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PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT: APPLYING A HUMAN PERFORMANCE MODEL TO ORGANIZATIONAL PROCESSES IN A MILITARY TRAINING ENVIRONMENTWayne Aaberg, CPT Carla J. Thompson Haywood V. West Matthew J. Swiergosz This article provides a description and the results of a study that utilized the human performance (HP) model and methods to explore and analyze a training organization. The systemic and systematic practices of the HP model are applicable to military training organizations as well as civilian organizations. Implications of the study for future organizations grappling with registrar office concerns include the development of a rich information base and the acquisition of data collection resources. DURING THE LATE 1990s, the . Navy commissioned a new organization, the Human Performance Center,with a major integrant mission to optimize Navy war fighting performance by applying the human performance (HP) model tenets to all facets of Navy operations,while focusing on performance improvement (HPC,2007). The history provided by Van Tiem, Moseley, and Dessinger (2001) contends that the HP model uses a wide range of interventions drawn from many other disciplines,including behavioral psychology, instructional systems design, organizational learning, evaluation, and management sciences. Based on Van Tiem et al., the rationale for the present study generated a systematic application of solid investigative techniques for resolving organizational issues in military training environments. These background and rationale considerations prompted the selection of the HP model for use as the theoretical framework for the present International Society for Performance Improvement posits that the HP model accents a rigorous analysis of present and desired levels of performance, identifies the causes for the performance gap, offers a wide range of interventions with which to improve performance, guides the change management process, and evaluates the results. The model consists of five segments: performance analysis, cause analysis, intervention selection, intervention implementation, and evaluation, as depicted in Figure 1 (ISPI, 2008).In addition to using the HP model methods, a scientific method (time motion techniques) pioneered by Taylor in 1911 (Harrison, 2004) helped create the framework for this project. Taylor’s scientific methods provided the insight to establish the metrics for this project to document and analyze daily student registration and other related posited that efficiency could be increased by carefully planning workers’ movements to ascertain the most efficient manner that jobs could be standardized and simplified by breaking the jobs down into core elements. This process of standardization and simplification was called time and motion (Harrison, 2004).This study utilizes the HP model with a focus on student registration processes and concerns. Student registration processes at military training sites are continually plagued by complex workloads, and workflow frequently bottlenecks. Registration processes are often exacerbated by numerous repetitive administrative initiatives. TheseSource. Based on data from the ISPI Web site, 2008. Adapted with permission from 1. BASIC HUMAN PERFORMANCE MODELconcerns stimulated the current study. In addition, time and motion techniques (Chevalier, 2008) were applied to the project. The impetus for using time and motion methods was a result of initial data discovered during the assessment of student registration workflow processes. The HP model and the established rationale promptedthe current OBJECTIVEThe study objective was to reduce work hours associated with student registration processes by 10% within a 12-month period and to identify effective methods to improve workflow within student registration following data collection techniques were utilized in the COLLECTIONMultiple data collection techniques were employed in the study. The following data collection procedures were utilized: interviews, observations, regulations, benchmarkings,and observed process work hours. Each data procedure is described in this were conducted to capture the methods and perspectives of the various processes to determine the existing business practices related to student registration procedures. Interviews included key personnel in the training organization. These interviews involved the commanding officer, executive officer, training officer, technical training supervisor, registrar personnel, instructors,and administration personnel. Personnel (performers) were identified and their participation provided the focus to determine individual responsibilities, inputs, and outputs. This information is depicted in Table were performed over a 2-month time frame to determine and document the scope of current performer responsibilities. These observations included extensive reviews of the registrar processes, academic review board instructions, student file retrieval processes,registrar/customer service processes, and student data filing processes in the Navy military training data were pertinent to the organization process Governing documents were reviewed to determine whether the organization registrar functions were aligned with higher level training mandates. These documents included the Navy School Management Manual, taskbased curriculum development manuals, local organizational instructions, and personnel descriptions for the registrar training technicians. Therefore, these documents pertaining to organizational improvement were an integral part of the processes from several training organizations were compared with one another for the purpose of determining best practices in registrar processes. ThisTABLE 1 PERFORMER GROUPS AND THE IMPACT ON THE BUSINESS PROCESSESprocedure generated benchmarks for the study, which revealed that the benchmark training organizations: (a) did not perform additional activities other than registrar functions; (b) used a local Microsoft Access database in conjunction with the . Navy’s Corporate Enterprise Training Activity Resource Systems (CETARS; Corporate Enterprise Training Activity Resource Systems, 2006) todocument, track, and archive student status; and (c) closely adhered to military training manual and instructions. The resulting benchmarks were used for comparative analysisof the registrar Process Work HoursThe work hours associated with processing student registration forms were based on the estimated time to complete selected functions. These data were collected from student registration training technicians. The estimated time for the training technicians to complete each form was determined by the following procedure: time required to complete each form was multiplied by the number of student cases per year to obtain the total available observed process work hours Per 49% of student registration work hours were found to be associated with forms processing. Table 2 depicts the estimates of student registrar work ANALYSISThe HP model uses performance analysis, a procedure that involves the following components: assumptions, performance focus, root cause analysis, and root ObservationsThree major initial observations provided motivation for the present study: (a) estimates of the time involved in student intake forms and data entry exceeded expected time requirements; (b) recurring tasks in the administration department are not as demanding as registrar tasks,and some functions of both departments are duplicated; and (c) benchmarking observations involving two nearby training organizations have effective registrar routines that are viable models to demonstrate solid registrar processes. These observations provided the initiative for the FocusThe performance focus included tasks associated with student check-in andcheck-out,disenrollment, academic review, and graduation processes. For each task, the appropriate forms and documentation were examined and analyzed relative to the work processes. Therefore, the performance focus of the registrar operation was concentrated on specific forms and how each form was Cause AnalysisThe root cause analysis included the following acquired data: (a) approximately 2,041 work hours were expended for processing forms (see Table 2), (b) approximately 200work hours involved performing data entry functions, (c) no evidence of existing registrar regulations that validate data entry, and (d) no documented defined process with which to enter student information. For example, it was difficult to retrieve student records, as evidenced by the fact that an attempt to retrieve studentdatatook approximately 30 minutes to search for 10 student records and not find any comparison of the observed registrar workflow processes in this study with the benchmarked organization processes of another training organization resulted in the following findings: (a) the benchmark training organizations performed no additional activities other than registrar functions; (b) the benchmark training organization used a local Microsoft Access database in conjunction with the . Navy’s CETARS (2006) to document, track,and archive student status; and (c) the benchmark training organization closely adhered to military training manual and instructions. When comparing the study’s registrar office with a similar training organization, the following additional comparisons were determined: (a) the registrar functions of the study’s registrar office were not aligned to the command’s mission; (b) a nearby training organization uses a dedicated individual (registrar representative) to handle military student administration forms, whereas the registrar in the study does not have a dedicated individual within the registrar office; (c) the CETARS (2006) person event data category is not aligned to accurately reflect actual student status at the study’s registrar office; (d) the study’s registrar automated computer tracking of person event codes (CETARS) is not aligned to each course of instruction assessments within each training division; and (e) personnel descriptions for registrar personnel are updated and aligned to organizational goals in the comparative organization but not in the study’s registrar CausesThe study found three processes that contribute to decreased efficiencies: (a) the registrar is performing duties and tasks that are not registrar functions; (b) there are inadequate policies, regulations, procedures, and supervision relative to registrar functions; and (c) there are no computerized tools to automate forms processing and enhance data input in the registrar study uncovered the root causes through careful observation, analysis, and documentation of the findings. The root causes provide the commanding officer (CO) with a clear vision of the actual issues in the registrar’s SELECTION AND IMPLEMENTIONThe next step in the HP model is the intervention selection and implementation. The analysis determined the roles and responsibilities of the performer and the responsibility of the performer to improve the organization. The intervention-selection step determines the best means to improve the process and estimate the costs of interventions and recommended roles and responsibilities of performers for the implementation of interventions are listed in Table section reviews the estimated costs of interventions and provides specific recommended interventions for improving the workflow processes of a registrar office.

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The "four employees incentive model."How to create the best employee performance is manager for a long time of challenge. In recent years, the neural science, biology and evolution of interdisciplinary research areas such as psychology, humans have told us four basic emotional needs, and the force driving or what we all the basis of their behavior. The empirical research shows that, by the employee can create better performance. Therefore, to motivate employees, managers should understand the driving force and can take what measures to meet the driving people always try to get some things, to increase the scarcity of his happiness. When the force satisfied, we will feel happy, Conversely, it will feel dissatisfied. This force is often the relative (we always compare themselves with others), and it was difficult to satisfy (we always want more).Many animals are combined with their parents and relatives or close relationship between population, but establish the relationship between human expanded into larger groups, such as organization, community and national. "Driving", people will generate loving, caring, strong positive emotions, etc. Conversely, it will appear as negative emotional loneliness, cynical. In the work environment, when the staff for oneself is a member of the organization are proud of their motivation and will greatly improve, And when they had rebelled against their will and are eager to understand about the world around them, and then put forward various theories to explain all things, and put forward the reasonable action and countermeasures. When things seem pointless, we will feel frustrated, While looking for answers to questions, the challenge will let us full of passion. In the working environment, workers work done if challenging, and allows them to grow and learn, they will be incentive, And when they do look no value or no future, will be the face of threats defense, to protect themselves, to protect our property and achievements, family and friends, thoughts and beliefs, it is natural to us. This force is rooted in the "fight but fled" basic response, this is common, but most animals to humans, it not only the offensive or defensive behavior, but also to build a system to promote seek justice, clear goals and intention, and allow people to speak freely. This force have been fulfilled, people think and self-confidence, otherwise will fear and hate strong negative four drivers are independent of each other, no secondary, also cannot substitute mutually. To fully motivate employees, managers must satisfy all four driving force. In fact, every emotional force can use different organizations leverage to satisfy the most system "gain" the most easily through the organization of driving system of rewards. Of course, it also depends on the organization's reward system can effectively define employee performance, will reward with different performance, and give the best chance of promotion of to meet the "combination" force among employees, cultivating strong friendship, the most effective way is to establish a promote teamwork, cooperation, open and friendly design satisfy "understanding" force is the optimal way to design a meaningful and have fun and challenging management and resource allocation process fairness, credible, transparent, performance management and resource allocation process, help satisfy people's "defensive driving".In addition, the direct supervisor for employees and motivational degrees plays an important role as organizational policy. Although do not expect to staff the whole company boss incentive system, culture, post design or management system exerting significant effect, but they clearly superior in their influence within the scope of a certain power. For example, in recognition, managers can select and tasks, the rewards and employee the organization of managers only under the condition of the utmost efforts to satisfy all four driving force, the employee can most effectively improve the incentive effect on employees, improve the organizational performance.

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Staff Motivation "four forces model" to create the best performance of the staff is faced with long-standing management challenges. In recent years, neuroscience, biology, evolutionary psychology and other areas of interdisciplinary research tells us that human beings have four basic emotional needs or drivers, which driver is the foundation of all our actions. Empirical studies have shown that motivated employees to create better performance. Therefore, managers order to motivate employees, they should understand these drivers and what measures can be taken to address these always try to get access to a number of scarce things, to increase their own happiness. When the drivers are met, we will feel happy; the other hand, will feel dissatisfied. The driving force is often relative (we always compare yourself with others), and is not satisfied (we always want more).Combination of many animals and their parents, relatives or close ties population, but only human beings to extend this relationship to the larger groups such as organizations, associations and people. "Combined" driving force are met, people will produce love, care and other strong positive emotions; the other hand, appears lonely, cynical and other negative emotions. In the work environment, when the employee is a member of the organization itself proud, they will greatly enhance the degree of incentives; and when the organization betrayed them, they will are eager to learn to understand the world around, then put forward various theories to explain various things, and reasonable actions and responses. When things seem meaningless, we will feel depressed; and the challenge to find answers to questions in general makes us passionate. In the work environment, employee work if challenging, and allow them to grow and learn, they are motivated; and when they work seem worthless or no future, the morale will be in the face of external threats, protect themselves, to protect our property and achievements, family and friends, thought and belief is our nature. This drive is rooted in "match for him before fleeing," the basic reaction, this reaction is common to most animals, but humans, it is not only for the offensive or defensive behavior, but also the performance of the search establish a system to promote justice, clear goals and intentions, and allow people to speak freely. Such drivers are met, people will feel safe and confident, otherwise you will fear, hatred and other strong negative four drivers are all independent of each other, there is no primary or secondary, are not interchangeable. To fully motivate employees, managers must meet all four drivers. In fact, each emotion can be driven with different organizations to leverage the most effective way to system "for" driving force most likely by the organization's reward system are met. Of course, this will have to see whether the organization's reward system for staff to define the different effective performance will be performance-related incentives, and give the best chance for to meet the "combined" driving force in fostering a strong staff camaraderie among the most effective way is to establish a team to promote cooperation, collaboration, openness and friendship and design to meet the "understanding" the driving force is the best way to design a meaningful, fun and challenging management and resource allocation process fair, credible and transparent performance management and resource allocation processes to help meet people's "defensive" driving addition, the direct supervisor of the staff employee motivation and organizational policies as degrees play an important role. Employees while not expect the overall boss of the company's reward system, culture, job design or management system to exert significant influence, but they are clearly superior in their own sphere of influence is indeed a certain decision. For example, managers can recognize, the task selected on the recognition and to reward employee performance and constraints in the organization only under the conditions of the staff do their utmost to meet all four drivers, the most effective way to improve the incentive effect on staff to improve organizational performance.

254 评论


一、私营企业财务管理的影响因素企业的财务管理活动是受理财环境制约的,研究理财环境各因素变化对企业财务管理的影响,是为了分析财务管理的发展规律,寻求提高财务管理水平的途径。影响我国私营企业财务管理的因素有宏观方面也有微观方面的,各种因素纵横交错、互为条件、相巨制约。(一)宏观社会环境因素的影响宏观社会环境包括国家经济政策、产业政策、经济发展水平和金融市场状况等。宏观社会因素的正面刺激作用是因为地方政府对私营经济鼓励态度更为明显,地方政府各种优化环境,促进私营经济发展的经济政策出台,经济结构中的市场化成分进一步提高。金融市场进一步完善,融资“不以企业性质论长短,一视同仁”,为私营企业调节资金余缺,进行资本投资提供便利。税法和公司法等法规不以所有制性质实行差别待遇,为私营企业市场公平竞争、规范管理活动起到推动作用。负面作用包括政府有关部门对私营经济意识形态方面排斥力仍大,政府经济主管部门和执法、监督部门在掌握政策中对私营企业“宁左勿右”,“宁紧勿松”,公共经济资源分配中的差别待遇仍然存在,金融业的信用贷款仍不向私营企业开放,企业融资渠道少,融资总量有限。这些负面影响导致私营企业不敢冒然扩大投资,对外投资也信心不足,宏观社会环境因素的变化,对企业财务管理的地位职能作用,及活动空间有直接影响。(二)微观环境因素的影响私营企业组织形式、结构、生产经营管理水平、业主及财务人员素质状况、企业文化均影响企业的财务管理发展。1、组织形式的选择不同类型的企业,其资本来源结构不同,企业所适用的法律方面有所不同和差别,财务管理活动开展的空间范围也不同。私营企业选择有限责任公司这一组织形式的居多,但大多私营企业是亲戚、家族、朋友合办的企业,这类企业在建设初期情义代替规章制度。企业组织形式不同,其资本结构也不同,资本结构和组织特点影响企业财务监督模式和财务管理的具体内容。2、业主素质:私营企业业主往往既是投资者又是经营管理者,他的素质高低,直接影响财务管理活动的开展。企业财务管理目标能否实现取决于业主在韬略上把握控制、监督理财的素质。3、企业文化。业主在企业文化的形成方面起着极为重要的作用。企业文化又影响财务管理人员选拔使用,财务管理职责权限及财务信息在企业管理中的披露程度。企业文化还在一定程度上是吸引和稳定财务管理人才的重要因素。4、科技发展状况。高科技私营企业里,人力资源是企业的重要资源,企业的发展壮大要靠科技创新和管理创新。所以科技发展状况影响企业管理机制和利润分配机制,也影响财务管理的职能作用发挥。在客观和微观两方面的影响因素中,微观因素对企业财务管理活动的刺激作用更大。以下侧重从微观环境因素着手,分析不同环境因素影响了财务管理的特征。二、私营企业财务管理特征企业只有在理财环境的各种因素作用下实现财务活动的协调平衡,才能生存和发展。私营企业财务管理人员的来源,财务监控模式方面有共性的一面;但因不同发展阶段,不同层次的私营企业的内部环境因素不同,企业财务管理水平也不同,呈现着阶段性的特征。(一)小规模、低层次私营企业的财务管理特征小规模私营企业由于投资规模小,自有资金有限,企业经营管理层次低,产品科技含量。员工素质不高市场竞争力有限。这类企业的财务管理主要有以下特征。1、凭经验决策,财务管理地位不高小规模非科技型私营企业,其决策模式主要为经验决策。私营企业在经营决策方面有着高效率的优势,但决策程序较粗糙,决策所需信息中,相当程度仍使用以供销人员为主体的偶遇式的市场信息收集方式,信息的收集处理利用并无规范的规则,财务人员参与收集分析信息极小,决策信息准确度较差,决策的可靠度低。企业财务管理未受到重视、财务管理在业主以外的管理中影响不大、地位不高。大部分小企业本配置独立的财务管理机构或人员,财务人员被当作“记帐”员,主要负责对外提供财务与纳税报表。2、财务人员业务素质低,财务管理职能作用不大私营企业在发展初期,人与人的关系基于血缘关系和地缘联系,对团体以外的人天然的不信任。在财务这一敏感部门,“忠诚度”成为用人的重要标志,无血缘、乡缘关系的财务管理能人群体很难与家族势力平衡。所以,在小规模低层次的私营企业,真正的财务专业人才很难留住,财务人员大多未经正规的专业培训,缺乏财务管理的能力,难以为管理高层提供有效的财务信息。3、业主“说了算”,财务管理内容单一中国的私营企业在其发展的初级阶段,表现出个人专权和家族控制的特色,80%以上的资产集中于创业者身上,董事长兼总经理是普遍现象。企业的资金筹集、使用由老板说了算。权力集中的家族式的经营,使财务管理也高度集中。不少小型私营企业的财务管理活动仅限于财务控制,即财务部门通过控制财务收支和分析检查财务指标完成情况来监督企业本身的经营活动,降低产品成本,增加企业盈利,协助业主实施财务监控。(二)大型、高科技私营企业财务管理特征私营企业完成原始积累发展到一定规模(资本千万元以上),企业的发展顺靠科技与管理人才,企业管理也较国有企业创新快,财务管理活动呈现着现代企业财务管理特征。1、企业财务管理目标明确,财务管理受到重视所有制结构决定了私营企业的经营以追逐利润为目标。在这一总体目标的指导下,企业的各个部门包括财务管理部门都努力工作,为企业创造更多的价值。同时私营企业资产达到一定规模后,企业生产和经营各个环节都是面向市场的,财务工作也处处体现了市场对于企业资金的筹集和运用的深远影响。企业正是通过财务管理的统筹安排和统一协调将内部形式上相互隔离但内容上紧密相关的各项决策过程结合起来,以面对变幻莫测的市场环境。在这种巨大的外在压力作用下,私营业主及高层管理者不得不重视财务专业人才的作用,不少大型私营企业专设的财务管理机构并赋予应有的权力和手段,实现合理筹集资金有效运用资金,加强财务分析与监督的目的。2、激励机制灵活,财务管理工作创新不断在相当一部分大型私营企业中,财务人才在财务管理职位上受到重视,企业业主认识到。企业所需要的不再仅仅是“记帐”的人,而需要理财能人。加上私营企业在资产达到一定规模后,受到更大的外部压力而需淡化家族色彩,以适应严厉的法律,政策环境和社会舆论。抛弃“上阵亲兄弟,打虎父子兵”的陈腐观念,超越了家族式经营的原始积累阶段,并以其灵活的人才聘用机制,在激烈的人才竞争中占了先机。为吸引和稳定高水平人才,私营企业在激励机制和企业文化建设上下功夫。二些大型、高科技私营企业以“绩效股”、“认股权证”、“年薪”、“津贴”等褒赏企业有功之臣的激励机制,有效地推动了管理人员在管理方面不断创新,开拓进取。财务能人不再仅仅是“听老板的话,记好帐,守好财”那类人,而是精于管理,善于开创,敢于提出独特的见解,能为企业发展出力的专业人才。财务管理工作与国有企业相比,少了框框的限制,更容易创新发展,各种财务战略管理方法手段,更容易被采纳适应现代企业发展的市场观念,竞争观念,开放观念更容易被财务人员接受。3、集权型财务管理模式,财务控制分析职能突出大型、高科技私营企业,通常会形成一定授权经营机制,从而形成业主以外的管理层,但大部分私营企业财务管理仍信奉“稳定优先、兼顾效率”原则,实行集权型管理。“在企业统一筹划。监控之下,对所属分公司、部门的财务活动实施有效的管理,并通过健全的内部财务管理制度,堵塞漏洞,保证资金安全有效使用。这种高度集权的管理模式在私营企业集团的发展过程中起到了统筹规划,集中有效财力开发产品、搞大项目,占领市场,促进资本原始积累,制止资金浪费,确保集团资产安全发挥了积极作用。与此相适应,企业财务控制和分析职能得到了强化,财务管理部门制定控制标准,分解落实财务责任,实施追踪控制,及时调整误差,分析产生的差异,为考核评价财务活动提供信息。同时,公司财务人员参与企业经营的全过程,对企业的决策和运行实行动态管理和制约,促使企业经营获得高速稳健的运行。我国大型私营企业财务管理工作虽然有所改进,财务管理也受到业主和管理当局重视,但从总体上看,仍处于低效率低水平阶段。财务管理工作与私营企业日益发展壮大的要求不相适应。要使我国私营企业财务管理为企业的稳定增长、长远发展和使企业具有强壮生命力和优越的竞争力作出更大贡献,就应进一步优化企业理财环境,突出财务管理的战略地位,健全财务管理机构,并将其放在高层管理的位置上,赋予财务管理部门更大的权力和责任。要按市场经济的要求,进一步转变观念更新内容、转变职能,建立健全财务管理人员的激励机制,充分调动管理人员理财的积极性、创造性、采取有效措施切实提高私营企业财务管理水平。一、企业财务管理目标特性的思辩企业财务管理目标特性,是指财务管理系统中目标要素的内在的、固有的、质的规定性。笔者认为,从系统论的基本原理来看,企业财务管理目标具有以下四个基本特征:1.系统性。系统性是指企业财务管理目标要素对财务管理系统内的其他要素及有机构成具有终极导向性。也就是说,财务管理目标是财务管理系统的出发点和归宿,目标的设置,应以系统整体最优化为首要原则。因此,财务管理目标不仅应兼顾利益主体各方的利益,达到系统最优化,而且应引导企业财务行为在持续经营期内始终服务于其财务管理目标,避免短期行为的发生。在各种财务管理目标模式中,企业价值最大化基本符合这一特性;而利润最大化具有短期行为,不符合目标终极性,股东财富最大化仅注重股东利益,也不符合系统最优原则。2.相关性。相关性是指企业财务管理目标与系统内其他要素的范围及口径一致、协调和有机关联,达到系统最优化目标。具体地说,就是要与企业理财主体空间范围相一致,与企业所处的理财环境相适应,而且兼顾、协调各种利益主体的利益。利润最大化、企业价值最大化能够满足这一要求。而股东财富最大化却混淆了企业和股东的关系,一个理财主体的财务管理是为了实现另一个理财主体的财富最大化,这从理论上无法解释。财务管理环境对其目标模式有重大影响,目前我国现代企业制度还未真正、完全地建立起来,选择企业价值最大化和利润最大化模式,具有一定的现实性及可行性;而股东财富最大化模式仅适合于上市公司,而且只注重股东利益,对企业其他关系人的利益不够重视。况且股票价格受多种因素影响,并非是公司所能完全控制的,把不可控的因素引入理财目标,显然是不合理的。3.操作性。操作性就是指企业财务管理目标确定的方法是先进可行的,是可以操作的。操作性的关键问题在于计量。利润最大化的目标模式操作性较强,但没有考虑资金时间价值和风险问题,具有短期行为的倾向,而股东财富最大化模式以股票价格最大化为标准,也具有一定的操作性,但相关性和可行性不强。企业价值最大化模式,只能通过资产评估来确定企业价值的大小,并且确认成本较高,确认时间、确认范围也受到一定限制。4.效率性。效率性是指财务管理目标的设置,一定要考虑资金利用的效率,争取资金利用效率最大化,这不仅有利于财务资源的优化配置,而且有利于社会经济资源的有效利用。企业价值最大化、利润最大化只注重企业理财效果的最大化,而没有考虑企业理财效果与其投入资本的关系,即理财效率的问题。而股东财富最大化目标模式,虽以每股股价为标准,但不同股票的每股含量在经济上并不等量,所含有的净资产和市价也不同,即换取每股收益的投入量不相同,限制了每股收益及其股价在公司之间的横向比较,因此,也难以促进社会经济资源的合理配置。通过以上评述可以看出,上述三种财务管理模式均存在着某些方面的缺陷和不足。笔者认为,符合这四个基本特性的企业财务管理目标,应该是企业经济增加值率最大化。二、企业财务管理目标的最优选择——企业经济增加值率最大化企业经济增加值率最大化(mevar)目标模式,是指企业通过财务上的合理经营,采取最优化的财务政策,充分考虑资金时间价值和风险及报酬的关系,在保证企业长期稳定发展的基础上,追求一定时间内所创造的经济增加值(eva)与投入资本(c)之比的最大化。eva是企业经济增加值〔eva=ebit.(1-t),其中:ebit为息税前利润;t为所得税率;kw为加权平均资本成本率;c为企业投入的平均资本〕。一般而言,通过一定技术性的财务调整,eva可近似等于生息债务与权益账面价值之和。企业经济增加值率(evar)可通过下列公式计量:上述公式中,evat为第t年企业的经济增加值;k为与风险相适应的贴现率;ct为第t年企业的平均资本投入;t为eva和c的具体时间;n为企业经营的持续时间。从上式中可以看出,企业经济增加值率evar与eva成正比,与k、c成反比。在k、c不变时,eva越大,则evar越大;在eva不变时,k、c越大,则evar越小。若不考虑企业资本投入c的情况下,k的高低主要由企业风险的大小来决定。当风险大时,k就高;当风险小时,k就低。也就是说,企业经济增加值,与预期的报酬成正比,与预期的风险k成反比。从财务管理假设可知,报酬与风险是同增的,报酬的增加是以企业风险的增加为代价的,而风险的增加将会直接威胁到企业的生存,企业经济增加值只在风险和报酬达到比较好的均衡时才能达到最大。在企业经济增加值eva不变时,考虑企业的资本投入c,就可衡量企业资本增值的效率。若eva现值越大,而c不变或越小,企业经济增加值率就趋向最大化;反之亦然。以企业经济增加值率作为财务管理的目标,具有以下优点:①考虑了取得报酬的时间,并利用时间价值的原理进行计量。而且经济增加值的一个重要属性是投资年度的eva的现值,等于其投资年度的npv(现金净流量现值),而未来的企业现金净流量现值之和就是企业价值。因此,这一目标模式包容了企业价值最大化目标模式。②科学地考虑了风险与报酬的联系。③克服了企业在追求利润上的短期行为。因为不仅目前的利润会影响企业的经济增加值率,预期未来利润对其经济增加值率的影响作用也会更大。④将经济增加值的现值与投入资本的现值进行比较,可评价和分析企业资本增值的效率。进行企业财务管理,不仅要正确权衡报酬增加与风险增加的得与失,努力实现二者的最佳平衡,而且必须讲究投入资本的增值效率,使企业价值最大化的同时,资本增值效率也最大。因此,企业经济增加值率最大化观点,体现了对经济效益的深层次认识,是现代财务管理的最优目标。企业经济增加值率最大化,作为现代财务管理目标的最优选择,还具有几个明显的特征,主要可分为以下四点:1.企业经济增加值率最大化不仅扩大了考虑问题围,还注重目标的兼容性和导向性。现代企业理论认为,企业是多边契约关系的总和,各方都有自身利益,共同参与和构成企业的利益制衡机制。若试图通过损坏一方的利益而使另一方获利,其结果必然会导致矛盾冲突,不利于企业的长期稳定发展。而企业经济增加值最大化,包容了企业价值最大化目标,具有兼容性的一面。由于企业经济增加值(eva)是根据公式ebit.(1-t)来确定的,以ebit为基础,考虑资本投入及综合资本成本,要使eva最大化,就必须充分利用财务资源,这无疑都有赖于财务管理目标的正确导向,而企业经济增加值率最大化,恰好有利于上述功能要求的实现。2.企业经济增加值率最大化注重财务管理目标的相关性特征。科学合理的财务管理目标必须考虑与企业有契约关系各方面的利益。企业一定时期内的经济增加值,才是企业增加的财富。企业经济增加值率最大化是在发展中考虑经济问题,在企业经济增加值的增长中来满足各方利益关系。从逻辑关系上看,当企业财富总额一定时,各方利益是此消彼长的关系;而当企业财富增加后,各种契约关系人的利益都会较好地得到满足,实现财务管理的良性循环。3.企业经济增加值率最大化符合优化财务资源配置,提高经济资源配置效率的要求。企业经济增加值是一个相对数指标,在考虑资金时间价值和风险价值的前提下,总括地反映投入每一单位资本带来的经济增加值,它是一个效率性指标;它不仅反映投入资本的效果,而且反映投入资本的增值效率。企业经济增加值率最大化,不仅要求企业充分利用财务资源,更重要的是优化财务决策,提高财务资源利用效率。因为,社会资源通常流向企业经济增加值率最大化的企业或行业,这不仅有利于实现社会效益最大化,而且也有利于提高社会经济资源的配置效率。4.企业经济增加值率最大化目标更具现实性,符合我国社会主义初级阶段的市场经济的国情。我国正逐步建立和完善社会主义市场经济体制,企业改革也正向建立现代企业制度逐步迈进。但现代企业制度的建立在我国有着独特的、复杂的发展历程。因此,与国外企业相比,在微观方面,我国企业就更加强调财务管理的重要地位,提高财务资源配置效率,最终达到企业经济增加值率最大化。同时应强调职工的利益与权利,强调资本的保值增值,强调社会财富的积累,强调各方利益的协调,实现共同发展和共同富裕。在市场作用方面和宏观调控方面,要重点强调市场配置资源的基础作用,同时必须强化宏观调控,规避市场风险,提高社会资源配置的效率。所以,在选择财务管理目标时,仅仅局限于股东这一利益主体是不符合我国国情的;选择企业价值最大化目标,也未体现出资源配置效率性的要求。而只有企业经济增加值率最大化,才是符合社会主义初级阶段的市场经济特点的、最优的、最现实的选择。Google 翻译~!

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