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你好这位同学:你的问题实际上是分两块,第一是被UBC录取,第二是被心理专业录取。心理专业的录取又分两种情况,第一种是文科心理学(毕业后拿Bachelor of Arts),第二种是理科心理学(毕业后拿Bachelor of Science)。要被UBC录取的话,那就是申请大学啦。如果你申请的时候已经拿到绿卡,那么你是按照本地学生的身份domestic student申请的。本地生还是国际生的身份对录取成功率没有直接影响。UBC不收SAT。AP的话一些预读的课程是可以转学分过来作为你大学四年的一部分的。等你AP选课都结束了再上UBC官网比对即可。如果你进了文学院,可以在大二直接申报心理专业,当然大一大二要求你把心理的专业必修课先上了,这个问题不大,等你拿到了录取通知书再研究不迟。这里申报的心理专业,叫Psychology Major,属于一般本科生都可以报的专业。心理在文学院非常流行,每年都有好多学生报的,而且心理不像经济政治国际关系等,是没有门槛的,只要满足条件也不挂科,报了就上。所以这一点没有难度。值得一提的是UBC心理系给本科学生(不论文理)提供的荣誉学位Honours Degree。每年,学校会从大二的心理学生中择优录取15位尖子生入读荣誉学院,历时两年。荣誉学位在毕业时会在毕业证书上加注Honours字样。这在加国东部的学校完全不同。东部的大多学校虽然也提供荣誉学位,但是他们的Honours对学生在研究、成绩、选课上的要求都比UBC低,因此每年东部学校出来的心理荣誉学生数目也比UBC多很多。换句话说,如果你能努力进UBC心理系的荣誉学院并成功毕业,你学位的含金量是相当高的,这对找工作和特别是申请研究生非常有帮助。最后说说UBC心理系和其他大学心理系比起来的综合实力。根据QS国际大学的心理专业排名,2012-2014的三年间,UBC的心理系排在世界第24位(取三年排名的平均值),排在加国第三位,紧跟University of Toronto和McGill University之后。UBC心理系如果说所有师生加起来是加国第三的话,我觉得,说UBC心理的荣誉学院是加国第一全球领先并不为过。当然,多大和麦大的心理系也是很强的,你可以综合考虑。如果你还有问题,或者需要以上任意消息的官方信息来源,请通过百度知道私信联系。祝你在国内国外学习生活一切顺利 :)

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主要的就是这点专业 但是下面还有很多细的分支选专业还是看个人兴趣的 毕竟用了4年的时间去学习, 如果毕业不做向关的专业, 那毕业又要写新的东西了。ubc的Applied Science 和Bachelor of Commerce是比较热门的专业 也是比较好的专业。Bachelor of Applied Science Program Faculty Degree Location(s) Chemical & Biological Engineering Faculty of Applied Science (Engineering) Bachelor of Applied Science UBC Vancouver Civil Engineering (Okanagan) Faculty of Applied Science (Engineering) Bachelor of Applied Science UBC Okanagan Civil Engineering (Vancouver) Faculty of Applied Science (Engineering) Bachelor of Applied Science UBC Vancouver Computer Engineering Faculty of Applied Science (Engineering) Bachelor of Applied Science UBC Vancouver Electrical Engineering (Okanagan) Faculty of Applied Science (Engineering) Bachelor of Applied Science UBC Okanagan Electrical Engineering (Vancouver) Faculty of Applied Science (Engineering) Bachelor of Applied Science UBC Vancouver Engineering Physics Faculty of Applied Science (Engineering) Bachelor of Applied Science UBC Vancouver Environmental Engineering Faculty of Applied Science (Engineering) Bachelor of Applied Science UBC Vancouver Geological Engineering Faculty of Applied Science (Engineering) Bachelor of Applied Science UBC Vancouver Integrated Engineering Faculty of Applied Science (Engineering) Bachelor of Applied Science UBC Vancouver Materials Engineering Faculty of Applied Science (Engineering) Bachelor of Applied Science UBC Vancouver Mechanical Engineering (Okanagan) Faculty of Applied Science (Engineering) Bachelor of Applied Science UBC Okanagan Mechanical Engineering (Vancouver) Faculty of Applied Science (Engineering) Bachelor of Applied Science UBC Vancouver Mining Engineering Faculty of Applied Science (Engineering) Bachelor of Applied Science UBC Vancouver Bachelor of Arts Program Faculty Degree Location(s) Anthropology (Okanagan) Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Arts UBC Okanagan Anthropology (Vancouver) Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Arts UBC Vancouver Archaeology: Greece, Rome, & the Near East Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Arts UBC Vancouver Art History (Okanagan) Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies Bachelor of Arts UBC Okanagan Art History (Vancouver) Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Arts UBC Vancouver Asian Area Studies Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Arts UBC Vancouver Asian Language & Culture Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Arts UBC Vancouver Canadian Studies Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Arts UBC Vancouver Classical Studies Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Arts UBC Vancouver Classics Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Arts UBC Vancouver Cognitive Systems (BA) Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Arts UBC Vancouver Computer Science (Vancouver - BA) Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Arts UBC Vancouver Creative Writing (Okanagan) Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies Bachelor of Arts UBC Okanagan Cultural Studies (Okanagan) Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies Bachelor of Arts UBC Okanagan Drama Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Arts UBC Vancouver Economics (Okanagan) Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Arts UBC Okanagan Economics (Vancouver) Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Arts UBC Vancouver English (Okanagan) Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies Bachelor of Arts UBC Okanagan English (Vancouver) Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Arts UBC Vancouver Family Studies Faculty of Arts/School of Social Work and Family Studies Bachelor of Arts UBC Vancouver Film Studies Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Arts UBC Vancouver First Nations Languages & Linguistics Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Arts UBC Vancouver First Nations Studies Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Arts UBC Vancouver French & Spanish (Okanagan) Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies Bachelor of Arts UBC Okanagan French (Okanagan) Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies Bachelor of Arts UBC Okanagan French (Vancouver) Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Arts UBC Vancouver General Studies (Okanagan) Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Arts UBC Okanagan Geography (Okanagan - BA) Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Arts UBC Okanagan Geography (Vancouver - BA) Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Arts UBC Vancouver German Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Arts UBC Vancouver Health Studies (Okanagan) [Program currently under review] Faculty of Health and Social Development Bachelor of Arts UBC Okanagan History (Okanagan) Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Arts UBC Okanagan History (Vancouver) Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Arts UBC Vancouver Indigenous Studies (Okanagan) Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Arts UBC Okanagan Interdisciplinary Studies Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Arts UBC Vancouver International Relations (Okanagan) Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Arts UBC Okanagan International Relations (Vancouver) Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Arts UBC Vancouver Latin American Studies Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Arts UBC Vancouver Latin American Studies (Okanagan) Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Arts UBC Okanagan Linguistics Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Arts UBC Vancouver Mathematics (Okanagan - BA) Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Arts UBC Okanagan Mathematics (Vancouver - BA) Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Arts UBC Vancouver Medieval Studies Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Arts UBC Vancouver Modern European Studies Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Arts UBC Vancouver Music - BA Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Arts UBC Vancouver Myth & Literature in Greece, Rome, & the Near East Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Arts UBC Vancouver Near Eastern Studies (Ancient) Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Arts UBC Vancouver Philosophy (Vancouver) Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Arts UBC Vancouver Philosophy (Okanagan) Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Arts UBC Okanagan Philosophy, Politics, & Economics (Okanagan) Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Arts UBC Okanagan Political Science (Okanagan) Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Arts UBC Okanagan Political Science (Vancouver) Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Arts UBC Vancouver Psychology (Okanagan - BA) Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Arts UBC Okanagan Psychology (Vancouver - BA) Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Arts UBC Vancouver Religion, Literature, & the Arts Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Arts UBC Vancouver Religious Studies Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Arts UBC Vancouver Romance Studies Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Arts UBC Vancouver Sociology (Okanagan) Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Arts UBC Okanagan Sociology (Vancouver) Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Arts UBC Vancouver Spanish (Okanagan) Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies Bachelor of Arts UBC Okanagan Spanish / Hispanic Studies (Vancouver) Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Arts UBC Vancouver Speech Sciences Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Arts UBC Vancouver Theatre Studies Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Arts UBC Vancouver United States' Studies Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Arts UBC Vancouver Visual Arts (Vancouver - BA) Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Arts UBC Vancouver Women's & Gender Studies (Vancouver) Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Arts UBC Vancouver Bachelor of Commerce Program Faculty Degree Location(s) Accounting (Vancouver) Sauder School of Business Bachelor of Commerce UBC Vancouver Business & Computer Science Sauder School of Business/Department of Computer Science Bachelor of Commerce UBC Vancouver Commerce & Economics Sauder School of Business Bachelor of Commerce UBC Vancouver Finance (Vancouver) Sauder School of Business Bachelor of Commerce UBC Vancouver General Business Management Sauder School of Business Bachelor of Commerce UBC Vancouver Human Resources Management (Vancouver) Sauder School of Business Bachelor of Commerce UBC Vancouver International Business Sauder School of Business Bachelor of Commerce UBC Vancouver Management Information Systems Sauder School of Business Bachelor of Commerce UBC Vancouver Marketing (Vancouver - BCom) Sauder School of Business Bachelor of Commerce UBC Vancouver Real Estate Sauder School of Business Bachelor of Commerce UBC Vancouver Transportation & Logistics Sauder School of Business Bachelor of Commerce UBC Vancouver Bachelor of Computer Science Program Faculty Degree Location(s) Integrated Computer Science Faculty of Science Bachelor of Computer Science UBC Vancouver Bachelor of Dental Science Program Faculty Degree Location(s) Dental Hygiene Faculty of Dentistry Bachelor of Dental Science UBC Vancouver Bachelor of Education Program Faculty Degree Location(s) Education (Okanagan) Faculty of Education Bachelor of Education UBC Okanagan Education (Vancouver) Faculty of Education Bachelor of Education UBC Vancouver Bachelor of Environmental Design Program Faculty Degree Location(s) Environmental Design School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture Bachelor of Environmental Design UBC Vancouver Bachelor of Fine Arts Program Faculty Degree Location(s) Creative Writing (Vancouver) Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Fine Arts UBC Vancouver Film Production Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Fine Arts UBC Vancouver Interdisciplinary Performance / Theatre (Okanagan) Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies Bachelor of Fine Arts UBC Okanagan Theatre: Acting Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Fine Arts UBC Vancouver Theatre: Production & Design Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Fine Arts UBC Vancouver Visual Arts (Okanagan - BFA) Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies Bachelor of Fine Arts UBC Okanagan Visual Arts (Vancouver - BFA) Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Fine Arts UBC Vancouver Bachelor of Human Kinetics Program Faculty Degree Location(s) Human Kinetics (Okanagan) - Clinical Exercise Physiology Faculty of Health and Social Development Bachelor of Human Kinetics UBC Okanagan Human Kinetics (Okanagan) - Community Health Promotion Faculty of Health and Social Development Bachelor of Human Kinetics UBC Okanagan Human Kinetics (Vancouver) - Interdisciplinary Studies School of Human Kinetics Bachelor of Human Kinetics UBC Vancouver Human Kinetics (Vancouver) - Kinesiology & Health Sciences School of Human Kinetics Bachelor of Human Kinetics UBC Vancouver Human Kinetics (Vancouver) - Physical & Health Education School of Human Kinetics Bachelor of Human Kinetics UBC Vancouver Bachelor of Laws Program Faculty Degree Location(s) Law Faculty of Law Bachelor of Laws UBC Vancouver Bachelor of Management Program Faculty Degree Location(s) Management (Okanagan) Faculty of Management Bachelor of Management UBC Okanagan Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science Program Faculty Degree Location(s) Medical Laboratory Science Faculty of Medicine Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science UBC Vancouver Bachelor of Midwifery Program Faculty Degree Location(s) Midwifery Faculty of Medicine Bachelor of Midwifery UBC Vancouver Bachelor of Music Program Faculty Degree Location(s) Music - Advanced Performance School of Music Bachelor of Music UBC Vancouver Music - Composition School of Music Bachelor of Music UBC Vancouver Music - General Studies School of Music Bachelor of Music UBC Vancouver Music - Scholarship School of Music Bachelor of Music UBC Vancouver Bachelor of Science Program Faculty Degree Location(s) Applied Animal Biology Faculty of Land and Food Systems Bachelor of Science UBC Vancouver Applied Plant & Soil Sciences Faculty of Land and Food Systems Bachelor of Science UBC Vancouver Astronomy Faculty of Science Bachelor of Science UBC Vancouver Atmospheric Science Faculty of Science Bachelor of Science UBC Vancouver Biochemistry (Okanagan) Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Science UBC Okanagan Biochemistry (Vancouver) Faculty of Science Bachelor of Science UBC Vancouver Biology (Okanagan) Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Science UBC Okanagan Biology (Vancouver) Faculty of Science Bachelor of Science UBC Vancouver Biophysics Faculty of Science Bachelor of Science UBC Vancouver Biotechnology Faculty of Science Bachelor of Science UBC Vancouver Chemistry (Okanagan) Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Science UBC Okanagan Chemistry (Vancouver) Faculty of Science Bachelor of Science UBC Vancouver Cognitive Systems (BSc) Faculty of Science Bachelor of Science UBC Vancouver Computer Science (Okanagan - BSc) Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Science UBC Okanagan Computer Science (Vancouver - BSc) Faculty of Science Bachelor of Science UBC Vancouver Earth & Environmental Sciences (Okanagan) Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Science UBC Okanagan Earth & Ocean Sciences Faculty of Science Bachelor of Science UBC Vancouver Ecology & Evolutionary Biology (Okanagan) Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Science UBC Okanagan Environmental Chemistry (Okanagan) Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Science UBC Okanagan Environmental Sciences Faculty of Science Bachelor of Science UBC Vancouver Food & the Environment Faculty of Land and Food Systems Bachelor of Science UBC Vancouver Freshwater Science (Okanagan) Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Science UBC Okanagan General Science (Okanagan) Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Science UBC Okanagan General Science (Vancouver) Faculty of Science Bachelor of Science UBC Vancouver Geographical Biogeosciences (Vancouver - BSc) Faculty of Science Bachelor of Science UBC Vancouver Geological Sciences Faculty of Science Bachelor of Science UBC Vancouver Geophysics Faculty of Science Bachelor of Science UBC Vancouver Integrated Sciences Faculty of Science Bachelor of Science UBC Vancouver Mathematical Science (Vancouver) Faculty of Science Bachelor of Science UBC Vancouver Mathematical Sciences (Okanagan) Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Science UBC Okanagan Mathematics & Economics Faculty of Science Bachelor of Science UBC Vancouver Mathematics (Okanagan - BSc) Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Science UBC Okanagan Mathematics (Vancouver - BSc) Faculty of Science Bachelor of Science UBC Vancouver Microbiology & Immunology Faculty of Science Bachelor of Science UBC Vancouver Microbiology (Okanagan) Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Science UBC Okanagan Molecular, Cell, & Developmental Biology (Okanagan) Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Science UBC Okanagan Oceanography Faculty of Science Bachelor of Science UBC Vancouver Pharmacology Faculty of Science Bachelor of Science UBC Vancouver Physics (Okanagan) Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Science UBC Okanagan Physics (Vancouver) Faculty of Science Bachelor of Science UBC Vancouver Physiology Faculty of Science Bachelor of Science UBC Vancouver Psychology (Okanagan - BSc) Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Science UBC Okanagan Psychology (Vancouver - BSc) Faculty of Science Bachelor of Science UBC Vancouver Statistics Faculty of Science Bachelor of Science UBC Vancouver Zoology Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Science UBC Okanagan Bachelor of Science in Agroecology Program Faculty Degree Location(s) Horticulture Faculty of Land and Food Systems Bachelor of Science in Agroecology UBC Vancouver Resource Economics Faculty of Land and Food Systems Bachelor of Science in Agroecology UBC Vancouver Soils & Environment Faculty of Land and Food Systems Bachelor of Science in Agroecology UBC Vancouver Bachelor of Science in Food, Nutrition, and Health Program Faculty Degree Location(s) Dietetics Faculty of Land and Food Systems Bachelor of Science in Food, Nutrition, and Health UBC Vancouver Food & Nutritional Sciences Faculty of Land and Food Systems Bachelor of Science in Food, Nutrition, and Health UBC Vancouver Food Market Analysis Faculty of Land and Food Systems Bachelor of Science in Food, Nutrition, and Health UBC Vancouver Food Science Faculty of Land and Food Systems Bachelor of Science in Food, Nutrition, and Health UBC Vancouver Food, Nutrition & Health Faculty of Land and Food Systems Bachelor of Science in Food, Nutrition, and Health UBC Vancouver Nutritional Sciences Faculty of Land and Food Systems Bachelor of Science in Food, Nutrition, and Health UBC Vancouver Bachelor of Science in Forest Sciences Program Faculty Degree Location(s) Forest Sciences Faculty of Forestry Bachelor of Science in Forest Sciences UBC Vancouver Bachelor of Science in Forestry Program Faculty Degree Location(s) Forest Operations Faculty of Forestry Bachelor of Science in Forestry UBC Vancouver Forest Resources Management Faculty of Forestry Bachelor of Science in Forestry UBC Vancouver Bachelor of Science in Global Resource Systems Program Faculty Degree Location(s) Global Resource Systems Faculty of Land and Food Systems Bachelor of Science in Global Resource Systems UBC Vancouver Bachelor of Science in Natural Resources Conservation Program Faculty Degree Location(s) Natural Resources Conservation Faculty of Forestry Bachelor of Science in Natural Resources Conservation UBC Vancouver Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program Faculty Degree Location(s) Nursing (Okanagan) School of Nursing Bachelor of Science in Nursing UBC Okanagan Nursing (Vancouver) School of Nursing Bachelor of Science in Nursing UBC Vancouver Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy Program Faculty Degree Location(s) Pharmacy Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy UBC Vancouver Bachelor of Science in Wood Products Processing Program Faculty Degree Location(s) Wood Products Processing Faculty of Forestry Bachelor of Science in Wood Products Processing UBC Vancouver Bachelor of Social Work

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