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英语关联词 —并列连词 1 并列连词 在句子中不做成分,仅表示前后关系. 1.用于连接彼此互补依存的对等的成分. 1)连接语词:slow but safe/ either this week or next week 2)连接分句:I went and she also. 2.可分别表示下列关系. 1)转折:but, yet, however, neverthe- less 2) 因果:so, for, therefore 3) 选择:or, either…or, neither…nor 英语关联词 —并列连接词 2 4)并列和递进:and,both…and, as well as not only…but (also) 英语关联词 —关联词 关联词 用于引导从句. 1.名词从句: He doesn't know what she is. 2.副词从句:If he comes, I'll give it to you. 3.形容词从句:He's the best student I've ever taught. 英语关联词 —连接词 1 关联词的类别及所表示的关系 要特别注意关联词在从句中(及某些连接词在短语中)所担当的成分,这是正确使用关连词的关键. 1.连接词:引导名词从句,在从句中不做成分. 1) that(无含义): I said that he was wrong. 2) whether(if)(表示不确定性或选择关系): I don't know whether it is correct. 英语关联词 —连接词 2 2.连接代词 1)引导名词从句,在从句中做主语,宾语,表语和 定语. A. who/which 作主语(口语who中可做宾语, 但其前面不可有与其配合使用的介词): I asked him who came into the room./ I asked him who(m) he saw whom/which 做宾语: Ask him which he wants. 英语关联词 —关联词 3 C. whose 做宾语(=whose thing(s)) /定 语: I wonder whose house that is. D. what 做上面提及的各种成分: I don't know what I should do. What can be done 2)与不定式连用,在其中多做主语和宾语. We can't decide whom to invite. We must decide what to do. I couldn't decide which to choose. 英语关联词 —关联词 4 3.连接副词 引导名词从句或与不定式连用,在从句 中做状语. 1) how: That's how I look at it. 2) where: I don't know where he lives. 3) when: Tell me when to use the tool. 4) why: I'll tell you why you have to do it. 英语关联词 —关系词 1 4.关系代词 1) who 表示人,在从句中做主语和表语(口语 who中可做宾语,但其前面不可有与其配合使用 的介词): The man who spoke is my teacher. I don't know who he is. The man who I saw told me that. 2) whom 表示人,在从句中做宾语和表语: The man whom I saw told me that. 英语关联词 —关系词 2 3) whose 表示"某人/物的",of which表示 "某物的", 在从句中做定语: That's the man whose son is my pupil. The room whose window faces south is her bedroom. The room of which the window faces south is her bedroom. 英语关联词 —关系词 3 4) which 表示物,在从句中做主语和表语: I like the picture which was taken in front of the main building. 5) that 表示人/物,在从句中做主语和宾语; 注 意下列关于that作为关系代词的用法. A.现行词前有最高级形容词修饰时: This is the best film that I've ever seen. 英语关联词 —关系词 4 B.先行词是下列词语或为其所修饰修饰时: the first, the last, the only, the same, the very, all, any, no, every. This is the last chance that you have. You are the only friend that I have. He told me all that he knew. 英语关联词 —关系词 5 C. 先行词是下列不定代词或为其所修饰修饰时: much, little, none, everything/body, nothing, nobody. There's nothing in the world that can frighten him. D. 以Who/Which开始的句子,其后的定语从句中 的关系代词不使用who/which,而代之以that. Who that knows him would trust him Which of these buses is the one that goes to London 英语关联词 —关系词 6 E.人和事物/动物同为先行词时: The man and the horse that fell into the river were drowned. 6) 关系代词做介词宾语. A.一般介词可放在whom/which的前面或其所 在的从句的句尾,关系代词为that时,只可 放在其所在的从句的句尾. Is this the car for which you paid a high price 英语关联词 —关系词 7 Is this the car which you paid a high price for Is this the car that you paid a high price for Is this the car you paid a high price for B.介词during, except以及表示(从整体中) "分割"(出部分)的介词of等介词要放在关 系代词的前面: 英语关联词 —关系词 8 The years during which he was away were long years to her. He wrote many books, some of which C.其介词与动词不可分割的短语动词中的介词必 须放在其动词之后,不可放在关系代词之前: This is the book which he has been looking for. 7)关系代词的省略. A.关系代词作宾语时: The girl I work with is coming. 英语关联词 —关系词 9 在定语从句中做表语时: He is not the man that he was when I saw him first. He is not the man he was when I saw him first. 5.关系副词 在定语从句中均做状语. 1)where 地点: That's one point where I'd like your advice. 英语关联词 —关系词 10 2) when 时间: At the time when I saw him, he was ill. 3) why 原因: That is the reason why I came so early. 4) that 方式/时间/原因 I like the way that /in which he did it. 英语关联词 —关系词 11 That was the first time (that) I saw him. The reason why/that he was dismissed is not easy to explain. 5)in which/at which = where This is the school in which/at which/ where he works. 6)for which = why I don't the reason for which he left. 英语关联词 —关系词 12 7)on which = when The day on which she was born was 22 September, 1988.

271 评论



因:because、because of、for、as、since、in that、on account of、with

果:so、so that、therefore、thereby、as a result、hence、thus、consequently、accordingly



A 导致(因-果):cause、reason、lead to、give rise to、result in、render、make、let、ask、push、

B 由…而来(果-因):result from、derive from、originate from、initiate from、stem from、be

C 反映,体现(果-因):reflect、present、demonstrate、suggest、imply

D 考虑到:given、considering、in view of、thanks to、according to

E 依赖于:rely on、depend on、resort to

F 条件关系:when、once、as soon as、As long as

G 分词短语,不定式做状语:Failing in the final exam,she cried.


A 对比:while、whereas、on the other hand

B 转折:but、although、nevertheless、however


A 同级比较 the same to

B 比较级:more than、-er than

C 变化:change、alter、vary、modify、revise、increase、decrease、enhance、diminish、develop、progress、advance、improve、retreat、degenerate、continue、remain

D 差异:different、distinguish、separate、same、similar、comparable、compare to

E 超越:surpass、exceed、excel、over

F 最高级,本身有最高级含义:maximum、minimum、peak、outstanding

G 本身程度比较深:amazing、surprising、astonishing、prohibitively

H 否定+比较=最高级 No one is more outstanding than him.


显性否定:no、not、never、nor、none neither

隐形否定:fail to、refuse、remove、mi、reject、aence of、lack of


双重否定:not fail to、not illegal、not uncommon、not unavailable双重否定是英文中经常运用的表达方式



英语也是与电脑联系最密切的语言,大多数编程语言都与英语有联系,而且随着网络的使用,英文的使用更普及。英语是联合国的工作语言之一。 苏格兰语、低地撒克逊语、丹麦语、德语、荷兰语、南非荷兰语和英语也很接近。拥有法国血统的诺曼人于11世纪征服英格兰王国,带来数万法语词汇和拉丁语词汇,很大程度地丰富了英语词汇外,相对也驱使不少原生的语汇作废。

288 评论


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