SCI Translate是一款专业优秀的医学文件翻译工具。软件支持在电脑上打开文件进行翻译,点到那个单词即可翻译那个单词,软件可以为你翻译专业的英语词汇,为你的工作和学习提供便利。【功能特点】词典查询1200万词汇量,涵盖了临床各科、基础医学、分子生物学、药物、器械和中医中药等领域的最新词汇权威SCI论文例句其中SCI双语论文例句40万,医学单语例句60万,让论文写作英语表达不再愁即指即译最强悍的用于PDF文献阅读的翻译软件,各大主流浏览器与阅读器一网打尽,哪里不会指哪里绿色免费无需安装,即点即用,简单方便实用。 【使用方法】1.首次安装,请先点击安装上面红框文件,然后点击SCI ,即可运行软件。2.首次使用,用网页浏览器打开该网址,免费申请百度翻译API;。3.点击【上传API信息】按钮,在对话框中粘贴API信息,提交。4.打开SCI文献并翻译5.点击软件界面的打开相应的文献,依次点击箭头所指即可翻译文献。6.单词翻译:详细词义精解及生词表记忆功能7.阅读时,用鼠标双击任意单词,马上在右边栏出现详细释义,有译文、语法变形、常用词组、音标、英式美式读音,还有同义词反义词——这个功能在我们模仿写作时非常有用,最大限度降低论文相似度,你懂的!【注意事项】1.一定要先解压缩,不要在rar压缩包里运行;2.申请Baidu API: 应用名称随便填;3.申请Baidu API: 千万不要填IP地址,否则就只能从这个IP地址使用了;:请右键 ,以管理员身份运行;5.找不到未命名文件错误:可能是因为你在压缩包里运行,或者和不在同一目录;6.请根据自己的屏幕分辨率下载相应的包,否则会显示不全;的是上下对照,而不是左右对照,因为屏幕太小了;8.为什么API输入总是错误:复制粘贴仔细点,不要混进空格、标点啥的;9.翻译结果总是空白:API错误,重新输入或重新申请一个
SCI Translate是一款专业优秀的医学文件翻译工具。软件支持在电脑上打开文件进行翻译,点到那个单词即可翻译那个单词,软件可以为你翻译专业的英语词汇,为你的工作和学习提供便利。【功能特点】词典查询1200万词汇量,涵盖了临床各科、基础医学、分子生物学、药物、器械和中医中药等领域的最新词汇权威SCI论文例句其中SCI双语论文例句40万,医学单语例句60万,让论文写作英语表达不再愁即指即译最强悍的用于PDF文献阅读的翻译软件,各大主流浏览器与阅读器一网打尽,哪里不会指哪里绿色免费无需安装,即点即用,简单方便实用。 【使用方法】1.首次安装,请先点击安装上面红框文件,然后点击SCI ,即可运行软件。2.首次使用,用网页浏览器打开该网址,免费申请百度翻译API;。3.点击【上传API信息】按钮,在对话框中粘贴API信息,提交。4.打开SCI文献并翻译5.点击软件界面的打开相应的文献,依次点击箭头所指即可翻译文献。6.单词翻译:详细词义精解及生词表记忆功能7.阅读时,用鼠标双击任意单词,马上在右边栏出现详细释义,有译文、语法变形、常用词组、音标、英式美式读音,还有同义词反义词——这个功能在我们模仿写作时非常有用,最大限度降低论文相似度,你懂的!【注意事项】1.一定要先解压缩,不要在rar压缩包里运行;2.申请Baidu API: 应用名称随便填;3.申请Baidu API: 千万不要填IP地址,否则就只能从这个IP地址使用了;:请右键 ,以管理员身份运行;5.找不到未命名文件错误:可能是因为你在压缩包里运行,或者和不在同一目录;6.请根据自己的屏幕分辨率下载相应的包,否则会显示不全;的是上下对照,而不是左右对照,因为屏幕太小了;8.为什么API输入总是错误:复制粘贴仔细点,不要混进空格、标点啥的;9.翻译结果总是空白:API错误,重新输入或重新申请一个
MedSci,拼写检查及中英互译 ,收录超过200万个专业词汇,尤其是对新词的收录能力强。像生物医药领域出现的新词,或复杂的化学名均有收录,很全面,更新及时。与各家相比,算是更全面。
NetSpeak 是一个提供免费线上单词、词组、语句翻译的工具,其特点是可以在线搜索和比较各种英文词汇、短句、语法、单词解释等内容,并且可以统计出这个用语的变化形态,还可以分析使用频率和情境,堪比谷歌翻译。
(Science Citation Index, SCI)是由美国科学信息研究所(ISI)1961年创办出版的引文数据库。SCI(科学引文索引 )、EI(工程索引 )、ISTP(科技会议录索引 ) 是世界著名的三大科技文献检索系统,是国际公认的进行科学统计与科学评价的主要检索工具,其中以SCI最为重要。如,医学类的有:ACTA PHARMACOLOGICA SINICA《中国药理学报》(英文版)、CHINESE MEDICAL JOURNAL《中华医学杂志》(英文版)等这些你都可以在百度百科里查询的到!
Abstract Objective: To ring for the treatment of mixed hemorrhoid surgery, most of the large presence of local damage, post-operative complications and other defects. Observed using different stripping tie ring mixed hemorrhoids surgical treatment efficacy, and to explore the anal sphincter function and circumferential mixed pathogenesis. Surgical techniques: the ring mixed hemorrhoids external hemorrhoids with the sub-stripping, ligation of internal hemorrhoids with injection of non-liquid Xiaozhiling area hemorrhoids ligation method. Circumferential mixed for varicose veins do not release the anal sphincter, and for circumferential mixed connective tissue type to give anal sphincter release. Results: 164 patients were cured and 158 cases, 96%, effective in 6 cases, accounting for 4% of all effective course of 12-21 days, an average of 16 days, one year after surgery follow-up, there are follow-up results of 156 cases, including two cases of occasional wet anus, itching, with no recurrence and secondary anal fissure, anal stenosis. Conclusion: The circumferential mixed Keywords circular mixed hemorrhoid ligation stripping anal sphincter injection Xiaozhiling
Abstract objective to explore the role exchange students "teaching mode" in the clinical application of rehabilitation medicine teaching effect. Methods of clinical medicine in 96 professional students, including experimental group teaching by 48 students "and" teaching mode role exchange control, 48 students adopts the traditional teaching mode. After two groups of students and theory test and questionnaire. The result of the exam scores than theory of students in control group (p < ), and two groups of students' theory test scores are statistically significant differences between rate (p < ), Students in learning interest and initiative, knowledge and understanding of memory and self-study ability and problem solving ability than control group (p < ). Conclusion "and" teaching mode role exchange in the teaching of rehabilitation medicine application effect is good.[key] role exchange, Teaching methods, Rehabilitation, exploring[in] spasm of cerebral palsy type cerebral palsy is one of the most common, and its main function obstacle for sports development lags behind, abnormal posture, tendon hyper-reflexia, increased muscle tension, etc. According to the principle of Bobath therapy in the treatment of Bobath ball movement of cerebral palsy children borderline dysfunction can have very good effect.[key] spasm of cerebral palsy, Movement function, Bobath ball.
Objective To evaluate acute and long2term angiographic and clinical outcomes of longstent or multiple overlapped stents (length ≥ 20 mm) implantation for diffuse atherosclerosis lesions inoctogenarians. Methods Long stent or multiple overlapped stents implantation was performed on 111diffuse native coronary lesions ( Group O : 47 lesions in 44 octogenarians ; Group Y: 64 lesions in 58 patientsaged under 60) . Baseline demographic , lesion characteristic , angiographic and procedural details weresimilar in these 2 groups. Six2month clinical and angiographic follow2up was completed in all cases. In2hospital and long2term outcomes were evaluated. Results Procedure success was 100 %for both had in2hospital major adverse cardiac events (MACE) . There was no significant difference inangiographic binary restenosis ( ≥50 % diameter stenosis) rate between the groups at follow2up ( Group Ovs. Group Y, 1218 % vs1 1019 % at 32month , 2918 % vs. 2616 % at 62month , P > 0105) . The rates oftarget lesion revascularization and MACE at follow2up were less in Group Y, but it showed no statisticalsignificance (718 % vs. 1016 % and 816 % vs. 1114 % at 32month , 1516 % vs. 2314 % and 2017 % % at 62month , respectively , P > 0105) . Conclusions Long stent implantation for diffuse lesionsin octogenarians appears safe and feasible , with high procedural success and favorable long2term outcomes.
[Abstract] Objective To investigate the "teacher-student role reversal Law" teaching method in clinical medicine professional "rehabilitation medicine," teaching effectiveness. Methods of clinical medicine at school 96 students in group teaching, in which 48 students in the experimental group a "teacher-student role reversal Law" teaching methods in the control group 48 students using traditional teaching methods. Two groups of students after school at the same time a theoretical examination and questionnaire. Results In the experimental group of students the theory of test scores than the control group (p <), and the two groups of students the theory of the good test scores difference was statistically significant (p <); experimental group of students interest and motivation in learning, knowledge, memory and understanding, self-learning ability and problem-solving ability better than the control group (p <). Conclusion "teacher-student role reversal Law" teaching methods in the "rehabilitation medicine," an effective method in teaching.[Key words] the roles were reversed; teaching methods; Rehabilitation Medicine; AnalysisAbstract spastic cerebral palsy is the most common form of cerebral palsy, their motor dysfunction is manifested mainly delayed motor development, abnormal posture, tendon hyperreflexia, increased muscle tone and so on. Based on principles of Bobath therapy, Bobath ball in the treatment of spastic cerebral palsy children in motor dysfunction could play a very good words spastic cerebral palsy; motor function; Bobath Ball1,“师生角色互换法”教学法在《康复医学》教学中的应用探析 2,Bobath球在改善痉挛型脑瘫运动功能障碍中的应用"Teacher-student role reversal Law" Approach in the "rehabilitation medicine," Teaching of Analysis, Bobath ball with spastic cerebral palsy in improving motor dysfunction of