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Ever made a university bucket list? With only a few weeks left of her degree, Eleanor Doughty——a third-year student at QMUL, takes a look over hers and makes some suggestions. 你有列过大学毕业愿望清单么?在离毕业只有几个星期的时候,埃莉诺·道蒂——一名伦敦大学玛丽女王学院三年级的学生,看着自己的愿望清单,和大家分享一些建议。 1. My Personal Review 1. 我的个人回顾 I have achieved a lot in my three undergraduate years. I have lived alone and haven't overslept for morning lectures. I've been “Mum” of the house and have hoovered, washed up and dusted - probably far more than I needed to. 大学三年里,我做到了很多事情。一个人住,而且从没在早晨有课时睡过头过。我成了房子里的“母亲”,自己打扫和清洗——恐怕都有些操劳过多了。 I have extra-curriculars coming out of my ears, I have learnt how to put up a shower curtain rail (something everyone should know how to do) and I've managed the bills. I am now a capable adult, and I've (hopefully) got a degree in the process. It's all gone rather well. 我参加过非常多的课外活动,有时自己都会忙不过来,我学会了怎样安装浴帘杆(这是每个人都应该会做的),并且付掉了自己的账单。现在,我是一个有生活能力的大人了,在这个过程中我也将拿到学位(希望如此)。一切都很好。 However, I haven't done anything spectacular. I haven't climbed Kilimanjaro or been to Machu Picchu, I haven't cycled to Paris from London (or anywhere else), or swum the Channel. I wasn't even a Games Maker at the Olympic Games and I live five minutes away from the stadium. 然而,我没有做过任何精彩的事情。我没有爬过非洲乞力马扎罗山,没有去过秘鲁的马丘比丘,没有从伦敦骑行到巴黎,也没有游泳穿越海峡。我住在距离伦敦奥运会场五分钟路程以外,却连志愿者都没去当。 It wasn't from lack of inclination, I just haven't had the time. Even with my four hours of contact time per week. 不是我不想,只是没有时间——即使在每星期只有四个课时的时候。 2. What Is Available On the Internet 2. 网上流行的毕业清单 So, it was only yesterday, when I booked my graduation tickets, that I revisited the idea of a university bucket list. 所以,只是在昨天订了毕业典礼的入场券之后,我重新开始考虑大学愿望清单这个想法。 The Internet has loads of them: '57 things to do before you graduate‘。 Most of them are tedious, including banal entries like 'apply for internships and jobs’, as if that wasn't obvious. 网上有很多相关内容:“毕业前要做的57件事”。列举的很多都比较无趣,包括诸如“找实习,找工作”这样的平庸条款,这还用说么? I'm not one for bucket lists, but I do like a good life appraisal; an end of (the final) term report, if you will. So I sat down to see how many points I could tick off on the various generic lists. 我不是热衷于列愿望清单的人,但的确喜欢给生活做个好的评估:比如可以准备(最后一个)学期末报告。所以,我坐了下来,看看这各种概括清单中提到的愿望,我可以勾掉几条。 There are some that I'm on board with. 'Hand in an essay early' – this has applied to me on every occasion but one since 2011. 'Sit in on a lecture that's completely out of your field' – this I managed accidentally last year, and it took me too long to realise it was Maths and not Modernism I had stumbled into. I left hastily, Ulysses in hand. 这些是我做到了的。“早交论文”——2011年后,除了一次例外,我每次都有做到。“听一个和你的领域完全不沾边的讲座”——这点我在去年意外实现了,而且过了很久我才意识到自己无意乱入的讲座是关于数学而不是现代主义。匆匆离开时,手里还拿着《尤里西斯》。 Other points, not so much. 'Hire a bike for a week and see how it works out for you' – I live on Mile End Road and value my life, so no thanks. 'Go and see the art department's end of year show' – Queen Mary doesn't offer art as a subject. 'Make a kite and fly it' – I'm all for DIY but has anyone ever made a kite successful, apart from Neil Buchanan on Art Attack? 其他的一些条,做到的不是很多。“租一个星期自行车,看看这样做对生活的影响”——我住在伦敦高速公路英里路尽头,而且我惜命,所以谢谢了,但我不要骑车。“去看艺术部的年终盛典”——玛丽女王学院没有把艺术作为主题。“做个风筝飞飞”——我喜欢自己动手做,但是除了“艺术创想”节目中的尼尔·布坎南,有人成功做好过风筝么? 3. Start My Own List 3. 我眼中的毕业清单 Because all these suggestions were pretty rubbish – and largely irrelevant to student life – for the first time ever I made my own bucket list. This one is retrospective – you could say it's more of a highlights reel of the last three years. 因为所有这些建议都蛮垃圾的——而且和学生生活实在没多大关系——所以生平第一次,我制作了自己的愿望清单。这个是回顾性的——你可以讲这更多是一个过去三年大学生活的亮点集锦。 Instead of being things I want to do before I graduate, it's things that I think everyone should do, and mainly stuff I've already done. For that reason, some are quite specific, but they were all formative experiences. 在这我不是要列举自己在毕业前想做的事情,而是分享个人认为每个人都该在毕业前去做的事情,其中主要的我已经做过了。因而很多列举都很具体,但这些都是有助于成长的经历。 I reckon, if you haven't got a bucket list (or you'd like to add to yours), they might be fun things to try. Especially if you're not a finalist and have some time on your hands. Lucky. 我想着,如果你还没有毕业愿望清单(或者你想要加些事情到你的清单去),这些有意思的事情值得一试。尤其如果不是毕业在即,那么你很幸运,还有时间。 As for me, in my last few days as an undergraduate, I'm going on a library tour. Yep, it's sad, but that's what finals do to you. I'm going to try and work in every library that my student card allows me access to. 至于我,在大学生涯的最后几天中,我要巡游图书馆。是有些惨,但都是被期末考逼的。我要挨个儿去每个用我的学生卡可以进去的图书馆学习! Why? Because although it's a place of hell for so many, I'm really going to miss the library. This is the last week of my life when going to the library will legitimately be my day job. I'm going to relish it. 为什么?因为尽管图书馆对于很多人是炼狱,离开校园后我却真的会想念。这是我人生中最后这样一个星期——当白天泡图书馆仍是我的工作,我要去享受这样的日子。 Sit on a committee of some kind 参加XX委员会 Everyone should experience the rollercoaster of emotions that is organising other people. 每个人都应该去体验其他人在委员会面前经历的情绪过山车。 Attend your university's Varsity 参加大学代表队 Best fun you'll have all year. With me please: V-A-R-S-I-T-Y. 这会是你每年最有趣的经历噢。请和我一起参加:大学代表队! Cook a dinner as good as your Mum's 做顿可以和妈妈手艺相媲美的晚餐 My mac 'n' cheese is up there with the home version now. You too can do it (with Delia's help)。 我做的奶酪通心粉现在已经是家传版本的啦。你也可以噢(照着英国烹饪天后迪莉娅的指南)! Drink the SU dry 在学生会喝酒喝爽 There was a night in January with ten glasses of wine and not enough crisps. Do this once and never again. 一月份的一个晚上,喝了十杯酒,吃了一点薯片。这样疯狂一次,以后就再也别了。 Find your exam term library crush 考试季疯狂爱上图书馆 They will unwittingly get you through finals. 这样的爱,会让你不知不觉笑傲期末考。 Learn your landlord's limits 掌握你房东/宿管的极限 And also yours with white goods. 还有不要弄坏自己家里的白色电器(冰箱、洗衣机等)。 Function without the Internet when your provider fails 断网时,学会继续生活 My flat did this for ten days in September and we can now use a dongle. Harder than it sounds. 九月份,我的公寓断网十天。现在,我们可以用蓝牙适配器连网了。用起来比听起来难噢。 Face your alcohol fear 直面你对酒精的恐惧 Good life lesson on determination. Bad experience with Sambuca? Get a shot and realise it's not actually that bad. 'Insert double Tequila here.' 这是关于决断力很好的一课。有萨姆布卡茴香酒的心理阴影?来一杯,你会意识到这酒也没那么糟。“这儿要双倍龙舌兰。” Wear your university hoody with pride 穿起学校的文化衫,并为之自豪 The second you leave you'll find the very idea of putting it on a little sad. It just won't feel the same. 要离开的那刻,你会意识到再穿时会有些许伤感。总之,那个时候感觉就变了。 Make the most of every student discount out there 充分利用你所有的学生折扣 Or, ideally, shop exclusively at places that offer one for a week. You'll miss it when you graduate. 或者,理想的是,去所有提供每周学生折扣的店里购物。毕业的时候,你会想念的!

200 评论


亲啊,想和你说,想留在英国真的要非常出色才行,与你选的大学关系不是特别大 glasgow名气大啊~商科排名也还行 QM在伦敦就业机会多,但是生活费会很贵strathclyde在reputation上肯定是不如glasgow的~ 如果你单纯的想选择留在英国就业那就要从学校的名气啊,还有地理位置考虑了~ 我这也是个人观点,你想啊,毕业论文写完8,9月吧 你就开始找工作吧,如果在QM读,伦敦方便找工作啊,如果是其他地方会很不方便

220 评论


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