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摘 要 近年来,随着Internet的迅速崛起,互联网已日益成为收集提供信息的最佳渠道并逐步进入传统的流通领域。于是电子商务开始流行起来,越来越多的商家在网上建起在线商店,向消费者展示出一种新颖的购物理念,本购物系统基于B/S模式,实现了当前购物网站的基本功能。 本论文就此购物系统进行了详细全面的论述。系统中用户的主要功能有:用户登录、注册、商品浏览、商品购买、订单管理以及个人信息管理。管理员的主要功能有:商品管理、用户管理以及订单信息管理。 全文共分为五个部分,第一部分是介绍相关理论知识;第二部分介绍系统总体设计;第三部分介绍系统具体实现过程;第四部分是测试工作。最后是结论。关键词:电子商务;购物系统;JSP;数据库 The Design and Realization of shopping Online System Based on JSPAbstract In recent years, Internet has become the best channel for collection of information and entered the traditional field of circulation with the rapid rising. E-commerce has been popular, and more and more online stores are established on the Internet, displaying a new idea of shopping. This Shopping system based on B/S mode, realize the base function of the current Shopping site. This paper introduces the Shopping system in detail. The main functions of people in system include login, registration, view and purchasing of goods, management of the Orders and customers. The main functions of administrator include management of the goods, users and Orders. There are five sections in this paper, the first is introduction of Related theoretical knowledge; the second is introduction of the design of system; the third is introduction of the process of realization; the forth is test; and the conclusion in the words: E-commerce; Shopping System; JSP; Database 目 录论文总页数:22页1. 引言 1 网上购物系统的发展 网上购物的现状 网上购物系统的构建 12. 相关理论基础 JSP技术 JSP的简介 JSP的优点 JSP的工作原理 数据库及相关技术简介 SQL语言简介 Microsoft SQL Server 简介 JAVA技术简介 TOMCAT简介 43. 系统总体设计 系统设计 本文来自: 一流设计吧( ) 详细出处参考: 记得采纳啊

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