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291 评论


Rapid Detection of Soybean Near-InfraredSummary:(摘要)Soybean fatty acid value is a measure of the quality of key indicators. Near-Infrared spectroscopy combined with chemometrics methods to establish the value of soybean fatty acid sample calibration equation, and the calibration equation was validated, optimized value of soybean fatty acid calibration equation, interactive calibration coefficient of determination (1-VR) to 2, the external validation coefficient of determination (R2) was 0 and standard deviation of calibration (SEC) to 8, the standard deviation of cross-validation (SECV) to 2, existing data predict the standard deviation (SEP) was . External verification, that this method can be applied to the actual test. Established based on the FOSS XDS Rapid Determination of Near Infrared Spectroscopy of soybean moisture content model and mathematical treatment of the optical processing means and so the impact on the model discussed, the model of internal and external verification. Experimental results show that the best model parameters: the normalization of the optical processing used standard treatment (SNV Only), mathematical processing methods used , soybean moisture calibration equation interactive calibration coefficient of determination (1 1 vR ) is 8, calibration coefficient of determination (R) 9, the standard error of calibration (SEC) 7, interactive calibration standard error (SECV) was 3, the existing data Standard errors of prediction (SEP) was . The model was tested on soybean moisture content, reached the place of the requirements of conventional standard method can be applied to rapid detection

210 评论


Rapid Detection of Soybean Near-Infrared Abstract: The fatty acid is an important indicator to measure the quality of soybean. Near-Infrared spectroscopy combined with chemometrics methods to establish the value of soybean fatty acid sample calibration equation, and the calibration equation was validated, optimized value of soybean fatty acid calibration equation, interactive calibration coefficient of determination (1-VR) to 2, the external validation coefficient of determination (R2) was 0 and standard deviation of calibration (SEC) to 8, the standard deviation of cross-validation (SECV) to 2, existing data predict the standard deviation (SEP) was . External verification, that this method can be applied to the actual test. Established based on the FOSS XDS Rapid Determination of Near Infrared Spectroscopy of soybean moisture content model and mathematical treatment of the optical processing means and so the impact on the model discussed, the model of internal and external verification. Experimental results show that the best model parameters: the normalization of the optical processing used standard treatment (SNV Only), mathematical processing methods used , soybean moisture calibration equation interactive calibration coefficient of determination (1 1 vR ) is 8, calibration coefficient of determination (R) 9, the standard error of calibration (SEC) 7, interactive calibration standard error (SECV) was 3, the existing data Standard errors of prediction (SEP) was . The model was tested on soybean moisture content, reached the place of the requirements of conventional standard method can be applied to rapid detection. Keywords: Near infrared spectroscopy; soybean; water; fatty acid value

339 评论


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