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你好,已经发送给你8篇英文论文,20来篇中文论文了,关于跨文化交际和中西文化差异的,查收下哈~ 希望对你有帮助!以后还需要检索论文的话可以再向我或者其他举手之劳队员提问哦,举手之劳助人为乐!——百度知道 举手之劳团队 队长:晓斌11蓝猫

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全部有开题报告242.论劳伦斯《虹》中的异化 (字数:6637.页数:19 ) 243.从哲学角度看中西餐具文化的差异 (字数:6052.页数:18 ) 244.双关语在广告英语中的语用分析及其运用 (字数:6055.页数:19 ) 245.如何引导后进生学习英语 (字数:5138.页数:17 ) 246.论《荆棘鸟》中的女性意识 (字数:5773.页数:17 ) 247.关联理论框架下的反语研究——《傲慢与偏见》个案分析 (字数:9774.页数:27 ) 248.从男性角色解读《简爱》中的女性反抗意识 (字数:6771.页数:19 ) 249.《瓦尔登湖》中自然主义的现实意义 (字数:5155.页数:17 ) 250.浅析中西鬼文化 (字数:6755.页数:19 ) 251.建构主义理论下计算机辅助大学英语视听说——以 英语专业为例 (字数:7471.页数:24 ) 252.论英语和汉语色彩词的文化内涵 (字数:8111.页数:22 ) 253.信达雅在旅游宣传资料翻译中的应用 (字数:6771.页数:19 ) 254.英汉植物词文化内涵的比较研究 (字数:6440.页数:18 ) 255.影视翻译的特点及技巧—阿甘正传个案研究 (字数:6957.页数:21 ) 256.美国和中国感恩文化的精髓:合格公民的必备素质 (字数:6097.页数:17 ) 257.先进的英语阅读理念与英语快速阅读的关系 (字数:6737.页数:21 ) 258.透过广告创意看中西文化差异 (字数:6481.页数:19 ) 259.从“死亡”委婉语看中西方文化差异 (字数:6208.页数:18 ) 260.以女性主义看《傲慢与偏见》中的女性形象 (字数:6437.页数:18 ) 261.教师的课堂情感表现在小学英语教学中的关键性作用 (字数:5729.页数:18 ) 262.性别差异在日常英语词汇和句法中的体现 (字数:5414.页数:18 ) 263.口译中的文化差异:现象与对策 (字数:6381.页数:19 ) 264.浅析中西方喜剧文化---以《武林外传》和《老友记》为例 (字数:6381.页数:19 ) 265.关联理论的语境价值与英语专业四级考试听力理解 (字数:6259.页数:19 ) 266.比较中西方礼仪差别 (字数:5626.页数:17 ) 267.英汉数字词语认知比较研究 (字数:7916.页数:21 )

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250 评论


你好,我回答的是第三个题目,仅供参考,希望对你有帮助哦 What are the most important culture differences and elements of intercultural communication? As we all know, different countries have different cultures. 'Culture is the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one category of people from another.' (Hofstede, 1991)It is inevitable that the cultural difference has impact on business. For example, when a company having meeting, the word "table" in American English that means to put something on the agenda. But in British English it means to put something off the agenda. This example indicated how the culture affects the are four cultural dimensions that were defined in Hofstede's research: Power distance, Uncertainty avoidance, Individualism, Masculinity, and recently Hofstede add one more: long-term-short-term I think the most significant influence in cultural difference is the power distance. (Hoecklin,1995:28)"It would condition the extent to which employees accept that their boss has more power than they have and the extent to which they accept that their boss's opinions and decisions are right because he or she is the boss." I considered it as how much subordinates can consent or dissent with bosses or managers. It is the distance between a manager and subordinate. Among most oriental corporate cultures, there is hierarchism, greater centralization, sometimes called 'power-oriented culture', due to the historical reasons. That is a high power distance culture that mangers make the decision and superiors appeal to be entitled more privileges. Their decision always close supervision positively evaluated by subordinates. In this situation, it is not be regarded if a subordinates have a disagreement with their managers, especially in Malaysia, Japan, China, India. In the oriental, power distance is also associated with 'the family culture' (Trompernaars, 1993:139). In this kind of corporate culture the manager is like the "caring father" who knows better than his subordinates what should be done and what is suitable for them. The subordinates always esteem the managers. Because of the managers age and experience. That is usually how employees get their promotion. There are both positive and negative parts in the family cultures. I feel it is an easy managing system. But sometime it is hard to get young creative employees work well cause of the hierarchy. As Tropmenaars (1993: 142) told us "family culture at their least effective drain the energies and loyalties of subordinates to buoy up the leader." So in family culture, the power distance can be viewed as the subordinates respect the is the corporate culture in orient. Let us take a look at the western way. It is not a whole converse phenomenon. There is 'the Eiffel Tower culture' (Trompernaars, 1997:166) in the international management. About the Eiffel tower Trompenaars (1993: 148) told us " Its hierarchy is very different from that of the family. Each higher level has a clear and demonstrable function of holding together the level beneath it." German, Austrian have the characteristic of the Eiffel Tower Culture, which is a low power distance. In the lower power dis tance, (Hoecklin, 1995:31) 'higher-educated employees hold much less authoritarian values than lower-educated ones.' The obedience showed from the subordinates to the superiors is not as much as the oriental way. The leadership can be called as hierarchy and consensus. Employee can have different opinion with his/her boss. And when he/she got different ideas, he/she can go all the way up to the boss and discuss the problem. This is a good thing usually company may explore all the potentials of its employees, because sometime the subordinates may have the better&nb sp;idea of the think because of the different realization of power distance, people behave completely different in business. So conflict and misunderstanding must be emerged when two or more intercultures meet up. Under this situation, the international managers must pay attention to the clashes and be aware of. How to work the subordinates together efficiently and more cooperatively is important then there is also a large discrepancy on the uncertainty avoidance. (Hoecklin, 1995:31) defined 'Uncertainty avoidance is the lack of tolerance for ambiguity and the need for formal rules.' That means people trying to setup rules to face to the uncertainty. There is high uncertainty avoidance in most oriental countries such as Japan, China. In these countries, people prefer a stable job. They feel safe and prideful when they keep working hard at the one place. Under this circumstance, an excellent manager should keep his employee away from unpredictable ;risk. And the employee would like to be worked within groups rather than independently cause of the less risk-taking. But in most western countries, there is low uncertainty avoidance showed, whereas high job mobility occurs in those countries such as USA, Denmark, Singapore. The western people think that when they change their jobs, they can get more experience cause they like challenge. I believe that the divergence of the uncertainty avoidance is from different basic social ideology. A competent manager should pay attention on the rules setting between different uncer tainty avoidance.

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