Abstract 5-6
摘要 7-9
1. Introduction 9-11
Background of the Research 9
Significance of the Research 9-10
Structure of the thesis 10-11
2. Literature Review 11-19
Some Attempts to Define expert and novice teacher 11-13
An overview of studies on teaching behaviors 13-16
An overview of the characteristics of expert teachers' teaching behaviors 16
Limitations of the Previous Studies 16
Theoretical bases 16-19
3. Research Design 19-25
Subjects 19-20
Observed teaching tasks 20-21
Classification of English teachers’ teaching behaviors 21-22
Research method 22-24
Research Procedures 24-25
4. Data Analysis and Discussion 25-51
Diversity in Speech Presentation behavior 25-33
Diversity in Text Presentation 33-38
Diversity in Action Presentation (body language) 38-40
Diversity in interaction behavior 40-51
5. Conclusions and Implications 51-55
Conclusions 51-53
Pedagogical Implications 53-54
Limitations and recommendations for the Further Research 54-55
Acknowledgments 55-56
References 56-59
Appendix I Classroom observation worksheet of teaching behavior 59-61
Appendix II 唐卫海提问行为类别观察表 61-62
Appendix III 攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文 62
Abstract 3-4
摘要 5-7
Tables 7-10
1. Introduction 10-14
Research Questions 11
The purpose and significance of this research 11-12
Layout of thesis 12-14
2. Literature Review 14-24
The concept and connotation of teaching journal 15-17
The Content of teaching journal 17-20
Reflective level 20
The styles of teaching journal 20-24
Design 24-26
Purpose of Research 24
Subjects 24
Instruments 24-25
Procesures of research 25
Data collection 25-26
4. Results and Discussions 26-52
Results and discussions of quesionnaire 26-32
The writing differences between teachers of differnet professional ranks on reflective content and reflective level 32-45
The writing differences between teachers of different genders on reflective content and reflective level 45-52
5. Methods to Improve Teachers' Reflective Ability 52-56
Problems in the process of reflection 52-53
The ways to improve teachers' reflective ability 53-56
6. Conclusion 56-58
Present findings 56
Limitations 56-57
Suggestions for future research 57-58
Acknowledgements 58-60
Bibliography 60-64
Appendix 64-65
Abstract 3-4
摘要 5-8
1. Introduction 8-12
Research background 8
Significance of the study 8-10
Organization of thesis 10-12
2. Literature Review 12-22
Language learning strategies 12-15
Definition of the language learning strategies 12-13
Classification of learning strategies 13-14
Studies on learning strategies 14-15
Language learning styles 15-18
Definition of language learning style 15
Classification of language learning style 15-17
Studies on language learning style 17-18
Learning strategies training 18-19
. Review of the relationship of learning strategies and learning styles 19-22
3. Methodology 22-33
Purposes 22
Hypotheses 22
Research participants 22-23
Instruments of the research 23-24
Questionnaire 23
Observation 23-24
Procedures 24-33
Pre-treatment questionnaire 24-25
Language learning strategy training instruction 25-30
Post-treatment questionnaire 30-33
4. Results and Discussion 33-47
Results of the questionnaire 33-43
The results of the T-test in pre-treatment questionnaire 37-40
The results of the T-test in post-treatment questionnaire 40-43
Discussion 43-47
The senior high school students’ learning styles were expanded with the help of learning strategy training 44
The variety of learning styles helps the students to learn better with different learning tasks 44-45
The learning strategies help the students learn better, more easily and actively33 45-47
5. Conclusion 47-49
Major findings 47-48
The learning styles of the senior high students were tended to be various 47-48
The language learning strategy training can expand or even changethe language learning styles 48
Limitations and recommendations for further study 48-49
Acknowledgements 49-51
Bibliography 51-55
Appendix 55-61
AppendixA 关于英语学习风格的问卷调查 55-59
AppendixB 英语学习策略培训观察量表 59-60
AppendixC Listening Material 60-61
兴趣是一种潜在的素质,它能激发学生对学习活动产生心理上的爱好和追求倾向。因此,在英语教学中,必须不断创造能使学生产生浓厚兴趣的条件、环境和氛围,才能达到事半功倍的效果。 一、实践运用英语增强学习兴趣 要使学生对英语学习产生兴趣,除了从道理上宣传英语学习的重要性之外,还要积极创造条件和环境使学生尽可能多的使用英语,让他们在运用中尝到乐趣。比如教学单词时,尽量让学生全身参与学习活动,念到“jump”时不妨要求跳跃一下,念到“hand”时拍拍手,念到“foot”时跺跺脚。再如要求他们用所学知识互相问候等等。有时,也可以在平时的英语教学中通过多设计一些情景对话、组织一些游戏、开展英语课外活动等方式来创造英语学习环境,让学生在现实生活中运用学到的英语知识以提高学习英语的兴趣。 二、营造师生氛围培育学习兴趣 轻松愉快的学习氛围能使学生以愉快的心境学习、思考并获得知识,而营造轻松愉快的学习氛围有助于培养学生的学习兴趣。师生关系直接制约着学生的情感和意志,影响着他们的认知活动。例如,学生喜欢的教师一走进课堂,课堂气氛就显得活跃。而学生如对教师不喜欢、不信任,就会对之所教的课程产生厌学情绪。这就要求教师积极转变角色,重视情感投资,变知识的传播者为积极的参与者,真诚地投入教学,利用自己的经验和阅历,及时地为学生提供帮助,当好导演,把好语言关,以自己真挚的爱唤起学生的共鸣,使师生关系更加和谐融洽。从而使学生感到学英语是一件快乐的事。 三、变换教学形式保持学习兴趣 单一的形式容易导致大脑刺激的单调,使兴趣转化为抑制,降低学习效率。而小学生正处于活泼好动,喜欢变换的时期,再好的教学形式和练习形式,如果简单重复太多,学生也会兴趣锐减,降低学习效果。因此,小学英语教学应根据学生的好奇、好动、好玩、好胜等特点和发展的规律,采用多种形式,如做游戏、讲英语故事、听录音、观看幻灯、录像、进行有趣的比赛和角色扮演、猜谜语、唱英语歌曲等等。这些活动学生乐于参与,善于表现,又可促使他们自觉学习英语、运用英语。 四、体验成功喜悦激发学习兴趣 成功感是英语学习中非常宝贵的情感体验。它能极大地激起学生学习的兴趣和热情。教师应不断为学生创造成功的机会,让他们更多的品尝到成功的喜悦。当然,成功与否并无绝对标准,好的考试成绩,正确地回答了教师所提出的问题,圆满的完成了练习等等,这些点滴微小的成绩均可视为成功。
Abstract 5-6
摘要 7-9
1. Introduction 9-11
Background of the Research 9
Significance of the Research 9-10
Structure of the thesis 10-11
2. Literature Review 11-19
Some Attempts to Define expert and novice teacher 11-13
An overview of studies on teaching behaviors 13-16
An overview of the characteristics of expert teachers' teaching behaviors 16
Limitations of the Previous Studies 16
Theoretical bases 16-19
3. Research Design 19-25
Subjects 19-20
Observed teaching tasks 20-21
Classification of English teachers’ teaching behaviors 21-22
Research method 22-24
Research Procedures 24-25
4. Data Analysis and Discussion 25-51
Diversity in Speech Presentation behavior 25-33
Diversity in Text Presentation 33-38
Diversity in Action Presentation (body language) 38-40
Diversity in interaction behavior 40-51
5. Conclusions and Implications 51-55
Conclusions 51-53
Pedagogical Implications 53-54
Limitations and recommendations for the Further Research 54-55
Acknowledgments 55-56
References 56-59
Appendix I Classroom observation worksheet of teaching behavior 59-61
Appendix II 唐卫海提问行为类别观察表 61-62
Appendix III 攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文 62
Abstract 3-4
摘要 5-7
Tables 7-10
1. Introduction 10-14
Research Questions 11
The purpose and significance of this research 11-12
Layout of thesis 12-14
2. Literature Review 14-24
The concept and connotation of teaching journal 15-17
The Content of teaching journal 17-20
Reflective level 20
The styles of teaching journal 20-24
Design 24-26
Purpose of Research 24
Subjects 24
Instruments 24-25
Procesures of research 25
Data collection 25-26
4. Results and Discussions 26-52
Results and discussions of quesionnaire 26-32
The writing differences between teachers of differnet professional ranks on reflective content and reflective level 32-45
The writing differences between teachers of different genders on reflective content and reflective level 45-52
5. Methods to Improve Teachers' Reflective Ability 52-56
Problems in the process of reflection 52-53
The ways to improve teachers' reflective ability 53-56
6. Conclusion 56-58
Present findings 56
Limitations 56-57
Suggestions for future research 57-58
Acknowledgements 58-60
Bibliography 60-64
Appendix 64-65
Abstract 3-4
摘要 5-8
1. Introduction 8-12
Research background 8
Significance of the study 8-10
Organization of thesis 10-12
2. Literature Review 12-22
Language learning strategies 12-15
Definition of the language learning strategies 12-13
Classification of learning strategies 13-14
Studies on learning strategies 14-15
Language learning styles 15-18
Definition of language learning style 15
Classification of language learning style 15-17
Studies on language learning style 17-18
Learning strategies training 18-19
. Review of the relationship of learning strategies and learning styles 19-22
3. Methodology 22-33
Purposes 22
Hypotheses 22
Research participants 22-23
Instruments of the research 23-24
Questionnaire 23
Observation 23-24
Procedures 24-33
Pre-treatment questionnaire 24-25
Language learning strategy training instruction 25-30
Post-treatment questionnaire 30-33
4. Results and Discussion 33-47
Results of the questionnaire 33-43
The results of the T-test in pre-treatment questionnaire 37-40
The results of the T-test in post-treatment questionnaire 40-43
Discussion 43-47
The senior high school students’ learning styles were expanded with the help of learning strategy training 44
The variety of learning styles helps the students to learn better with different learning tasks 44-45
The learning strategies help the students learn better, more easily and actively33 45-47
5. Conclusion 47-49
Major findings 47-48
The learning styles of the senior high students were tended to be various 47-48
The language learning strategy training can expand or even changethe language learning styles 48
Limitations and recommendations for further study 48-49
Acknowledgements 49-51
Bibliography 51-55
Appendix 55-61
AppendixA 关于英语学习风格的问卷调查 55-59
AppendixB 英语学习策略培训观察量表 59-60
AppendixC Listening Material 60-61
英语专业毕业论文提纲范文 一.关于本专业毕业论文的选题英语专业本科生毕业论文选题可以在三个大的方向中进行,即英 语文 学,
教育学的毕业论文提纲 导语:有了一个好的提纲,就能纲举目张,提纲挚领,掌握全篇论文的基本骨架,使论文的结构完整统一;就能分清层次,明确重点,周密地谋篇布局,使总
毕业论文提纲格式范本(通用6篇) 充实的大学生活即将结束,大家都知道毕业生要通过毕业论文,毕业论文是一种有准备的检验学生学习成果的形式,那么毕业论文应该怎么写才
小学语文教学论文提纲 在学习、工作中,许多人都写过论文吧,论文是进行各个学术领域研究和描述学术研究成果的一种说理文章。那么你有了解过论文吗?以下是我为大家收集的
英语教学毕业论文提纲模板精选3篇 论文提要是内容提纲的雏型。一般书、教学参考书都有反映全书内容的提要,以便读者一翻提要就知道书的`大概内容,下面是我为大家推荐的