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因为我也很忙,以上简单处理了一下。你如果还能看懂英语的话,把上面所译的语法,词等再修改两遍,一般没问题了。China is a special probation in the penal system, but also an important human rights system, which embodies China's Criminal Law of combining punishment with leniency, punishment and the principle of combining education; for the education and rehabilitation of criminals and maintain social stability, protection of human rights have a positive significance to the implementation of China's criminal law plays an important role. Master and correct use of probation, and constantly improve the probation system will become China's judicial practice in a major topic. Were suspended sentence and probation is to implement the substantive stage, but also suspended for the realization of the value of the process, not only to enforce probation, the probation should pay attention to the implementation of the study and exploration. China's criminal law reference probation system in the world, with the legislation in light of China's actual conditions, ease the implementation of the system used, the world is now more prevalent in the legislature suspended the narrow suspended for a stay of execution of that penalty system. China's Criminal Law in the implementation of the relief system is accompanied by certain conditions of the stay of execution of sentence or not to implement the original ruling of a penalty system means that the people's court is sentenced to detention, three years of imprisonment criminals, not the implementation that the original verdict penalties, indeed no longer a danger to society, to a certain test period, a stay of execution of the original verdict penalty system. China's probation system is the building of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the criminal justice system an important component part. Clearly the meaning of our probation system, so it is the correct application of our probation system an important foundation. With the gradual improvement of system of probation, suspended applicable conditions will be more scientific and rational, will be suspended for more robust implementation of norms, our cause will be suspended for the development of a more fully suspended for the value of the Penal Code would also be a greater realization. I believe that there will be more offenders are given the opportunity of probation, a fresh start in life opportunities. Suspended as a penalty for the implementation of the system in the world penalty has an important place in history. In theory, the system has the following advantages: short-term elimination of the drawbacks of free punishment, in line with the principle of economic penalties, but also more in line with the humanitarian spirit. As a result, the probation system in China is relatively important, but because the established late, and in other countries, lack of absorption of advanced achievements, constraints of the probation system perfected and developed. Modern criminal probation system is an important content of the policy is commonly adopted in the various countries in the world an execution system. It is criminal to avoid the drawbacks of short-term to help the offender to the community and save the country's economic expenditures such as a number of advantages, in the general and special precautions to prevent both played an important role. Execution as a humanitarian manner, suspended the execution of economic and social lightest punishment and the principle has saved a large number of perpetrators. Due to the impact of the traditional heavy sentences, China's probation system remaining in the legislative and judicial shortcomings, these deficiencies greatly diminishes the value of probation. Therefore, China's probation system needs improvement.

125 评论


论文附录写什么 毕业论文包括以下内容: 封面、内容提要与关键词、目录、正文、注释、附录、参考文献。其中“附录”视具体情况安排,其余为必备项目。如果需要,可以在正文前加“引言”,在参考文献后加“后记”。 第二、各项目含义 (1)封面封面由文头、论文标题、作者、学校名称、专业、年级、指导教师、日期等项内容组成。 (2)内容提要与关键词 内容提要是论文内容的概括性描述,应忠实于原文,字数控制在300字以内。关键词是从论文标题、内容提要或正文中提取的、能表现论文主题的、具有实质意义的词语,通常不超过7个。 (3)目录 列出论文正文的一二级标题名称及对应页码,附录、参考文献、后记等对应的页码。 (4)正文 正文是论文的主体部分,通常由绪论(引论)、本论、结论三个部分组成。这三部分在行文上可以不明确标示。 (5).注释 对所创造的名词术语的解释或对引文出处的说明鼎注释采用脚注形式。 (6)附录 附属于正文,对正文起补充说明作用的信息材料,可以是文字、表格、图形等形式。 (7)参考文献 作者在写作过程中使用过的文章、著作名录。 什么叫附录 附录是作为说明书(论文)的补充部分,并不是必需的。 1.下列内容可以作为附录编于说明书(论文)之后: (1)为了说明书(论文)的完整,但编入正文又损于正文的处理和逻辑性,这一类材料包括比正文更为详细的信息研究方法和技术的途述,对于了解正文内容具有重要的补充意义; (2)由于篇幅过大或取材于复制品而不便编入正文的材料; (3)某些重要的原始数据、数学推导、计算程序、注释、框图、统计表、打印机输出样片、结构图等。 2.附录中的有关格式 说明书(论文)的附录依次为“附录A”、“附录B”、“附录C”等编号。如果只有一个附录,也应编为“附录A”。 附录中的图、表、公式的命名方法也采用上面提到的图、表、公式命名方法,只不过将章的序号换成附录的序号。 附如图是代表附录A的第5个图。其它依次类推。 范例:《中国金属工业年鉴2006》附录 一、1949年~2005年全国金属重要统计资料汇编 (一)全国金属产量 (二)全国金属工业总产值 (三)全国金属工业利税指标 (四)全国金属固定资产投资 1.黑色金属 2.有色金属 (五)全国金属进出口贸易额 二、1949年~2005年全国金属企业概况 (一)全国金属工业企业数 1.黑色金唬 2.有色金属 (二)全国金属工业从业人数 (三)全国金属工业职工人均工资 (四)全国金属工业企业平均产能 1.黑色金属 2.有色金属 (五)全国金属工业企业人均劳动生产率 1.黑色金属 2.有色金属 附录是什么意思 附录: 附在书刊正文后面的有关文章或资料 什么是规范性附录和资料性附录?两者有什么区别? 标准的附录有两种,一种是规范性附录,一种是资料性附录,二者都属于标准的可选要素。规范性附录属于标准的规范性技术要素之一,它给出标准正文的附加条款。规范性附录一般由正文中以“遵照附录A的规定”的形式来引用,因此,和标准正文一样,是要执行的。资料性附录属于标准的资料性补充要素之一,它给出对理解或使用标准起辅助作用的附加信息。因此,不是按照要求的口气来陈述的,可以执行也可以不执行的。 附录SL中的SL是什么意思 SL是Supplement(补充)的意思 详细信息参见附录的翻译是:什么意思 详细信息参见附录的翻译是:See Appendix for more rmation 大学毕业论文的附录是什么意思? 附录用来列明文章的引注来源。老师会从附录中资料的多少、来源的权威与否判断你文章的优劣(当然只是一个方面,重点还是要看文章的)。总的来说,里面有权威学者的文章会比较有优势,还有资料的多少也很重要,太多了就显得堆砌,太少了又让人担订你文章内容单薄。所以,中英文都有点比较好,数量要适当,内容要权威。 其实你如果下工夫去写一篇文章,附录自然会体现你的努力的,加油!祝好运:】

184 评论


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