside Yuan separation appraisal abstract: Goal: Conducts the preliminary study to in two winter paste chemical : Uses the method which the pocket resin adsorption chromatography, the silica gel column chromatographic analysis law as well as the glucosan gelatin column chromatographic analysis unifies to carry on the : The separation obtains two compound from two winter paste chloroform level, through physics and chemistry nature and spectrum analysis its structure appraisal for Chinese yam soap glucoside Yuan Heba qia soap glucoside : Tried to find out separation method simple, easy line.

308 评论


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