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首页 > 毕业论文 > 硕士毕业论文很重要吗英语

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在研究生阶段完成毕业论文是为应对学位授予要求时的一项重要任务。论文语言的选择很大程度上取决于研究生研究方向所在的学院和研究生自身要求。在撰写研究生毕业论文时,应该以表达研究思想和研究成果为主要出发点,其语言的选择应该符合学术规范和要求, 论文语言良好的表达直接关系到研究生的研究成果和学术地位。一般来说,如果你的研究领域属于国际性学科,或者论文的研究对象、数据来自于国际上已有的研究成果,那么你可以选择使用英文撰写论文。这有利于你的研究成果被国际学术界广泛承认,同时也可以提高你在学术界的知名度。而且,撰写毕业论文是一项综合性的任务,往往需要查阅大量的文献,参考和借鉴来自于国际学术界的研究成果,因此,如果使用英语写论文,不仅可以更加贴近国际学术标准,而且可以方便的查阅和引用相应的外文研究成果。总之,是选择用英文还是中文写毕业论文要根据个人研究领域方向和研究成果所处的学术环境来做出选择,重要的是能够准确和清晰地表达研究思想和研究成果。

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取决于你的学校和学习科目。有的研究项目就是出报告。有的实习项目就是实习报告。一般而言,都是需要写毕业论文的。至于答辩从我个人体验来看大部分不需要答辩。交上去等审核就行。1.是的。其实是5月底6月初开始考试,然后7月头开始做论文 2.可以提前交的~文科不知道,理科的我从来没见过提前交的,因为事情太多了~ 3.提前交了可以早点答辩的~我不记得我读硕士的时候有统一的答辩时间,反正我是交完了论文,然后跟导师联系答辩时间,然后导师找了个方便的时间给我答辩英国的硕士研究生一般来说有两次答辩的机会,如果没有通过,第二次重修,假如还是没有通过就拿不到硕士学位了,学校就会发给你一个diploma,就是结业证书。这个diploma在国内基本不认可,一般外企国企,公务员,事业单位,还有落户等等都是不承认这个diploma的,所以在英国读硕士一定要好好学习

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In this poem the poet used concrete visual image, taste, olfactory, tactile imagery imagery imagery and auditory imagery. Through a series of images, so that readers such as the history of its king, feel rich visual image ( Visual image ): the poem with many describing specific things the visual imagery, such as the first day, fourth lines, seventh lines in the" round the thatch eaveS"," to be: Nd withapples"," to swell the gourd"," plump the hazel sheHs", a piece of autumn all mature full picture unfolds before our eyes. In the second section, third lines fourth lines" a 'nee sittin careless Oil ] a granary floor, hair soft, hhed by by the winnowing wind;" the poet described as if let us to see a woman sitting in a barn on the ground, with the wind blowing hair to the king as, produce the visual enjoyment of olfactory image ( Olfactory image ) : the case of the second section of the third lines of" Drows ' dwith thefume ofpoppies" we seem to smell the field of poppies strong fragrance, has the beautiful olfactory : the first section such as gustatory image" sweet kernel" and" ripeness to the core" we seem to enjoy the autumn day ripe apples are sweet and delicious sweet and hazel nuts, give a person with taste of beauty, enables the reader to see at the same time, it also enjoy the autumn fruit. These gustatory image inspires readers to Feng Shuo autumn desire and tactile image ( Tactile image ): this poem has many touch sense words and phrases. Such as" load and bless"," bend","""," SweH"," plump"," soft - lifted"," winnowing wind"," sound asleep, borne aloft", when the reader this poem, autumn day is no longer abstract, it becomes visible, touchable concrete autumn, deepen the readers of autumn scenery visual sound image ( Auditory image ): rhythm and sound together we call poetry music" [3 ] ( P 180) [3 ] Laurence Perrine . Sound and Sense: An Introduction to Poetry [M ]. Harcourt: Brace & World Inc, 1991 poets spectrum gave us a beautiful autumn song. As of third the last seven lines, the poet describes the " gnats iilourn"," full - grown lambs loud bleat"," H tge crickets sirIg"," the red breast whistle gathering swallows twitter. '"". The autumn come into many specific biological: insects, flock, crickets, Robin and group flying swallow, in the bright autumn light, seems to have heard the sad bird, creatures of nature who bemoans the fact that autumn day is short and the winter near near. Multiple voices appear alternately, as poetry adds a layer of deep beauty of artistic conception and the hazy beauty of color .... An outstanding poet will make the sound to his , forming a sound style ( if it can be phrased it). No doubt, the sound has the amazing power, it can make the image is stamped in the reader's mind." [6 ] ( P 105 [6] The Correspondence of Alexander Pope [M ]. Vol. : The Clarendon Press, 1956 and Keats is so. These auditory imagery to a song of autumn passed to the reader's ears, so that readers such as I by the sum up, we can say, the poet using visual images, abstract image, tactile imagery, gustatory imagery, auditory imagery and kinesthetic imagery to fully mobilize and has effectively stimulated readers a variety of senses, so that readers in the visual, tactile, auditory and taste can understand and feel the arrival of autumn, autumn the omnipresent to be riotous with colour and autumn, autumn fruit and music. Poets use these images to abstract, invisible, intangible, empty, fuzzy fall into specific, palpable, appreciable, visual, vivid autumn, empty feeling becomes real sense, invisible autumn is endowed with specific shapes and colors. Originally lifeless autumn also with life and power. Full of vitality, vigor and vitality. The golden autumn everywhere is a school full of vigour, fruitful prosperity, one is to the colorful world of art.

89 评论


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