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我花了15分钟给你人工翻译,为的是你不被机器翻译蒙骗,希望你能满意。 The Office family has the very complicated relation with VB and VBA is built in all applications of Microsoft Office components so that objects of Word applications can be operated through VB or VBA and the purpose of recovery of lost passwords can be achieved by using exhaustive testing methods. This paper will discuss how to use VB Programming to clear up the passwords of Word documents through exhaustive testing methods, and add interruption in the process of broken solution so that consumers can interrupt it at any time. Word has offered a wide range of methords to limit access to the user's document so as to avoid unauthorized persons viewing and changing it. However, in the contemporary times of informationization, there are so many passwords for users to remember that once the password is lost they cannot open or have access to the document, which, as a consequence, causes very big losses to the user. In order to decode the password, the only choice is to use the exhaustion methods to decipher documents, and to untie the password with the aid of computer's high speed movement in the case of Word encryption algorithm. In the actual design process, I have designed the subject so that it is easy for consumers to find the lost password. Keywords: exhaustive methodd, decryption, WORD documents, passwords

98 评论


Since the 21st century, the human economy has developed high speed, the people live have had the change which changes with each new day, specially computer's application and popularization to economical and social life each domain. Along with the computer in the social life each domain's widespread utilization, the computer virus attack and the guard technology unceasingly is also developing, has brought the huge destruction and the latent threat for the computer system. It is reported that various countries suffer the computer virus infection and the attack event are counted by the 100 million, has disturbed the normal human society life seriously, has brought the huge latent threat and the destruction for the computer network and the system. Along with the computer, the network utilization popularizes unceasingly, thoroughly, will guard against the computer virus to receive various countries to take seriously more and more. In order to ensure system's security and unimpeded, therefore, studies the computer virus the measure to be imminent. This article obtains from computer's characteristic, to come the preliminary discussion to cope with the computer virus the method and the measure. 计算机Computer,、病毒 virus系统安全system safety

244 评论


但接近时又很难掌握。 But approached and difficult to master. 近几年来,云计算在国内外可谓风生水起,热闹非凡。 In recent years, cloud computing is wind at home and abroad, boisterous. 然而,云计算从概念到落地实际上只能从2010年算起。 However, cloud computing from concept to landing in fact only from starting in 2010. 在此之前只能看成是云计算的市场引入阶段。 Before this can only as cloud computing market introducing stage. 目前,最简单的云计算技术在网络服务中已经随处可见,例如搜索引擎、网络信箱等,使用者只要输入简单指令即能得到大量信息。 At present, the most simple cloud computing technology in network services have everywhere, such as a search engine, network mailbox, users just enter the simple instructions that can get enormous amounts of information. 但是,从一种新的业务模式的发展周期来看,尤其是从国内的情况来看,目前的云计算还只能算是初级发展,或者说,还处于教育阶段。 But, from a new business model development cycle, especially from domestic see the situation, the current cloud computing is only as primary development, or education, is still at the stage. 本文主要对微软云计算技术在微软云计算平台基础设施方面的应用开展研究,阐述了云计算的研究背景、发展现状、体系结构、各种云、服务层次、优点等; This paper mainly for Microsoft's cloud computing technology in Microsoft's cloud computing platforms infrastructure application research, this paper expounds the cloud computing research background, development present situation, the system structure, various cloud, service level, advantages; 概括分析了云计算中 基础设施即服务模式的概念、技术层次、储存服务、安全性。 Summary analysis of the cloud computing infrastructure namely service mode of the concepts, technical level, storage service, safety. 最后运行云平台的小程序。 Finally the cloud platform small programs running. 得出总结,跟期望。 With expectations that concluded,.

338 评论


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