可参考以下资料:1.张艺谋电影的叙事模式2.论张艺谋电影的内聚焦叙事特征3.色彩的华丽舞蹈 叙事的惨淡收场——从《我的父亲母亲》看张艺谋电影4.多重视角的多元化电影叙事结构——《霸王别姬》《英雄》叙事结构分析5.一次迷宫中的旅行——影片《英雄》的叙事艺6.在叙事中成就魔性----张艺谋会不会当文#化#部##长?7.张艺谋、冯小刚、周星驰的20048.中国电影叙事模式的嬗变以上资料,都可搜到免费阅读的版本。PS:搜批判、张艺谋,一大堆资料啊。
It it hoped that the answe as below will give you a help on English direction of Zhang Yimou film- From the perspective of humanistic careAbstract: Zhang Yimou is China's Fifth Generation film directors of the representative, deep, dignified humane care is a major feature of his films. Based on the analysis of Zhang Yimou's films in different periods, that the film's humanistic care in the performance of three stages: the outbreak period of calm on and confounded, and Zhang Yimou's film-making to make the prospect.
Discussion of the Film Creative Direction of Zhang Yimou ——From the humanities concernAbstract: Zhang Yimou is the exponent of China's Fifth Generation film directors and the deep and dignified humanities concern is characteristic of his films. Based on the analysis of Zhang Yimou's films in different periods, point out three stages of his films on representation for the humanities concern: the outbreak period and the calm period and confusion period; And make the prospects for Zhang Yimou's Creative Direction.手翻的,眼睛不好用啊,哪只眼睛看到说我是用软件翻的,自己外语水平太差,不会看
谈谈张艺谋电影中的色彩美About Aesthetic Perception for Movies Directed by Zhang Yimou标题,各单词首字母,大写;介词、连词除外供参
22届毕业生来啦,嗯,看到这个题目心里还是挺五味杂陈的,大四这一年经历了太多太多。意识到得到与失去总是伴随着我们的一生。 认真想了想这一年中大概这些事情是很重要
分类: 社会民生 >> 求职就业 问题描述: 安徽工业大学副校长 解析: 林钟高教授简介 (来源于校园网) 林钟高,男, 1960年
骄傲的说 我爱张艺兴,张艺兴是我的偶像努力并不一定会达到目的,但努力一定会有一个努力的结果,无论结果怎么样,和不努力肯定是不一样的。没有人可以决定自己会有什么样
浅论秘书工作的职能和特点 【论文关键词】: 秘书职能 某事 参谋工作 【论文摘要】: 秘书工作具有很强的职能性和艺术性,一个好的秘书工作者要在自身的素质培养上做
三十六计 第一套 胜战计 三十六计第一计 瞒天过海 三十六计第二计 围魏救赵 三十六计第三计 借刀杀人 三十六计第四计 以逸待劳 三十六计第五计 趁火打劫 三十