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VI(Visual Identity), which is the system designed to identify the corporate and brand image, is the visual symbol of the corporate culture, as well as the visual carrier of its value system. It represents the faith, ideal and ambition of a team in its shaping process. A unified and vivid brand image can make the connection between the firm and market more efficient and the consumers more confidential in the firm and its product, so as to strengthen the firm’s market the entrepreneurs have more and more aware the importance of the brand, it has become a significant step to design a set of CIS (Corporate Identity System) to truly reflect the firm’s entire outlook and ideas. However, it’s not that easy to devise a professional VI. This graduation paper which is the VI design of Letian Group, is not only my tentative attempt on VI design, but also a comprehensive summary of what have learned in these three Letian Group, which I have designed for, gives priority to the tourism. This thesis shows several important aspects in the design of Letian’s VI system, such as the main symbol, standard word type, standard color, complementary colors, business cards and envelope, and the analysis of the devising process. 呵呵,专八的标准时间是1个小时,含两篇200字左右的文章,一个中译英,一个英译中。一般来说,英译汉更容易,所以,汉译英需要时间稍长,大概事件比例是英译汉20分钟,汉译英40分钟。再说了,毕业论文不是,怎么说也得注意点?所以,一个小时,不算长吧?yu che han又看了一下,觉得xixiwwc写的也挺好的~

351 评论



94 评论



毕业论文(graduation study),按一门课程计,是普通中等专业学校、高等专科学校、本科院校、高等教育自学考试本科及研究生学历专业教育学业的最后一个环节,为对本专业学生集中进行科学研究训练而要求学生在毕业前总结性独立作业、撰写的论文。

从文体而言,它也是对某一专业领域的现实问题或理论问题进行 科学研究探索的具有一定意义的论文。一般安排在修业的最后一学年(学期)进行。学生须在教师指导下,选定课题进行研究,撰写并提交论文。目的在于培养学生的科学研究能力;加强综合运用所学知识、理论和技能解决实际问题的训练;从总体上考查学生学习所达到的学业水平。


294 评论


VI Design (corporate image recognition system design, brand image recognition system design) is the visual symbol of the corporate culture, corporate values and vision carriers. In shaping the course of a team, a team representing the beliefs, ideals and aspirations. It formed a distinct and unified brand image so that the enterprise market with a more direct and effective communication to help the consumer products business and its goodwill and confidence-building to enhance the market appeal. With the brand awareness of the importance of entrepreneurs degree of improvement, design a set of truly representative of the entire business outlook and philosophy of the CIS system is the first brand strategy to implement the necessary steps, however, create a set of professional standards is not so VI Easy, the Lotte VI of the graduation project design issues, not only on their initial attempt to create VI, is a three-year study by a comprehensive summary. I designed VI of the Lotte Group is based travel agency industry, this thesis more or less a display of Lotte Travel Service System VI a number of important aspects, such as the main symbol of the word standard, standard color, assisted colors, business cards, envelopes, etc. Analysis of both its creative process.别都照抄..仅供参考..

302 评论


Abstract: The team is training college students on the importance of ideological and political goals, and our colleges and universities personnel training in this regard and there are still certain flaws. A correct understanding of the role of university students teamwork, and actively cultivate the ideological and political work through the teamwork of students, work in the new era of ideological education is very important practical significance. Students team and individuals become closely linked. Keywords: teamwork become the ideological and political education of personal relationships

357 评论


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    VI(Visual Identity), which is the system designed to identify the corporate and

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