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亲爱的同事:***女士要求参照从我的信,支持她对自己在大学毕业研究中的应用。由于她的研究顾问,她是在我院毕业的学生,我很高兴地遵从她的要求。她特别喜欢挑战性的,如无机化学和分析化学的研究领域。在随后的三年中,***女士,她曾在一个学位论文“一个50吨生产线项目/ 1磺胺甲基异恶唑的合成车间”。为了使产品能满足实际需要,她面临了许多实际问题,例如高可靠性,体积和重量的产品。辛勤工作和独立,她破获一个问题之一,并提出了一个由论文学术水平的特点。她出色的表现来看,她跟我学,我相信,***女士已取得在此基础上,她能承担世界一流的培训,知识和智力成熟。因此,我借给她我的热情支持,并感谢你对她的申请有利的考虑。肃然教授,研究生顾问

293 评论


我十分荣幸地向您推荐我的学生某某,作为某某大学毕业论文的指导者和经济学的授课老师,我想为此学生做一些中肯的评价。我在2007年到2008年间,担任了某某的经济学老师,在这两年多时间里,我一直注视着某某的成长。该学生虽然专业成绩在我的学生里不是最优秀的,但该学生对待学习的态度也许是最认真的。在我的课堂上,某某总会认真地做笔记和思考,并偶尔和我探讨一些问题。在最后的论文指导中,某某的论文题目很新颖,也很发人深省,让我觉得某某的对经济学的理解不仅仅局限于理论和数据上,在政治和经济政策的层面上似乎抱有更多的兴趣。该生在涉及到数学的科目上并不十分优秀,但通常会用勤奋的努力来弥补这种缺陷。作为大学教师的我,认为强烈的好奇心和勤奋的努力是某某最为珍贵的品质。我祝愿某某会在自己的求学道路上一帆风顺,也在此向您推荐这位具有耐心和求知欲望的学生。It is my pleasure to recommend my students so-and-so, as XXX university graduation thesis guides and the economics of the instructor, I want to do some in 2007 to 2008, as a teacher in the economics (the two years, I have been watching so-and-so growth. The students in my professional achievements, although the student's most outstanding, but the students treat study attitude is perhaps the most serious. In my class, XXX will seriously take notes and thinking, and occasionally and I discussed some last, the thesis guidance dissertation5 topic is very novel so-and-so, also is thought-provoking, and let me think of understanding the so-and-so is not limited in theory and the data in political and economic policy, the plane seemed more interest. AboutThe student in the subjects involving math is very good, but usually use diligent effort to remedy the defects. As a teacher, I think of the university of intense curiosity and hard work is the most precious quality. XXXI wish in his study (road, also in this to recommend the patient and the students seeking knowledge desire.

91 评论



336 评论


It is my pleasure to recommend my students so-and-so, as XXX university graduation thesis guides and the economics of the instructor, I want to do some in 2007 to 2008, as a teacher in the economics (the two years, I have been watching so-and-so growth. The students in my professional achievements, although the student's most outstanding, but the students treat study attitude is perhaps the most serious. In my class, XXX will seriously take notes and thinking, and occasionally and I discussed some last, the thesis guidance dissertation5 topic is very novel so-and-so, also is thought-provoking, and let me think of understanding the so-and-so is not limited in theory and the data in political and economic policy, the plane seemed more interest. AboutThe student in the subjects involving math is very good, but usually use diligent effort to remedy the defects. As a teacher, I think of the university of intense curiosity and hard work is the most precious quality. XXXI wish in his study (road, also in this to recommend the patient and the students seeking knowledge desire.

97 评论


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