

发布时间:2023-02-17 22:59




导语:很多时候你只要是愿意一试,我们都可以做到甘地和德兰修女那种地步。我将这十种方式告诉你,相信只要你在生活中合理运用,一定会有所得。以下是我整理的英语文章:换个角度看世界 让你与众不同 ,希望大家能有所收获。


Think before you speak


Before you open your mouth to say something, make sure it's something you would be proud to post everywhere on social media. If it's something you might regret later, then maybe it's better if you kept it to yourself.


Realize there is never a "right time"


"When I get a better job," or, "When I graduate," or, "When the kids are grown." There is no time like the present. Take that first step toward your goal. Waiting will only make you older, not wiser.


Balance self-interest with the collective good


In relationships, there should be a balance between "self" and "other." Yes, you should care about your own needs. But you should also care about other people's needs too. It's a balancing act that can be achieved if you try hard enough.


Put things in perspective before you jump to conclusions


While it's natural to do that, problems can occur when you engage in conflict with another person before you calm down. So take some time to calm down, put everything into perspective, and then review the facts not assumptions when you can think more logically.


Don't blindly accept the status quo


Just because everyone does something doesn't mean you have to. Ask yourself if you truly want to do it – or even if it's advisable to do so. Many times it's not.




Don't let other people's negativity upset you


Wise people realize that they are always in control of their thoughts, feelings, and actions. Most people let others' behavior affect them negatively. As a result, they let that negativity permeate their lives and make them miserable. Own your power and keep your happiness by not allowing them to change you for the worse.


Don't act impulsively


In life, acting on impulse can lead to regrets. If you don't take the time to think things through, you might create problems. Wise people use a combination of their logic and intuition to come up with the best decisions possible.


Accept other people for who they are


Let's face it, most people try to change others. It's really pointless. But it doesn't work! People are who they are. If you don't like them, then you have the choice to leave the relationship, spend less time with them, or change your attitude. Accept who they are. You want to be accepted for who you are, right?


The cover may be pretty, but the book might not be


Wise people don't get blinded by charm, personality, or looks right away. Conversely, they are also not turned off by anyone who is not beautiful or charming on first impression, either. In other words, they take the time to get to know people and judge them on their inner self, not who they appear to be.


Don't judge others


Above all else, truly wise people don't judge. They practice empathy. Empathy is truly putting yourself in another person's shoes and trying to see the situation from their point of view. However, all you need to do is train your mind and control your emotions.

perspective article 是什么意思

perspective article
n.透镜,望远镜; 观点,看法; 远景,景色; 洞察力;
adj.(按照)透视画法的; 透视的;

The european husband of my friend provided a different perspective.




In the past, consumption is to meet the needs of human survival, but now more part of consumption is to meet the needs of human existence. In my opinion, this kind of consumption with demand is the product of social development.


Existential demand means that the potential or possible demand in people's life has elastic space, while the survival demand is not. It is rigid and necessary. On the surface, it seems that we waste more money on unnecessary consumption, but in essence, it is the concrete embodiment of consumption upgrading.


To put it simply, if we are still in the period of primitive people, it goes without saying that there is consumption, even consumption will not exist. This is because when there is no accumulation in our society, we have no resources to consume at all, and we can only survive on the basis of heaven.


In contrast, today's consumption is not only at the survival level, but also at the existence level, which precisely shows that with the development of society and the improvement of human scientific level, we have created unprecedented accumulation of resources through human wisdom and diligence, our affluence has been improved, and we can have more diversified consumption.


Therefore, I think that the consumption with demand today is not a negative thing, but should be viewed from a development perspective.


The consumption of existing demand is not only the enrichment of material level, but also the diversification of people's demand and the emphasis of spiritual entertainment consumption. If there are only products but no consumers, it must be a loss making business, and no one will pay attention to it. But when there is consumption, it must be due to the expansion of such consumer groups.


With the improvement of living standards, people's needs no longer stay in the survival of food and clothing, but change to the "eat well" level. People's pursuit of quality of life, these seemingly "wasteful" consumption promoted the rise of modern film and television, culture, fashion, music and other fields.


Because it is precisely because of the existence of demand for consumption, people gradually pay attention to the construction of spiritual culture, which greatly enriches the content of our daily life. Also due to the rich daily consumption, it gave birth to the hot development of the tertiary industry.


The consumption of existing demand is a driving force, which promotes the rapid development of society. Consumption with demand is not only consumption, but also promotes the development of human economy to some extent.


Of course, the existence of demand consumption here does not mean blind consumption, unrestrained spending money to buy the so-called "happiness". What we advocate is a kind of rational consumption, which is compatible with existence and survival consumpte contribute to social development, and at the same time, we should pay attention to environmental protection without causing waste.


In short, we should correctly treat the existing consumption. It is not without drawbacks, but it is of great significance. As long as we treat it with a development vision and a reasonable way, it can become the driving force of social development and progress.


