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have a walk

185 评论


Take a walk, just walk slowly. Life is short, the flight of time. In the short life, why don't you let the mind have a beautiful memory? In the poetic walk, every good mood you feel, will become the memory of the beach beautiful shells.选一条悠然自得、诗意飘洒的幽径,放飞心灵的翅膀,细细品味人生的美好,细细地享受美丽的人生。 Choose a carefree and content, poetic, path, the wings, the good taste of life carefully, carefully to enjoy the beauty of life.“春游芳草地,夏赏绿荷池,秋有黄花景,冬吟白雪诗。”如此微妙的境界,你不觉得“诗韵遗千秋”吗?"Spring summer grass, enjoy the green lotus flower, autumn winter Yin king, Bai Xueshi." So delicate state, don't you think "rhyme left to come"?散步至“曲径通幽处”,林阴夹道,好鸟相鸣。清脆的鸟鸣坠入耳中,犹如小石子坠入平静的湖面,荡起圈圈涟漪。浓郁的绿色染绿了鸣鸟的羽翼,染绿了清洁的空气,也染绿了心情。“映阶碧草自春*,隔叶黄鹂空好音”的神秘感让心中荡起一丝一缕疑惑。Walk to the "quiet", Lin Yin Jia Dao, good birds sing. Clear of birds into the ears, like a small stone into the calm lake, Dangqi a circle of ripples. Aromas of green dyed green bird wings, dyed green clean air, dyed green mood. "Green reflected order from spring *, mystery among the leaves Orioles empty sound" let heart Dangqi a wisp of doubt. Composition散步在“渭城朝雨浥轻尘, 客舍青青柳色新"的雨后春天,望着“天街小雨润如酥,草色遥看近却无”,沐浴着“丽日和风春淡荡,花香鸟语物昭苏”里,观赏着“芳草有情牵戏蝶,飞龙无主寄骚人”,此情此景,你不觉得神清气爽,赏心悦目?"Walk in the morning rain has settled the dust, Ke she liuse new green" of the spring, looking at the "run as crisp days street light rain, grass color not close", "bathed in the sun and wind of spring light swing, birds sing and flowers give forth fragrance of Zhaosu", enjoying the "Fangcao love play butterfly, dragon without the LORD sent poet", then, you don't feel refreshed, be good to hear or see?在“黄梅时节家家雨,青草池塘处处蛙”的夏天,散步于“荷叶罗裙一色裁,芙蓉向脸两边开”的荷塘边,望着“接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红”的景象,吮吸着“古来曲院枕莲塘,风过犹疑酝酿香”,你是否会“沉醉不知归路”,而“误入藕花深处”呢?作文In "every Huangmei rain, the grass frog ponds everywhere" summer, walk in the "lotus leaf with a CD, lotus to face both sides" of the lotus pond, watching the "next day leaves infinite Bi, lotus flowers in red" scene, sucking "Liantang ancient music pillow, the wind still doubt brewing fragrant", "you will not drunk", and "into the depths of lotus flowers"? Composition在“明月松间照,清泉石上流”的秋夜,散步在“庭松不改青葱色,盆菊仍霏清静香”的庭院里,“栏外青山排挞绕,楼前积水当湖看”,“疏影横斜水清浅,暗香浮动月黄昏”,再加上远处“竹喧归浣女,莲动下渔舟”的境界定会让你心旷神怡、惬意满怀。In "according to the moon between pine, clear spring stone upper" autumn, walking in the "ting song does not change the green color, potted chrysanthemum still Fei quiet fragrance" courtyard, "bar outside the Castle Peak Discharge tart around, building water when the lake", "shuyinghengxie Qingqian water, floating on the evening Anxiang", plus the distance "bamboos female, drive under the fishing boat" realm will let you feel fresh, comfortable with.就这样诗意地散步着。Such poetic walking.诗意地散步是一种心灵的享受。回望散步留下的足印,那浅浅的脚印便在心里烙下了印迹。Poetic walking is a spiritual enjoyment. Looking back on a walk left footprints, the footprints in the heart bears the imprint.诗意地散步让人生更加精彩!放慢你匆匆赶路的脚步吧!多一些诗意地散步,也让记忆的沙滩上多一些美丽的贝壳。Poetic walk makes life more wonderful! The slower you hurrying footsteps! More poetically walk, also let the memory of the beach more beautiful shells.

176 评论


walking go for a walk

193 评论



346 评论


Walking can make the cerebral cortex of excitement, suppression and adjusting process improved, which received eliminate fatigue, relax, calm and sober mind effect, so many people like to use for a walk to adjust the spirit.

290 评论


go shopping 的意思就是购物叻、我觉得还是用 hang out 好点 四处走走呐、就是 walk around 散步呐、应该是 talk a walk 或 have a walk 、呵呵

115 评论



131 评论


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