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Congratulations everyone, you made it.祝贺所有人,你们做到了。And I don’t mean to the end of college, I mean to class day, because if memory serves,some of your classmates had too many scorpion bowls at the Kong last night and are with us today.我指的不是大学毕业,而是成功出席今天的毕业典礼。如果我们记错,某些同学虽然昨晚在香港餐厅喝了太多蝎子碗调酒,但今天还是来了。 Given the weather, the one thing Harvard hasn’t figured out how to control, some of your other classmates are at someplace warm with a hot cocoa, so you have many reasons to feel proud of yourself as you sit here today.由于天气,这种哈佛还没有弄清楚如何控制的现象,还有同学正在温暖的地方喝热可可饮料,所以,你们有很多为今天出席毕业日活动感到自豪的理由。 Congratulations to your have spent a lot of money, so your child can say she went to a “small school” near Boston. And thank you to the class of 2014 for inviting me to the part of your celebration. It means a great to me. And looking at the list of past speakers was a little can’t be as funny as Amy Poehler, but I’m gonna be funnier than Mother Teresa. 祝贺你们的家长,你们花了很多钱,让子女能够说自己是从波士顿附近的这所“小学校“毕业的。还要感谢2014届毕业生邀请我来到这次盛典。这对我价值巨大。看到过往演讲者的名单让人有些敬畏。我肯定没有艾米·波乐那么搞笑,但我至少比特雷萨修女更幽默。 25 years ago, a man named Dave I did not know at the time but who would one day become my husband was sitting where you are sitting years ago, I was sitting where you are sitting today. Dave and I are back this weekend with our amazing son and daughter to celebrate his reunion, and we both share the same sentiment, Harvard has a good basketball 年前,一个我当时还不认识,但以后会成为我丈夫的男人戴夫,坐在你们现在坐的地方。23年前,我坐在你们现在坐的地方。戴夫和我这周末,带着可爱的子女回校。我们都怀有相同的感触:哈佛的篮球队太棒了! Standing here in the yard brings memories flooding back for arrived here from Miami in the fall of 1987, with big hopes and even bigger hear. I was assigned to live in one of Harvard’s historic monuments to great architecture, canady. My go-to outfit, and I’m not making this up, was a jean skirt, white leg warmers and sneakers and a Florida sweater, because my parents who were here with me then as they’re here with me now, told me everyone would think it was awesome that I was from Florida. At least we didn’t have Instagram.站在校园中,回忆泉涌。19876年秋天,我从迈阿密来到这里,怀揣着伟大的梦想,还有更夸张的发型。我被分配到哈佛伟大建筑的一座历史丰碑,卡纳迪楼,我是说真的,我当时穿着牛仔裙,白色暖腿袜套,运动鞋,还有一件弗罗里达羊毛衫。因为当时我的父母告诉我,所有人都会人为来自弗罗里达的人很酷。至少,我们那时没有Instagram。 For me, Harvard was a series of first winner coat, we needn’t need those in first 10page paper, they didn’t assign those in my high first C, after which my proctor told me that she was on the admissions committee, and I got admitted to Harvard for my personality not my academic first person I ever met from boarding school. I thought that was our really troubled first person I ever met who shares the name with a whole building, or so I met when the first classmate I met was Sarah Widdlesworth, who bore no relation at all to the dorm, which would have been nice to know with that very intimidating moment. But then I went on to meet others, Francis Strauss, James wells, Jessica science center B. My first love, my first heartbreak, the first time I realized that I love to learn, and the first and very last time I saw anyone read anything in Latin.对我而言,哈佛给了我很多第一次,包括我的第一件冬装,在迈阿密没人需要冬装。我的第一份10页论文,高中没人会布置这么长的作业,我第一次得C,这之后,我的学监告诉我说,她在招生委员会,她招我进来不是因为我的学术潜能,而是因为我的品性。我在寄宿学校看到的第一个人,我就觉得这个人会是个大麻烦。我还碰到了第一个名字同整座建筑一样的人,这个人的名字叫做萨拉·威格尔斯沃斯,她和那栋宿舍楼没有关系,当时我很震惊,知道她和宿舍楼没有关系后,我松了一口气。之后,我还碰到了其他人,弗朗西斯·斯特劳斯,詹姆斯·威尔斯,杰西卡科学中心B。我第一位爱人,第一位让我心碎的人,我第一次认识到自己热爱学习,第一次也是最后一次遇到有人在读拉丁文。 When I sat in your seat all those years ago, I knew exactly where I was headed, I had it all planned out, I was going to the world bank to work on global poverty. The I would go to law school. And I would spend my life working in a nonprofit or in a government. At Harvard’s commencement tomorrow as your dean described, each school is gonna stand up and graduate together, the college, the law school, the med school and so on. At my graduation, my class cheered for the PHD students and then booed the business school. Business school seemed like such a months later, I applied to business school.我毕业那年,我想好了自己以后有什么计划,我要进世界银行,对抗全球贫穷,然后我要去法学院,然后我将在非营利机构或政府工作,你们院长也讲了,在明天的哈佛毕业典礼上,每个学院都要起立并一同毕业,本科部吗、法学院、医学院等等。我毕业时,我们班为博士生欢呼,然后嘘了商学院,商学院似乎很不受欢迎。 18个月后,我就申请了商学院。 It wasn’t wrong about what I would do decades after had it wrong a year and a half later. And even if I could have predicted I would one day work in the private sector, I never could have predicted Facebook, because there was no internet, and Mark Zuckerberg was at elementary school, already wearing his hoody. Not locking into a path too early, give me an opportunity to go into a new and life changing field. And for those of you who think I owe everything to good luck, after Canaday I got Quaded.我对自己毕业后的数十年规划其实并没错,计划只错在了一年后,就算我算到了自己会在私营企业工作,我肯定算不到自己会在脸谱,那时候没有互联网。那时候马克·扎克伯格还在读小学,已经开始穿他的标志性帽衫了。没有太早锁死自己的道路,让我有机会进入改变生活的全新领域。有些人可能认为我运气好,我想说,卡纳迪楼后,我又被安排到了方院。 There is no straight path from your seat today to where you are going. Don’t try to draw that line. You will not just get it wrong. You will miss big opportunities and I mean big ,like the internet.从你们所坐的地方倒你们要去的地方是没有直路的,不要尝试画这样的直线,这不仅会出错,还会错失大机遇,我说的是大机遇,例如像互联网这样。

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一、毕业论文为什么需要参考文献?在撰写毕业论文的文章时,我们在文中都要提及他人的研究成果或某人的观点,这个过程通常被称为引用或参考。对于留学生来说,一篇毕业论文的内容需要包括留学期间所有学科的主要知识点,甚至会引用一些学术比较深的相关专业的作者文献,从中提取对文章最有论证的内容做参考说明。因为这样,导师能够发现文章到底是研究并解决什么问题?哪些问题虽然重要但目前仍解决不了的?可能的前景是什么等等,从而从侧面说明学生是站在一个什么样的高度,以什么为参照对象做研究方向的。这恰恰可以考察学生对大量参考文献的理解之后是否有一个比较敏锐的总结能力。二、怎样呈现参考文献?在国外,留学生提交的毕业论文格式都有明确的要求,否则将不予通过,甚至做严肃处理。因此,参考文献要求正确、准确地使用,不能把别人的成果据为己有,更不能随意更改。对于引用的文章内容,要忠实原文,不可推断,也不能前后矛盾或随意拼凑。参考文献的呈现方式是有一定规范的,下面是以哈佛体系为例来做介绍。哈佛参考文献注释体系起源于美国,20世纪50、60年代开始流行,尤其在物理学和自然科学研究领域使用最多,近年来社会科学中也开始流行。经过几十年的发展,哈佛体系已成为一种国际性的学术规范,因为它具备了灵活、简洁和清楚的一种国际性的论文写作规范。哈佛注释体系(Harvard System),也叫“作者-日期法”(Author-date method)。据哈佛体系,每一个引文,无论直接还是间接,都应分别在两处注明:在文中引用处注明;在全书或全文最后的参考书目处注明。如简单的介绍几种注释规范做一些介绍:(一)在文中引用处的注释规范当作者姓名在句子中自然出现时,给出作者姓和出版年份,将出版年份放在小括号内,如:In a recent study Harvey (1993) argued that ...;当作者姓名不在句子中自然出现时,姓和出版年份都放在括号中。如果在文中直接引用其他作者原话且引文不超过两行刚直接插入文本中,也可以用单引号也可用双引号,只要全文一致即可。还要在恰当的位置给出作者姓和出版年份以及页码。(二)在文后参考书目处的注释规范所有参考书目以作者姓名的字母顺序排列,一个作者有多本著作时,则按年份先后排列顺序,一个作者一年内有多本著作出版或论文发表,在年份后按月份先后加小写字母加以区别,这样做的好处是:只有一个按字母顺序排列的参考书目,便于老师查阅。(三)英文脚注规范尽管哈佛体系不主张使用脚注,但很多毕业留学生还是采用,其方法是在文中引用数字表明序号,在当前页下方用一条线与正文隔开,按每页上注释顺序逐一做注。这一点,可使用wordy文档的自动格式。三、结尾部分在学生毕业论文最后结束部分参考文献的注释规范前后都要保持一致的,这样让导师一浏览就会有一个不错的印象。即使是哈佛体系,在使用时也要保持使用规范的一致性,对于注释内容,最基本的一条是必须有注释,否则,就不仅仅是学术规范问题,而是学术道德问题了。如果你想找人帮忙的话,可以找51due他们帮你写,质量有保证。

150 评论


文献引用和文献标注是学术写作中非常重要的一个部分。如何正确引用文献,如何正确标注文献决定了同学们文献引用这部分的分数。那么,在实践过程中我们需要额外注意的有哪些内容呢?让我们来一起看看吧。1:….the rich get richer (Smith, 2003).Full stop MUST go after reference当文献引用出现在句子末尾的时候,必须加句号。2 :Author’s last name and date ONLY in essay在文章中引用的时候只要出现作者的姓和年份。(Lynne Gornall, 2004) X 姓和名同时出现,是错误的。(Gornall, L, 2004) X 姓和名的首字母同时出现,是错误的。(Lynne, 2004) X名和年份同时出现,是错误的。(Gornall, 2004) ü姓和年份同时出现,是正确的。3:And in references list:Gornall, L. (2004) Globalisation the final answer, UCLAN, UC publishing. ü在文章后的文献引用列表中,可以出现姓和名的首字母,并按照标准的引用法引用。4:NO URLs in essay:在正文中,不能出现网址的链接。可以在文章后的引用列表中按照标准引用法表示。学术写作中除了文献引用这部分内容,同学们还需要注意以下一些问题:· NOT answering the question文章中内容和主题问题不一致,偏题。· Poor expression (especially linking paragraphs together)语言表述有问题,需要注意连接词的使用· Poor paraphrasing (copy and paste)引用只是复制粘贴,导致相似度比较高。· Poor (internet) sources使用网络资源,权威性比较差。以下推荐同学们一些常用的比较好的过渡转折的词句,同学们可以在学术写作中多加运用。Effective Transitional phrases/sentences1):Although this is a widely held view, there is evidence to suggest…..2):However, further analysis would suggest …3):Much research shows however, that ….4):The work of several leading analysts might provide a different interpretation …或许我可以给你点帮助呢。call me

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