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首页 > 毕业论文 > 汽车轮毂ANSYS分析毕业论文

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The use of ANSYS software, the design of a cross-country truck driver shell optimized Bridge. First of all, the establishment of three-dimensional model of drive axle, drive axle shell analysis in different stress conditions, the calculation of the driving axle of the maximum pressure shell. Three-dimensional model and then import ANSYS software in mesh, the freedom to add, add pressure and so on. Then the force on the axle housing to conduct finite element analysis, the output results. Finally, in accordance with the objectives of the lightest quality optimization, and uniform stress distribution. Analysis to verify that the optimal design in line with the engineering requirements.希望能帮助你

233 评论


给楼主一个较英式的翻译!The optimization of the drive axle casing of a cross-country vehicle by the application of ANSYS , a 3-D model of drive axle casing was built to analyze the stress status of the casing under different working conditions, and the maximum pressure on the drive axle casing was determined by algorithm. Then, the 3-D model was introduced into the ANSYS software for various processing such as mesh generation, additions of freedom degree and stress, etc. The next step was to conduct finite element analysis of stress status on the axle casing and obtain the result of algorithm. Finally, optimization was carried out based on the objectives of achieving the minimum weight and the uniform stress distribution. After analytical verification, it was established that this optimization design conforms to the engineering requirements.

321 评论


你想用ANSYS分析什么,要想清楚,在这里也应该说清楚。想做螺栓的受力分析,讨论螺栓的强度问题?亦或想做轮胎轮毂的受力分析,讨论轮毂的结构及强度问题,分析它的变形量? 汽车从发动机输出动力经过离合器、变速箱、差速器、半轴一直到轮胎,都不是“加”上去的,而是传递,这叫动力传递。汽车的自重以及承受的载荷对轮胎、轮毂、螺栓的作用叫“施加”载荷。ANSYS分析是力的分析,要抓住力的作用点和方向,搞清楚这个力作用在哪里,不要被“扭矩”给弄迷糊了,按你这样的分析方法,到处找扭矩“加”在哪里,给你一百年你都找不出来。 半轴上的轮毂与轮胎的轮毂通过螺栓联接,拧紧螺栓后两者成为一个整体。在力学分析中,就不能把它们看做一个整体,仍将其视作独立的个体,那么,半轴轮毂上5个螺栓孔的切向力通过螺栓传递给轮胎的轮毂,构成扭矩,完成汽车动力最终传递。注意了,轮胎轮毂承受的最大载荷在螺栓孔的切线方向。轮胎轮毂螺栓孔与螺栓的配合间隙比较大,螺栓受到剪切力,同时受到拉力,轮毂受到剪切作用。 汽车完整的动力传递路线:发动机——离合器——变速箱——差速器——花键——半轴轮毂——螺栓(小汽车4~8根,载重车几十根)——轮胎轮毂——轮胎。 对于轮毂来说,汽车的自重以及载人载货都是载荷,表面上看作用在轮胎的中心上,那是合力,实际上均匀分布在轮毂的螺栓上。 中间那个大孔是工艺孔,避开半轴轮毂锁紧螺母的干涉,最后会装上一个防尘罩,防尘罩也起美观作用。 搞ANSYS 分析,首先而且最重要的是要找到力的作用点及其方向!

140 评论


本设计利用ANSYS软件对某 越野车 驱动桥 桥壳 进行优化。This is an ANSYS optimum design for driving axle housing of a off-road vehicle. 首先建立驱动桥三维模型,分析驱动桥壳在不同工况下的受力情况,计算出驱动桥壳的最大压力。Firstly, the author established a three-dimensional model of the driving axle. States of stress in different working conditions were analyzed. Furthermore, the maximum pressure of driving axle was achieved.然后将三维模型导入ANSYS软件中进行网格划分、自由度添加、压力添加等工作。And then, the three-dimensional model was imported into ANSYS, with some other manipulations, such as meshing, adding degree of freedom, applying surface loads, etc. 接着对桥壳受力情况进行有限元分析,输出计算结果。States of stress of driving axle were calculated with the results exported.最后根据质量最轻的目标进行优化,并使应力分布均匀。Finally, this paper carried out the optimum design according to the target of minimizing the qualitative properties and homogenizing the distribution of stresses. The 经分析验证,本优化设计符合工程要求。Confirmatory analysis showed that this design measured up to the engineering requirement.

126 评论


This design uses the ANSYS software to optimize the drive axle shell of a off-road vehicle. Firstly, to establish a three-dimensional model of drive axle and analyze the stress conditions of the drive axle shell in different conditions, then figure out the maximum pressure of the driving axle shell. Secondly, to import the Three-dimensional model to the ANSYS software to do some works such as gridding partition, freedom of motion adding, pressure adding and so on,then make a finite element analysis to the strained status of the drive axle shell in order to output the results. Finally, to optimize the objective with the lightest weight, and to equalize the stress distribution。Analysis verified that this optimal design conforms the engineering requirements.驱动桥桥壳有多种译法:drive axle housing ,drive axle shell, driving axle shell 等等,为了简洁起见用drive axle shell给你全文分成三个层次,用firstly,sencondly和finally 分开,开头结尾句另起一行分段,显得条理清晰。

153 评论



233 评论


Design that the shell making use of the ANSYS software to drive the bridge bridge to some go-anywhere vehicles carries out an optimization originally. Build drive bridge 3-D model first , analyse the maximal pressure driving bridge shell the shell accepting force condition , calculating out the drive bridge falling in different working condition. And then will carry out jobs such as net lattice partition , liberty degree addition , pressure addition in 3-D model leading-in ANSYS software. The finite element method being in progress then to bridge shell by force condition analyses , exports calculation bear fruit. The at last carries out an optimization according to the lightest target of mass , makes strain scatter homogeneously and. Accord with project call for by that analysis verifying , the optimization designing that.

313 评论


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