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和谐的宿舍生活(On a Harmonious Dormitory Life) As we know,dormitory life is part of the college 's important for our study and our dormitory maybe have some controversial,owe to other things and personal hobby. Harmonious dormitory life play a positive role in our college life ; it's mutually benefial for our and other can live a happy life,hence we can put our heart to study and do other the other hand,we can make more friends and decrease many annoy in our college. There are numerous way to build a harmonious dormitory;but I would like to explore a fee of the most important ones a start,it's essential for our to learn ,we will get ride of our bad last,we will have to share with each and make more the same time ,we should often sweep our dormitory and ensure personal should try oue best to build a harmonious dormitory life for the sake of good study and good life.来自百度知道小鱼为你送上帮助,仅供你参考!

203 评论


my bedroom look!this is my small but is very is my bed,i sleep on like my bedroom! my bedroom Look! This is my ideal bedroom. There is a laptop on the table. There is a TV in front of my bed, so I can watch TV easily. The wall is light blue. There are some lamps on the dresser. There is a big bookcase near the table. I like to read them in my spare time. There is a little air conditioner on the wall. I keep the bedroom clean and tidy. I air the room every day. It’s small.

295 评论


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