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首页 > 毕业论文 > 二维动画设计专业毕业论文

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Guanzhong folk custom two-dimensional animation short film manufacture (two) abstract At present, along with the network development, the multimedia information disseminates by a quicker speed in the network, specially the graph image, the video frequency, the audio frequency information's dissemination, even more has demonstrated the network charm. FLASH pouch extravagant new times all fashionable elements: Network, interaction, immediate, music, animation and so on, is the technology and art “perfect” the union. the Flash animation design is an emerging discipline, it take the computer animation study as the foundation, take the fine arts creativity as the instruction. The Flash animation takes emerging media, its biggest superiority lies in the rich video and music effect and the man-machine interaction the two-way exchange pattern. The Flash animation is artistic and the technical community, therefore, the outstanding Flash animation designer must both have the high esthetics training, and can grasp the application software skilled. A successful Flash animation must pass through the screenwriter, the role design, the animation manufacture and dubbing and so on multi-channel link's careful manufacture. This graduation project takes the main animation manufacture tool by the FLASH software, softwares and so on Photoshop takes the auxiliary means the vector chart which must use to the animation to carry on the edition and the revision, and carries on film cutting dubbing and the picture format transformation and the size compression with the Premiere software, has completed the subject is “the Guanzhong folk custom two-dimensional animation short film” entire animation movie manufacture. The paper first introduced manufactures this flash animation the background, the goal significance; Then carries on the animation movie the script plan, bitmap processing, the movie prologue manufacture, and as the development kit has completed the animation detailed design take Flash; Then uses the Premiere software to carry on film cutting dubbing, then derives with the issue movie; Finally, the question which appeared to the animation design process in has made the thorough ponder and the summary in the paper ending part, the present paper introduced the Guanzhong folk custom characteristic, the flash animation manufacture flow as well as this graduation project manufacture flow. 回答者:匿名 2009-6-18 15:33Guanzhong folk custom two-dimensional animation short film manufacture (two) abstract At present, along with the network development, the multimedia information disseminates by a quicker speed in the network, specially the graph image, the video frequency, the audio frequency information's dissemination, even more has demonstrated the network charm. FLASH pouch extravagant new times all fashionable elements: Network, interaction, immediate, music, animation and so on, is the technology and art “perfect” the union. the Flash animation design is an emerging discipline, it take the computer animation study as the foundation, take the fine arts creativity as the instruction. The Flash animation takes emerging media, its biggest superiority lies in the rich video and music effect and the man-machine interaction the two-way exchange pattern. The Flash animation is artistic and the technical community, therefore, the outstanding Flash animation designer must both have the high esthetics training, and can grasp the application software skilled. A successful Flash animation must pass through the screenwriter, the role design, the animation manufacture and dubbing and so on multi-channel link's careful manufacture. This graduation project takes the main animation manufacture tool by the FLASH software, softwares and so on Photoshop takes the auxiliary means the vector chart which must use to the animation to carry on the edition and the revision, and carries on film cutting dubbing and the picture format transformation and the size compression with the Premiere software, has completed the subject is “the Guanzhong folk custom two-dimensional animation short film” entire animation movie manufacture. The paper first introduced manufactures this flash animation the background, the goal significance; Then carries on the animation movie the script plan, bitmap processing, the movie prologue manufacture, and as the development kit has completed the animation detailed design take Flash; Then uses the Premiere software to carry on film cutting dubbing, then derives with the issue movie; Finally, the question which appeared to the animation design process in has made the thorough ponder and the summary in the paper ending part, the present paper introduced the Guanzhong folk custom characteristic, the flash animation manufacture flow as well as this graduation project manufacture flow.

349 评论


动画发展百年历史,作为一个依托于技术而产生的艺术门类,动画艺术从一开始便与动画技术存在着密不可分的联系,每一次的技术革新都会为动画艺术的发展注入新的能量。下面是我为大家整理的动画艺术风格专业 毕业 论文,供大家参考。

《 动画艺术之生命 》

[摘 要] 本文深度分析孩童的思维特点,由于信息量少甚至空白,形成好奇与想象,富于浪漫特征。接着讲述动画题材,大都以童话、 民间 故事 以及神话为主,都具浓郁的浪漫性。最后分析动画制作方式与过程、制作的无限的随意性也具备无限浪漫的趋向。三者的根本在于无限性,因无限性而超越现实逻辑,而实现无限的浪漫表现,对现实逻辑的突破,超越甚至相悖,极大激发孩童的 想象力 ,进而论证了动画艺术之生命即为浪漫。

[关键词] 浪漫;信息;无限;逻辑




动画艺术是浪漫的,很多动画艺术是童话、神话及 寓言故事 的直接转换。这种将文学艺术转换成影视艺术之所以可能与默契,是因为两者本质均为浪漫的,是异质同构的。这种转换的经典之作,举不胜举,如格林童话之《白雪公主》,中国古典神话之《大闹天宫》及《哪吒闹海》,等。



孩童思维信息量缺乏,意味着没有过去而直面未来,概念少而好奇多、逻辑少而想象多、结果少而悬疑多,孩童之思维有着无限的未来拓展。成人思维信息量之丰富,是过去的积累,是 经验 的组合,由此而形成思维之惯性与固执的方向,是现实之轨迹、顺承现实之逻辑、受现实之控制、沉湎于过去与现实,岁月无情地消磨了他们的浪漫。


稍进一步的 方法 就是为文学形式配上插图,甚至发展为连环画,绘画与文学之结合,文字信息转换为图像信息,虽然由抽象而具象,由理解而直观,改善了对应契合,但其依然有一个致命的弱点,即静止。


学龄前 儿童 可以越过文字障碍,直接与动画艺术互动,前阶段热播的《喜羊羊与灰太狼》使无数的学龄前儿童痴迷,就是这种互动的耀眼闪光。成人虽然是现实的,但也需要浪漫之调节,因为童年之温馨与天真,童年之好奇与任性,能使他们在现实的清规戒律中挣脱,在岁月之磨难与忧患中,点燃其想象与希望之光,在磨难中感受甜蜜,在忧患中获得愉悦,忘却银丝与皱纹,重温少儿与青春之浪漫。


许多动画都是直接由童话、神话、寓言、 传说 等文学形式转换而来,其内容本身就是浪漫的,是人们熟知的,能回味再三而难以忘怀之浪漫。浪漫对动画而言,是无处不在,是浪漫之浸润、浪漫之散发、浪漫之融合、全方位之浪漫展示。


古典的、传统的童话神话,乃至现代的科幻,如《阿童木》《机器猫》等,其内容与情节即以浪漫取胜。层出不穷之异想天开、接连不断之梦幻想象、出人意料之悬念,形成这类动画艺术之主要,在想象与理想之浪漫中,表现正义、果断、勇气、坚韧、善良、热情、真诚等人类之推动社会进步之性格与品质。浪漫正是这种优秀的性格与品质,在思维与思想、心灵与精神之反映。动画艺术之浪漫,对孩童而言,是快乐之引导而又极其深刻之教化,浪漫式的 教育 是最有效的教育。因为浪漫在此获得对应与默契。



60年代我国表现国内革命战争时期的动画故事《红军桥》,即以对比之手法,塑造极端的瘦长与矮胖两个造型相反的富绅形象,从而从形式上反映了其愚蠢与可笑,并由此对其进行无情地鞭挞与讽刺。 夸张是动画艺术最常见,也是最有效之浪漫的艺术表现手法。在全球都产生广泛影响的美国动画艺术《米老鼠和唐老鸭》,将夸张手法表现极致,夸张成为其最鲜明的特色,其之所以吸引人,或者说成功之处,也恰恰在于充满智慧与想象之夸张。
















[1] 路盛章.关于动画创作中民族化、国际化和人性化的思考[J].装饰,2007(04).

[2] 李涛.动画 文化 :动画形象的符号学研究[J].江西社会科学,2007(10).

[3] 陈奇佳.梦想与欢笑――动画艺术特征阐释[J].文艺研究,2005(06).

《 中西动画艺术风格探讨 》

摘 要:中西方艺术在很多方面存在着差异,不论是建筑、绘画、人文风格等等方面都有着很多的不一样,这些的差异及别样风格在中西方的动画中最能够全面的体现出来。西方动画色彩鲜明,人物形象幽默,场景唯美,犹如是在欣赏一幅美景,中国多在动画中采用中国所独有的水墨颜色,中国红的鲜艳色彩来表达动画角色的可爱与鲜明。在选题材反面也是各有各的重点,不同的艺术有不同的表现手法,有不同的形象特点,最后给受众呈现出来的就是别样,各具特色的鲜明艺术特色,给我们呈现一个个精彩纷呈的动画王国。





中国动画的人物形象刻画都比较的传统化,不论是在线条的勾勒上还是在形象的设计上,都是以人的视角去出发,采用了中国的许多元素,例如动画版的《大闹天宫》中的齐天大圣就是以一张年谱的形象出现的,代表了机智与勇猛。还有家喻户晓的“南郭先生”,他是由古代 成语 “滥竽充数”演变而来的,都是一些很具中国特色 传统文化 的形象设计。








中国在题材的选择上,多遵循的是传统的路线,由于中国是一个历代悠久的大国,所以许多的民间故事被流传下来,例如“海螺姑娘”,那位善良美丽的女孩也是深受观众的喜爱;“神笔马良”的故事,他的那支笔曾经是多少中国孩子心中的梦想。还有一些民间的艺术也被流传下来,例如木偶剧,剪纸艺术制作出来的动画作品也是深受孩子们的喜爱,例如“小叮当”,它可以变大变小,是一个类似于神仙的小木偶,完成小主人所有的心愿;再有之前的“人参娃”,那个可爱的,白白嫩嫩的小人参娃就是用剪纸做出来的,非常的漂亮,讨人喜欢。还有一些寓言故事, 成语故事 ,例如“东郭先生”,《滥竽充数》中的“南郭先生”,“狼来了”的故事,都成为家喻户晓的故事,成为孩子睡前的故事。








[1] 万书荣.美国动画影片故事设计的特色[J].艺苑,2010,(01).

[2] 代钰洪,罗斌.从动画发展历程看中国动画[J].成都大学学报(社会科学版),2006,(04)

[3] 尉迟姝毅.《动画视觉语言》[D].大连工业大学,2008.

[4] 徐超,张虹.让中国动画尽现春光――浅谈中国特色的动画发展之路[J].作家,2009,(20)


1. 浅谈动漫艺术设计论文

2. 影视动画美术论文 影视美术设计论文

3. 谈动画角色设计的双重性的重要性

4. 浅谈建筑动画毕业论文范文

5. 有关电影创作专业毕业论文

6. 建筑动画毕业论文范文

297 评论



292 评论


Guanzhong folk custom two-dimensional animation short film manufacture (two) abstract At present, along with the network development, the multimedia information disseminates by a quicker speed in the network, specially the graph image, the video frequency, the audio frequency information's dissemination, even more has demonstrated the network charm. FLASH pouch extravagant new times all fashionable elements: Network, interaction, immediate, music, animation and so on, is the technology and art “perfect” the union. the Flash animation design is an emerging discipline, it take the computer animation study as the foundation, take the fine arts creativity as the instruction. The Flash animation takes emerging media, its biggest superiority lies in the rich video and music effect and the man-machine interaction the two-way exchange pattern. The Flash animation is artistic and the technical community, therefore, the outstanding Flash animation designer must both have the high esthetics training, and can grasp the application software skilled. A successful Flash animation must pass through the screenwriter, the role design, the animation manufacture and dubbing and so on multi-channel link's careful manufacture. This graduation project takes the main animation manufacture tool by the FLASH software, softwares and so on Photoshop takes the auxiliary means the vector chart which must use to the animation to carry on the edition and the revision, and carries on film cutting dubbing and the picture format transformation and the size compression with the Premiere software, has completed the subject is “the Guanzhong folk custom two-dimensional animation short film” entire animation movie manufacture. The paper first introduced manufactures this flash animation the background, the goal significance; Then carries on the animation movie the script plan, bitmap processing, the movie prologue manufacture, and as the development kit has completed the animation detailed design take Flash; Then uses the Premiere software to carry on film cutting dubbing, then derives with the issue movie; Finally, the question which appeared to the animation design process in has made the thorough ponder and the summary in the paper ending part, the present paper introduced the Guanzhong folk custom characteristic, the flash animation manufacture flow as well as this graduation project manufacture flow. 给分谢谢

202 评论


Guanzhong folk custom two-dimensional animation short film manufacture (two) abstract At present, along with the network development, the multimedia information disseminates by a quicker speed in the network, specially the graph image, the video frequency, the audio frequency information's dissemination, even more has demonstrated the network charm. FLASH pouch extravagant new times all fashionable elements: Network, interaction, immediate, music, animation and so on, is the technology and art “perfect” the union. the Flash animation design is an emerging discipline, it take the computer animation study as the foundation, take the fine arts creativity as the instruction. The Flash animation takes emerging media, its biggest superiority lies in the rich video and music effect and the man-machine interaction the two-way exchange pattern. The Flash animation is artistic and the technical community, therefore, the outstanding Flash animation designer must both have the high esthetics training, and can grasp the application software skilled. A successful Flash animation must pass through the screenwriter, the role design, the animation manufacture and dubbing and so on multi-channel link's careful manufacture. This graduation project takes the main animation manufacture tool by the FLASH software, softwares and so on Photoshop takes the auxiliary means the vector chart which must use to the animation to carry on the edition and the revision, and carries on film cutting dubbing and the picture format transformation and the size compression with the Premiere software, has completed the subject is “the Guanzhong folk custom two-dimensional animation short film” entire animation movie manufacture. The paper first introduced manufactures this flash animation the background, the goal significance; Then carries on the animation movie the script plan, bitmap processing, the movie prologue manufacture, and as the development kit has completed the animation detailed design take Flash; Then uses the Premiere software to carry on film cutting dubbing, then derives with the issue movie; Finally, the question which appeared to the animation design process in has made the thorough ponder and the summary in the paper ending part, the present paper introduced the Guanzhong folk custom characteristic, the flash animation manufacture flow as well as this graduation project manufacture flow.

165 评论


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