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首页 > 毕业论文 > 饮水机控制系统毕业论文

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Intelligent water dispenser automatic control system designAbstract: water dispensers, just as its name implies is to solve people drinking water problem and the birth of a household product, because promote people's drinking water quality and life taste and become fashion favorite. However, with the continuous improvement of the people physical life of water dispenser, the performance requirements of improve continuously. At the same time as development, some water dispenser problem increasingly revealed many times, such as water heating form "thousands of human body boiling water damage, but also use very much power. At present, the market are mostly water control system adopts the hardware circuit implementation, there exist circuit, simple function etc complex limitations, only the heating, insulation, and other functions, main is its control rigid and shortage, so it is necessary to existing water machine control system is improved. This paper mainly introduced by AT89C52 single making a simple water dispenser intelligent control system, the software and hardware design process by temperature sensor DS18B20 testing temperature, and LCD1602 LCD display real-time water temperature. Only when water temperature 70 ℃ lower insufficient temperature when the water is heated to a boil, other temperature intelligent control heating system without electricity, which saves electricity and heating temperature floor can be adjusted by software program. Because it is using AT89C52 single as control core, so key gives its software programming thought method and the software realize the intelligent control of water dispenser. This system has a circuit is simple in structure, easy for operation, hardware, low cost less, low consumption, : water dispenser; DS18B20; AT89C52 single用有道翻译的,希望对你有用

177 评论



92 评论


In the context of the significant improvement of people's material living standards, people are paying more and more attention to dietary health, especially the health of drinking water. Many people improve the quality of drinking water by installing water purifiers. However, most residents need hot water for drinking, and water purifiers cannot meet this requirement. The existing water dispenser generally has a heating function, but also has a temperature display function. Although heating and automatic power-off can be performed during use, personnel cannot intervene in the cycle process, so there are many defects. Based on this background, this paper designs a smart water dispenser system. Based on this system, it can realize rich functions such as voice broadcast, temperature detection, OLED display, motor water outlet, temperature setting, WIFI remote control, etc. The manual control can also be performed remotely through the APP, and the display interface information is more intuitive, which is convenient for people to use the smart water dispenser for heating and remote control. The designed intelligent water dispenser system is easy to operate, cost-effective, and has high practical value.

245 评论


数字电路毕业设计 ·多路智能报警器设计·电子密码锁设计·路灯的节能控制·±5V直流稳压电源的设计·病房呼叫系统·四路数字抢答器设计·全集成电路高保真扩音机·电容测量电路的设计·双输出可调稳压电源的设计·小型触摸式防盗报警器·数字自动打铃系统·防盗报警器·线性直流稳压电源的设计·稳压电源的设计与制作·数字电压表的设计·声控报警器毕业设计论文·数字频率计毕业设计论文·智能抢答器设计·集成功率放大电路的设计·宽带视频放大电路的设计 毕业设计·串联稳压电源的设计·智能饮水机控制系统·蓄电池性能测试仪设计·篮球比赛计时器的硬件设计·直流开关稳压电源设计·智能脉搏记录仪系统·48V25A直流高频开关电源设计·直流电动机的脉冲调速·基于D类放大器的可调开关电源的设计·CJ20-63交流接触器的工艺与工装

96 评论


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