同学,答辩不要紧张,要熟悉你写的内容,一般如果是你的论文指导老师会问问题针对性强一点,其他老师会问一些general question。建议如下,供参考,1. 中西方有哪些传统节日存在差异并举例说明。(基本题,考察你是自己写的还是抄的)2. 这种差异会给文化交流带来哪些影响?正面影响,负面影响阐述3. 了解这种差异后有对解决实际问题有何帮助?4. 你自己如何理解这种差异,或者差异如何形成的?祝你好运!
这篇关于传统节日的春节英语作文:传统文化,是无忧考网特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助! 春节是我国的传统文化,它有着悠久的文化历史,到了这一天,人们要在一起吃饭、贴春联、贴倒福、放鞭炮,等活动。 在这一天,妈妈让我上街买春联和倒福,哇,街上到处都是卖春联和倒福的,有在超市卖的、有在商店卖的、还有在地上卖的,品种多的数不清。春联有?值模?薪鹱值模?厦嬗悬坝栉颐堑摹⒃廾狼锾斓?hellip;…比如接财接福接平安、迎喜迎春迎富贵的。福有金字黑边的﹑红边金字的、还有红边黑字,我挑了两幅对联,三副福字,把它们带回家。 我先把两幅对联贴到门上,再把福贴到窗子上,这时妈妈跑出来说“贴错了,”贴错了我说那怎么贴?妈妈说要倒贴,福倒福倒(到)福们家了,就到我们家来了,我说贴正也行,福正福正(挣)别人家的福就到我们家了! 过春节真是太好了,我爱过春节! 中西方节日差异 Will Christmas Replace the Spring Festival Christmas arouses increasing attention year by year in China. Christmas cards become popular with students. People hold Christmas parties and exchange Christmas girts. A lot or TV and radio programs about Christmas are on. Meanwhile the Spring Festival is less appealing to youngsters. Thus some people wonder whether Christmas will replace the Spring Festival. This worry is fairly unnecessaryg Why Ⅱ One reason lies that Christmas only affects Christians, college students and joint-venture (workers. Another reason is that Christmas is mostly celebrated in cities. Few people in countryside show extreme interest in this exotic festival. By contrast, the Spring Festival is the most influential traditional festival in every family. I think, it is natural that with increasing exchanges with the West, a lot of Western holidays have been gradually introduced into China. For us Chinese we should never neglect or even discard our own traditional festivals. For centuries Chinese have observed this traditional holiday to welcome the beginning of a new year. And we will treasure the Spring Festival forever.
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