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给你几篇参考资料:蒙牛营销实践的理论解读在中国企业界,“蒙牛速度”是一个真正的传奇故事,开创前三年蒙牛“平均每天超越一个同类企业”,5年间销售额增长200倍,投资收益率大于5000%。在短短一年时间里,从无到有,从籍籍无名到影响力在乳制品行业里首屈一指,蒙牛人确实是令人惊叹。惊叹之余,我们不得不反思,为什么一定是蒙牛?蒙牛为什么能够迅速得到消费者的认可?蒙牛何以在几千家乳品企业的残酷竞争中脱颖而出?蒙牛的经验能不能被借鉴?毋庸置疑,来自成吉思汗故乡雄浑苍茫的大草原的蒙牛人成功地做了一篇大文章,而我们只能从一个个分解后的经营环节进行解读,以求获益。蒙牛的成功首先是其营销战略的成功。蒙牛总裁牛根生曾经提到,做企业就是做事、做势、做市。产品做好了,是“做事”;营销做好了,是“做势”;品牌做好了,是“做市”,而蒙牛“做势”的能力尤其强。从做内蒙古第二乳业品牌到来自草原的亲情问候,从为中国喝彩的航天精神首倡到想唱就唱的超女个性张扬,蒙牛发起的营销战的冲击在中国营销界是空前的。运用营销领域最新的4Rs(关联、反应、关系、回报)营销理论,我们可以发现,蒙牛是如何一步步引导消费者的购买欲求,占领市场制高点的。对于大多数中国消费品行业的营销经理而言,研究蒙牛人的营销理念、营销手法,具有极强的现实意义。目前,中国企业的营销活动已经转向了市场竞争导向阶段,市场竞争要求企业不仅要看到客户需求,还要更多地注意竞争对手,冷静分析自身在竞争中的优、劣势并采取相应的策略,在竞争中求发展。4Rs(关联、反应、关系、回报)营销理论根据市场不断成熟和竞争日趋激烈的形势,着眼于企业与顾客互动与双赢,不仅积极地适应顾客的需求,而且主动地创造需求,运用优化和系统的思想去整合营销,通过关联、关系、反应等形式与客户形成独特的关系,把企业与客户联系在—起,形成竞争优势...全文参考:煮酒论蒙牛 蒙牛酸酸乳“超级女声”对中国营销的公关启示伊利VS蒙牛高端市场博弈特仑苏VS金典:高手过招解读“中国航天员专用牛奶”策划始末太多了,你到这里去看吧:

328 评论


[ Abstract ] in recent years, with the development of science and technology and the rapid development of economy, the world industrialized process accelerate ceaselessly, people living environment bring great pollution and destruction. People began to realize the importance of environmental protection. But in our country, with the continuous improvement of people's living standard, more and more people begin to pay attention to environmental protection, pay attention to the environment, the harmony of economy and society, the strategy of sustainable development has been widely recognized by the whole society. Therefore, to environmental protection as the characteristics of the concept of green consumption is affecting contemporary people's consumption behavior, green marketing is a new marketing concept is also gradually accepted by the majority of food production enterprises. Green marketing, pay attention to the natural ecological balance, reduce environmental pollution has become the inevitable choice of modern enterprises, the enterprises to participate in market competition, also be the premise condition. In this paper, Mengniu Group as an example, for our enterprises to implement green marketing present situation carries on the thorough discussion, and to propose the countermeasure and the suggestion, for our enterprises to implement green marketing, sustainable development. Has the extremely important strategic sense.

132 评论


蒙牛乳业集团的市场营销策略分析 论文编号:GM069 包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:10641,页数:16 摘要 短短6年时间,蒙牛乳业集团的主营业务收入在全国乳制品企业中的排名由第1116位上升至第2位。其中,UHT牛奶销量居全球第一,液态奶销量居全国第一,冰淇淋销量居全国第一。蒙牛集团在市场营销方面,有着它独特而值得借鉴的一面。本文结合理论与事例,共分五个部分论述蒙牛企业的4P框架。第一部分主要从蒙牛的产品策略方面入手,分析蒙牛的核心产品差异化和产品线拓展。第二部分研究蒙牛的定价策略,指出蒙牛在产品定价方面的高超之处。第三部分研究蒙牛的渠道策略。第四方面分析蒙牛的促销策略,特别是事件营销,其影响力在国内甚至于国外来说,都是空前的。在最后一部分,从蒙牛的诸多经验中,总结出了几点启示,希望能给国内企业提供一些参考。 【关键词】产品策略 定价策略 渠道策略 促销策略 事件营销 Abstract In the short 6 years time, Mengniu Corporation’s main production income rise from 1116th to 2nd. Among them, the UHT milk sales volume occupies the world first, the liquid state milk sales volume occupies the nation first, and the ice cream sales volume occupies the nation first too. The Mengniu Corporation in the marketing aspect, has a special side whose unique is worth profiting from. This article combines the theory and the facts together. It is divided into five parts to elaborate the Mengniu corporation's 4P frame. The first part mainly analyzes the Mengniu Corporation’s product strategy, expounds the Mengniu Corporation’s difference of core product and the development of product line. The second part studies the Mengniu Corporation’s price strategy, points out the Mengniu Corporation’s excellent method in this aspect. The third part analyzes the Mengniu Corporation’s place strategy. The fourth aspect analyzes the Mengniu corporation's promotion strategy, specially the event marketing because its influence is unprecedented to the home market even the world market. In the last, draws some conclusions from the Mengniu Corporation’s experiences and summarizes several enlightenments, which could give the domestic enterprise some references. 【Key Words】Product strategy; Price strategy; Place strategy; Promotion strategy 目录 前言...............................................1 1 导论 .............................................1 1.1 蒙牛乳业集团简介 ..............................1 1.2 国际市场营销中的4P概念 ........................1 2.蒙牛企业的产品策略...............................2 蒙牛企业的核心产品与形式产品分析 ................2 蒙牛企业的延伸产品分析 ..........................3 3 蒙牛企业的价格策略............................... 4 3.1 蒙牛企业的定价策略............................ 4 3.2 消费者的成本分析 ..............................5 4 蒙牛企业的渠道策略 ...............................6 4.1国际市场营销渠道概述 ...........................6 4.2 蒙牛企业的渠道策略 ............................6 5 蒙牛企业的促销策略 ...............................7 促销的概念与作用 ...............................7 蒙牛企业的事件促销 .............................7 6 蒙牛企业的成功给国内企业营销带来的启示 ...........9 产品必须具有差异化特征 .........................9 适宜、合理地进行产品线拓展 .....................10 利用事件营销打造品牌记忆 .......................11 参考文献........................................... 14 致谢............................................15 以上回答来自:

317 评论


蒙牛乳业,是“蒙牛乳业集团”的简称。其总部,设在呼和浩特市和林格尔盛乐经济园区。前后四期工程占地面积55万平方米。公司董事长、总裁牛根生担任中国奶业协会副理事长,近年来被评为:“第八届内蒙古优秀企业家”;“第四届全国优秀乡镇企业家”;“全国奶业优秀工作者”;“ 2002年中国十大创业风云人物(之一)”;“2002年中国经济最有价值封面人物”;“中国民营工业行业领袖”;在“2003年中国企业领袖年会”上,和张瑞敏、柳传志等商业泰斗同时成为25位企业“新领袖”;2003CCTV“中国经济年度人物”。2004年 第二届中国策划大会暨著名策划评选活动中,与张瑞敏、魏家福等 8 人获“中国策划最高奖”。 蒙牛乳业,是对赌协议在创业型企业中应用的典型案例。摩根士丹利等机构投资蒙牛:1999年1月,牛根生创立了“蒙牛乳业有限公司”,公司注册资本100万元。后更名为“内蒙古蒙牛乳业股份有限公司”(以下简称“蒙牛乳业”)。2001年底摩根士丹利等机构与其接触的时候,蒙牛乳业公司成立尚不足三年,是一个比较典型的创业型企业。2002年6月,摩根士丹利等机构投资者在开曼群岛注册了开曼公司。2002年9月,蒙牛乳业的发起人在英属维尔京群岛注册成立了金牛公司。同日,蒙牛乳业的投资人、业务联系人和雇员注册成立了银牛公司。金牛和银牛各以1美元的价格收购了开曼群岛公司50%的股权,其后设立了开曼公司的全资子公司——毛里求斯公司。所投资金经毛里求斯最终换取了大陆蒙牛乳业的股权,蒙牛乳业也变更为合资企业。

153 评论


In recent years, with the development of science and technology and the rapid development of economy in the world, of industrialized process accelerate ceaselessly, to the people's living environment brought enormous pollution and destruction. People began to realize the importance of protecting the environment. But in our country, with the continuous improvement of people's living standard, more and more people begin to pay attention to environmental protection, pay attention to the environment, the harmony of economy and society, the strategy of sustainable development has been widely recognized by the whole society. Therefore, with the characteristics of environmental protection of green consumption concept is affecting contemporary people's consumption behavior, green marketing is a new marketing concept is gradually accepted by the majority of food production enterprises. Carry out green marketing, pay attention to the natural ecological balance, reduce environmental pollution has become the inevitable choice of modern enterprises, the enterprises to participate in market competition, also be the premise condition. In this paper, Mengniu Group as an example, for our enterprises to implement green marketing present situation carries on the thorough discussion, and puts forward countermeasures and suggestions, for our enterprises to implement green marketing, sustainable development. Has the extremely important strategic sense.

210 评论


专业代做毕业论文 多年经验 团队合作 质量保证 诚信可靠 需要的话加团队名字沟通```

207 评论


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