根据我多年的经验判断,没有类似的书,尤其中国更不会有。但可以给你两点建议:1. 墙壁的吸音处理,尽量消除产生的噪音。这方面你可以参考一些KTV的做法2. 印刷机的主要噪音来自:1)气泵(根据我多年的经验判断,这是最大的噪音源);2)印刷机本身的机械震动(包括电机)主要就是注意保养了,尤其是气泵经常进行维护,避免气泵内的垫片漏气啊,经常清理纸毛。印刷机注意润滑保养,清理费墨拉,什么的。其实,意义都不太大,意义大的还是应该从机器制造环节考虑,你所关注的环节有点靠后了。
With the traffic mileage of highway, traffic and the increasing traffic speed, road traffic noise pollution on residents along the normal life, work, study, rest the environment and the scope of interference also intensified and expanded. Road traffic noise pollution in the catchment population has gradually become concerned about the environment. In particular, some large and medium-sized cities of the trunk road traffic noise exceeding a serious, serious impact on both sides of the road to the city's residents and commercial activities. In this paper, a main road overpass王顶堤subject to monitoring in order that the overpass is located in traffic, run a long time, overweight vehicles, and their produce to urban traffic noise caused a great deal of harm, through the noise of its two major trunk roads monitoring, summed up the status quo of its noise pollution, and its future development trend forecast. Through this thesis research,王顶堤overpass for the future road traffic noise monitoring and management to provide a favorable basis for the future construction of urban transport operators in the trunk how to prevent and control noise in the practical application of good value.
问题一:如何消除电机使用变频器产成的噪音 满意答案心亦随风3级2011-01-25那部分有噪音?是电机?还是变频器 追问: 电机,有解决方法吗 回答: 检查下
环境噪声监测的问题及解决对策如下:问题:1. 测量误差大:受设备精度、环境条件等因素影响,测量结果可能存在误差。2. 监测范围有限:监测点数量有限,可能不能全面
摘 要:低频噪声是室内环境污染的重要组成部分。利用观赏植物的遮挡反射作用,可有效增加吸收面表面积,降低噪声声压级。在简要讨论低频噪声来源及室内声场理论的基础上,